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Darby Nash
x350px | TESTING | x350px

Born in 1927 into -the- Rockefeller family (though distant-by-marriage). Darby grew up with a strange juxtaposition of solid middle class home life with her Rockefeller Grandfather's financial subsidies of her private schooling and Finishing School. Used to being the odd one out, she quickly learned to compensate with ath girl-next-door friendly demeanor and trustworthy friendship. The rich set included her in family trips and experiences. And at age 20, her Grandfather held a high-society Coming Out party for his distantly related, but favorite niece (then named Mary Daisy (Desiree) Rockefeller). So, on March 31st of 1947, she was abducted, replaced, and Taken by The Master of the Hunt to serve as both servant, revelry companion, and to be hunted daily in her Runnerswift form.

Eventually an unexpected escape and return to 2016 brought her into the support and aid of a Winter Motley in Maine. She spent the majority of a year with them, earning some Goodwill in the Court. However, she lives in constant, anxious vigiliance, certain that her Keeper will hunt her down again. At one point, she was so certain of pending capture, her new 'family' in Maine, sent her to Vermont with letters of introduction for a few members of good standing in the Winter Court there.

She has only recently arrived. Jobs were arranged for her, but she survives on a small budget with a new identity: 'Darby Nash'. She works part-time as a barista and also is an off-season condition coach for athletes at a local university. In her free time she runs. She could easily be initially identified as an introvert, given her tendency to observe and listen rather than initiate most interactions.

She is pleasant, even when reserved. There is a hint of stubbornness to her that appears now and then, and paranoia lives constantly behind whatever she is doing.

For those who can tolerate her distracted-paranoid vigilance (squirrel!) and the time it takes to get her to open up beyond polite small talk, there are some interesting layers to patiently discover.

RP Hooks
  • HOOK 1 Running .. Description
  • HOOK 2 Coffee .. Description
  • HOOK 3 Outdoors .. Description
  • HOOK 4 Tattoos .. Description
  • HOOK 5 Paranoia .. Description
  • HOOK 6 Univeristy .. Description
  • HOOK 7 Modern Times - Comic Relief .. Description
  • HOOK 8 Animal Ken .. Description



More comfortable


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Full Name: Darby Nash
Played By: Alicia Vikander
Appears As: Darby Nash
Date of Birth: March 31, 1927
Apparent Age: Mid-20s
Occupation: Running Trainer & part-time Barista
Virtue: Vigilant
Vice: Pessimistic
Template: Changeling
Keeper: The Huntsman
Court: Winter Court
Seeming: Beast
Kith: Runnerswift
Freehold Not Yet Affiliated
Soundtrack x150px

"Brown-eyed Girl" - Van Morrison (cover)

Hey, where did we go, days when the rains came
Down in the hollow, playing a new game
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey, skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with our, our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl, you, my brown-eyed girl
Darby durance.jpg

  • (2017.04.20)
Track and Edith
  • (2017.04.22)
Forest Meeting
  • (2017.10.01)
  • (2017.10.09)
Winter is Coming
  • (2017.10.17)
Not So Lonely March
  • (2017.10.22)
Spaghetti Knight
  • (2017.10.27)
Impromptu Wintermeet October 2017