Tess Finegold

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Tess Finegold
Tess 1.jpg
On Game As: Tess
Played By: Sasha Something-or-Other
Concept: Doomed Bird of Hope
Date of Birth: September 25th, 1985
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Occupation: Falconer
Virtue: Vigilant
Vice: Stubborn

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Windwing
Court: Dusk
Keeper: The Noemata

“Paranoia is just another word for ignorance.”
– Hunter S. Thompson


      The woman known as Tess is an apparent newcomer to the area, even though her accent would place her as a local. Maybe she's returning? She doesn't say much about that. She does talk about birds a lot, which makes sense once you learn that she's apparently a professional falconer and falconry teacher. Like, who's a professional falconer these days? What does that even entail? When asked, she'll laugh, and tell the questioner about some competitions she's won and some farms she's set up with highly reliable rodent removal systems in the form of birds taught to regard the crop fields as their hunting grounds.


      It's easy to miss Tess at first, even though it doesn't feel like it should be. She has that big shock of red hair, for one thing. How do you miss that? Well, she's quiet. Doesn't make too much of a thing about being in the area, and she walks softly. Her clothes and build are fairly unremarkable, tending toward dark pants and jackets, perhaps with gloves if it's cold. Once you see her, though, she doesn't blend in. Is it the hair? Or is it the intense look in her eyes? Does she blink often as everybody else?

      If the often graven-faced woman weren't mysterious enough, there's the big-ass bird who usually rides on her shoulder or arm. He's just a raven, thinking whatever thoughts ravens think when they're around people. He's probably thinking that he could go for some tasty roadkill right about now.


      Tess' face looks pretty much the same as her Mask, but with a slightly more pronounced hook to her nose, and she basically never blinks if she's watching something. She typically wears concealing clothes, so the downy feathers that adorn her flesh below the neck aren't visible.

RP Hooks

  • Birds? Birds. - Sometimes Tess is walking around with a hawk on her arm or shoulder. Sometimes it's a raven. Rarely, both will show up. The real question is whether, if you don't see a bird, that means they're not somewhere nearby.
  • The Noemata - Tess played the role of Nine of Swords, presenting a vision of hope that the Fool would eventually discover was unattainable.
  • Dusk Mantle •• - Tess is a member in good standing.
  • Atavism - There's something off-putting about this woman, a glint in her eyes that suggests concealed aggression or impatience even when there's no apparent reason for it, and she's often fairly blunt (-2 to non-confrontational social rolls).
  • Ingratiating Wanderer - Sometimes being restless and telling it like it is can be appealing. Tess usually seems like she has a point that other people might want to hear.


  • Chandler (the Hawk) - Tess' oldest friend.
  • Philip (the Raven) - Sassy fucker, but usually right.
  • Gisa Cohen - Not rocky.
  • Green - Not easy.
  • Kip - Easy.
  • Logan Brenner - Very shiny.
  • November - Icy.


Tess 2.jpg Tess 3.png Chandler and Philip.jpg


Fever Ray - I'm Not Done

So, I lost my head a while ago
But you seem to have done no better
We set fire in the snow
It ain't over, I'm not done
Some do magic, some do harm
I'm holding on, holding on
I'm holding on to a straw

Woodkid - The Golden Age

Did you ever dream we'd miss
The mornings in the sun
The playgrounds in the streets
The bliss of slumber land

Dessa - The Crow

Nobody fears the height, you all just fear the fall
Go to the edge sometime
And prove your body wrong
You land badly, but you crash standing
You come as fragile, soft machines
And you're bound to fast, you're bound to grieve
But you're built to balance on two feet
So why you living this last year from your knees


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