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Dawn Coffee

Gisa, Jon, Max and Dielle, appearance by Strix.

13 April, 2017

Three Dawn Courtiers walk into a coffee shop...



And so, Our Heroes are at Crossroads Cafe. There is already coffee, the "how are you doing?'s" have been uttered, everyone has been assured that everyone is fine. And did I mention the coffee? That's also been adulterated to taste, except those who didn't order coffee. "And that's why we decided we needed t'get out of the house. Because if I'd decided to be any more flexible today, I think I woulda ripped a leg muscle or somethin'. Or possibly wrenched Jon's neck, poor guy." Dielle has no shame. None, whatsoever.

Sometimes, it's a good thing to be a golem: goylomim have notoriously blank faces. She slowly stirs her coffee -- no sugar, cream only, and a lot of it -- with her spoon. Metal against ceramic on both ends of that spoon makes for an odd ringing noise, a combination of clink clink and the subtle scrape of the spoon's handle between her fingertips. And she just blinks. "Yoga is good for you, but extremely repetitive," she deadpans. "I have been walking the town, looking for a good place."

Jon looked to Gisa with a wounded look, and deadpanned, "It's true. She beats the shit out of me. Totally mean. Dielle Limbripper." He held the door open for Dielle and Gisa because it was a damn courtesy and he was first one there. "Makes me thank her for it and pit fight Cartoon Kevin Kline for her entertainment. She's like a prettier crankier bored Greek Senator."

"A good place for what, Gisa?" asks Dielle. She nudges Jon with her elbow, slightly, and grins at him. "Yeah, I'm just dominatin' you all over the place. Don't forget to shine my sandals, Farm Boy, I wanna see my face in them by morning."

Only those who can see her Mask can see the golem roll her eyes, which means that Jon and Dielle only get a little flicker of her eyeflames as Gisa lifts her coffee cup. Obviously no longer stirring, instead she sips. Coffee with Gisa is like an arythmic display of 'percussive sounds of ceramic and metal on ceramic and metal.' "I see." And then, she sets her cup back down, explaining, "For a Judaica shop. Mostly an excuse to own a property, to have a back room. Somewhere to socialize. To have guests for their safety." She shakes her head slightly. "Max sleeps outside." As if that explains everything that needs to be said.

Jon sighed, resigned to this fate. In truth there was no gun to his head and he wasn't making any effort to escape this 'alleged doom'. Dielle's words caught him by surprise which rarely showed, "You want me to smack you with your soes?.... " He paused and shrugged, "Well that's new." He listened to Gisa though with a serious ear and lifted two fingers before he drank his unintendedly iced coffee. "What's a... I'm not going to butcher saying it, but what sort of shop is this?"

Dielle opens her mouth and closes it again. "Max is homeless?" she says, sounding a bit shocked. She looks over at Jon. "You think Mason would mind her camping out at the gym? Or there's our office." She explains to Gisa, "It's our second bedroom. It's got a couch in it, folds out into a bed." She doesn't answer Jon's question: while she thinks she knows the answer, she's not sure.

"A Judaica shop, it's... " Gisa waves her hand slightly. "A shop for buying Jewish things. Siddurim, seder plates, kippot, that kind of thing. If you have ever seen a Christian Bookshop, it is like that, only, you know, we invented the idea because we were first." There's a bit of self-deprecating humor in that last half of that sentence, her eye-flames sparking like the wicks on which they burn had just hit a bit of metal in them or something. "I do not know if she is homeless or if she just likes sleeping outdoors. She does not seem to understand why she ought not, even though people have explained it isn't about not trusting her, or thinking she is incapable." She scratches her cheek with her fingertips, a scree scree of ceramic on ceramic, mutters something in either Hebrew or Yiddish. Unless you speak the languages, it's tough to know. But it's unhappy, whatever she says.

