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Wildfire: Make It Rain

Avalon Lefevre, Sylvana Lefevre, Jack Fry

21 May, 2018

The fires are spreading southwest, and Jack's asking Avalon for help. Sylvana and he gets to watch a rain making ritual.


========-< << Tamarack Road - Wilderness Preserve >> >-=========

A single public road passes through the Preserve, a pleasant twenty-minute drive (at the speed limit), all things considered, and the only road into or out of the town of Tamarack Falls. A wooden sign at the base of the steep cliff's switchback cautions against falling rocks and, too, contains symbols to indicate that cyclists and equestrians are also welcome on the trail.

Thickly forested and prone to fog in low areas, the dense woods at the foot of the path are home to several protected species, managed by a private commission of local rangers. For seven miles, the road and the occasional ranger's cabin are the only proof of human life. Electricity for the town, too, passes through this area, though proof of that is more obscure, underground conduits carrying it where treefalls won't take it out.

Toward the southern end, the forest thins, gradually replaced by scrub brush and grasslands where deer are often found to graze.

Though Tamarack town itself can now breathe easier - both literally and figuarively - as the fire has moved away from the town and is slowly inching its way towards the southwest, this gives little comfort to the farms and cabins along the fire's route. At least there isn't as much habitation - and people out here are ready to move on short notice.

So is Jack. The flames are moving right for his house, it might be another half day or so, but he's here now and is throwing things into the Ranger SUV, still dressed in fire fighting gear and looking like he hasn't slept for days. Which, he probably hasn't. Not properly, anyway. The trailer is backed up against the paddock, and Troll is patiently waiting to board it; he has to leave. Goblin is carrying things from inside the cabin to the truck. He's helping too.

Jack called Avalon earlier. He asked her one simple question; "Can you really make it rain? If so... we need you. Anything will help."

The Lefevre clan has surely been busy with the fire, working to make sure that it doesn't threaten their precious maple trees. But when Jack calls, there's no hesitation at all from Avalon. "I'll be there. Just let me gather some things."

It doesn't take all that long for her to do so. And when she slides out of her Jeep, she's dressed much as she usually is. A long black dress, her pentacle, hair left unbound and wild. But there's sigils, drawn out over her skin in a shade just a hair darker than her own pigment. It's the next item that comes out of the passenger's side that says she's here for business. A broom, the handle of it an old and twisted piece of maple, is placed over her shoulder. Blossoms of heather wrapped around by the bristles, bright and fragrant, drops of morning dew still on them. Second, a basin, held in her arms. "Jack," she calls out, "Be a dear and grab that jug of water off of the Jeep's floor." Goblin is a good boy. Of course he's helping.

There's a raise of his hand in greeting as the car comes up to his cabin, and he throws in a big bag in the back of the SUV. Goblin runs over with a happy few barks, to dance around Avalon with his usual greetings. He's his usual happy self - he's not about to worry yet. Jack, though his house might go up in flames, doesn't seem to be destroyed by this fact either; he's got the hollow-eyed look of someone who's totally focused on fighting the fire and is only here to save some of his stuff, in case it goes bad. "Hey," he greets, and bends into the car to get that plastic jug in the back of her jeep. "So... this ritual isn't going to involve you flying on the broom above the fire and sprinkle some witch dust on it, right?" he asks her, managing a joke. "If so, I need to warn the heli-crew." <Watch> CB has connected.

"Hey, handsome," Avalon coos down to Goblin. "Who's the best boy?" There would definitely be pats and thumps of adoration, if the witch didn't have her hands so full at the moment. There's a vein of seriousness to her, shown in those two-colored eyes, but her smile is a quick thing. And so is her laugh. "Sadly, no. No flying for me, I'm strictly a ground-level witch." She glances up to the sky, which is already showing potential for a light rain. But nothing that will really help. "Unless you want to get the heli-crew to dangle me from a rope. I mean, that would be news worthy."

