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End of Endurance

Rorschach, Nana, AJ, Gisa, Max, with Paige as ST

27 April, 2017

The Lost find the hollow of the serial killer. (Part of Plot:Endurance)


Somewhere in the Hedge

When we last left our group of brave freeholders they'd just discovered the illusion hiding the doorway into the rock, and found themselves in not a cave, but a sterile looking hallway. The sort that might be found in a lab or hospital. The style looks familiar to Max. It's a long hallway, with several doors, all closed at the moment, including the one at the end.

AJ follows the group on in. She's not FIRST, well, because Rorscach is already inside! But she is towards the front. She moves along, and as she does, she starts... to sniff! Sniff sniff... sniff sniff... Her ears go this way and that. She's searching!

As they enter into the hollow, Max can't help but slow her steps as she looks around. "This is definitely the place where he keeps them and..." The mortal speaks at a whisper, just audible enough for the group immediately around her to hear. She lets the sentence trail off. "There's a library attached to... that room." Again, she's vague but only because she assumes they know when she's mentioning the torture room without actually saying it. Max shudders, lightly, as she recalls her past visions.

Right after buggo is golem, because goylomim are, if not big -- Gisa is only 5 foot six -- at least extremely solid. She doesn't say anything, but the shin on her forehead dims... and dims... and dims... smoke that is only an illusion curling up out of her eyes and her shin. Not the ones on her legs but the one on her forehead. Her fists clench and relax.

Nana does the sensible thing and begins climbing the walls in order to reach the ceiling. Her contraption's machine legs have no trouble walking right up the wall and, yes, over onto the ceiling so as to keep herself out of the way of the others and-- one hopes --out of the line of fire. Everyone ignore the sound of the dead body thumping around inside of her cargo hold, please, because she is.

Rorschach was sticking to the shadows, in many cases very literally sticking. as he hung from teh ceiling like a ... well... per his kind. Upon entering the lab the bug froze. Antennae became twitching and a bit more erratic. Senses became more accute and paranoia seemed to cling to him like a shroud. He looked to Nana and creased his brow looking to her, the shadows darkening around him and his pale skin growing dark grey in colour, shadows thickening in his corner of the ceiling. This place was full of a world of nope.

Sadly, there aren't too many shadows in this hallway. It's lit fairly well, poor bug. But at least they don't see anyone else...yet.

Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. AJ doesn't seem too offended slipping behind Gisa, and she even gives the golem a few sniffs. Which really results in AJ invading Gisa's personal space. She then turns her sharp, foxy eyes down the hall. "Down there," she whispers out, and points. "One of... those. That one, on the right, or the one next to it..." she says, as she starts to wander towards those doors. Sniff sniff, sniff sniff... "Or that one," she whispers, and points to the door at the end. "Anyone feeling lucky?"

Who is not bothered by AJ in her personal space? A golem. Goylomim are used to people hiding behind them, clinging to dear life to their shoulders, etc., so someone just sniffing them? Not that awful strange. Gisa smells like petrichor, like the front edge of a sandstorm, like the strike of a match, all sweet and sulphur at the same time. Dang Dawn Mantle. "Not luck," Gisa answers, and then she gestures up to Nana, whispering -- or trying to -- "Ask them, Bubbe?"

Max doesn't think it'd be wise for her to enter through the door first, so she hangs back for now. She's constantly looking around her though, keeping herself on high alert. The mortal remains quiet for now, though she does furrow her brows lightly for a brief moment. Then she glances curiously at Nana as she's requested to 'speak' to the door.

Nana's contraption walks along the ceiling, carrying her over the heads of the others. She steps her chair up to the wall, half on the ceiling and half on around the door frame so that the old lady herself can lean in and have a bit of a chat with the door, resting one of her pale gnarled hands against its surface. Nana speaks fluent door, you see. It's barely a whisper, if that. A short while later, she crab walks her chair down to the second door, repeating the process. And, so on down the line to repeat the process a third time. Then she starts walking back towards the others. As she passes by Rorschach, she gives him a whisper, "The third door, dear. You be safe."

AJ glances up to Nana, and flashes her a smile. "All you, nana," she says, in a hushed voice. The foxy fox is rather inclined to not waste all her own glamour in sussing out where the man went. In the meantime, while they wait for her to do her thing, AJ starts to wander some. And comes right up to Max. And leans in almost close enough to touch, then starts to sniff, nearish Max's neck. "Hm," she says, and she turns off, and looks back towards the door. "After you, babe," she says, to Rorschach, with a bright, pointy-teeth filled smile.

