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Fiyah !

Soooo, you said you can control the flames too, right?


Olivia Utridge, Velvet, and Saulot as ST

DD 2018

The blaze spreads and reaches Orchard Lane.


Orchard Lane

With spring in Vermont the wildfires come, and with them waves of destruction. Most of the city has been safe except for those few edges that sit just a bit too close to the woodland areas. Orchard Lane just so happens to be one of those such places. While much of its namesake is long since gone, there's still just enough fuel for the fire out and about. Most of the residents living here have already left due to not wanting to even deal with this while proper authorities handle things. Most places appear fine, however, there are a few homes that won't be as lucky. From the insides of three several voices can be heard shouting for help, but the only firefighters here are preoccupied with stopping it from spreading further.

Weaver had called Olivia over to Velvet's apartment, but he's nowhere to be seen. Last anyone heard he had to run out at the last minute to find something in the middle of the forest fire. Something about hidden gems, important documents, and fire be damned.

Olivia's been out and about, dealing some with the fires, but even she has her limits. She can only do so much. She's managed to deflect some of the fires from some of the areas, pushing it back and away from some of the property, but wildfires are massive things. She arrives at Velvet's apartment as called, already with some soot and ash in her clothing. Cheap clothing, at least; she'd gotten changed earlier for this purpose. Her face has been washed, but some remnants remain in her hair. She's going to need a bath. The redhead pauses outside the apartment and looks around, trying to figure out if the so-called 'professionals' are coming to help those crying for help. Spotting them busy down the street, she grumbles quietly. "Of course..."

Having helped with a few different fires, getting people out where she can, Velvet finally made it home, only to find out that her own neighborhood was also in flames. Of course, why shouldn't it be? She's dressed in the same yoga pants and tank top as the night before, covered in soot, with singed hair and hints of burns here and there. She's standing outside of the apartment complex, trying to figure out how to help when she spots Olivia and starts to job in the other woman's direction. "Hey," she calls out, coming a halt right by the woman's side just in time to hear the calls for help. "Soooo, you said you can control the flames too, right?"

Olivia looks over towards Velvet and blinks a bit at her, looking her over as she sees the burns. "You okay?" she asks, frowning a little bit. Her eyes flick back towards the burning building and she sighs a bit before answering the question. "Yeah. Yeah I can. It's just... it can be a bit more obvious than I'd like." Her nose wrinkles and she rolls her shoulders a bit. "But I guess it's better than people burning to death."

"I've had worse. A lot worse. A couple burns are nothing," Velvet assures as she waves away the concerned looked Olivia focuses on her. "What if we got in there and I keep the people distracted while you do your thing? That'll kill two birds with one stone?" She hooks her chin in the direction of the burning building and starts to hoof it forward.

"Could always just tell them that the smoke has made them delusional," Olivia says, head tilting towards the building as she walks towards it. "I'm probably going to need your help getting them out, honestly." She absently rubs her hands together before reaching out to open the door to the building. She doesn't seem concerned that the handle might be terribly hot.

Velvet doesn't reach for the door, but she does trigger something on herself, making sure that her own weight isn't going to cause any issues within the burning building. "I'm guessing it doesn't hurt you either?" she says as Olivia doesn't seem bothered by the scalding door. "I'm kind of jealous right now. But I've got your back. Or your front." Another hand wobble. "Whatever side is needed."

"On rare occasions, it does," Olivia tells Velvet, shoving the door open and waving one hand in front of her face as smoke pours out. "But as a rule, no. It doesn't." She smirks back towards Velvet and shrugs. "A new-ish trick that I don't think Weaver's seen yet, so consider yourself special." She steps in through the door, squinting slightly to figure out which way to go. She controls fire, not smoke.

Smoke rushes out when the doors opened. Within the first house an older woman can be heard yelling from the back of the house. A brief glance around makes it look like she's calling from the bedroom. Beyond the smell of smoke and burning plastic and metal, they can make out the scent of several things cooking. From all around in the fire they can also hear a chorus of barking, although some of it turns to yelping as the flames lick at fur.