A small jut of her head that-a-way, and the witch leads them a bit away from Jack's cabin. "How's the good fight going, elsewhere? Been a long while, since we've had something like this." She sets the basin down on a patch of earth, before doing a quick walk around it, to decide her directions.

Leaving that protective clumsy jacket behind for now, Jack is thankful for a bit of a break - he gets a water bottle and drinks thirstily as he follows her. He's sooty and sweaty, so he must've come here right after fighting fires somewhere. Goblin is content to give Avalon a few buffs and licks and then wanders alongside Jack, curious what they're up to. Jack pours some water in a trickle for him too, the dog lapping it up. Behind his cabin is a field, out of view from the dirt road - a good place for a ritual, as further up there's forest. The fire is coming from the north, a big dark cloud a kilometer or so away.

"It's gone... okay," Jack sums it up. "Tamarack is safe. There's been a bunch of volunteers and there musta been some supernatural aid here and there, cause some things just don't seem possible otherwise. We're hoping to be able to stop the fire to come here - it's definitely smaller now. But we're screwed if the wind picks up," he admits tiredly. "You need anything else?"

"Hopefully, some of the Others are using what they can do. I'd like to think that they don't want the fires to get worse." Avalon keeps the broom over her shoulder for now, looking over the other to glance at Jack. "Don't wear yourself too thin, my friend. There's more, in the days to come. Take time to replenish yourself, when you can." With those words, she's looking back to that plume of smoke, tilting her head. "Just stand back a few feet, after you poor some of that," fingers point to the jug she had him carry, "Into the basin for me. A lot of the rest is will-working. And hoping that someone's willing to listen, and act." She smiles, and takes a step back. Sliding the broom down, so that the end of the handle touches the ground. And, slowly, begins to walk a circle clockwise, words whispered under her breath.

"I'll sleep a week once this is over," Jack promises, but nobody can really talk him into stopping his work. He'll keep at it till he falls down. But for now? He has a bit of a reprieve. NOdding at her, watching her with eyes that turn more alert - in fascination - he does as he suggests and pours water carefully into the basin. He even murmurs; "Whomever you are - please help us," as if praying to some deity or spirit. Then he backs away and leaves the stage for Avalon, overturning a bucket to sit on, beckoning Goblin to stay near him. Clearly, he takes this all seriously and believes in Avalon's work.

"A week and a half," Avalon says, after a moment of considering.

Each step she takes is slow, done with purpose. Padding down the earth beneath her bare feet - did she have shoes on before this? - as those words beneath her breath become faster things. Becoming more of a chant, slightly louder. And then, once she has the circle closed, with her in the center of it, she stops. Facing North, and the fire that burns in the distance, the smoke trailing in the air. Her broom lifts, and that handle stomps the ground three times, before she lifts it, turns it. Brushing the bristles over that basin of water - fresh from the River Tam, to get them good and soaked.

There is a sound of a Jeep pulling up to Jack's cabin, grinding gears can be heard before the engine cuts out...poor clutch..poor Jeep! Who in the world was behind that wheel?! After a few minutes that beautiful Alluring voice that clearly belongs to only one person can be heard. "Ok...ok...so next time push the left pettle in all the way. I can do this its not so hard!" The door closes, one hopes that she remembered the emergancy break. Sylvana looked around for a moment before she moved off towards the field to see if she could get a glimps at how close the fire was coming. Seeing Jack and Avalon out there she hurried off towards them Greyson finally coming to land on her shoulder as she moved towards her father. "Hey Dad..I'm back with the Jeep."

Jack watches Avalon's ritual with all due fascination while sipping water and squinting; he's tired, but high on adrenaline and some of those herbs he got from Sylvana has helped him stay alert as well. Hearing the jeep, he turns to look at Sylvana and waves her over, and puts a quieting finger over his lips. "Hi," he responds quietly and beckons for her to sit next to him. "Avalon's doing a ritual, let's not disturb her," he murmurs, giving his daughter a warm smile. "We got time to pack things after."

