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Latest revision as of 04:00, 21 September 2017

Talking Dreams With Lulu

"Hello. Welcome to Gathering Wool."


Polk, Count, Lulu, Signe


Polk and Signe go to Gathering Wool to speak with Lulu and Count about Dreams.


Gathering Wool

There are little thistle spiders hanging from the ceiling, fun little craftwork Halloween decor everywhere including a little stack of pop out cardboard 3d mouse skeleton puzzles. She'd given one to Count earlier in the week when the shipment had come in. Blacks, Purples, Greens, Reds, and Orange are prominent throughout the shop. Lots of little things around the shop indicate they're gearing up for all the Halloween crafts that are celebrated through the entirety of October. However, there's a sign that reads 'Closed for Restocking' on the door. But ask Lulu had indicated when she'd sent word to folks, the door is unlocked.

Currently a cart is sort of haphazardly parked against one wall, some black garland with sparkly ghosts is half taped up but hangs loosely on one end of a shelf swaying and almost touching the ground and it appears that recently some postcards have been knocked over. Lulu is sitting on the counter in front of Count and looking sheepish. "I forgot to lock the wheels."

Signe lived really close to the store, so she'd gotten there in record time after Polk said he was there. She looks up to the thistle spiders and there's a smile, "Those are neat." she murmurs to herself. Then the Wizened looks towards the counter where there's two Changelings and there's a wave of a tattooed hand, "Good evening." she states. And she even left Alocer at the shop. Because she wasn't sure if he was allowed in here.

"Uh huh." Count's tone is dead pan, but there's an evil grin on his lips, glancing back to the mild destruction in their wake, and then back to her. "Well, clearly, it's a good thing I was here then wasn't it?" The beast is standing before her, and now reaching for his drink, taking a final sip before realizing the bottle is still empty, and mutters, setting it back down again.

The beast is wearing black (which no one that knows him is surprised about), motorcycle boots, torn jeans and a t-shirt, probably with some printed nonsense on it. Exposed arms and neck display more than a couple tattoos, most of them older and faded.

When the door opens and Signe arrives, Count looks over, narrowing his eyes slightly, and starts to open his mouth to say that they are closed, but then doesn't, looking for Lulu first, raising a brow.

Lulu smiles and lifts a hand. "Hello. Welcome to Gathering Wool, I'm Lulu. What kinda business you here for?" She wonders of the newcomer with idle interest only reaching to give Count's shoulder a very small slow poking. "Totally. For sure." She drawls cheerfully in an airy tone. The strange seafoam colored woman's eyes absorb light, Vantablack and almost like someone cut them out of a photo. She doesn't seem terribly interested in getting the messed up displays in order just at the moment. The shop owner's feet are bare, her strangely patterend hair is starting to darken from blonde towards a deepening brunette with the shortening of the days. She's wearing a soft off-white angora sweater with ganwed on sleeves and several broom skirts layered to give her even more floofiness. It doesn't make her seem any heavier though, a soft almost eternal breeze picks up shimmering dust from her fluttering it about her before it disapates to nothing.

"I'm Signe. Tony said he'd be here. Dielle should be by as well. I think." she tells the Moth. SHE'S SO FLUFFY! "I left my hedge beast at home, didn't think it was appropriate to bring him." the silver haired woman states. There's a look to Count and then his tattoos, "Nice work." she tells him. "Those spiders are neat." she tells Lulu.

A blue sedan parks in front of the shop and the guy who gets out is someone Signe recognizes through the glass, but the others may not unless they were at Crown's court last week. The bearded man is wearing a Pat's hoodie with his plain green ballcap and some jeans. Moving to the door, he clearly see's the sign but steps in anyhow and waves two fingers to Signe before looking to the others. It does not take an eagle-eyed sort to tell he can see their miens. The door is closed behind him as well, "Heya Signe. Dielle got hijacked by Jon tonight. Sorry. But you got me, hope that'll suffice." The words are also somewhat directed to the others. He's got a casual southern drawl at the edges. "Hey. Tony Polk," he introduces.