Jon didn't even look up and without looking up but while dipping his fries, "Shouldn't be out in teh cold. Should be in with the cold. Of course she can fucking stay. Why she outside like a mutt anyways?" This is why Jon doesn't do any of the talking. He shook his head looking to Gisa and shrugged, "Seen shit at maybe a card shop. I never did the whole religion thing. I don't even know if my dad even knows what common fucking decency is much less fuckin religion to be perfectly honest. And can we go back to teh 'ought not'? Ought not sleep outdoors or ought not set foot in places that are fucking dangerous, she can't defend herself against, and are not places anyone ever should want to go?" The hedge and hollows.

Dielle leans over and shoulder-bumps Jon. Then she steals a fry. "I think I got her number. I'll offer her a place to stay. I don't like people freezin' to death when they don't have to. Ain't right when we've got so much." Well, for DL, having a roof over her head and enough to eat and clothes and shoes IS enough. She's greedy, but it's a greed for things to share.

Jon says, “Truthfully it's why I live with her. She was like you have no place to go and your'e freezing. I still don't know that Dielle doesn't relize it's not cause I had no place to crash.”

"Religion and common decency are not hand in hand," Gisa shrugs at that. "It is like the rabbis say about why God makes atheists." She takes another swallow of her coffee, with the attendant little syncopation of clinks, and then sets her coffee down for a moment, idly rubbing her hands together in thought. Goylomim can be kinda noisy? "Yes, to both. Not sleeping out, and not sleeping in. But... I think she doesn't... understand it's not about her." She sniffs slightly, watching the banter between her friends, and smiles slightly lopsidedly. "Mmmhm."

"Well, it kind of is," says Dielle. "I mean, she's a nice person and she got shot and I'd hate to see Jon's work go to waste because of exposure. He worked hard on gettin' that bullet out." She takes a breath, and then says, to Jon, "You did have a place to crash. But it was hot, and you were way too cool for that place. And I needed a roommate because who wants to crash in a way-too-hot-for-words garbage dump?" Then she gets distracted. "Gisa, why did God make atheists?"

Jon blinked and tilted his ehad and asked curiously, "Well.. what does they... what do they say?" Now he was curious. "As for Maxi, we should explain it. Shit, has she seen no news on cultural appropriation? Now add volatile things and a target on one's back and there you go. I mean that's not a demographic someone should WANT to be related with. Like shit you volunteer at a domestic woman's shelter but you don't get jealous of the battered women." THis concept... jsut eluded him entierly.

Watching a golem recite a learned story is a thing to watch. Gisa's eyes flicker off, and then flicker back on again, and she holds her cup between her hands, cradling it and letting the warmth suffuse her hands. She's warm, but the coffee is warmer.

"The disciple asked the rabbi, 'Do you believe that God created everything for a purpose?' The rabbi answered, 'I do.' The disciple asked, 'Then why did God create atheists?'"

"The rabbi answered, after some time to compose his thoughts, 'Sometimes we who believe, we believe too much. We see the cruelty, the suffering, the injustice in the world and we say: ‘Baruch HaShem: this suffering is the will of God. Pray and if it is His will, He will help you.’ We accept the unacceptable. We do not do enough to help our fellows. And then we see an athist offering help to someone and we realize that the atheist does not offer help to someone else for any reason except because it is correct. The atheist fights against what is wrong in the world without any God to motivate him. And we must act as if there was no God, only us, to help our fellows. As if the burden were ours and only ours."

Her eyes steady again, and she clears her throat, looking down into her coffee, almost awkwardly. "Anyway. She thinks it is because we do not trust her or think less of her. Not because the world is cruel."

Dielle opens her mouth and closes it again. She's fascinated by the story Gisa's just told, but all she says is "Huh." She looks thoughtful over it. Then she says, "I think, if I can convince Jon to come be my roommate, I can convince Max, at least to find a place if it isn't with us." She looks over at Jon, then back at Gisa. "She's one of us, now. She doesn't get to go out the way Beth did."