There's no immediate indication that Avalon hears the Jeep rumble up, but the witch does glance over her shoulder when Sylvana's voice cuts through the air. No greeting given, though, as she instead furrows her brow and returns to focusing on the task at hand. Dipping the broom into the water, up to the blossoms of heather, before she lifts it out of the basin. And, like she's stirring the air around her, lifts it into the air. Shaking the broom, spraying heavy drips of that river water out around her. Yes, her spectators are sure to get a bit wet in the process. Her lips move, but at first, it's hard to tell what she says. Until the chant becomes louder, with each passing repetition of it: "Oh Mother Earth, please come to me. Make it rain down like the summer seas. Oh Mother Earth, please come to me in my time of need. This is my will - So Mote It Be." .

Sylvana made her way over her eyes wide in facination as she watched Avalon. Hearing her fathers words she gives him a nod not wanting to disturb her relative as she worked. She sat carefully on the ground next to Jack and pulls her knees to her chest and rests her chin on her knees watching curiously as the woman worked. It was so interesting to her to see what others could do with their abilities. She did not mind that she was not spoken to as she knew that would effect the ritual, or it would any of hers. If she minded getting wet at all it did not show. It was hard to tell if she even blinked with how intent she was at watching Avalon work her own form of magic.

"Make it rain," Jack does murmur, repeating those words even as a few droplets of water falls on his face - they make a pattern down his sooty face. He puts a hand on Sylvana's shoulder and squeezes it, thrilled and hopeful - but not showing it on his expression. "Please," he adds, because maybe he is a bit more desperate now. His own house is threatened. This is, perhaps, a bit selfish of him too. But any rain would help /everyone/ now.

It's a long thing, the ritual. But thankfully, not as long as some. Three times, Avalon re-wets her broom in the basin of water, taken from the River Tam. Raining it down on them, as she visualizes the same happening in the area where the fire burns. It's a slow thing, the way that already overcast sky begins to darken, and shows the promise of a heavier rain coming to brew. The broom is a solid, heavy thing, and moving it like she does, as vigorously as she does, takes a slow toll on the witch. But she is focused, and does not stop until she smells it. The rain in the air, that unmistakable scent. And breathes it in, deeply. "So mote it be," she repeats for the last time, before lowering the broom back to her shoulder. Heather blossoms spread around her, and in her hair, with all of that broom-shaking. One foot extending, she breaks the line of her circle. "There. Should get a good rain over there, any time now."

Sylvana's eyes are wide with adoration "That was AWESOME!" she exclamed when Avalon was done. She has her own rituals mind you but they are something she had been taught and seen many times. This was all new to her and delighted her in ways she had never expected. Her whole body was practicly vibrating with excitment from the sight and the promise of rain to come help fight the fires and save what could be saved.

Jack inhales the air sharply, deep into his lungs. It's heady scent, the promise of rain - it makes him grin sharply and joyfully at the good witch. Someone else might hug Avalon, but Jack isn't much of a hugger, barring some very familiar people - but Avalon does get a very thankful squeeze of her shoulder and a nod. Tired blue-grey eyes turn more bright and more hopeful as he turns to watch the growing clouds above the fire, towards Tamarack itself. They gather up with some speed, promising of a proper downpour any second. And above the cabin, too - it spreads fast, and it will rain. "I don't know if it's going to be enough, but it is going to help enough and halt the fire so much we can battle it now. I think I can cancel my evacuation for now. Thanks so much, Av."

Avalon lets out a breath, and then smiles. There's an edge of tiredness to her that wasn't there before, but such is the way of things. A wink, eclipsing her green eye, to Syl before she pats the hand Jack put on her shoulder. "I'm glad it worked," she admits with a soft chuckle. "It's something, at least. Maybe at the worst it will get everything wet enough that it won't want to burn too well." Using her foot, she tips the basin over, spilling the Tam into the ground. "And always glad to help a friend, Jack. "

She stood up and bounced a bit on bare feet as she looked around and did a little circle. "Spirits are fickle things. They do as they please but sometimes listen and help. The fire spirits have had their time of fun its now time for water spirits and those of the earth to take over. The water spirits will push back those of fire and the spirits of mother earth will regrow what has been lost from the ashes. It is a never ending circle of death and rebirth." Her eyes glitter as she looked over to her father and Avalon. "You have done a wonderful thing! I have never seen someone work in a way such as you have. Thank you for allowing me to watch."

