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The Boy and the Wolf

Haruki, Omari

18 May, 2017




Books! Haruki's here, browsing through the occult books, starting at the top, working his way through the section, pulling out various ones to give a quick glance to. Methodical.

Omari's arrival is heralded by a large dog at his flanks. The dog's attention is set on a corner it can rest in while its owner briefly sniffs at the air before moving over to one of the shelves. First he collects a couple of books from non-fiction, and after briefly flipping through one of the books on the top of his pile he moves over to the same aisle as Haruki. Maybe it's just more of his already odd nature or simple curiosity, he leans over to peek at what Haruki's reading. "What's got you interested in the strange?" he asks in a raspy, gruff tone.

Haruki looks at Omari, the question has him curious. "Is it strange?" Of course it is. "It's my job, sort of." He glances at Omari's books, curious to see what he's picked up.

The other man's response garners Omari's interests, and earns him the Changeling's curiosity. "Is that so, huh? What kinda job do you have where you gotta look for that kinda stuff?"

"I'm a magician," Haruki says with a grin. "People like..." he gestures to the whole shelf of books as if that's an answer. "The unexplained. SYou know. The mystery, the wonder, the hope, the unknown."

The answer causes Omari to set his books down, and then offer a calloused hand to Haruki. "Name's Omari, and you're the first I met here interested in that kinda stuff. Are you like back of the woods with a pentacle magician, though, or more of the stage flair?"

"Haruki," Haruki replies. "Hmm, that's strange. I guess some find it embarassing, or worry they'll be judged. Smalltown, everyone knows what you're reading, much easier to just use a Kindle or your phone. Did you see the news? There was a murder. Occult symbols found on the guy. Although they didn't publish what those symbols were. Seems like there's at least some other people out there with an interest too. Of course, occult symbols, could be anything."

Omari nods along slowly, and then rubs at the back of his neck. HIs gaze briefly flits to the floor before answering, "No, really. I don't pay as much attention to the news as I should. Most of my free time's at the range or in a history book, really. That /is/ kinda strange, though. I wouldn't expect that kinda killing all the way up here."

Haruki gives Omari a look. It's probably 'really'. "Not the history of the area then, I take it? Just history in general. I wasn't trying to be scary," he admits. "I'm sure the police have it all in hand."

Omari laughs in response initially, and then shakes his head. "Some of the local history, but nowhere near enough for me to be a historian. I'm an out of towner myself, and I've only been here a few months. Came up here when a friend told me about the history, thought it my interest me." He then offers a up a smile more akin to a wolf among its prey than anything truly human. "And it's not that scary. There's a lotta weird shit in the world."

Haruki nods at what Omari says. "Lots of history around here. So, do you have an interest in..." he gestures to the books.

"A few things, really." He leans down, and grabs up a few of the books he once held. Two are on local history, although the top is more along the lines of superstitions. Another is on fairy tales. The next two, oddly, are on reptiles. The last one is a ficional piece based on angel. After he's doing showing them all off Omari sets them back down. "It's mostly just building up my own collection, and seeing a few new things that might interest me."

Haruki looks at those books curiously. "Hmm. You don't buy them because the covers look cool, do you? I knew a guy who did that once. The books were just all decorations to impress people."

The question earns a shrug, and a doglike cant of Omari's head. "Can't really say. My books are for me since I don't really share 'em. I'm not really sure how you can impress folks with books, though. I guess you can hit 'em hard enough to leave a real impression."

"And damage the book?" Haruki asks with a smile. "There's better things to hit people with, I'm sure. Not that I've ever tried, or been hit with a book so maybe I'm wrong there."

Omari shrugs once more in response, and lifts his hand to muffle his laughter. "I don't know. Some books have a solid foundation, and can be use for lots of things." Beat. "They can be used in both melee and ranged fighting, in fact."

"Oh?" Haruki asks with a smile. "I've seen them more in movies, kept in a pocket, saving people by getting shot. Would they even work like that?"

Omari leans forward to grab one of the books, and eyes it over for a few moments. The way he's scrutinizing it he's likely taking the question far too seriously. "Maybe. Just maybe. It'd probably have to be something thick if it's that small, or the gun really poorly made." He then offers a smile up to Haruki. "Not impossible, though."

"It's usually a bible," Haruki muses on. "I'm not sure I'd want to chance it though."

Omari's quick to nod in agreement to that, still smiling. "You're probably right. You'd have to pray on it, but if you do that it won't block the shot." Beat. "I think. So, if you don't mind me intruding, what kind of magic do you do?"

"Depends," Haruki says. "Mostly stage magic. Or on youtube. I dabble in all types, I guess. Things that make people smile. Not so mcuh the closeup work though."

"Is close up the stuff like David Blaine or that Christopher something?" Omari doesn't wait too long for answer before he continues on with the question. "I'd like to check out your channel some time, then. If nothing else I bet Romulus woud love it." This earns a brief, tired bark from the dog in the corner as its gaze moves to Haruki.

OH! DOG! Haruki's face lights up as he looks over at the dog. "Hi Romulus," he greets the creature, all other thoughts forgotten. He knows better than to actually approach without permission though. "He's so lovely."

The dog looks like it could pass for a husky, but is just a bit too big to fool anyone with a discerning eye. "He's fine so long as you don't grab his tail. No horror stories or anything like that. He just doesn't like it is all."

"I don't blame him," Haruki says. "I wouldn't like if people grabbed my tail either." Not that he has a tail. He approaches the dog, not too quickly, and offers his hand out to sniff. "Hello there! You're so beautiful." He tells Romulus.

The white canine keeps its eyes on Haruki as the subject has shifted to him, and the stranger is approaching. He does sniff at the offered hand a few times, covering just about every bit of it with his nose to ensure that Haruki isn't a threat to him. "He also doesn't need the ego boost," Omari is quick to note. However, the dog very much does appreciate such compliments as its tail begins swishing this way and that along with a bark in Omari's direction.

"Of course he does," Haruki says, "Hi." He says soft to the dog. He'll make an attempt to pat his head, just slow though, all too willing to retract his hand if it's unwelcome. "He's such a wonderful, beautiful dog. Aren't you?" And he will speak to the dog like that, all praise of how amazing he is. Someone really likes dogs.

Romulus was ready to bark again until the lady behind the counter gives a hasty shush to the dog. This doesn't dampen his spirits, and instead he lifts his head up when pat. "You keep it up, and he might follow you home. Which, hey, he will eat you outta house and home, and without fail."

"Mmm, I'm sure he's not as disloyal as that," Haruki says. "He's lovely." He pets the dog oh so happily, his whole face alight with joy. He finds the good spots to pet. "A man doesn't steal another man's dog so easily. A cat maybe, not a dog though."

Mention of cats briefly earns the ire of both Omari and Romulus, although Omari is the one that's quick to hide it. "I gotcha, I gotcha. He is loyal, and I to him. We've been together for as long as I can really remember. Through thick and thin, and alla that."

"No cats around," Haruki says. "Hmm, I should get going, but it was nice to meet you both."