Miranda DesRosiers

From Fate's Harvest
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Miranda Desrosiers
On Game As: Miranda
Played By: Vanessa Hudgens
Concept: Brothel Madam
Date of Birth: 16 March 1990
Apparent Age: 25
Occupation: Proprietress of the Silken Garter
Virtue: Optimistic
Vice: Lust

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

Seeming: Elemental
Kith: Waterborn
Court: Spring
Entitlement: The Barony of the Lesser Ones
Keeper: The Chronicler of the Shifting Sands

“Readers will always insist on adventures, and though you can have grief without adventures, you cannot have adventures without grief.”
– Catherynne M. Valente


      Things about your character should go here, whether it's their history, personality, how they ended up in town. Let us get to know who your character is.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

RP Hooks

  • Baroness of the Lesser Ones - As a Baroness, Miranda has a great familiarity with the denizens of the hedge, and how to interact with them, as well as travel through the strange, often misleading land. She is a person to go to if you have needs related to the Hobs, or the Hedge.
  • Goblin Market -
  • Courtesan - She sells the pleasures of the flesh, almost exclusively to the lost, and members of the freehold rarely dealing in simple coin.


  • name - You can list people your character knows here.
  • Name - It could be someone they find useful, someone they care about.
  • Name - It could be someone they loathe, an adversary or rival.


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Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave - Where The Wild Roses Grow

Do you know where the wild roses grow
so sweet and scarlet and free?


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Scavenger Hunt Kickoff
  • (2017.05.20)
Shabbos Wine
  • (2017.05.22)
May Court 2017
  • (2017.07.24)
Attack of Squidtopus
  • (2017.07.25)
Hedgefruit and Hobgoblins
  • (2017.07.26)
Visiting the Silken Garter
  • (2017.08.05)
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