Count takes a moment to look Signe over, golden eyes, not just the iris, but everything save for the black pupils, utterly leonine, including the black rims around, but that might just be eyeliner, the black hair of his definitely came from a bottle. Lulu's poke to his shoulder earns the mothling a grunt of faux-discomfort, and an amused look, that vividly blue tongue of his pressing on the inside of his cheek. Counts tattoos are, if nothing, varied, some of the work is good, some of it... is very not, and most of them have that blue-green faded tone to them by now.

The beast inclines his horned herad to Signe, and then looks to Tony as well, casting a sidelong and faintly questioning look to Lulu, and then back to the others. "The names Count."

Lulu looks up and smiles, "Thank you. I didn't make them though. Not much a fan of Spiders." She wiggles her brows before lifting her shoulders. "Oh. Uhm, well welcome! This is Count he's here to help a bit. He's been helping me out and keeping an eye on me while I've been working on folk's dreams. We'll just wait for them to show up and then head upstairs and I'll make tea for everyone." She says with a brightening smile that literally brightens her some. She slips off the counter proper and drifts over to Signe, sort of flitting for a moment and looking out past the seasonal painted windows. Spotting a figure coming through she smiles and drifts back for the counter again. "Welcome welcome, Tony Polk. Signe. Come along upstairs and we'll chat. Count will you lock the door?"

The Fae-Touched are invading! Signe gives a smile when she hears Polk, "Heya, Tony." she tells him with a little wave. Then there's a look back to Count as the Darkling looks at her and there's another look to his tattoos as well and then a nod, "Nice to meet you, Count." she tells him. Then there's a look to Lulu, a curious look at the mention of dreams, "I heard some other folks were having issues. Hopefully things will get cleared up." she nods to this. If she doesn't look entirely comfortable its because she isn't.

Tony nods to Count but doesn't seem hard up to go out of his way to be overly friendly. His eyes move around the shop and he smile at the pillow pit. Nice. For all intents and purposes, though, the guy looks human. Maybe a hint of a mien but nothing easily divined -- less seen and more sensed something not wholly human there. Hands stuffed into the pouch of his hoodie, those eyes eventually come back around to look at Signe. Once Lulu leads the way, though, Tony will move with the group.

Count gives Lulu a single nod, and then moves past the two fae-touched, and goes to lock the door behind them with a single firm =click= of the deadbolt.

He brings up the rear, helping heard the group upstairs. Once there, he closes the door behind them as well, to ensure privacy. The way the man moves is... hard to pin down, it's something feral, primal, like something made to stalk deep jungles was forced into the shape of a hairless monkey. Count stalks the edge of the room, circling around and heading towards Lulu, playing the second to her Dream Magic Majesty.

While others may be less than comfortable the Moth seems to drift along as if anothing at all bothers her. Not inviting strange Lost or Fae-touched into her apartment. Once inside she shows people where to take off their shoes before she slips through the winding netted entrance into the main room. There are not a lot of winged insects right now in the strange room with it's varied and many plants, pillows and eccentric boho decor. "Come in, come in, I'll make tea. And while I'm doing that, Mr. Polk would you mind giving me more information on why the Monarchs requested that you and your lovely friends seek me?" She makes her way to the netting on the other side of the room. It's easy to see her through the transluscent netting that keep the moths and few lingering butterflies in.

The sort of haphazard collection of pale colored furniture also is accompanied by a pile of pillows as well as a papasan chair stacked full of socks that has a distinctly small body haped divet in the center.

After putting the copper bottomed kettle on, Lulu waits for the kettle to boil while gnawing on her sleeve and listening to her guests.

"I don't think I got the memo about the Monarch wanting us to seek you out. Dielle has been working on my dream stuff." Signe states as she gives a look to Polk. Since this was his show now. He was the person she was looking at.

