Log:Double Dusk

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Double Dusk

Do you work here?


Tryptych, Void

10 May, 2018

Two Dusks meet at the Mortuary for a quick chat.


Nightingale Mortuary

You know, Rozalia said this place was good for Dusk. But well, Tryp still hasn't meet the woman, just seen the notices she's placed where Dusk members can see them. So here she is. Wandering about a funeral home with no employees in sight, and in general just being a nuisance. That's Tryp, to a T. Luckily, no funerals are being prepared today so there isn't any dead bodies for her to make fun of, take bad taste selfies with, or try and set up some sort of hedgespun automaton real quick that would cause some poor families loved one to jump out of the box and surpise them. Nope. Empty Morituary. And Tryp, wandering around, poking at sconces and books, as if she expects there to be a secret lever somewhere.

Void's new in town, but it doesn't take him long to find his way about. The shadows speak, and he listens. After meeting with the crown he'd been instructed to meet those of his court, and here he is. The man's dressed in a t-shirt that was once white, jeans that haven't seen an iron in a decade, and tennis shoes that could do with some serious cleaning. He stops to watch the other Dusk courtier move about, and eventually asks, "Do you work here?"

Tryp turns her purple electronic laced eyes toward him, and grins. "Nah." She says, then shrugs. "just checkin the place out. Heard its a place good for our kind, yeah?" She says, gesturing to his -Voidness-. "My my. You're a pretty piece of work aren't ya?" She asks as she takes in his very heavy wyrd flowing all over her. As she opens herself up to it she steps back a bit, shaking her head. "Daaayum old man. You're practically stepping through the brambles on your own power, aint ya?" She shakes her head and grins, possibly too stupid or too overconvident to be afraid of such power. "Name's Tryptych, but eveyrone calls me Tryp. Nicetameetcha"

Void has to look way way down as he approaches, and extends a hand. "So you're like the pictures, huh? Do you take pictures, or..." His voice trails off as he loosk around for a moment, still perplexed by the place. "And I'm not that close." An obvious lie from the Ancient. "And if I go I'll end up headed somewhere else instead of the faerie homelands. To many plants for my liking, and not enough stars in the sky." Then he catches himself. "Oh, I'm Void. The Void. A Void. Whichever and whatever."

Tryp takes the hand and laughs. "You know, you're the first cultrured sap in this podunk fucking no where town that seemed to know what Tryptych even ment. Nah, I don't take pictures. But like them have three, my life has three parts. Before, During, and After. It fit. I've lived three lives now, and so I call myself that." She turns and skips about the open room for a moment, then glances back. "Always hard to tell, but you a Dusky, Void? Love the name by the by. Too many stupid fucks out there give me their real names or the names they might as well feel are real, theyve lived in them too long. Tryps a moniker, and I always remember it as such. Void sounds the same, less you've forgotten any other name you might have had." She grins

Void's hand is smooth despite the presence of callouses that might be in his mask. He draws his hand back, and then rubs at the back of his neck. "Yeah, I don't completely remember my name. I didn't and don't have much use for it since I can easily go where I want when I want. The only times it's ever been a problem are when I've tried to work, and things have to be all official like." He shakes his head to that, but still has a smile to offer. "It's gotten a lot better the last few decades, though. More official shit, but more under the table that don't much care who you are."

Tryp chuckles. "Thats why I never work for the man. I just try to bring him down. Gotta wake up the sheeples. Gotta set them free, and let them know their fate is coming, they better live this shit up, neh?" She reaches into her clevage, pulling out a business card from somewhere in there. Its a bit bent up, but she presents it anyways. It just has a purple cat and an email = Tryp@3piece.com - on it. "You need to reach me thats the best way. Or maybe some sort spell or Contract can work too, I donno. I stick to what I know." She pats the backpack on her back slightly, then chuckles again.

Void nods slowly at it all, and slowly starts to break it apart for himself. "Oh, people roam around in herds in cities and all that. I get that, yeah. I prefer it that way. A lot less of the superstition and belief in the stranger things now than in the 1900s and before," he says as he takes the card. He looks it over a few times, and then places it in his back pocket. "I have my ways so long as you aren't afraid of the dark."

Tryp blinks at that, then looks down at all the glowing bits on her, the crackling electrictiy, her eyes that glow. "I don't know if Ive seen dark for a couble trillion cycles man." She shakes her head. "I don't think anything has really been dark for me since I before I was Taken, so ... I don't know if I'm afraid of it or not." SHe shrugs. "What brings you to this crappy little place, anyway? I mean this city, not this funeral home. As gloomy places go, its pretty nice. Fucking doom and gloom bastards. These nihilist Duskites are the worst.

"It isn't too bad. I've seen worse, and remembered even worse." Void lets out a hearty laugh as he looks for something to sit on, and when he finds a chair he plops down in it. "And doom and gloom can be good things. Warns the foolish, emboldens the brave, and reminds us how short our lives really are," says the man that's well past a century in age.

Tryp nods her head. "Yeah. Of course. Thats why we have people in the court for that kind of stuff, eh? I just dislike the ones who take it too extreme. I'm tellin everyone who will listen and most who wont too that the end is coming and we gotta be ready, but its the gotta be ready part that matters." She nods sagely. "Gotta be fuckin ready. All the big heavy hitting Wyrdites around here," She pauses, looking at Void up and down for a moment, then chuckling and continuing "Probably means something bad is coming this way eventually, and the best way to deal with that is to get people fuckin motivated to prepare."

"Well, there's always an extreme," he points out with a chuckle, "And we have the Dawn Court to give us the balance we need. As for me, I know I tend to draw trouble when the Hedge too long, and the same is true for the home of ghosts and spirits. I do expect people to prepare, even in there own way." Void shrugs while leaning back in his seat, casting his gaze to the ceiling for a few short moments. "Even if that means just living there lives as normal because the end comes for us all one way or another. So you may as well enjoy whatcha got or live out that normality while you can."

Tryp nods her head. "Yes. That is the truth of it." She says then grins again, lighting crackling up her arms to dive into her eyes. She blinks slightly. "well. Void man. You got my con-inf so connect away sometime. Keep your eyes open around town, I'm spreadin the word about Dusk and letting people know that there is stuff to be done. We'll whip this town into shape one way or another." She grins then makes a beeline for the door

"Oh no, not me," he says with both hands lifted before dropping them back down into his lap. "I've done enough of getting people up into shape beyond reminding them of the end that awaits them. I do have to say though, that it rings hollow for a lot of people when they hear I've been around for more than 200 years. That's just how it goes, and I think I've just gotten lucky more times than I care to admit."

Tryp pauses at the door, glancing back. 200 years eh? Just means Fate is not done with you yet. She's a fickle bitch, but she gets her way in the end, neh?" She laughs then is out the door