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Wayhouse Visiting

Nathania, Ziv, Walker, Haruki

7 October, 2017

Folks gather at the Wayhouse to get to know one another, visit, and do a little knitting.



It's a quiet day at the Wayhouse, though, with most either out at work (if they do that thing) or going about their daily routines. Ziv, however, for once is not - in fact she's on the other side of the area from where she usually lives. At present, this constitutes a grand total of... sitting at the table with a large mug of hot chocolate and a notebook. A notebook she's focusing on incredibly intently as she slowly writes, holding a blic ballpoint pen in between a thumb and wing tine that would constitute an index finger. For most, it would be super uncomfortable - it might be for her as well, but it works.

In strides Rowan, looking around as if she kinda expected some fanfare to go with her arrival, though she's quickly disabused of such notions in the face of the note-writing Ziv. She clears her throat and offers a wide, friendly smile as she approaches, "Hiya!" she offers by way of greeting, her words spoken with a thick Dublin accent.

Nathania, for her part, is sitting in a chair near Ziv and -fidgeting- with her phone. She forgot her knitting for one of the few times in her Lost life, and it's slowly driving her mad. She's texted her friends back at the orchard; maybe one of them can drop off something, even if it's not the project she's working on...

The fidgeting slows as she spots Rowan, and she sits up from her slumped position. "Hi," she says in a slow, hesitant voice. "How... can I help.. you? I'm Nathania... Winters. I work... here part-time," she explains with a smile full of pearl button teeth.

A few moments before the rear door opens again, a sense of worry settles- faintly- over those present. It's easily dismissed, a sort of concern that the harvest might not come in before the first frost, but it's there in the back of the mind. As it registers, the scent of mouldering leaves, the dying warmth of a bonfire, awash the senses as the back door swings open and admits heavy, soft footsteps. When the door into the Wayhouse proper opens to admit the pallid, mirrormaned Ogre, his eyes red coals in black pitch above a tusky jaw, it's already pretty clear that an Autumn is on its way. He hefts a canvas sack in one hand, knitting needles jutting from the top, so Nat can see it- but his attention is on the unfamiliar Fairest, and the odd wingfolk at the table. "Was heading this way anyhow. This is what I get for saying hello to a stranger, apparently."

Haruki doesn't usually visit the wayhouse. In truth it scares him, all the lost around, with their strange ways. But here he is today, braving whatever dangers are within in order to serve the greater cause. Haruki has the knitting! In fact not knowing what knitting to bring he has a whole basket of the stuff, hoping the right kind is in there. "Nathania?" he calls out as he enters, heading to where he hopes she is. Haruki spots Walker, with knitting too and his eyes go wide. "What were you doing at our place? Did you steal the knitting?"

Rowan turns to focus her gaze on Nathania, that wide grin upped a bit in wattage as she moves closer to the table, "Well hello, Miss Winters. I am Rowan. I've just rolled into town and thought I'd stay a spell. Seems like you're probably the person I need to chat with, if you're minding this place." The other new arrivals get glances of curious interest and friendly smiles of greeting, but for the moment, Rowan's attention is entirely on Nathania.

As Rowan approaches and offers a greeting in that Dublin accent, one of Ziv's ears swivels in her direction. Soon after, her head follows suit in order to look up at Rowan curiously. "Oh, hello!" she greets, pleasantly enough, though probably seems somewhat distracted. And then Nathania's taking the reins - as Waykeepers are wont to do around the Wayhouse. Curse them for doing their job and all. "Hey, Haruki," she offers up in answer to the approach of the adorable little Japanese magician. "It's been a while. How have you been?" then her attention is sliding over to Walker, curiously, and without any actual recognition there. A soft, amused sound is given at Haruki's question about the knitting, before she slumps forward on the table, looking just a bit wary.

