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Interviewing the Unlucky

Hex and Oberon

2 May, 2017

The newcomer Hex finds his way up to one of the Waykeeper to get interviewed and properly directed to the local monarch.


Crossroads Cafe

Oberon, as usual in the morning, is wearing his running outfit. He's sitting in a table alone while a few other members of the Freehold are scattered around. In front of the Fairest, a glass of water and nothing else. He's typing something on his phone.

Newly arrived to town, the unluckiest Elemental dies some asking around, until he discovers the names and locations to get in touch with the Waykeepers. And so here he is. The man is dressed simply - black sweatshirt, black jeans. It's a contrast to the wispy (literally) hair, the silver eyes, and the pale, gleaming scales that tease along his neck and disappear beneath his clothes. There's some Wyrd going on. The Mantle, however, is more difficult to spot. Hex spots Oberon, description matching, and heads in that direction. As he approaches, however, one of his shoelaces come untied. He trips. He falls forward, flailing. His hand hits Oberon's water. It tips, water splashing. Possibly onto a phone, or Oberon's lap. Hex catches him, "Oh! Crap! I'm sorry! Let me just... " He looks around for a napkin or something.

Oberon stands up before his lap gets wet, but unfortunately, his phone doesn't have the same luck and hits the ground. Wet."Oh my goodness." He murmurs as he looks at the mess and then, to the unlucky man."Are you alright?" He asks. His voice is gentle and sweet.

Hex winced as the phone hits the ground. He immediately moves to pick it up. Too fast. He smacks his head on the edge of the table, knocking himself back onto his ass. In the spilled water. He rubs his head and groans. "I don't think I've ever been alright." He smiles wryly. Apparently this is not a new occurrence. He looks up at the Fairest. "I'm looking for a Waykeeper."

"You almost got one all wet." Oberon says as he offers a hand to help the man to stand up. From above, he smiles brightly."I'm Oberon. And you?"

Hex accepts the hand and moves to stand up. He slips a bit in the water, nearly dragging Oberon over as well, but thankfully he's not that strong. He makes it successfully back to his feet. His pants are wet. It looks like he had an accident. Closer now, Oberon can see the wispy wings, hardly more than pale shadows, ethereal and useless. "I'm... Hex." It's easy enough to see how he got the name. "I'm going to be in town a bit and wanted to see about joining the Freehold." Sorry, Freehold.

Oberon laughs at that almost failed attempt to stand up. When the other Lost is finally back on his feet, he pats him in the shoulder as he glances at his wings."Well. You're talking to the right person then. Please have a seat." He gestures to an empty chair as he grabs his own back and waits for the other man to sit first."Can I get you breakfast?"

Hex eyes the chair warily for a moment, then very carefully sits down, holding his breath. The chair holds. He lets out a breath, then actually takes a moment to study the Fairest. "Um, breakfast? Um, okay, yeah. I mean, mine caught on fire so I am kind of hungry." Of course it did. "So, um, I don't usually stay too long in one place.Because... well, I just don't. But see, I want to open my own shop. Try settling down You know?"

Oberon is, apparently, a daily visit here since he calls the waitress fae-touched by her name and orders two breakfast plates. The butterfly-ish girl nods and serves them both coffee even if the Fairest didn't ask. He grins to her and waits until she's gone. Then, he turns to look at the ethereal boy in front of him."A shop? What kind of shop?"

Hex waits as Oberon orders, careful not to actually move, or touch anything, or otherwise tempt fate. He actually sits on his hands just in case. The waitress gets a thankful little smile as she pours the coffee. He moves to reach for it. He doesn't knock it over. But, as he goes to take a sip, he hiccups, spilling a good bit of his coffee down his front. He lets out a yelp, then sighs, carefully setting the mug down again. He looks back at Oberon. "A pawn shop. See, I collect things. And not just this side. I also go to the market, buy and sell." He knows his way around a market.

Oberon smiles again as he sees another social disaster."Man. You're really hexed, aren't you?" He jokes and offers the man a paper napkin."And is there a reason to you to choose this city to settle down? Are you a local?"

Hex signs at Oberon's first question. "It's always been like this. I couldn't keep a foster home. I couldn't keep a job. And... /then/? /He/ couldn't even give me away." He smiles wryly, then shakes his head. "But it's getting better. I'm working really hard on it. I'm a Pilgrim, you see. I'll get better. I'll overcome it." At the second question, he smiles sheepishly, "I've been around all over. I liked this town. And I figured... best to avoid any big cities. Too much can go wrong." And does. Everywhere he goes.

Oberon nods sagely after sipping briefly from his coffee without any accident."I see your point. It makes sense. And I do hope this thing gets better. For our own good." The fairest says and grins."Our city is very welcoming and cozy, you'll see. People are very friendly towards newcomers. But some of us are also a bit concerned with this sudden income of new faces. Especially the elders. That's why I like to take some time to get to know as much people as I can and be sure they have good intentions on coming here." He explains and lands his mug on the table.

Hex smiles wryly at Oberon's first words. And a little sadly. "It would be nice... to have a real home. I mean, I like traveling, seeing new places. But sometimes... it gets lonely." He looks at his coffee, tempted, but he doesn't reach for it. Better safe than sorry. He looks back at the Fairest, nodding. "I don't blame you. I'll tell you anything you want to know. And maybe... maybe I can be if some use, too. I'm really good at finding things."