Rorschach eyed the third door, then Nana, then the door, then Nana again, tehn Damion and Gisa, and then the door. This was, by far, not an easy place for the former test subject to be in. Finally he looked back to his bro, the other Harvestman, and took a deep breath. He was terrible at hiding his emotions and his emotions were on his sleeve. This was challenging but he was absolutely swalloing fear and embracing his inner anarchist determined not to fail his family again. The fleks in his eyes shifted colour; fleks of gold and copper floating like glitter in those black pits he stared out from. He advanced forward. He made one gesture to Nana <<I'm fine>> which he wasn't, but was determined to be.

When they open the door they find the lab that Max has seen in visions. A sterile looking room with locked cabinets and drawers. It looks like a lab of some sort, especially with the waist-high metal table. In one corner is an automaton, spider-like and curled up, waiting. There's also a desk of sorts, at which a man currently sits writing in a journal. Those who have shared the visions would recognize the tall, slender man with dark greenish hair that almost looks metallic. And when the door opens the man looks up, shock on his face. "What are you doing? You're trespassing!" he yells, jumping to his feet and moving to the rolling tray that holds neatly placed scalpels and other instruments. Including a hand torch and some tool that looks like it's meant to tenderize meat with multiple sharp tips. And other things that who knows what the hell they're meant for?

Rorschach looked to the asshole in teh smock and there was, a skeletal grin that split from scarred lips from the Roach who twisted his glamour around him like a noxious swarm of flies as he rushed around the wall and up the ceiling, hand on that terrible knife. It was time to earn his living as a moving target.

AJ is coming in, shortly after the door is open. Rushing in, even, after Rory goes rushing in. She spots the man, and the machine, and then she squares up. There's a quick look over her shoulder. "Stay back," she whispers to Max, before she steps forward. "Stop whatever you're doing and put your hands up," she says to the man. As she speaks, there's just something... graceful and lovely about AJ. More than there usually is. "Comply, or you're getting fucking clawed to death!"

The man doesn't stop, and a hand gets put up, sure...but only long enough for him to throw the scalpel at Rorschach. It's not the most graceful of throws, but somehow he manages to hit the poor bug. At least it's a small blade. Surely it didn't hit anything too important. "You're trespassing! Get out!" he yells as he backs up toward the only other door in the room.

"Well, we tried talking. Time for blood," Nana remarks in a manner that implies she's fairly certain the talking bit was purely a formality. Her chair clicks and clacks across the ceiling, giving Jeffrey a nice view of the old hag of a wizened, sagging upside down in her harness, looking like an upside down grapefruit that's gone to mold. Only this one has beady red eyes and yellowed pointy teeth and is really quite cross with him. She reaches out with one of her gnarled hands as a swirl of autumn leaves, mouldering and wet, begin to drop from the ceiling to the floor in wet clumps. "Thirst. Thirst for Nana!" One might actually be able to see the moisture sucking out of the man, adding to the mold, moisture, and frost growing around the wizened's mantle.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Max assures the fox when she's warned to stay back. The mortal knows she's not a combatant at all, so she stays away and near the entrance of the room. Though, she does glare at the man that was the killer!

Well, he hurt Rorschach, and that, apparently, is that. Gisa's eyes flare, the shin on her forehead burns so brightly that it threatens to send flames licking up her forehead. The Earthbones doesn't speak, doesn't roar angrily, doesn't stomp, but there is something -- inevitable -- indefatigable -- unstoppable -- about the pint-sized juggernaut that is Gisa. She is on one side of the room, and then -- across it, her ceramic arms wrapping around the torturer. There's a sound from deep in her chest that's not at all human, a sort of rattling, stone-on-stone sound. The sound of an avalanche coming.

Rorschach was not new to being stabbed with a scalpel. Honestly there was something slightly disconnected withthe Moon Courtier right now. When stabbed there was a clattering hiss like a swarm of angry cicadas in that buggy 'hell screech' that Damion was such a huge fan of (sorry bro, no sleep for you tonight). He tried to subdue the unflattingering and inhuman parts of himself and try to hide the high Wyrd nature that he was but right now there was very little that was human about him.

The scalpel raked into him and black ink ranf rom teh wound like the shadows inside of him leaking out. The upper part of his boneless form turned off the ceiling first followed after by his lower half in ways string and earthworms move, but not people. Not anything with a structure. Gisa had the man. The Roach, however glared and opened his mouth letting two mandibles implanted in his cheeks dart out and dig into the 'Doctor's shoulder tearing into fabric and flesh holding on like a vice. The bug...was pissed.