Nathania smiles to Rowan pleasantly. "Call... me Nathania, Nat, or Nattie," she says. She spots Walker and Haruki coming in with knitting at the same time--reaches for Haruki, who's closer--and snags the project in question while the two discuss the knitting. Then she looks back at Rowan, relaxing visibly once yarn and needles are in her hands. "It's nice... to meet you. Please, have... a seat." She glances to Ziv. "Okay there, Ziv?" she asks, before working her way into the knitting and relaxing into a natural, upright seated posture again. Metal needles clack softly as she works on something in a soft cream color, lacy and pretty. She doesn't look at it often. Walker blinks at Haruki's accusation, and peers at the basket he's carrying. "Clearly not. I said hello to one of ours leaving Nat's place in passing, and when they heard I was heading this way, they decided we'd explore the whole bird-stone paradigm and see how many we could kill by sending the knitting with me. I guess." Sounds like he got roped into it by someone less than in love with the walk ahead of them. He shrugs and plops the canvas bag happily onto the basket, heedless of leaving Haruki with more than he bargained for. He, at least, signed up for this job. He tromps around those in the way and takes a seat at the table by Ziv, twisting the chair to watch the others and keep Ziv in his peripheral as well, reaching a hand towards her. "Called Red. A pleasure."

"Hi Ziv," Haruki smiles. "I'm good. You?" He does eye Walker, possible stealer of knitting, which is, indeed, a terrible crime. He looks suspicious at the explanation. It's clearly bothering him. "You shouldn't kill birds, not with stones, not with anything." There things are maybe a little fuzzy for him. He pads over to sit as near to Nathania as he can, on the ground near her feet probably.

Rowan nods slightly at the prefered nicknames offered, "Nattie, a pleasure." Then to Ziv she offers a little smile, "And Ziv." The knitting is given a curious look, then she looks at Walker and Haruki, "Yous have a knitting circle or something?" Then Walker gives an explanation to the contrary and she shrugs, finding a seat to perch on. The boots are eyed, and Walker given a little smile as he introduces himself to Ziv. Haruki gets a curious, slightly concerned look as hse murmurs a little, "Ah, bless," under her breath.

Ziv's head perks up from the table again, and she stretches with her wing-hands fanning out the leathery skin in between them. A quick smile is given over to Nathania, before she offers up in answer to the ragdolly, "Yeah, I was out late. Mostly because I could be..." one shoulder is lifted in a shrug, and then her eyes go to Rowan and Walker.

At the two, she kind of boggles for a moment, before ultimately deciding to take hold of Walker's hand, enfolding it in a wing and giving it a light shake - presumably. "Nice to meet you. Ziv Allendale, I'm with the Custodians." This is offered to Rowan as well, then she says to Haruki, "Pretty well. Cabin's just about set, then I might have a house party."

Nathania frees a hand to pet Haruki's hair, a little protectively, before smiling at Rowan. "Are you... new to... the area, Miss Rowan?" she asks pleasantly, slate-colored button eyes bright on the pretty Fairest as she starts to knit again. She smiles at those assembled, nodding faintly to Ziv--yes, talk to Red, get to know him--before smiling at Rowan. "I'm... a Waykeeper, if you are; we... pave the way... toward... people pledging... to the Crown."

Walker squeezes Ziv's hand- firm, but not painful- and nods as she introduces herself. "Not familiar with the Custodians. Afraid I'm -very- new to town myself. What do the Custodians 'custode' hereabouts?" His tone is warm, friendly, for all that the tusks jutting from his lower jaw faintly distort his speech. His attention rests more or less on Ziv, but it's clear he's following Rowan's introduction with some interest- and patently ignoring Haruki's accusations of thievery, probably due to being absurd. OR COMPLETLY ACCURATE?! But probably absurd.

Haruki's unsettled, on edge, fidgetty in fact and he can't help but reach for the wool, and then he stops. He takes a breath, exhales, and watches the goings on.

Nathania is rewarded by a brilliant, if slightly patronizing smile, "Indeed I am, Nattie. And it'd be a real blessing to have you helping me with that process, if you're willing. It's the first time I've really thought to set any roots down since, well, since I found myself in America, so I'm not all that familiar with the process, if you know what I mean." Rowan, for her part, reciprocates Walkers half-atttentive notice of the other introductory conversation going on.

Nathania looks down at Haruki. "Do you need... something to... play with? Or to... go?" She says. She seems mildly surprised that the Asian man had decided to stay at all, really. "I... have a project... you can work on. It's a dishcloth. Doesn't... matter if you... screw up a stitch or two." She glances to Red before her focus settles back on Rowan. She's nonplussed by that patronizing smile, but tries not to show it--much. "It's my job," she says with warmth. "So. What happens is, we have... a little conversation, and if... I decide... I like what I hear, I give your... contact information to... the Crown, who will... contact you in... their own... time."

