Log:Broken Dolls: Come A Little Bit Closer

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Broken Dolls: Come A Little Bit Closer

Allen, Iris, Alonso, Isolde and Gisa as ST

12 August, 2017

After planning, they visit the hob village on the Looptrod. Part of Broken Dolls.


Once everyone is assembled in Stonehearth, Alonso rolls up into the saddle of his strange black and red brindled fire-eyed horse. His overlarge hedgebeast eagle is perched on the horn of the saddle already, looking all Iberian and snobbish. "We're heading out now in search of Jarmyn and Brumebulb to support our continued struggle against the armies of the Mother which are, as we speak, amassed in force not far from the loop trod. Several times in recent days, patrols of these mechanical menaces have cut through the sanctity of our trod and brought all manner of misfortune to our local hob population, and more worryingly? Opened the loop to the deep hedge directly. With the Jarmyn, comrade Allen believes he can concoct a treatment that will make us more resistant to the contracts of darkness employed by the enemy's shock troops. With the Brumebulb, further raids on the enemy's camp can be made at diminished risk to those undertaking them. While it may not seem so now, this mission is every bit as critical as those made against the enemy directly. It falls to us, my friends and comrades, to see this duty done. So let us be about it quickly, efficiently, bravely, and safely. Iris is our primary line of defense. Then myself, with my bow. I will be taking the role of lead scout, allowing Allen and Isolde to put the majority of their focus on finding the fruits we are after. Should we meet the enemy, do not hesitate to fall to the rear and allow myself and Iris to handle the majority of the fighting. We'll be heading to the village west of Stonehearth, down the face of the mountain. They were struck once by the enemy, and our renewed patrols there will hopefully reassure them of our continued support. If we are separated, fall back to Stonehearth. It is the most defensible position in the area. If there are no questions, comrades? Let's be about it."

Isolde is concerned about the phrase 'Hob Army', because she's been through both World Wars and Armies just don't do it for her. She doesn't back down from the mission they've set out on though and the Doctor gives a nod to Alonso, "I'm good with focusing on foraging with Allen." she states to that. The Bright One has no questions so she simply shakes her head in the negative when he asks if there are any.

Unlike yesterday when Iris decided it was a great idea to wander into the deep hedge wearing a sundress and sandals, today she's decided to actually armor up. She's still just wearing a dress and sandals, the latter a pair of rainbow-colored leather gladiator sorts with brightly colored ribbons dangling from them, but she has kevlar body armor on over her dress, at least. She also has a longbow and a quiver stowed on her back and a rapier on her hip, just in case. Then, of course, there's her satchel, and the suit of heavy riot armor that she brought for Allen. Instead of the embroidery on it saying POLICE or SWAT or something, though, it says AWESOME in rainbow letters. At least it's actually black, and not pink or something.

"That's right," she says when she's volunteered to be the first line of defense. That apparently suits her just fine. "I'll do mybest to draw whatever attention I can. Feel free to let any enemies we encounter concentrate their attention on me, and do what you can to stay out of harm's way if that suits you. Far be it from me to tell anyone they can't put themselves at risk, but I gladly volunteer to be the distraction they focus on if you'd rather." She gives a thumbs up to Alonso then, a thumb tipped with a bright green talon that looks like it could do some serious damage. "I'm on board with your plan. My only question is what bar we should hit when we get back to celebrate our finds."

The Spaniard has all the good ideas; Allen merely nods at all of them. He knows the fruit he's specifically looking for and will be scanning for it as soon as they enter the Hedge. As for fighting, well, good thing he has that riot gear of Iris's and the Sledgehammer on his back. "Let's get to it," he simply says.

The looptrod itself is ... relatively quiet. It's the Hedge, so quiet is never really on the agenda.

The way to the hob village is still burned open, an ugly scar in the greenery of the looptrod. Normally it's a little way off the trod, down a smaller side trod, to get to the village, but even with as aggressive as the Hedge itself is with reclaiming its ground? The way is open. Burned tree trunks, churned-up earth, make the approach to the village unsettlingly easy.

The village itself is not abandoned, but it is quiet. Subdued. Burned homes stand silent. New graves are grown over subtly by vines. The native hobs are going about the business of cleaning up their home, and most shy away from the incoming Lost. The far side of the village is still up against verdant greenery, however.