Sheriff Fox tried to Do The Right Thing. She tried to give him a chance to surrender! But what happens? The guy throws knives. Who does that! And before AJ can actually do anything else, the man is accosted by her travelling companions. She sighs, and stays back, by Max, seeming oddly protective of the woman that she's displayed such mixed emotions for. She also keeps her eyes on that spider-looking thing.

When Nana starts making him shrivel up from severe hydration, Jeffrey screams and stumbles back a few paces, his back hitting the wall. It makes it easy for Gisa to grab hold of him, and in the golem's grasp, he's easy pickings for the pissed off bug. But shriveled up as he is, and held tight, he can't do much. "Stop! You don't understand! Oh god stop! I'm saving all of us!" he screams, more trying to justify himself rather than beg for mercy.

"Oh, hey, try not to kill him! Please!" AJ says. Though, really, she could put more heart into that request.

"What was that, dear?" Nana asks of Jeffrey, cupping a hand to her ear, "I can't hear you. Scream a little louder. Mercy? Was that mercy? Mother mercy may I?" Nana walks her chair closer to the throng of people pinning him, grappling him, eating his shoulder. Her friends. All the while she keeps drawing the water out of him, leaving a trail of frozen leaves and dripping water raining from the ceiling around her. "Was that 'please?' Was that 'I don't want to die?' Did they, my darling little monster? And what did you tell them?" Nana reaches out with her second hand now, wrenching a fountain of mist from the target of her ire with a raspy cackle. "NOO!"

AJ may not want Jeffrey dead, but Nana? Well, she just has him shriveling more and more until he resembles nothing more than a mummy. A completely silent, completely still, completely /dead/ mummy.

When the struggling Jeffrey becomes, well, a corpse? Gisa just... holds on to the corpse, leaning close into it as if whispering one last thing into Jeffrey's ear, though the words carry: "Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha'olam, dayan ha'emet." Those who were with her when Annabeth's body was found heard her say the same thing over Annabeth's body, but for once, there is emotion in her voice, some sort of twisted morass of actual feelings from the golem. And then she translates, setting the body on the nearest flat surface with almost equal care to the care she's been seen to show to the other corpses: "Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, Creator of the Universe... who is the true Judge."

From the sound of Gisa's voice, and the brilliant, sharp flare of her shin and the flames in her eyes, she's very much imaginging Jeffrey meeting God right now and answering for one of the Three Unforgivable Sins.

AJ barely finishes that call to not kill the man... when there's a crazy old woman cackling as the man withers and dies. AJ's eyes go wide. "Oh, what the fuck Nana! I said don't kill him!" she exclaims. "Euuugh..." She considers a moment, then whirls, on Max. "Max! Can you like... do something to see what the fuck he was up to?" she asks, trying to not let her anger cloud her desire to get this handled!

Blinkblinkblink. That is Max's initial reaction to seeing Nana murder a guy in front of her in a pretty vicious way. Sure, the guy probably deserved it for what he did, but, it's still pretty creepy to see someone die in such a manner. The enchanted mortal makes a mental note to never ever get on Nana's bad side. Then she glances over to AJ, raising her brow slightly. "You mean like, beside torturing people to see how long they would last?" she asks. She takes a glance around and glimpses the journal. Making her way toward it, she picks it up and starts to browse through it.

Rorschach did. not. let. go. The gangly, ink-bleeding bent bug left his teeth sunk into the man as he shuddered and who knows what the fuck jsut happened rained down on them. Someone was on instinct here like a damn tick. If he was aware things were over it didn't show... yet.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I didn't hear you over all the terrified shrieking," Nana says contritely, having come down from her hellish nasty goblin murder gran demeanor, and returned to the one that wants to bake everyone cookies. "You know, normally contracts of Eternal Autumn aren't known for their lethality. Maybe he had some sort of heart condition? You didn't poison him, did you, Rorschach? I don't think Gisa broke anything important." Nana's chair walks down the wall to the ground, carrying her over to the husk that she just created out of a living person. "Well. He's dead now. I don't suppose any of you were going to want to use him for fertilizer, were you? What's left of him would really bring out my summer planting."