One of Ziv's ears is always flicking towards Rowan and Nathania while they're going through the usual discussion of getting acquainted with the Freehold. Though she does flick a look at the former, with something said. Soon her eyes go back to Red, wholly, and she's still smiling at him - the tusks do seem to draw her attention more than the rest of his face, though.

"We um... custode books. Collect things. Information. Retrieve artifacts, stuff like that!" The batling's ears perk up when she explains this, before one immediately goes back to dropping some eaves on the other conversation nearby. She blinks a few times, a bit drowsily, then makes her further explanation to Walker, "I haven't really done any of that yet, though. I'm... just a recruit, and pretty new at this. What about you?"

Red's own pointed ears- though admittedly more orcish than bestial- twitch at the mention of books and artifacts. He leans in towards Ziv, coal-in-pitch eyes locked onto her intently. "That sounds right up my alley. I'm one of the Red Walkers, and retrieval of information and relics is absolutely one of our specialties. Is the information yours collects available to all? Or does it require membership?"

Haruki smiles at Nathania. "I didn't know you could knit dishcloths. I'm only on scarves so far. But you show me what to do and I will copy it." He looks at Ziv curiously when she explains the custodians. He has questions, but he doesn't ask them yet. Maybe later. "Are you sworn to the Freehold?" he asks Red Walker.

Rowan glances toward Ziv, momentarily distracted at the talk of retrieving artifacts and 'stuff like that'. But she quickly returns her focus to Nathania, offering a little laugh, "Ah well then, I'll be on my best behavior," she offers with a joking wink. "You just let me know when it's convenient for you to have that conversation, and I'm all yours, Nattie."

Nathania nods at Haruki, and pulls out the dishcloth project in pretty shades of blue cotton yarn, and shows him how to do the stitches. It's a basic knit stitch right now, with only a little complication. "When.. you get... to 50 stitches... on the needle, let me know," she says. There's 30 there now--so a while to go.

The dolly looks up at Rowan. "We can talk... now if you'd like. No pressure. Just... a getting to know... you kind of thing," she says, smiling at the Fairest. "And I should... probably... let you know... the laws of the Freehold... at some point. They're... important."

Ziv's ears go back as Red leans towards her - he's pretty big, with that aura of autumn, and she's well... small. And partially a rather jittery, skittish animal. Though with his question, they flick up again and she offers back, "Um, I -think- most of it is stored in the Custodian library. I don't know how... accessible that is to others or not. That would be something, maybe, I could um, ask one of the others." It looks for a moment like she's about to chitter on, but then stops.

Walker nods firmly at Ziv's response, unconcerned with Ziv's reaction. But then, he's Autumn- how grumpy is he really gonna be that he scared some delicate little bat? That's a healthy response! "I'd very much appreciate that, Ziv- very much indeed. If you could let me know what you learn, I'd be most appreciative." Haruki's question pops, and he glances down towards the lapkid, nodding. "Aye. Why do you ask?"

Rowan nods again to Nathania, paying close attention now, as laws are brought up. "Oh sure, I'm happy to talk now. Don't mind if these lot hear either. I don't have much to hide, really. And I'd love to know the rules of the neighborhood like."

Haruki watches Nathania as she shows him how to do the stitch. He focuses entirely on what she's doing, fingers twitching a bit. There's nothing but the knitting. He can do it. Easy. He takes a breath and the needles and starts to repeat exactly what she did, counting as he goes. Click click click go the needles. He does have to look. It takes him a while to process Walker's spoken to him, that he's been asked a question. "Custodians. Freehold." He says.

Nathania chimes in as an aside to Ziv. "Some parts... are open to... outsiders. Not everything, as one... can understand," she says, before looking back to Rowan. "Okay." And then she goes nuts explaining that whole list of Freehold Laws to the Fairest. It's slow, and she's speaking in what's actually legalese, but she'll re-explain if there are questions.

Bat ears rotate again when Nathania offers up that further information, and she bobs her head along, eyes still on Walker. "So um, you should probably be able to easily get in and talk to the Custodians... or get information off the shelves," she says, with a small tilt of her head to the side. "Or, you could join?" that's said a little more brightly, and then one ear swivels to listen to Nathania rattle off the bylaws of Fate's Harvest, while her eyes drift to Haruki.

Rowan does ask for clarification at a couple of points, but smiles and eventually says almost flippantly, "Sounds easy enough. Pretty standard like." She does ask, as Ziv montions joining the Custodians, "I guess you all are recruiting certain positions 'round the place?" She seems to half expect not to be answered, seeing as how she's only gotten the rules, and not the Q&A session.