"You can always call on me, I'll come running for whatever you need," Jack promises Avalon - he means it from the bottom of his heart. He sits back down on that overturned bucket, allowing himself to relax for the first time this day; he stifles a yawn. Goblin, now realising he can move, dances around the two women and begs for scritches, as alert as always. "I wish the spirits of fire would go take a long vacation, yeah," he says, grinning a little. He doesn't know much about them, but he does believe Sylvana.

"So the cycle goes," Avalon agrees. When Goblin comes dancing on over, she leans down to give him a solid bit of petting and many praises of what a good boy he is. "They just need to calm themselves a bit," she muses. "I like a good fire. I mean, what's a night camping without being able to cook some s'mores up?" A grin, and then she's bending down to gather up her basin, tucking it under her arm. "And any time, Sylvana. You're family, after all."

Sylvana smiles and nods. "Yes they know that their time of freedome has come to an end and that it is time for them to return to their normal duties until next year." She gave a sigh and then her head tilts a bit "S'mores? What are those". The question is asked and then her eyes sparkle once more at the invitation to watch more. "Oh that would be so nice! I can not say that I have much in the way of rituals as you do but I do have a few that you are welcome to sit in on. Nothing as elaborate as this mind you." She was bouncing on the balls of her feet now as she looked around and back up to the sky before reaching down and scritching Goblin when he comes near.

"Stop being so damn peppy," Jack complains goodnaturedly, "it makes me more tired just watching you." He gives Sylvana a playful little shove, but remains seated. "S'mores - damn. You got some catching up to do, for sure. Once this is all over, we'll take a ride, we'll do a /very/ controlled fire, and we'll eat s'mores. Whatcha say, Av? Want to join? Bit of a family gathering, out camping. Bring Vo - I can bring Zeph, maybe." He realises something. "I'm, uh, sorta dating someone."

There's a slow blink at Sylvana, and Avalon then looks to Jack. "Seriously. You've got to teach your kid the important things in life, Jack," she scolds, that good natured amusement in her tone. "And that sounds like a great plan. Not sure that Vo will be able to make it - maybe if I tell him that he can torment us with some scary stories by the fire late at night - but I definitely will." Her smile brightens, at that thought, and the rest of Jack's words. "Oooh? Well then, I look forward to meeting them. I'm sure that you have good taste, given," a gesture to Syl, "The previous romp that I'm aware of. But, I should get going. We'll talk soon?"

Sylvana laughed and stumbled on her feet slightly at the little shove but is right back to her peppy self. "Oh I like that idea! I can bring Ink too! We can all have a good time and scary stories are welcome!" There is a bit of a disappointed frown when Avalon says that she should be going but she gives a nod. "It was good to see you again. I hope to see you again soon! Maybe I can bring Ink for lunch at the Cafe sometime." Then her eyes slowly turn to Jack and she gets a mischevious smile on her lips. "Oooooh dating someone huh. I can not wait to meet her!"

"It's early still. We're friends - I donno how serious it'll get." Jack doesn't seem to want to go into it too much, but least he did mention her. So, just that fact suggests it's not only a one-time thing going on here. He stands up, and helps Avalon gather up things. "Come on, Syl - we'll take out all the stuff from my car, and then I am gonna go crash for a few hours again." Walking alongside Avalon, he suggests; "We do need to talk soon. I got some information. And once this damn fire is over, we should look at going back to work on finding Suzie, eh?"

"The important thing is to enjoy it, while it's there," Avalon muses to Jack. "And I'd like to meet Ink as well, Syl. Definitely drop by some time." She leaves the heavier carrying to Jack - namely that jug of water - while the two tools of ritual are kept in her own care. With the man walking at her side, she gives him a gentle bump of shoulder. "Whenever you want to meet, just let me know. And set everything else in motion." Once at the car, she loads her things in with care. And then herself, after. "Good to see you both!", given, as she starts her own beaten Jeep back up.