"Well, I meant some kind of magic! Not... not just read his book...!" AJ protests, at Max. And maybe realizes that she might should have went after the most obvious choice first. She looks a touch sheepish as she turns to follow Max. Almost the same height, she can actually look over the other woman's shoulder! She does look back, and eyes Nana, and then the body. There's a growl. "God dammit, Rory! Stop fucking sucking on the guy while Gisa's doing shabbat or whatever!" she says. "And no, the body is going back to the Freehold!" she says, to Nana. Loudly.

There is indeed information in the journal. It details the experiments on the three dead women. The techniques used, how they reacted to each one, how long they lasted, and notes for further improving his studies. It seems he was testing seemings and kiths against each other, to find out which was tougher.

Nana clucks her tongue, "Seems a waste. They're not going to grow anything with him, you know. Probably insist on burying him, too." Nana's complaining trails off as her chair begins to walk over towards the spider mechanoid in the corner. "Well, now. Hello there, pretty."

"Not so close," Max tells AJ when she gets too close, something in her tone revealing that such a warning is for the fox's sake, for whatever reason. Instinctively, she takes a step away from her, putting herself just out of arm's reach. There's a small frown that lingers on her lips as she scans the book. "All his notes from his experiments and whatnot are in here... It's very detailed. Looks like he was trying to see what... types of you were the strongest." Then she wanders over to Gisa, offering the journal over to her fellow Custodian.

"It is not Shabbat," Gisa answers rather flatly, looking down at the body with her usual flat effect coming back into play, her clay face going, well, flat indeed. "Shabbat is tomorrow at sunset, 7:53 PM." Of course she knows that. "It is the prayer at witnessing or hearing of a death. I have witnessed a death. But I will not say Kaddish for him." As if that means much to anybody here. She sniffs at the corpse. "He was our own Dr. Mengele." Whatever comes out of her mouth next is cursing, is Yiddish, and she spits onto the ground. Not on Max's feet, though. "No," she says to Max, "I know what men like him do. I don't need to see." Her voice takes on the tang of bitterness and anger, the taste of six million corpses on her tongue.

"Oh, yeah, and I'm the one with the fucking attitude," AJ says, as she eyes Max. The mortal turns away, and AJ just rolls her eyes, and turns in the other direction. She's content to let the more literate types read the dumb book. She's going to start poking around, instead. Searching, actually...

"Oooh," Nana coos at the spider robot monstrosity thing, "aren't you a clever little monster." Nana pulls one of the larger levers on her control panel, opening up two compartments on either side of her craft. These release two buzzing, flitting orbs with grasping claws protruding from the bottom of each. Using what are apparently remote controls on her dash board, she flies these little buzzing balls over to the spider to latch on to the creature. Apparently trying to lift it up and out of the corner. "I've got room in my garage for you, I think. They'll probably want to impound you for some justice related reason." Damion pages: If you ever end up running anything else, or even anything for a solo adventure, involving fighting a monster or the like let me know. >.>

if the Fox was yelling at the bug he didn't seem to notice. There was... stillness. After a very long moment the mandibles retracted back into his face and the bug melted to one knee on the floor. There was silence from the Moon Courtier. He sat withthe taste of copper in his mouth and the sting of another scalpel having dug into his flesh. He didn't even tend the wound but muster up the focus to fish a hand around in his pocket lfo... something in his coat. Dark sockets turned back to teh mess taht was teh corpse to study every detail of him.

With Gisa rejecting the book, understandably so, Max decides to tuck it away in her bag for now. For reasons! Then she looks over to AJ and frowns lightly. "It's nothing personal. I can't touch people or bad things happen to him. And in spite of the weird and occasionally rude attitude you throw at me, I don't want anything bad to happen to you," she tells her, vaguely explaining her situation. Those bright blue eyes of hers slowly drift over to Nana and the mechanical spider, watching the interaction with a raised brow.

"There's no... nothing in here. Nothing about the victims..." AJ muses, after digging around for a few minutes. She looks back to the door. "Max, c'mon," she says, content to totally ignore the mortal woman's explanation. Because maybe AJ is just rude! She heads right out, without looking back, though her ears are turned backwards and she's obviously checking if Max is following her.

Nana holds up a conspiratorial hushing finger to Max as the much younger woman draws near. She begins to back out of the room with the corpse and the others, 'quietly' dragging the spider along as inconspicuously as a metal spider being drug across a metal floor by two buzzing beetle-like bulbs can possibly be. Mind you, she's half-deaf, so she probably thinks this whole 'I'll just nick off with the spider' business is going smashingly well. She's even rubbing her greedy little goblin hands together. Yes. It's all going according to plan. She even lowers her goggles back over her eyes in preparation to depart.