Polk takes his trail shoes off and seems to have no problem walking around in wool socks. He looks around the room and glances to Count as he circles, nothing menacing but more just keeping his attention on who is moving where. There's a genuinely casual way to how he moves, as if life will wait for him on his own time. "To give a direct answer to your question up front, I'm not entirely sure. The crown knows I'm more bent towards investigations and defense, but that's all I can offer." He folds his hands in front of him, standing there and looking towards Lulu. "Contextually, the monarch asked if there was anyone who knew of someone who was having dream issues. Signe here indicated to me the day before that she was having some trouble. The crown asked and I spoke up, but I withheld names. I still have. Dielle voiced her own concerns about her dreams after Court but I reported both after speaking with Signe at the crown's request. After the report she directed me to speak with you. There was the indication that there was a shortage of people who would follow-through with gathering info and reporting in. I can't say it was direct wording, though, but more a subtle suggestion." To Signe there is a slow nod. "No need to advertise, to be honest," he says with a low shrug of one shoulder.

Lulu blinks and perks. "Oh? Well wonderful then. I'm glad to hear of it." Lulu's features are open and she does seem to relax somewhat as she prepares teacups and the tea set with it. The copper bottom kettle and gast stove make things fast for the tea and it's not long before Lulu is pouring the tea and bringing the set back in with the flutering moths and moves to a table to set them down. "I see. Well, I know of two current phenomenon in the Skien. One is Keeper Related. One is not, but just as invaseive. Broken Dolls seeking out Mother. They trie my dreams which is why I was able to find them, but the problem was they were .. outside of the Skien." She pauses, "No. That's wrong. Trapped within it. Lost." She shrugs, "I don't rememebr exact details. The Kindly One's interferance..though. Let Deille know to be very..very careful. Unfourunately I'm not much more helpful than that."

There's a faint twitch to Count's lips at the mention of the monarch, just enough to expose too large, too sharp teeth at the corner of his mouth. The Beast ends up settling by a window, half leaning against the sil and watching the two strangers as they speak with Lulu, taking in what they say, processing it storing it away.

From his pocket he produces a cigarettes, while he opens the window, and a moment later he's lighting it up, but his attention never leaves the fae touched, letting the meeting happen without his imput, for now.

Signe gives Polk a thumbs up at the not advertising. "Thanks, Tony." she muses as she continues to stand. She does give a nod to the news though, taking in things. "See, I told you demonic possession would be better." she whispers to Polk when talk of Keepers messing with dreams comes up. Apparently the chance of a Keeper making her a puppet is not a good thing.

Polk moves over closer to the table and will take a teacup when its poured. Or he can pour his own. He is listening, though. The mention of a Keeper gets a flicker of his eyes to her then back to the tea. The confusion about the dolls doesn't draw comment, either. "Good to know. I'll be sure to give Dielle a heads up. I'm sure any advice to how she should proceed would be greatly appreciated." The whisper from Signe gets a look over to her, a lopsided smile on his face. "It could be. You never know. Don't think you want to try and find out, though," he half-whispers with a low laugh. Looking back to Signe and Count, "What I told the crown in my report was that Dielle's issue and Signe's did not seem to be related and probably were not, but as with anything dream related, nothing can be completely ruled out. Sounds like we're sort of on the same page. But obviously what I can know is limited. I'm definitely no skeinwalker." Clearly. "Sig, has Dielle been able to tell you anything yet? Or have you two been able to dive in?"

Lulu blinks, "Well if she's going to be doing the inveatigations and scouring then it's pretty much the same. I would also never dream of telling another Oneiropomp how to conduct their business. I'm sure that she and Miss Signe have that well in hand. It's just like.." She falls quiet a moment and then smiles a bit though it's small and fleeting. "Well let's just say that it could really, really harsh her mellow. She should go in with support. And to make sure no one's to the point of sleepwalking, once they're at that stage no one could do it alone." She serves everyone tea, including a fifth cup that she just puts water in and a couple of lumps of sugar. She puts about eight in her own before lifting it to sip it. The fluffy haired moth blinking between the two.