"Oh honey, I always consider myself special," Velvet says with a laugh as she follows Olivia inside the door, only to come up to her side a moment later. She starts to drop low, under the smoke so that she can see a little more clearly. Her head tilts, trying to figure out where the screams for help are coming from. "Back there," she calls out after a moment, her brows knitting as she focuses her attention in that direction. "I can get there fast if you can keep the flames at bay.

Olivia chuckles quietly at Velvet's response, crouching down beside the other woman as she tilts her head, listening. "I'm less fast, but I can push the flames back for a while," she says with a light nod of her head. "It won't do anything about the smoke, but it should keep you from getting too badly singed." She clears her throat, a subtle burn from the ash becoming evident. A small puff of air is exhaled from between her lips as she concentrates, hand rising briefly as she flicks her wrist left and right to push the flames back from the main corridor.

"We'll get EMS to give us some oxygen after," Velvet mutters at the mention of smoke. "Nothing we can really do about it right now. We're going to be hacking it up for weeks to come." She gives Olivia a nod as she prepares herself to launch forward. "Lady first, then the dog," is suggested before she watches as the flames lick backwards, giving her just enough space to race towards the back where the woman is crying for help.

The woman is an older sort, and her cries of pain grow louder. She's not that much taller than Velvet, and her eyes are wide, pleading for rescue. She reaches out her arms for help, but as she does so the flames shoot up. From the den its not just one dog, but half a dozen that still live. The rest have left the mortal coil as the fires burn away fur, meat, and gristle.

"I'm more worried about the woman than the dogs, Velvet!" Olivia calls after her as she rushes down the hall. She grits her teeth, head slowly leaning to one side as she tries to hold her focus. "Oh come on, give me a break here. What's this place made of, pure tinder?" She presses her hands down against the floor, hissing softly through her teeth to try and keep the worst of the flames at bay, beginning to feel the strain after an entire day of managing the worst of it.

"I know. I said after! But I still want to try to save as many of them as possible." Mostly because she likes animals way more than people. But who doesn't? Velvet flinches back for a moment as the flames shoot up, letting out a low growl as she studies the space between her and the woman. "Fuck it," she hisses as she jolts forward, through the flames, so that she can wrap herself arms around the woman and start moving to help her out. She's small, so maybe Velvet can figure out a way to carry her. "You're doing great, Olivia!" Maybe she's noticing the struggle.

Olivia? The woman looks about to see who Velvet is talking to until the shorter woman makes her way through the fire. She's left in shock for a few moments, and those moments might soon cost the woman her life. "Are you- are you-" She shakes her head frantically as panic sets further in. "How do we get out!?" The window would normally be an option, but the sight of the blaze outside of it points to it being a bad idea.

"Yeah well, I'm doing what I can. I'm not going to be able to keep this up for too much longer," Olivia calls back. "I'm keeping the hallway more or less clear, but if the building's integrity is compromised, I can't help that." She shakes her head a bit as she listens to the lady panicking. "Lady come on, stop screaming and come out the same way she came in. Let's GO."

"I'm here to help you get out," Velvet tells the woman. Whil she stands there in shop, Velvet just reaches over, letting out a huff of breath as she scoops the woman up. There's a grunt as she shifts. "Hide your face against my shoulder so that you don't breath in the smoke, and close your eyes. I'll get us out," she assures. Whether or not the woman follows the command, she starts pushing back through the flames, her body shielding the woman as best she can as she hurries, heading Olivia's warning.

The woman brow knits in worry until she's scooped up. She screams, but more from general fear she's held in than anything else. She eventually does as asked, shoving her face into Velvet's shoulder. The screaming doesn't stop, although its now muffled by the Darkling. As Velvet passes back through some of the barking has turned to yelping.

Olivia shifts to one side so Velvet can get out, dragging the screaming woman with her. As they leave, her eyes flick back towards the den and the source of the animal yelping. She sighs quietly and mutters to herself. "Damn it." She glances back to make sure that the two ladies are out before moving in through the flames. They won't hurt her, and she's loathe to let Velvet risk her life for a dog of all things. So she's going to do it, dammit all.