"Aha- makes sense, Haruki. Thank you for asking, then." Ziv's offer is made, and the Ogre turns her way, curious. "Join?" Red lifts a hand to rub at the tip of one of his tusks thoughtfully. "Didn't know you were recruiting. Might not be a bad idea. What would that entail, exactly?" Nathania's legal diatribe, and Rowan's questions, all still maintain interest, but he does his best not to be overly distracted from Ziv. That'd be rude.

Nathania answers the question anyway. "Yeah, but you have... to join... first." She winks, a four-button slate eye going to a black round shank button and back. "But anyway. So tell me... a little bit... about yourself, Rowan. While I put up... Sight of Truth and Lies, a... goblin contract." She nods. "It's for both... of our safety. Call it an old, bad habit... of mine."

Haruki is knitting, exactly as Nathania showed him how, not deviating at all from the way she did things. Knit knit knit, his movements precise, the rhythm the same. He keeps at it. He's asked his question. He shivers when Nathania speaks of sight of truth and lies. "Not a habit. That's what they all do. All the time. And now we're all bound to truths again."

Rowan glances at Haruki and laughs, teasing gently, "You prefer to lie, my friend? I can sympathise. Much quicker sometimes, surely." She settles back, intentionally nonchalant, as if to prove she doesn't care if she's bound to truthiness. "Well, name's Rowan Eldertree, as I said. Arrived in America about a year or so ago. Been traveling with a motley 'round the country, doing the festival circuit and the like. Decided to see about settling down a bit." All true, it seems, though her name probably tingles the spidey senses, as might often happens, being a name chosen, rather than given.

Ziv looks down at Haruki curiously, and perhaps questioningly, as he continues to talk - or maybe it's the commentary about the Custodians and the Freehold. She blinks a few times, and then her attention is drawn once more to Red. Even if his own drifts, she's not exactly in much of a state to comment - but no answer is given to Rowan since she's busy doing the shakedown with Nathania.

"I think I'm the only recruit," she admits to Red, with a nod of agreement towards his last question regarding the Custodians. "So... I would think so? I think I saw something, recently, about wanting new recruits..." Nathania stares down at Haruki. "What?" she says, confused. "what's wrong?" before listening to Rowan, nodding at each 'truth ping'. The name chosen gets a smile. "Pretty," she compliments. Then, as she's half-paying attention to Ziv and Red: "Yes, recruits... are a good... idea." Walker nods slowly as Ziv explains the recruitment situation, and as Nat clarifies it. "Once you're done, then- perhaps we could discuss it?" He does his best not to interfere with the questioning, staying quiet best as he can while it continues. Haruki's outburst strikes him as odd, and the Ogre slings him a bit of a squinty, puzzled look.

"I am a magician," Haruki says as if that explains everything. He keeps up with the knitting. It's taking concentration and focus to do but he's doing it exact. "It's all in the Hedge?" he asks. Or did he say head? He keeps knitting. "Don't use it so much you get paranoid when you don't and think everyone is a liar. It is good for now. Truth lies. Friends traitors. It will drive you mad if you know all the lies big and small all the time. People lie." Nathania's comment on Rowan’s name gets a derisive curl of her lip and a shrug as she counters, "An old bad habit," she parrots. To move away from such things, she adds, "I was from Ireland, as you mighta guessed from the accent, but when I was runnin' from the Fair Folk, I wasn't as choosy as I shoulda been with my guide, and ended up here instead of Galway. So I just do my best kickin' around here. Can't say I'm eager to go back, truth be told." Haruki gets a grin, suddenly genuinely interesting, "Oh yeah? Do a trick for us, yeah? You pull rabbits outta hats and coins outta ears and that stuff?" She nods in agreement with his assesment of the need for lies, "Oh sure, need to be able to tell a lad he's looking fit when he's about to ask a girl out, whether it's true or not, right? Would spoil all the fun of life if we couldn't do that sort without being treated as terrors."

Nathania smiles at Walker and nods, before looking back to Rowan. She blinks at the reaction. "I wasn't... meaning to be rude..." she says slowly, even for her. "I just... wanted to be kind." She even looks a little hurt. But she nods, swallowing her hurt-ness and watching Rowan as she speaks. "Go back... to Ireland, I take it." And her hand returns to Haruki's shoulder. "Only if.. you want to, Haruki."