"I'm not going to go out and spill the blood of the innocent and start playing records backwards." Signe chuckles to Polk. "She's given me some dream traps and she's going to watch my dreams and check on how things are going." she tells them. "And from what I've gathered there's another dream incident coming up that was posted about. So, I'm thinking the Skein and other things are trying to spit things out." she states. Then there's a look to Lulu, "I'd not like to put Dielle at risk. So if there's things we should tell her, we will." she states. "Is the other person that had this going on okay?" she asks.

Flick. Flick. Flick. Count's eyes move from person to person, taking his time to study Signe and Polk, letting Lulu lead the talks as they separate the different types of Dream Drama. In time, he drops the remains of the cigarette in the allwy between this shop and the laundry next door, and pushes off thew wall. stalking over to where Lulu is, and picking up his own tea. He's still not said a thing since he introduced himself however, at least until Signe asks that question, which causes him to snort. "I mean, she wasn't alright to start with, but i don't think there's lasting damage."

Polk takes the tea and steps back from the table. Held up to his chin, he lets the scent and steam wash over his senses. Seems he might have been somewhere to learn how to appreciate something like that. "Virgins, Signe. Spill the blood of /virgins/. Get it right. 'Innocent' is way too broad." A sidelong smile is slid her way, then he looks back down with the tea. Count's remarks get a considered tilt of his head and an allowing nod. Makes sense. "Lulu, you mentioned sleepwalking." A sip of the tea is finally taken, eyes moving to Signe. "Sig, you said something about sleepwalking or waking up odd places, if I recall. Was that right?"

Lulu says, "People." Lulu corrects with wide eyes and a small slightly vacant smile rolling her head towards Count and regarding him. "And no. But they will be. And that's what matters. I don't think those I've been working with are near the extent of the problem either. I am, of course, very limited in what I can say outside of the information unrelated to each individual. The common thread of the Kindly One is gaming. Harmless gaming at first, that swiftly turns into loosing. Constant loosing.. and then slowly peppered with the sweet tates of favored victory. Typical Dream Grooming. We know that it's very easy for a Fae to poison any number of mortals any time, any where, with the appropriate planning and contact. I have not, yet, attempted to see if I can figure out what the poison's root is or which Keeper it is." When Polk says that Sine's been sleepwalking Lulu's expression goes completely neutral. "I trust Dielle will take care of it forthwith.""

"I'm not slitting my own wrists." Signe grimaces at Polk. Then there's a moment she quiets as she listens and there's a bit of a look, "I've been known to sleepwalk before is the thing." she states. "But everything Lulu has mentioned is what's going on in my head." she frowns. "I feel like if I step on a crack or something that something terrible is going to happen." she admits. Probably why she's still standing and not touching anything.

Polk keeps his ears open and mouth closed while Lulu explains part of Kindly One. He knows that just hearing it can attract problems, but he doesn't seem too nervous about that for whatever reason. Or he hides it well. This probably is not the first or third time Polk has sat in on a discussion like this. Signe's concerns for herself have him reach out and gently rest a hand on her shoulder. "This will get resolved and be a bad memory soon." That half-smile sits on his face a moment before the hand drops and he looks back to Lulu and Count. "Is there any indication of what might attract this Keeper? Anything I should watch for in my own dreams or listen for other people experiencing, other than what has been mentioned?"

Lulu says, "Some. But it requires more research. I do not wish to speculate and lead to conjecture that harms those we're here to help." She smiles her head tilting to the side with that strange alien dreamyness. "But yes, it will be resolved. I'm certain with the Monarchs and Waykeepers interest in it that something will be stirred. I've heard no word from the Order though..""

Signe gives a look over to Polk and there's a smile, "Thanks, Tony." she tells him. Then there's a look to Lulu as she speaks and a nod to that, but she doesn't say anything right away. Probably processing all of the information. She's new to the dream world of Changelings.