Jon looked to Dielle and there was... anger? Wow. The Dawn was very still , but his opinion was.... something of an ice wall. His words were quiet, but fortified, "No she's not one of us and that's a good thing. She's not supposed to BE one of us. WE are not supposed to be us and making brash diluded decisions to know too much can get her and others killed and romanticizing what we -are- only grants power to teh ones who condemned us." He... was actually offended? Huh. He grew very still and his teeth set as he calmly and disheartenedly drank his coffee. "Thi Rabbai guy sounds like a smart dude."

Holding up her hand toward Jon, palm turned toward him, Gisa says, "You are both right. She is our responsibility, part of our circle of caring. She belongs to us in that we should look after her. But we should be sure she does not get hurt, as you are saying, Jon. And that is my concern. That by being part of our social circle she might get pulled into our Crazy Drama." Apparently in Golem Speaking In Public, 'Durance' translates to 'Crazy Drama.' She drops her hand to the table with a thunk. "Most rabbis are. It is a prerequisite."

Dielle says, quietly, "I don't like it, either, Jon. But it wasn't our choice. It's just ours to deal with the consequences. It ain't about romanticising anything. I don't know who let her know in the first place. But it's on all of our plates, now. She swore an Oath and it's one we gotta honor, whether we like it or not. That makes her one of us, and it's up to all of us to do our best to make sure she still stays herself, y'know? Might not work. But it might. We gotta hope for her. And maybe talkin' to you will make her understand why it's not somethin' to want." She's not afraid of Jon's anger and it doesn't change her mind. It just makes her clarify what she's thinking.

Max comes inside from the town square.

Jon didn't like bad decisions and uncalculated risks and people he cared about getting hurt FAR far less than either of those. DIelle had a point though. Perhaps reasona nd understanding could inspire people to make strategic and wise caluclated decisions. He sighed and sanodded to Dee relenting and said honestly to Gisa, "Wish I knew someone like that fuckin growin up or maybe shit'd turn out really fuckin different."

"I knew many rabbis," Gisa points out. "Bad things still happened." She looks at Dielle for a long moment, then slowly turns her head to look around the place, as if Loyalists are going to pop out of the walls now that Dielle said the word 'oath.' With a capital O. The trio are sitting at a table together, with coffee. Dielle and Jon have fries. Gisa, only coffee.

After successfully accomplishing her first little mission for the Custodians, Max decides to reward herself with some of Hazel's delicious food. Not that /needs/ a reason, but she always likes coming up with them since she comes to the cafe so often. Strolling in, a pleasant smile spreads across her lips as she spots a group of familiar faces. "Hey!" she calls out to them, immediately making her way over toward the Changelings. The enchanted mortal is wearing her usual casual attire - hoodie, jeans, and sneakers, her messenger bag hanging across her shoulders. "Mind if I join you guys?"

Dielle says, "Well, damn! Speak and she shows up, it's like it was fate! Or maybe luck. Come join us, Max!" She's reaching over to silently take Jon's hand in response to something he said, and she notices Gisa's careful checking. "Hippocratic Oath is still a thing, Gisa," she says, quielty.

Jon said drily to Dielle, "You're a magical creature cause you have boobs and speak Football. You cheated summoning Max here." It's true; the rare and elusive mythical female ahd powers. He didn't answer Max so much as shove a seat out for her with his foot. The rest was implied. "Not how the Hypocratic Oath works Dee. That aplies when people are in medical distress, and avoiding causing injury in deliberate fashion. Also does not apply to sports while good sportsmanship is applied." Fry, fry,fry, omnomnom. "Gisa, not saying Rabbais by virtue of existing magically make bad things not happen or I'm assuming a lot of the shit in your people's history would not have come about. I'm just syaing I'd be likely been to make far fewer dumb ass decisions in my life if anyone would have fucking been there to go, "Johnny, that really a good idea I mean it sounds sorta messed up. That guy over there is prosperous you know why? Because his head is not up his ass. Consider htis"

"Yes, yes," agrees Gisa with Dielle. Look, Elementals can only really try to be subtle, okay? She turns her attention to Max, and scoots in, patting the seat next to her with a subtle clink clink. Not subtle, and not silent, really, either. But she seems happy for Max to join them, as much as she usually shows much emotion at all. "Yes, Jon, I was trying to not point out that the history of the Jewish people makes it obvious that the presence of rabbis does not preclude terrible things happening." THANKS FOR SAYING IT OUT LOUD JON THANKS. "I understand, though."

