Adithan Varma

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Edmond Basumatary (Sree Padmanabhadasa Sree Adithan Thirunal Balarama Varma)
On Game As: Edmond
Played By: Suraj Sharma
Concept: Guardian Prince
Date of Birth: 3 August 1902
Apparent Age: 19
Occupation: Freelance Researcher
Virtue: Courageous
Vice: Stubborn

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Elemental
Kith: Earthbones Telluric Woodblood
Court: Summer
Keeper: Unknown

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
– Ray Bradbury



RP Hooks

  • Science fiction is escapist and wonderful. Eddy can frequently be found scribbling it in notebooks, though he has never published. He has 2gb of rejection letters: he is, after all, stubborn. His writing is great but he can't come up with plots to save his life.
  • Vegetarian by religion and by choice; he is not vegan, but likes coconut milk all the same.
  • Opinionated about politics, mundane and Changeling alike; extremely anti-corruption.
  • In the wrong century may be fairly common, but more than fifty years is a little extra: Eddy's had about four years to adjust to being nearly a hundred years outside time and space as science know them. There are still a lot of things he doesn't really get, and being an elemental doesn't really help with the social aspect.
  • Have Fists Will Travel is kind of a way of life; Eddy hadn't even finished the equivalent of seventh grade when he was Taken. He was very well educated for a twelve-year-old in 1914, but everything else he knows is from cramming his head full of libraries in the past four years. He reads really fast, in English and Malayalam and Tamil. None of that actually helps his resume, so he generally hires out to do dangerous things, and accepts payment for fighting if the right side in a fight needs help.
  • Researching for hire is also a thing he does; as long as he's reading everything he can get his hands on, he may as well make photocopies and do citations for students and professionals who suck at it or are too lazy or strapped for time to do it themselves.


  • Kelsey is the Flamesiren he doesn't know helped him get out of Arcadia, who he's endlessly looking for without knowing who they are.
  • Ziv is the nice batling who pointed him at the Wayhouse.


[[Image:|Edmond6-m-sm.jpg]] [[Image:|Edmond3.jpg]] [[Image:|Edmond7.jpg]]



  • (2017.10.31)
A 22-Cat Halloween
  • (2017.11.01)
Blood On The Leaves:Body Snatching
  • (2017.11.03)
Blood On The Leaves: Anne's Body
  • (2017.11.03)
Too Old For This Shit
  • (2017.11.10)
Busted Door
  • (2017.11.18)
The Instigate Reading
  • (2017.11.19)
Tea and Misery
  • (2017.11.23)
Meeting Neighbors
  • (2017.11.27)
Takeaway Food
  • (2017.11.30)
A Light Lunch at the home of Edmond Basumatary
  • (2017.12.02)
You Tilt At Windmills
  • (2017.12.04)
Impromptu Privateernapping
  • (2017.12.04)
Impromptu Rescueteers
  • (2018.09.24)
FH First Autumn Court 2018
  • (2020.01.02)
Meeting Mavis/Meeting Adithan
  • (2020.01.02)
This Place Is Such a Tease
  • (2020.01.03)
First Court of Moonter 2020
  • (2020.01.03)
Orbits and Culinary Delights