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Planning A Summer Fair

Augusta, Eden

5 May, 2017

The Miller matriarch hired a local caterer in preparation for a summer fête for the whole town


Miller Estate at WR02

Eden had received a call from Augusta Greyfell, born Miller, to come to the family's estate for a business meeting. When Eden arrives at the door, she can feel the Wyrd on the other side of it. There is something powerful drawing near. The heat of a Summer's day surrounds her own Summer mantle and the impression of sunlight can be seen shining from behind the door. When it opens, there stands Augusta. To Eden, and not her fellow Miller family members, she is something teetering on Gentry. Her fiery eyes regard the younger Lost and a regal posture that seems out of place in the mundane house. "Good evening, Ms. Lopez ... thank you for coming." Her richly toned, deep voice takes a bit of a breath. She wasn't expecting the caterer she called to be a fellow Changeling.

There is certaintly a bit of tenseness to Eden as she is greeted by the elder woman, a nod of her head offered, and some of that tenseness fading, "Mrs. Greyfell, a pleasure to meet you, I hope the evening is finding you well?" she asks, her attention shifting to glance across the entry room she is greeted in.

The older Fae knows when too much is too much. If she had been meeting with a mortal, it would not be an issue, but she has mundane things to attend to so she closes her eyes and her Mien fades behind her Mask, the Wyrd wrapping her in the banality of her mortal appearance. After the brief moment, she nods, "It is. I apologize." She gestures for the young woman to come in and leads her to one of the old drawing rooms. The house definitely represents the Miller families aristocratic past and Augusta seems to fit in well. With her now much older Mask showing, she moves a bit more with age, "We wanted to host an event at the estate and Abel gave me your number as someone who might fulfill our needs. Do sit down." A chair is offered as Augusta moves to a side bar, "Tea?"

"There is no need to apologize!" Eden replies as she moves to accompany Augusta off towards the drawing room, moving to take a seat as it's offered, her purse set down nearby, "And Tea sounds quite nice, thank you." She opens up her purse and produces a small notebook and a pencil, "So, what can you tell me about the event you're wishing to Host? How many people, and did you have any menu ideas, or at least a theme?"

Augusta pours the tea, and brings over the tray to the coffee table in front of Eden. Milk and sugar provided, "Shall I be mother? Sugar?" She adds some sugar and milk to her own tea, English style, and then says, "The family would like to host a little fête for the town. Something simple on the estate to celebrate the coming of summer and end of spring." That sentence obviously has a weightier meaning for the two Fae. "We can espect much of the town to arrive, but the fare should be simple. I suspect many will bring baked goods and the like, but we want to provide some proper ... food as well." The whole town? That is quite a tall order, "Our kitchen of course we will make available to yourself, it is large enough for a few chefs to work at once and if you require added hands for service, we can add that to the order as well."

"Sugar and cream please." Eden replies to the question, nodding softly as the event is explained, and her pencil jotting down a few notes on her pad, "Finger foods then? Small appetizers, sandwiches and the like, or something more substantial?" she asks, "And I may make use of your kitchens a bit, I have my own where I'll likely do the bulk of the work and have things transported, but of course not everything holds up to that sort of preperation, so I'll likely need your facilities a bit."

Augusta pours the tea properly and once that is done she says, "Why don't we go the kitchen so you can look at what we have." She picks up her own tea as she hands Eden's to her and leads the caterer into the large estate kitchen, talking as she does so, "I think we can skip anything too substantial in that regard. What you suggest will be fine. Enough for say ... 500 people?" The population of the town is only just under 800, so apparently she expects a lot of them to show up. But then its a Miller town affair. "Also a large cake, multitiered. A summer theme in design would be good. If you are able to take on the work of organizing tables, chairs and tents, we can include that as well. We're not looking for anything too stuffy ... something for the children to be able to play out in the yards and families to relax."

"Snacks for five hundred, we can do that." Eden agrees, jotting down a few more notes before taking the tea and rising to follow after the elder woman, "How many different items would you like? It sounds like it will be a bit of a potluck as well, so you probably don't need too many. And as for the cake, I'm not really much of a Pastry Chef, but I have a woman I can go to to subcontract that out for you, to save you the hassle of course."

Having brought Eden into the kitchen to explore what is available there, Augusta sips her tea and sets it down on the breakfast table, "Anything that can be subcontracted the better. The less I have to keep track, the better. I trust your reputation on that and we're willing to include an additional 10 percent onto the fee to pay for your trouble in doing so." She wraps the shawl around her and continues, "I am sure there will be quite a potluck affair going on, so yes ... nothing too heavy will be required in that regard. We are looking not only for the catering of the picnic fare but really someone to help me coordinate the event as a whole."

"Okay, I think I have a good enough idea to work up a menu proposal and a quote on the cost. Did you have a specific day in mind for the festivities?" Eden asks, taking a sip from her tea as she explores the kitchen, returning to Augusta once she's finished. "It will probably take me a couple days to draw up the menu, but once I have that done and you've approved it things should be fairly smooth from then on. That's really the trickiest part of this whole process, afterall."

Augusta nods to that, "I am thinking a couple of weeks from Saturday. We will need time to advertise correctly of course ... and I will handle that part of things ... that should be enough time, I believe and the roses should be in bloom by then so a Rose competition will be in order." Yeah, this woman is old fashioned New England blue blood. She spent many a time on transatlantic liners to Europe back in the day. "I will have the specifics sent over to you once we have hammered those out, but it will be at least two weeks, so plenty of time to order everything. Do you have any questions?"

"I can try to theme some of the dishes around the rose blooms." Eden muses slightly, jotting something down before collecting her cup of tea again and taking a sip, "Two weeks is more then enough time for this, but we'll want to get a menu agreed upon soon, so, I'll get one drawn up shortly and sent over."

The family matriarch smiles, her shawl loosely falling hooked around her elbows as she begins to escort the younger woman out, "A consummate professional, Ms. Lopez. I want to make sure we herald Summer in with all of the splendour it deserves. Don't you agree?" Weighted words, "We will want to make sure that everyone knows to arrive. The real elite should be made aware." She is definitely referring to Lost here from every Court. "I will instruct the family to give you whatever you require when it comes to access to the house over the next couple of weeks."

"Oh of course, I do enjoy the spring air, but there's nothing quite like the summertime is there?" Eden says with a bright smile, "And if you wish, I can have something special made for your more esteemed guests, something suitable for a more refined pallete."

Augusta opens the front door and nods to the woman, "That would be most gratifying, Ms. Lopez. I expect the day to be rampant with dreamlike emotion." Harvest. Harvest. Harvest. "Thank you. We will hear from you soon."

"Well, I shall do my part to help you realize the dream of your festival." Eden says with a smile towards the woman, "And I'm sure it will be quite amazing, I look forward to seeing it!"

Augusta watches the young woman from the door, before turning back around, her strengthened Mask falling away as well as a burst of sunlight is hidden by the closing door.