Ziv squints for a moment at Haruki, and then abruptly flips herself upside-down in her chair. It's a good thing that she's wearing a pair of basketball shorts and an overly large tank top currently, instead of the usual dresses. Her clawed feet give an idle flex, since she can't quite reach the back of the chair to grip there. Now, she can see Haruki under the table, albeit upside down. "What's wrong, Haruki?" she wonders. "You seem kinda jumpy."

Walker grins back at Nat as she flashes her pearly smile his way, then blinks, startled when the little bat flips abruptly. For a moment, he considers taking note of her lack of propriety- baggy clothes notwithstanding, upside down baggy is a lot less modest than right side up modest... but then, Etsy's here, and Ziv's a far cry short of "swimming mermaid" immodest.

"That isn't the real danger of the Sight, Haruki. You're looking one layer down. The real danger is forgetting how to listen to your gut and make your own judgements. You can be betrayed with a careful truth, too. The Sight doesn't tell you who you can trust, not even which WORDS you can trust. Just which ones are true."

"Everyone always asks that," Haruki says. "You're a magician, do a trick. They don't ask Nat to knit them a toiletrollcosy just because she knits. But it's always Magician do a trick. Coins out of hats and rabbits out of ears. But not today. I'm knitting. Knitting is magic too." He smiles and nods. "There's good happy lies. Lies that make people feel better. Lies that stop people from being hurt. Lies that bring wonder into the world. Some people say magic's a lie. I do magic tricks now and then everyone else does better ones." He smiles at Ziv. "It's just a bit noisy. All buzzing. I'm knitting though so it's good." He looks at Wallker. Considers that actually. The needles pause. "Oh. I didn't know that was how it worked. Yes. That makes sense. Going to remember it."

Rowan waves off Nathania's apology, "Oh I know. Didn't mean to make you think otherwise. Just how it goes, eh." She nods at the clarification, "Yeah, back to Ireland. Don't imagine there's much there for me but a fairy doll with my face and a cup full o' trouble." She grins at Nathania's defense of the use of the goblin contract, giving a little nod, "Seems like you've got your head on right about it, in any case." She laughs a little at Haruki's response and holds up a hand to ward off further argument, "A good point well made, friend. I recind the request. Didn't mean to offend. I suppose I've just got a bit of awe for someone with a real talent." All truth, for what that's worth.

Nathania smiles, warming up to Rowan a bit. She nods. "I understand," she says softly. "And yes. I don't use... the Sight much... anymore. It's..." She hesitates before gesturing to Walker. "That. I almost lost... my gut instinct. Then I read...a book, of all things, and remembered." She nods. "Mortal book, at that." Before looking back to Rowan. "What brings... you to... the area here? Tamarack Falls and... Ft. Brunsett?"

Ziv sinks down further in the chair, nearer the floor, her feet just kind of... gradually starting to disappear under the table with the rest of her. Her wings are flipped up - or down, rather - so she can prop herself up nearer to the floor and tilt her head at Haruki. "You suuuurrre everything's okay?" she wonders of him, watching his face intently. "You're, um, awfully verbose and twitchy for you..."

Walker does his best to leave Ziv to her devices, as she tries to fix Haruki. He nods at the kid when he thanks him for the explanation, pleased to have handed him something new to consider- and something new to fear. He settles back into his seat, Rowan and Nathania's explanations riding onwards by the moment, doing his best to keep track of it.

Rowan grins at Nathania, sensing the slight warming, and gives a casual shrug, "Ah, well, seemed like a good bit of craic, like. Digging in with new freehold and all." She considers, then adds, "Like I said, haven't stopped moving since I got here, so it's probably about time I gave a stationary life a go for a bit. We'll see if it sticks."

"Not offended," Haruki says. "Will show a trick later maybe." He gets back to the knitting. "If you do whatever it is that you do for me too. What is it you do?" He shrugs at Ziv. "I can't lie." He says to her, in answer. "Why did I think I needed to ask you about singing? I can't remember. I thought I had to ask. Piano. Song? And then you ran away and there was a gift. We've done that?" Walker chips in. "You can lie. Nat'll just know it. Ziv won't."

Nathania nods. "Craic?" she asks, her hand still on Haruki's shoulder, concernedly but gently squeezing before she gets back to her own knitting. "Red is right, though. I'll know. No one... else will." She smiles softly at Haruki. "And you have... to lie sometimes, I understand." Even here. For the mortal, especially here, at times.