Rorschach looked up to Gisa, what looked like some combination of ink and bubbling pitch seeping slowly down his cheeks. said nothing. Signed nothing, but turned out the door to stalk the rest of the facility. The hunt was not over.

"Make sure Ashe sees that," Gisa says to Max, still staring at the corpse, or seeming to. It's tough to tell where a Golem is looking. "In fact you should give it to her." She slowly turns her head toward AJ, then, deferring to the Harvestman in the room. Well, the Harvestman in the room who isn't currently losing his tiny buggy mind. "I will carry the corpse back to the Freehold," she informs AJ, "but I will not bury it. I will bury his victims." The sharp edge on the monotone of her voice is unusual, but perhaps not unexpected.

Out the door AJ goes, and to work she goes. She sniffs, she prowls, she opens door after door. There's a library. There's a bedroom. There's a storage space. There's a kitchen. AJ lingers in the kitchen for a while, and does move to inspect the oven. Just in case. But the more she searches, the more she looks annoyed. Eventually, she makes her way back to the others - and, yes, she sees Nana quietly stealing a robot and doesn't seem to care. She's back, to find Gisa. "Okay," she says, when the Golem offers to lug the body back. "Thanks. Uh... there's not anything else here," she says, with a frown. "I mean, there's... books and, like, his bedroom and all that. But there's no like.. cages. No signs of others. No signs of bodies. Nothing..." she says. AJ's obviously more than a little annoyed by this.

"...And I'll call you Mr. Spiderbones, because you're a metal spider and look skeletal. You'll have to live in the shop for now, I'll clear a space for you. Make sure you get the glamour you need until we can finish improving you. I was thinking armaments. And maybe a boom arm for lifting things high up and so on. Maybe hoverjets? I bet Billy Ray can get me a deal on some VTOL retrofits, he's got all that newfangled technology." Nana has more to say to an inanimate object, it seems, than she does to most living actual people. The spider, mind you, doesn't say anything. Or move. It just groans along the floor, drug by the two buzzballs tugging it after the nattering old woman. "Wait. Are you a girl spider? How do you tell the difference between a girl spider and a boy spider, anyway?" Her voice trails off, or is more to the point drowned out by the groaning metal as Nana drags the thing away.

"Well, he just dumped his latest victim off for us. I don't think he had enough time to take another one. Which is good, right?" Obviously Max is confused as to why AJ would be annoyed that there weren't any other victims to be found. "From what I saw, it seemed like he just had one victim at a time..." Then Max will go (hopefully not by herself!) to explore the rest of the hollow for anything that might be helpful to the Changelings.

"We can empty the Hollow of his books. I can carry a lot. So can Nana, if she has more space than for the spider thing and the corpse. Or we can make another trip." Gisa is ... well, she's not out of it like Rorschach is, but she's not happy. "We stopped him at three." Then she stops talking, picks up the body again, and prepares to go. She has an Ogre to say Kaddish for and wash, and three victims to bury wherever she's permitted, now that their killer's been stopped.

"It's..." AJ starts, as she looks to Max. "People who do shit like this... they do a lot of planning. You know? They pick their victims very carefuly, they have long term plans... There could have been more than three. There could be people chained up in a basement somewhere. I just... wish we'd found something," she explains, obviously still unnerved and annoyed.

Rorschach was in full ops mode. He was up the walls and doing a quick recon search of the place, finding anything that was powdered and seemed to be working on a project of his own that was not looting. Not in a conventional sense. He moved more gingerly but seemed singularly minded in his task working his way from back to the front of the hollow. It was at AJ's words he seemed to reengage withteh living. His words were signed with accute punctuation. <<He was working for someone or trying to be something he shouldn't. 10 to 1 he's working for a Loyalist sect that's hit here before.>> He let Damion or Gisa translate as they will but that? On that he had input. For now he pulled out a strip of cloth torn from the edge of a dishtowel to wrap his forearm where the knife bit in.

Now that made Gisa stop, and slowly turn her head toward Rorschach. She translates the sign language faithfully, gesturing to AJ to call her in to hear this. "So... you think there are more of them?" The golem asks, and she does tilt her head toward Nana a little bit. Well, the guy is dead now, so it's not like they can ask him. "We should probably ... not destroy this place. Have Nana talk to the objects here. Look for correspondence or ... wait. For contact. From others."