Once she's past Olivia, Velvet really books it towards the door. She's faster than normal, which means that she's still pretty decently fast even with the woman in her arms. She rushes the woman out past the actual door and then sets her down on the pavement, well away from the fire itself. She turns, realizing that Olivia isn't still with her. "Shit," she mutters, starting to run back inside.

The dogs aren't the smallest, but they aren't gargantuan things either. One's short and hairy, and has much of its shaggy fur singed away on one side and the back. The other is a short-hair, and more likely a puppy. The remaining two are just a bit bigger. A smaller, skinnier poodle that continues backing away from the fire, and the last a surprisingly small doberman.

"Come on now," Olivia says, crouching down to scoop up a couple of the small-ish animals. It's the best she can do, tucking them under her arms. It may not be the most comfortable, but they might be able to live. Maybe. She has no idea how hurt they are. The redhead turns and rushes back down the hall from which she just came.

Velvet runs right back into Olivia in the hallway, her eyes wide with concern. "I thought you'd passed out or something," she huffs with an almost overprotective-mom vibe. "I'll take those so you can grab the res," she offers, reaching out to grab the dogs from Olivia and turning to bring them back out to their 'mom'.

"Not yet," Olivia tells Velvet, shaking her head. "But being unconscious doesn't make me any more vulnerable to fire." Pause. "I think." She doesn't seem inclined to wait and find out, instead just turning to run back into the room she'd just vacated to sweep up the remaining animals.

Of the dogs left inside and still alive the poodle appears to be the most afraid. It nips in Olivia's general direction when she nears, but as she goes to grab it the dog tries to take a snap out of her. In its miss its more easily picked up, although its kicking and wiggling as best it can. The mini-doberman appearsa much, much more ameanable and is just happy to get the fuck away as the further from the fire it goes the less it barks.

"Maybe not, but it does make you more vulnerable to smoke inhilation, which will still kill you. I am not starting my engagement into your family by getting you killed!" Velvet protests as she hurries out of the building and onto the street. She puts the dogs down and turns back, waiting and watching to make sure that Olivia comes out okay."

Olivia yelps as the dog nips at her, scowling at the creature. And considering leaving it behind. But she scoops it up anyway, turning and rushing back out of the house again with the two critters, dumping them down on the ground near the lady who is possibly in hysterics. "Yeah, smoke and I are... old friends," she says slowly, gulping in fresh air and looking back towards Velvet. "I just haven't had this level of exposure before."

The mini-doberman limps off when left to go back to the ground, it eventually circles back around to sit at Olivia's feet. It appears relatively fine except for the thick cough that comes every now and again. The poodle, however, growls at Olivia when back on the ground, and then immediately makes the slow walk back to the owner. The woman is already being attended to by emergency services when Olivia and Velvet are done. An oxygen mask is held up to her mouth as she points off to the two woman while still trying to stay upright. After a few seconds the person at her side whistles for paramedics to come around asap.

Velvet looks on with relief as Olivia steps out of the flames and makes her way back in the direction of her and the woman. "Thanks for getting the dogs," she offers with a nod. She knows Olivia didn't have to, bt she still did, and that means something to Velvet. "Come on, let's both go get some oxygen since the EMTs have finally made their way over."

Olivia peers at the dog that sits down at her feet and steps around it. Or at least, she tries to step around it. That whole smoke thing? Yeah, that's a problem now. She sways slightly, vision narrowing and closing off slightly as she stumbles. "Oh shi-" The rest of the word doesn't quite make it out as she falls, knees crumpling beneath her.

The EMTs are already setting the woman down onto a stretcher when they get side of Velvet and Olivia. Initially the most important things was to get the old lady up and ready to go onto an ambulance. Then they catch sight of Olivia falling, and one of paramedics shouts, "We got another!"

Velvet reaches out to grab Olivia before she can hit the ground and hurt herself more. "Fuck," she hisses through her teeth as she drops to a knee and balances the woman's weight with her own. She waits for the EMT to come over, and gently hands the woman over, looking frustrated. "She was in the smoke for a while, she needs oxygen badly."