There's a light raise of her brows as Max's joins the table, sitting at the seat offered by Jon. Not that she doesn't like sitting with Gisa, but sharing a seat means a bigger possibility of giving her friend that bad luck touch! "You guys were talking about me? I can only imagine it was about how amazing and brilliant I am," she replies with a playful expression as she scoots her chair closer to the table. Picking up one of the menus, she casually browses through it while occasionally glancing over at the Lost she's joined. "How is everyone tonight?" she asks with that friendly smile of hers.

Dielle says, "Kinda. We was talkin' and Gisa mentioned you don't have a place to stay and I was all "we have a pull-out bed in the office and if you undo all Jon's good work, I'm'a cry and then Jon would have to do a gladitorial match against Cartoon Kevin Kline" and that never ends well for anyone." Hey. It made sense to Dee. "I actually got better reasons for offerin' the couch, but I can't talk about 'em in public. Although watchin' Jon fight a cartoon is rare fun. You can't buy that shit."

She is leaving alone all the points she has to make about how Jon wouldn't have told a rabbi what was going on in his life anyway.

Jon blinked at Gisa passivly and deadpan as ever and said with a slight shrug. "I have no idea what ssubtlty is, but I acknowledge what happen to your peeps is bullshit." He ate another fry. Dee didn't have to say it and Jon really wouldn't have said shit, but his perception was that these dudes were somehow all sorts of omnicient about the human condition like that Ghandi guy. He paused to wonder if Ghandi was Jewish. Huh. Jon... was bad with both geography and world history. A tthe mention of Cartoon Kevin Kline he didn;t look up but muttered, "That punk's goin down. I'll sack em like he's Romo I don't care."

Whatever else was going on in the conversation, Gisa's brain kind of did a cartoonish record scratch, and she asked, without focusing on anything else: "Cartoon... Kevin... Kline?" Also that's a way to not have to engage The Shit That Happens To Jews during Passover, like, we've already had the seder, let's not talk about it without hitting the table and singing Daiyenu, kthx.

Blinkblinkblink is Max's first reaction to Dielle's statement and office. Then she glances toward Gisa, then back to the colorful unicorn. "I'm pretty sure that whenever this is brought up, I mention that I sometimes crash at John's house. You know, the one that owns a gun range in town?" The mortal can't help but momentarily narrow her brows. It's faint and only lasts a few seconds, but it was there. "I just like sleeping outside sometimes too. I was also staying at a hotel room before John's. So. I would like to put an end to this idea that I'm some hobo vagrant wandering the streets and sleeping in dumpsters or whatever," she says with a wrinkle of her nose. Because, ew.

Dielle leans in and says, quietly, "Look, there's a group, not far away enough. Y'know how they killed someone, not that long ago? That's why I'm havin' a bit of a concern." She leans back and says, "You're a grown-ass woman and can take care of yourself. And I didn't mean to imply you was dumpster sleepin'. Because you don't smell like you have." She snorts a bit and says, "And believe me, I have, so I remember the smell, way too well. So, it's a thing, we got an extra couch and if you need another place to crash, it's there and it's offered."

When Dielle explains, Gisa nods her head, and falls silent for a moment. She places her hands flat on the table, and pushes herself up with her usual slowness, her usual deliberateness in motion. "I am going for a walk." She doesn't explain or justify it any more than that, just drops money on the table for her coffee and tip -- just in case -- and takes her bag, heading for the door. Whatever that was about.

