Rook Talbot

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Rook Talbot
On Game As: Rook
Played By: Lee Pace
Concept: Librarian Bishop
Date of Birth: 15 Sep 1972
Apparent Age: 30's ish
Occupation: DBA and librarian
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Pride

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Antiquarian
Entitlement: Bishopric of Blackbirds
Keeper: The Dilettante

“Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird. ”
– Wallace Stevens


      stuff will go heer!


RP Hooks

  • Blackbird - Rook is a member of the Bishopric. Need some help sorting out what's what? He can help!
  • Bookbinder - It's a weird thing to be famous for, but Rook is known in the limited circles who care about this kind of thing as a supremely skilled binder, repairer, and restorer of books.
  • Omennnnnnnnz - Not the sort of thing talked about in polite company, but Rook can, if he wants to, if he needs to, catch a quick glimpse of what's to come. Occasionally, it's useful.


  • Echo - Coldest of cold. Brr.
  • vervanE - One for sorrow, two for joy.


Rook02.png Rook04.jpg


David Bowie - As the World Falls Down

There's such a fool heart beating so fast,
in search of new dreams.
A love that will last within your heart.
I'll place the moon within your heart.

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva.
I'm gonna go go go!

Michael Jackson - Rock With You

Out on the floor,
there ain't nobody there but us.
Girl, when you dance,
there's a magic that must be love.


  • (2017.11.28)
Blackbird Visiting