"I was a traveller too until very recently." He comments regarding the first subject. Then, he stars at the other man for a second in silence, as if he was organizing his thoughts into his head."We could use your abilities. But I can't tell you more before you join the Freehold. Do you ever heard about the goblin contract of the Sight of Truth and Lies?" He asks as he leans back on his chair to get a more relaxed position since passed two minutes already since the last disaster.

Hex brightens at the thought that he might actually be of use. He smiles, and this time it's an honest, if slightly shy, smile, rather than a wry one. He nods, "If course I know of it. I know of all sorts of contracts and tokens and just about everything you can find at market." He warms to the topic, clearly excited. "You can use it on me, that's ok."

-> >> Oberon to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 1 Success 
   < 3 3 6 9 >

==============================-> >> Wyrd + Subterfuge [No Flags] << <-

Without losing more time, The Fairest invokes the power of said Contract and when the Wyrd answers, the Waykeeper grins in satisfaction."Alright, alright. I'll try this whole thing very brief and efficient to the two of us." He then adjusts himself in his chair."Are you coming to our Freehold to cause any kind of harm to its members, associates and its property?"

Hex gives a little shiver of what could almost be pleasure at the feel of the contract being invoked. Tasty Wyrd. He watches Oberon with those silvery eyes. At the question, he shakes his head and responds, "No, of course not. I'm just looking for a home." And it rings of the truth. The poor unlucky coin just wants to be needed.

"Fair enough." Oberon murmurs."Let me make you another question.Have you ever worked or still does with any group of Loyalists, Privateers or the Gentry Themselves no matter the reason?"

Hex shudders at the thought of working with the Gentry. He shakes his head, "God no. Not even at the Market. I have standards." He scowls, "If I could, I would destroy them all. Of course I can't, so instead I just buy and sell gold." His scowl fades as he mentions gold. He does love gold.

Oberon grins at that answer looking relieved."The last question, I hope. What abilities of yours do you think the Freehold could use to its benefit?" He asks as he takes his mug and sips briefly.

Hex considers the question for a moment. "Well, I said earlier I'm good at finding things. I go to the Market, I know my way around, I sometimes have a stall. And so it's not just things I find. I hear a lot, too. Things that could help the Freehold. And I'm good at..." He hesitates a moment, smiling shyly. "Acquiring things. Like maybe if someone takes something that belongs to the Freehold, I can, I can take it back." He blushes slightly. Yeah, he's basically admitting to bring a thief. But at least he's not a Loyalist!

Oberon arches a brow in a light surprise."A Marketeer. I think we have a few others around the Freehold too." He comments and it is true."Well. I believe you're good to go, then." Another truth. Just in time to the breakfast as the skinny fae-touched comes bringing their plates. She smiles to the two of them and departs once more."If you give me your number, I can message you with an address and a time. The Queen will be there and you can pledge." He then grins."As the french say:'Bon appetit'.

Hex nods at Oberon's words, offering a small smile, hardly believing he managed to make it through the interview without any major mishaps. Perhaps things really are changing! He picks up a fork and knife and goes to cut a piece of egg. The knife club is against the plate just right and there's a crack as it breaks in half, spilling his hash browns into the table. He sighs. So much for that. "Ok. But I need to get a new phone. Mine was eaten by a dog." He does give Oberon a number, though, for when he gets a new one.

"Somethings never change, right?" The Fairest asks as he sees one more disaster happening. He grins to that lightly. Apparently, these social accidents don't bother the Flowering at all. He then bites his lower lip. Thinking."If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something. A small favor. It's personal, though. No questions about it. You just do it for me."

Hex sighs at Oberon's words. Some things. But it's better than it used to be." Which is a scary thought. Plate broken or not, he continues to eat the food. At least it didn't burst into flames. He looks at Oberon curiously, then nods, "Ok, sure. I'll do what I can, within reason." He offers a smile, then adds, "And maybe a little bartering." He can't help himself.

The Spring courtier stares at the other man for a second or two before continuing."If an asian man named Haruki comes to you to sell his emotions, don't accept it. And if you, for any reason, find him in the Market trying to do it, please, convince him to not do it." He then pauses for a second."I know it's a bit too much to ask, but it's really important to me."

Hex lifts an eyebrow, considers Oberon's words, then nods. "Ok. In return, you can keep your eyes out for anything interesting, and made of gold, and let me know about it?" He doesn't ask why Oberon made his request. It seems simple enough, though. Right?

"If you pledge to the Freehold, I'd like to discuss something else with you. I may have something that we can trade." He says and, since the Goblin Contract is still active, he's not lying."It's not gold, though." He then grins as he, finally, starts eating his breakfast.

Hex lifts an eyebrow, clearly curious. "Just call me when I can pledge. I'll try to keep my phone away from digs. And alligators. And electricity. Thank goodness I don't really have have hair anymore or I would have lost it." He smiles wryly, then offers a hand to seal the deal. "And I'll keep my eye out for your friend. Emotions are all we have and shouldn't be traded lightly."

"Exactly." Oberon says and shakes hands with the Elemental. His hand is soft in the outside and smells of flowers, but the inside is calloused like the hand of a farmboy."It's nice to meet you, by the way, Hex. And I hope this place become a home to you as it is to me."