Tony can live with that. The cup of tea is lifted in cheers, understanding Lulu's point and why. "I'll teach you some lucid dreaming techniques once this is all cleared up, Sig. You can keep a better eye on your dreams that way. Spot trouble coming. I'm just glad you said something." There's another sip to the cup, looking to Lulu and Count. "Is it normal to not hear from the Order you refer to? ...I also wanted to ask, while I have people in private. Do either of you have opinions of the Harvestmen? Bit of left field, sorry."

Lulu says, "No. I do not have opinions on any of the many orginizations of the freehold." She lifts a shoulder, "I'm not really big into responcibility, yanno." She smiles. "And no, not normally. Under the circumstances the Order would usually be the first to be alerted. Why do you have an opinion you'd like to share with me about them?"

"That would be appreciated, thanks Tony." Signe states as she tries to relax just a touch. There's a bit of a look to Polk as he asks about the Harvestmen and she waits for Lulu to finish, before she speaks, "Well, my cousin was a member, died on one of the scouting trips when she and Dielle were out." she tells them. "I've not heard much else from them since then. Leadership changed and kind of went quiet." she explains.

Polk shakes his head easily. "No, no opinions. Hard to form an opinion with little contact. Mostly just trying to shake out a temperature for them around the freehold before I go leaping into anything." He looks over to Signe, too, and gives a thoughtful grunt of a sound. "Yeah, I heard Byron used to head them up and someone new took them over. Not a lot since. Sorry 'bout your cousin." There's a slow nod and a heavy inhale before he looks to Lulu again, "Is there anything I can do for Signe?"

Count's response at the mention of the harvestmen and his opinion of them? A grunt and then a shake of the head. Of course, Count isn't part of the freehold, not that he advertises this much, it's just a simple fact.

Lulu's head tilts and her brow knits a little and her mouth forms a little oh of sympathy and she reaches up to smooth a hand over her hair trying to tame some of the determined patterned fluff. She presses her lips together, "I don't even recall who Byron was." She admits and her expression seems both unsurprised and unapologetic that she doesn't know. "Though Etsy seems to have put something up about dreams recently. Perhaps she could direct you to them?"

Signe gives a bit of a nod to Tony, "Dusks sorta go when they need to." she states. "Thank you." she adds. "I think most of the Freehold groups have had leadership periods or down times. Probably best to go shake a few of them if you'd like to see about joining." she tells Tony.

Polk nods to Lulu. "Fair 'nuff. I'll talk to Etsy and see what might be able to be done. Probably nothing, but its worth an ask. I've never heard of a Fae-Touched traveling between dreams but eh." The guy shrugs. The Lost never cease to hold surprises and new ideas. Signe's point gets a lift of his cup of tea, "I'll probably have to do that." Looking to Lulu once more, "Alright, any partying words or suggestions? I'll pass the advice for her issues onto Dielle, at the least." The tea is finished, cup set gently on the tray.

Lulu nods her agreement as she sips her tea. She appears to agree with Signe's assesment of the situation. "Well, mortal folk can do it sometimes. So don't discount yourself. Even then learning how to lucid dream is good for anyone." She doesn't bother to shoo aay the moths and butterflies that have moved to drink the sugar water instead stands and inclines her head. "Nothing for now. But I have ways to remind myself if I need to remember to tell you all something." Her confidence seems to reassuring.

"Thank you two for seeing us and the information is appreciated." Signe tells Lulu and Count. "I need to get back to the tattoo parlor before Alocer gets all fidgety though. He's not used to being alone these days." she chuckles. "And Dielle's a Lieutenant, I'm sure you can ask her, Tony." she tells him.

Lulu smiles as it all works out. "You're welcome. Thank you for coming to ask." She says to both Wizened and Touched with an incline of her head. "Let me know if I can help any other way. Just leave it unlocked, I'll be down in a moment."

"Understood. Thank you both, yeah. For the tea as well." Polk taps a slight nigh-tip of his ballcap to Lulu. "Ma'am." He turns to move off behind Signe and follow her down.