"Maybe something can be found in this?" Max suggests, patting her bag where she had stashed the journal away. "As disturbing as the material is, I don't mind reading it through if there's a chance of finding something useful or important," she says, those bright blue eyes of hers glancing around the group as she speaks.

AJ turns her eyes on Rorschach, as the man 'speaks'. AJ smiles at him, and lifts a hand, and wiggles her fingers hello. Because she's so polite! And probably thinks she's cute. She then looks to Gisa, for the translation. "Yeah..." she says, in response to that. Then she looks back to Rorscach. "Yeah, I think... I mean. Something," she insists. Then she turns to to look back at Gisa. "Yeah, set up a watch. I also want to search around the place. Might be some tracks or something... I mean. Where's the wagon?" she asks. Then she looks back to Max, and gives a nod. "Yeah. Let's... let's get out of here. Get the body back. Report our findings. Then figure out what to do next. Also, get Max out before she turns into a pumpkin."

Rorschach fished out a cigarette from his pocket and a lighter. He looked at teh trail of dust he... well could easily light and eyed Gisa with a heavy look giving her a nod. He cupped a hand aorund the cig and lit it before repocketing the lighter in one of an infinate number of discrete compartments in his clothes. He took a grad, blood staining the cig. He licked his bottom lip and exhaled before signing <<One man doesn't act alone in these things. One man carries not a corpse around. Why would he give them back and leave evidence unless wanting to be found? Bait us? His actions scream of those loyal to He Who Steals and Breaks. Evidence of the others not even mentioned with meticulous records? AJ is right. Something's missing. My guess? Accomplicaces. Another lovation perhaps. Fool to let our guard down now.>> He pulled out a mirror and waded over to teh kitchen and tried to find someplace out of the way to put it and then went hunting looking back to AJ tapping his forehead. He had an idea.

"For the purposes of preventing another death, I will read it. We should have CJ read it also. He will not forget any of it." Look at Gisa, so kindly volunteering the cricket to read horrible things! Don't you just love having a golem for a friend? "Yes, once the bodies are buried, I can help with a Watch, though I am not of any Harvestmen, if if is desired I will do it." Her Israeli accent is stronger and stronger now.

AJ watches that flurry of hand motions from Rorschach. She blinks a few times. Then there's just a sweet smile. That last bit, him tapping his forehead, she gets that. "Go for it, buggy. I got your back," she says. Then she looks over to Gisa. "I'll throw it to Jonah, see what he wants to do," she offers. "Should be able to put a hedge beast or a hob here to watch, I'd think..." though she doesn't sound very certain. AJ's kind of a Hedge noob.

"I'm fine with reading it... You shouldn't have to read about the terrible things he did to people you care about. At least I can read it with some detachment since I didn't know any of these women. Besides, I need some stuff to do with the Custodians. I can bring it to CJ and we can look through it together," Max suggests to Gisa instead, obviously concerned considering the way she's seen the golem react to the deaths so far. Then she glances over to Rorschach with a raised brow. "Do you see any evidence of him working with anyone?" she wonders, curious. "When I was spying on him, he was always alone. So, if he's working with someone, they probably didn't come here. At least not often."

Rorschach motioned for AJ to follow him and headed back towards the bedroom- nope. Not what he was looking for there. Bathroom! His hands planted to the countertop and he stared at it for a long moment as if memorizing detail. He scribble a note and slid it over to AJ noting, 'I can get back here if we need to now.' Though it was after that his finger went to the glass and traced some glyph on it that wasn't yet present. Slowly the mirror fogged and went through illustrating the mirage of the now deceased man going through the normal throws of his day for a short bit and then the fog on it cleared. Antennae curled a bt and extended alternating in expressiveness. Nothing usedul yet. Well. At least there was quick transport back.

AJ gives a quick nod and follows after the buggy. Max is probably safe with Gisa, right?! She follows into the bedroom, and then blinks. "What-..." And Rorschach keeps moving, so she keeps moving! Into the bathroom, Rorschach starts to work. And as he does, she just stares at him. And stares. And even leans this way and that to get him from different angles. Hard to say what she's after. Probably looking for the correct spot to bite.

Her head shakes slightly, and Gisa waits for everyone to finish all their investigation. She just ... stands there, sort of looking around, waiting for everyone to be done. It's possible she might spot something others have not, after all. "It is fine, Max. If there is more to gain, I have the strength to see it through. It is what goylomim do. I am more concerned, directly, with getting you out of the Hedge."