Jon let them discuss things and jsut shrugged. NO idea who that was Max was staying with and on that he minded his own fucking business. "Offer's always open to ya." His grey eyes followed Gisa with a nod to her. Many things were weighing to think about. The Jotun sighed and minded his un-intende diced coffee. His imput was simple. "Worls is fucked and very dangerous right now and there's shit gunnin for people. I gues syou're aware of that part. Just odn't want bad shit to happen to you because there are shits we give. Has nothing to do with ability cause I'm pretty fucking ass capable of takin some bro downtown and it even happened to me. we're like fuckin... invested or some goddamned shit like that." WOw. Smooth. Dielle subtle-like-tank, have you met Jon Bedise manner of Simon Cowell?

"I'll keep the offer in mind," Max assures the remaining pair, letting her bright blue eyes shift between them briefly. The mortal takes a quick glance around the cafe, lowering her voice a little before she speaks again. "Didn't that murder happen on the other side?" she asks with a raise of her brow. Though she's aware there's danger everywhere, she seems to think that this is their business. "Otherwise, I would have offered my help to look into things."

"Yeah. But we're a paranoid lot. It's not exactly hard to be murdered on this side. Happens every damn day." Dee makes a face. "Says the woman who used to live in New York City. Anyway, for the record, it ain't charity. I couldn't sleep at night if I hadn't made it plain that if you have a need, we got an extra room. Payin' it forward, y'know?" Dielle sighs, and looks at her coffee, then finishes it in a long gulp. "It's a thing."

Strix comes inside from the town square.

Jon added drily drinking his coffee, "I tried to insist otherwise. That was like.. a year and some agonot. She's pretty fuckin persuasive It's really jsut easier giving in and the company ain't so bad. For what it's worth." The ice man shrugged and went bakck to being objective while others pondered the greater mysteries of things. He checked his phone and sighed, "Aaaalmost time for shift. Fun fun"

"This town is relatively safe, isn't it? I mean, mundane wise at least. I read in the newspaper that the shooting was the first to happen in a super long time," Max points out. "I know bigger cities are way more dangerous and not to say that I'm letting my guard down or anything but... well, I'm not helpless." The mortal sighs lightly and starts to dig into the food that she had ordered and had been brought over! Delicious, delicious food.

The three people are sitting at a booth. Jon and DL are sitting next to each other, with Jon on the outside, and there's a coffee cup that indicates that someone had been sitting opposite them. "Figures. I finally quit workin' till o'dark o'clock and you start. Such is life." Dee says that to Jon, then grins at Max. "But it's still fun watchin' him threaten a cartoon. It's pretty awesome."

A tall, slender fellow with wearing well cut suit and an expressive hairstyle enters the Crossroads with a curious gaze, his strange eyes rove over the scene with interest before making note of the boardgames and newspapers near the exit. Strix picks up one each of the various choices of newsprint, stacking the papers in his arms and drifting off quietly to select a large booth despite being a single diner. If he has to he'll lie and say he's meeting more people to ensure he can secure himself a big booth.

Once seated, Strix starts to set out the papers with a persnickety manner; folding them neatly and making crisp corners set at ninety degree angles. Quietly stacking things and reading them, when a server arrives he order a coffee to start and then sets back to his work picking apart newspapers.

As the mechanical bird fellow wanders on in, Max can't help but glance over his way. The stranger is eyed over curiously, a friendly smile offered his way. Then she returns her attention to the Changelings she's already sitting with, leaning in a little and quietly whispering to them, "Do you know that guy?" Obviously she's wondering whether to invite him over or not. "Seems interesting. Kind of reminds me of Tock. Kind of," she states, keeping her voice low as to not be easily overheard.

Dielle shakes her head no at Max. "Hey, I gotta drive Jon to his job. You got my number, right? You gonna be ok?" But she's already nudging Jon out, and says, "I'll be back if I can. And the offer's open. Just over Aspire Arena." She leaves some money on the table, to cover her, Jon and tip, then follows him out the door. She waves a bit at the birdman she doesn't know.