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As Fate's Harvest is not using the full Conditions system created for GMC, flaws, rather than persistent conditions, are the mechanical means of declaring negative aspects of your character which hinder him in some way.

Certain flaws may only be taken by Changeling characters. These are separately listed below.

Each flaw below includes a brief summary of its effects as well as the book and page number of its source. Flaws are written as they are required to be entered when attempting to purchase them via +xps/job. A value of -1 is represented as -•, while -2 is -••, -3 is -••• etc. Means to resolve each flaw are included in italics below the description text.

Should you find any of the persistent conditions from GMC particularly delectable and wish to suffer it, please send up a +req/pitch to staff to suggest adding it to the list of available flaws.

See House Rules/Flaws for our House Rules.

Changeling Flaws


  • Flaw - Functional Multiple Personalities -• (CtL p.44)
A specific form of Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) where a Changeling has two personalities. One views itself as pure human and rejects the supernatural. The other is the Changeling's current true form, as a Changeling. Neither personality knows the other exists.
This flaw may be resolved through long-term therapy with, say, a Blackbird Bishop. No logs required.
  • Flaw - Glamour Addict -• (RoS p.98)
Identical to Flaw - Addiction. The changeling is addicted to Glamour and goes out of her way to get it regularly. Alternately, the changeling may be addicted to the act of harvesting itself, rather than the Glamour she receives.
If she goes three weeks (HR) without indulging this addiction, she is assumed to have beaten it, and loses the flaw.


  • Flaw - Major Frailty -••
Staff has chosen to allow Changelings to purchase frailties as elective flaws gained in Arcadia/via goblin market, in addition to the mandatory development required at high Wyrd levels.
A major frailty causes significant issues in a Changeling's life. These may include banes such as the sound of children laughing or taboos such as an inability to knowingly lie to others, or yourself.
Breaking a major taboo requires the expenditure of a Willpower point per turn (that is 1 Willpower drained every 3 seconds, people) the character acts against it. Exposure to a major bane inflicts one automatic level of lethal damage per turn until the bane is removed or the changeling can escape its presence.
Frailties cannot be resolved.
  • Flaw - Minor Frailty -•
Staff has chosen to allow Changelings to purchase frailties as elective flaws gained in Arcadia/via goblin market, in addition to the mandatory development required at high Wyrd levels.
A minor frailty causes the occasional inconvenience, but is relatively easy to avoid triggering. These may include banes such as stepping on spilled rice or taboos such as never taking left turns on a Tuesday.
Breaking a minor taboo requires the expenditure of a Willpower point per scene (we'll call this an hour) the character acts against it, while exposure to a minor bane causes one automatic level of bashing damage per turn until the bane is removed or the changeling can escape its presence.
Frailties cannot be resolved.


  • Flaw - Cumbersome -• (RoS p.98)
May be taken in conjunction with the Giant merit to exacerbate difficulties "fitting" in a world designed for average sized humans. Unlike normal Giants/others, the extra mass your character carries around causes problems. He weighs 3-4 times more than an average human his size does, has problems sitting in chairs with arms, fitting through doorways or crossing weak floors, etc. You may never raise Stamina above 3.
May not be resolved. Must be taken in CG or in conjunction with Wyrd Evo/Dual Kith into something suitably heavy.
  • Flaw - Manifest Mien -• (RoS p.98)
The character's Mask is imperfect in some small way. His hair may be too bristly, or her too-perfect beauty may make people wonder about plastic surgery. This flaw never benefits the character. See book for examples.
May not be resolved.


  • Flaw - Anachronism -• (RoS p.98)
The character is deeply unfamiliar with the modern world and has significant problems handling or understanding modern technology.
May be resolved with long term effort. No logs required.

Universal Flaws


  • Flaw - Illiterate -• (RoS p.98)
Your character cannot read, and may only recognize simple words and symbols/sign his name.
May be resolved with long term effort. No logs required.


  • Flaw - Cannibalism -• (RoS p.98)
Your character has developed a taste for human flesh. It isn't quite an addiction, but it is a strong preference and influences your actions.
May be resolved with long term effort. No logs required.


  • Flaw - True Tongue -• (RoS p.99)
Your character is a horrible liar. People he lies to, for whatever reason, can just tell he is deceiving them or omitting something they should know.
May not be resolved.
  • Flaw - Untrustworthy -• (RoS p.99)
Something about your character engenders suspicion in others, be it shifty eyes, or bad rumours spread about her past. All rolls for Persuasion, Socialize or any challenge using Manipulation are at a -2 penalty.
May or may not be resolved with long term effort, depending on type of untrustworthiness chosen.