Sylvana walked with them listening to them talk. Her brow furrows some at the mention of finding someone. There were questions in her eyes but she would wait to ask them. She watched as Avalon loaded things into her Jeep and she gave her a smile. "You as well! Be safe and may the Great spirits keep you safe on your travels!" That happy smile was on her lips once more as she looked to Avalon in the Jeep. She glanced to her dad after saying her goodbys. "I can unload your car You can get some rest."

"Then soon," Jack says as a farewell, with a smile and a wave, stepping back to let her drive off. He puts an arm over Sylvana's shoulders and hugs her to himself briefly. "Someone's kidnapping psychics. We know who it is, but we don't know where they're kept. BUt we'll figure it out." It's short, to the point, and sums it up. "So, be damn careful. If someone offers you something - anything related to your psychic abilities, someone who you don't know? Avoid them, and call me or Avalon immediately." He is steering her towards the car. "And nah, I'll help. Won't take long."

Sylvana frowns and moved to help her dad. "Who would kidnap Psychics and how would they even know? I personally do not go around advertising what it is I can do. Do others? I thought it was a good thing to keep our abilities quiet." It seemed as an oddity to her that someone would do such a thing. "Do they have a reason for this? Something they wish to do with those they take?" She helps him unload the car as they talk.

Taking out his big bag with clothes - now in the rain, as it has started to drip heavier over their heads - Jack explains; "Lots of psychics are open about it. Mediums, especially. Some are phonies, some are real. Suzie Whyte's father was a medium, and he was murdered. She is one too, and the kidnappers figured it out, and took her. The Frys? WEll, there's rumors. And rumors spread around. And this group, they've figured out a way to find psychics that might not evne realise they ARE psychics yet - by throwing competitions. Or having events..."

Sylvana frowns and starts to gather what she can moving off towards the cabin when her arms are full. "That is dispicable. Why would anyone want to do that. If they are not bothering anyone there is no reason to bother them. They must have some goal in mind to be doing this especially if they have ways of drawing them out. I hope you catch them but be careful please"

"Yeah, we're stumped on WHY they do it. Maybe they just want to figure out a way to use that power," Jack says grimly, grabbing a few other things before moving it up on the porch first. "We will catch them." He sounds absolutely sure of this, a spark of cold rage in his eyes suddenly. That's a side Sylvana's never seen before, but it's there now. A fury so cold, so determined. But, Jack is also very patient - he won't be brash.

The sudden look in her Dad's eyes causes her to pause for a moment. Its not a look she liked to see thats for sure but she understands it. While Jack himself was patient Sylvana had her own way of doing things, not that she would tell him of it. She gave him a slow nod of understanding. "I am sure you will. I will be glad when they are brought to justice that is for sure. I hope everyone who has gone missing is found safely. She would open the door for him so he could take his load of things in.

Jack kicks a few things inside with his feet, his arms full - he dumps most of the stuff near the door for now, it can be sorted later. "There will be justice," he says tonelessly. Then he breaks out of the doom and gloom, and grins at her. "I'm gonna get some sleep, sweetie. That rain's going to probably stop that fire, but do you mind staying around a few hours just in case? It'd be so silly if I fell asleep and woke up being on fire."

She carefully puts her things down with the rest and then smiles to him. " Of course I will Dad. Someone has to keep you all safe while you rest." In her mind Sylvana was worried about more than the fires now with the rumors he had said were told about him when he was younger. She moved and gave him a quick hug. "Get a shower and rest . I will keep an eye on everything here. I am sure Goblin will keep me company"

It's not like Jack to rely on anyone, but sometimes you just need a little help. So he nods, and before getting that sleep he does manage to drag himself into the shower to clean up, before he goes to collapse on the bed. He's asleep literally within a minute.