"Maybe you should just try talking normally? And... more thoughtfully. I don't think you lie -that- much, Haruki, but this is really psyching you out," Ziv sinks even lower on the chair, to the point that she might be about to fall out of it and flop on the floor. Her head tilts to the side, before she watches Haruki, and then she notes, "You were trying to um... fix the situation. The talk about doctors and... medications... and stuff was upsetting me." She shudders a bit, the fur around her head and neck fluffing up - mobile hair!

“I love you, Nathania," Haruki smiles suddenly. "Like a sister." And that's all the truth. He looks at Ziv and remembers, then nods. "Thank you for being my friend, Ziv. I'd love a cup of tea. Is there any around, do you think? Like the relaxing ones?"

Walker stands, snapping his fingers and pointing at Haruki as he asks for tea. "I'll get a kettle on. Anyone else want a cup? I dunno what kinda tea is here, but I can stick a teabag or little strainer-thing into hot water with the best of them."

Nathania smiles at Ziv, mouths a soft 'thank you' and nods toward Haruki, before saying, "I love you... too, Aniki." She grins at the nickname and gently ruffles that black hair. Then she looks to Walker. "Thanks. I'd love... some. We have... teabags in... the cupboard to the left... of the fridge. I'll take.. some Lady Grey with... a splash of cream, please."

Nathania nods. "So what would... I call you, little brother?" she teases Haruki gently, smiling down at him. She watches Walker and Ziv head into the kitchen, smiling a bit. Rowan returns from a visit to the ladies, asking belatedly, "Did I hear someone say they were making tea?"

"Oh no, that's Itsy," Haruki smiles. "He's the baby." He does seem a bit more relaxed when the room gets quieter. "Why do you knit dishcloths? Can't you just buy them?"

"There are a lot more of us..." admits Ziv, somewhat more quietly, to Walker's commentary to her. She's really very quick about getting out the mugs, and positioning the teabags in them. The cream is even set near to the refridgerator, out and ready to be poured in. One ear turns towards Rowan, in the other room, and then she calls back, "Would you like some tea, Rowan?"

Back to Walker then, she flicks her ears a few times and then frowns, before explaining, "Where I come from there were many-many, but... there aren't so many here, really. You're right that there aren't many around here. There's only one other like me that I've seen, and he's from the same place I am..."

Walker calls back into the other room. "You DID hear that. Care for a cup?" As Ziv speaks of herself and the one like her, tone quiet- strange, for what he can tell of the girl- he turns his attention batward, focused while she speaks. He rubs his tusk again, pondering. "Strange. I wonder why so few return. Mayhap... it is for the same reason that so few Players return from Glitch's place. Perhaps... to be one of your kind is a strange and wonderful thing- and difficult to turn away from."

"I like to," Nathania says softly to Haruki. "I like... to because they're easy, small, and... portable." She smiles before nodding to Rowan. "They're in... the kitchen." She knits away at the lacy thing before her, waiting for Rowan to return so the ladies can continue chatting about Rowan.

Rowan nods to Ziv and gives a thumbs up, "That'd be brill'," she responds, "Milk and sugar, please." Walker gets a laugh as she notes, "I'm Irish, love. We can hear a cuppa tea being offered from miles away." Then she resumes her seat and looks to Nathania, "Right, sorry about that. Lady business, ya know?" She leaves it at that with a wince of what she assumes is camraderie with her fellow woman. "Anyway, where were we? What else is it you want to know." "Okay," Haruki says. "I wouldn't want to use them though." He admits. He's trying not to listen to the other conversation. He gets back to his knitting.

"...I don't know. I don't really feel strange and wonderful," Ziv states to Walker, her ears folding downwards and then flicking again as she frowns. The kettle hasn't begun to sing yet, so she just kind of waits nearby, taking a moment to reach into her pockets and pull out some wax earplugs to stuff into her ears. Then, with Rowan's words, she nods and takes out another mug to prep it. "Cream? Sugar?"

"Yes, she wanted both," confirms Walker, as he nods confirmation to Rowan before she turns away. He watches Ziv's ears flit and twitch as she moves to protect her ears from the oncoming onslaught of shrillness, frowning faintly at her words. "We're all of us strange and wonderful. There is wonder in drudgery, excellently performed- in a statue, ill-made and unique- in reluctant elegance, exuberant failure. But. Though we are strange and wonderful- that is no guarantee we -feel- the same way." He starts to hunt for the sugar while Ziv gets the mug. "Feelings are treacherous. They care little for what is real. They are selfish things, with no concern for anything but what they see." He glances back at Ziv and tips his head. "What has left you feeling so?"

Nathania winces back in sympathy before nodding. "Craic, basically. I don't... know the word," she says quietly to the Fairest. "Otherwise--what do... you do now? Mortal job... and Entitlement wise." She half-snugs Haruki after setting her needles down--circular needles easily become a garrote if you're (not) careful. "Why not, Haruki? I always... make more." Then her phone goes off. She checks it. "Glitch... needs me home. He's okay, but I... need to cuddle him. He got beat up last night... in the Hedge. Rowan, if you want... to meet again some time, let... me know." She pulls out a card with her cell number and email address on it, handing it over. "Take care, all."

"Ah, craic," pronounced crack. Rowan laughs and notes, "Not like..." she makes a mime of smoking something and being zoned out, "crack. It's an Irish word for a good time, bit of fun, a laugh." She shrugs and grins, "I don't have a job, really. Just catch as catch can. No papers and all. No entitlements or court either. Just rolling on my own." She pauses as the phone rings, then nods and hastily pulls a pen from her pocket, jotting down her number on the nearest scrap of paper. "Sure, any time. Was lovely to meet you, Nattie."

"Glitch got beat up?" Haruki's up on his feet, packing away the knitting, being sure to grab it all. "Yeah, I'll get you home. I hope he's okay." "Oh... I guess we won't be needing so much tea..." says Ziv, looking down at the mugs. Her ears and eyes flick to Walker again, though, before she offers up to him, "I guess we can drink it..." Her tongue pokes at the inside of her cheek then, afterwards, as she glances into the other room at Rowan before admitting to Walker, "I don't know. I just feel... out of place, and I'm not -good- at anything. So I don't really... do much here. I wasn't even that important, back in Arcadia, I was just some Keeper's pet."

Walker watches Nat and Haruki excuse themselves before frowning quietly. "I'll need to stop by and see what happened." Then, he glances at Rowan, offering, "Have a seat or come join us- tea'll be ready soon either way." Ziv's explanation leaves a quiet smile curled around his tusks. "I think the tea will do you good. It's good for thinking." The kettle starts to whistle, and Red makes quick work of getting it off the heat and ending the sharp sound swiftly. He starts to pour into each mug, glancing back at her while she finishes explaining.

"Of course you feel out of place. You don't belong here. None of us do. That's part of what was taken from us. But that doesn't mean we can't -make- a place for us to belong. That's what every Freehold tries to do, and I've seen my share. It's not easy, and it isn't perfect, and it doesn't feel as nice as just... being in the world you were born into. But the trick is... stop thinking about it." He finishes the pours and sets aside the kettle, letting the tea steep as he speaks. "I know that sounds trite, but I mean it. Stop thinking about it. You don't need to fit perfectly. -None- of us do. You don't need to serve some function. You're a person, not one of Their installations. You're allowed to just be here. -And- you do more than you think. You set Haruki at ease, by barely trying. You made yourself a little vulnerable, and made -him- feel like he fit. That's not something everyone can do. I'm pretty certain it's not something I can do. But you can, and did. You don't stop mattering because you aren't stomping around bringing war to the Gentry. We need people to make home feel like

With Nathania and Haruki leaving, Rowan gives a little wave, then stands and migrates toward the kitchen, catching Ziv's last words and noting with a laugh, "You know, same could be said for people just generally. We aren't specialized like most animals; can't smell great like a dog, or hear things like a rabbit, or run fast like a cheeta, or rip shit up like a tiger. We're just...average really. We can kinda do a lot of things. But that's what's made us good. We can adapt to whatever the world throws our way." She leans against the counter and adds, "Besides, being good at stuff just makes you like a neon sign that reads 'catch me if you can'." She grins and adds, with a wave toward Walker, "Also, Ziv allows Red to fill the mugs with water to accompany the teabags, resting the claws at the tip of her wings on the edge of the counter. While it's apparent she's still listening to both him and Rowan (by the turn of her ears - apparently the earplugs don't completely block out sound, just take the edge off), she doesn't really seem at all enthused by what they say - or like she necessarily believes them. In fact, her ears just fold down, but rather than arguing the point she cops out with an answer of, "Okay..."

Walker welcomes Rowan to the room with a tusky smile, but Ziv's got his attention while he's speaking. He's watching the expressive ears swivel and fold, much as Ziv herself seems to fold at the end. He picks up one mug and holds it out for her to tuck between her wings, and claims another for a long sip himself. "... tell me something, Ziv. If you would. What do you think would make you feel... like you fit? Like you fulfilled a purpose? I'd like to hear your answer- if you're comfortable sharing it." He moves to hand Rowan her own cream and sugar'd tea, as he awaits the little bat's answer.

Rowan takes the tea with a grateful smile, taking an appreciative sip and staying quiet while she watches Ziv, waiting to hear her response to the question.

"...I'll think about it," Ziv says, with a small, apologetic smile to Rowan and a bit of a nod of her head. She looks up to Walker, and then goes to head towards one of the rooms. "I'll have an answer, um... next time I see you."

Walker offers a nod towards Ziv as she excuses herself. "That works for me. Have a good day, Ziv." He lets her go, glancing towards Rowan in the wake of the little bat's escape. "Mmh. Suppose she's not Winter for nothing." Rowan gives Ziv a little wave then chuckles as she looks to Walker, "Scared her right off, didn't ya," she teases. The comment about Winter getting a little nod, "So what about you, Boots? Sounds like you're pretty new in town yourself?"

"Mm. That I am. Going on about a week. Going well, but definitely still one of the new guys." The comment about scaring her off rolls off Walker's shoulders with a shrug, and he gestures with the mug towards Rowan before taking a sip. "Autumn. Scaring is what we do. Not all fear is danger. Some is existential or philosophical. Being acquainted with all of them makes for a healthier, longer life." Rowan laughs at that, "Ah well, all things considered I could probably use a bit more fear myself." She sips her tea, considering Walker for a moment before asking, "How you finding it? You having an easier time than Ziv there in finding your place around here?"

Walker grins tuskily at her comment on fear, then laughs at her follow-up question. "My place is with the Red Walkers. Which sort of lends obsolescence to the idea of needing to find a place -here-, but. Yea, I'm finding it a lot easier. I know who I am. I don't need to be a warrior, or a medic, to feel fulfilled. I Walk. And whether I do that alone or with the others, that remains true." Rowan nods at that and grins, "Ah, well, there you go then." She sips her tea quietly for a moment, the silence heavy with her clear desire to say something, before it spills out, "What /are/ the Red Walkers, anyway? I've hear of ye before, even saw one of you once in Idaho, but never got a clear picture of what you're on about."

Walker grins at her question and waggles his mug. "We're guides. We find things- paths, relics, Hollows, groves- and help others find them. Most talents that use the Hedge are in our ranks somewhere, but we try to leave anything we make behind, in the hands of the Freeholds we assist."

Rowan considers that for a long moment, pulling a face of sort of 'huh' mixed with approval. "Well, that seems like a worthwhile thing to do. Everyone's got something lost, I suppose. If you ever need a hand, let me know. Not sure I'm suited for such work long term, but I'm always up for a lark." Yes, she just suggested that looking for things in the Hedge is a 'lark' without the slightest trace of sarcasm or humor. "Must make people quite happy when yous show up."

"Generally speaking, it does. Sometimes folks are less pleased with our arrival, but those are usually the ones with something to hide," explains Walker, sipping at the tea in his hands. "And we do like to think it's worthwhile." The two are in the kitchen with tea. The kettle's still hot, and they seem to be discussing Red's organization.

Rowan is leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping a cup of tea. She nods and offers a little grin, "Yeah yeah, I'm sure I'll find plenty of ways to get myself into trouble, but might as well do something useful once in a while, right?" She wonders, after a moment, "So what is it you're hoping to find /here/ in particular?"

Walker shakes his head at the question. "That's not exactly how things work. We're not here looking for something. We just move from Freehold to Freehold and do what we can to strengthen and improve things while we're there. We're not hunters- we're Guides."

“Tribbles.” a voice off to the right states. When the hell did Ashe get there? No one will ever know. Creepy freaking Autumns. Then the woman takes a seat near where Maxwell is seated and there’s a smile to the Waykeeper, “I’ve been running behind the last few days, my apologies.” she tells him as she takes a small book from him. Then she looks back to Walker and Rowan, “How’re you two doing today?” she asks them.

(OOC: For rest of this scene see: Log:Pledging_Rowan_and_Walker