Alonso guides his horse with his knees, keeping an arrow knocked on his bow as he rides down the trod towards the village. He's a relatively familiar face here, what with his hollow not too far from the village itself. So he doesn't seem too concerned about the hobs receiving them with a hostile welcome. He leads the group around the edge of the village, towards the still unspoiled greenery at the far end of things. His pace slows as they actually near their destination to begin the forraging, and while he doesn't dismount, he does lean forward in the saddle to begin examining the underbrush. "We can start here. If we come up short, we can head further to the west, following the trod. Just be careful, everyone. And don't be hesitant to call out something unusual."

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 >

=============================================-> >> 16 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 1 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 >

=============================================-> >> 15 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 >

=============================================-> >> 15 [No Flags] << <-

Isolde doesn't wander far from the group as they go out into the thick of things. When she sees the burned out hob village there is a bit of sadness in the woman, but she doesn't try to stop and talk with anyone, she stays on target with the rest of her fellow Lost. She gives a look to Alonso when he speaks and she gives a nod, "Sounds like a good plan." she states.

Iris hasn't actually been to Stonehearth before, but like when she goes anywhere else, she follows the road like she has been there a million times before, and quite possibly owns the place. Everywhere she decides to go, that's where she belongs, if only in her own mind. It's probably why she looks both so relaxed and so alert at the same time. She does have her own in her hand, but she doesn't have an arrow out of her quiver. That means that her other hand is free for waving at the hobs, as if they're old friends. "Try to keep close, and make sure that everyone else can see you as often as possible, if not at all times. Just in case."

The Stonebones brings up the rear of the merry band, flexing his hands and darting his eyes back and forth along the trod. On the other side of the village, he nods at Alonso and Iris and then turns his gaze to the greenery, looking for the leaves and fruit of the Jarmyn plant.

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 2 5 6 8 >

===========================================-> >> Wits [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 3 3 5 6 6 >

===========================-> >> Wits + Investigation [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 4 4 5 5 >

============================-> >> Wits + Survival - 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 9 10 >

========================-> >> Wits + Investigation + 2 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 2 3 3 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 >

=====-> >> Wits + Survival.Hedge_Foraging + 1 + 3 - 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 >

============================-> >> Wits + Composure + 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 3 4 4 5 5 6 8 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Wits + Composure [No Flags] << <-

After some pacing about, Alonso dismounts from his horse and kicks at the ground with his boot. Encouraged, he crouhes down and tugs two onion-like bulbs from the soil, cleaning them off perfunctorily on his leather britches. "Two brumebulb," he reports, stuffing both into his hip pouch as he rises back to his feet and returns to the side of his horse, preparing to mount up again. "Pickings tend to be a little thin this close to the village, but as I said I just wanted to make an appearance. We can move down the trod if people are having trouble."

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 4 4 >

============================-> >> Wits + compusure NF [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 3 3 4 4 6 7 >

===============================-> >> Wits + Composure [No Flags] << <-

Isolde takes careful survey of the land for a minute and then there's a bit of a smile as she spots a bit of Jarmyn. The Bright One goes over to pick it and place it in the sack she'd brought with her. "It's looking like slim pickings with the way things are here, but I will follow the lead of others for now." she tells them.

Iris kind of halfheartedly picks through some brush and looks around in places she thinks she might be able to find some brumebulb, but she's more focused on keeping a lookout than on trying to find the fruit. She doesn't find anything as a result, at least not yet, and spends time wandering around instead. "I'm fine with moving on. Now the villagers know that we're coming by at least, and that when we do it doesn't necessarily mean bad things for them."

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 2 5 5 5 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Wits + Composure [No Flags] << <-

Allen looks and looks, but the tell-tale signs simply don't present themselves. After a few more moments searching, he glances towards the others. "I'm not seeing anything here. Let's move further down if we can."

Allen is very focused on picking fruit, or attempting to do so, and notices nothing.

Iris is aware of that smell of putridity, blood and oil that she knows accompanies those Things. And there's movement in the trees.

Alonso? Well, Alonso knows to look up now, and Isolde's eyes are so sharp that she spots all three of the What The Fuck Is That squad hanging out in the trees above the village. Are they... guarding it? Did they just get here? How long have they been here? The hobs don't seem to know they're there.

Are they giant artist's manikins? Are they briarwolves?


-> >> Gisa to Me << <-================================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 5 >

==============================================-> >> 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Me << <-================================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 9 >

==============================================-> >> 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Me << <-================================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 4 >

==============================================-> >> 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 2 2 3 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 >

=====================================-> >> Wits + Wyrd [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 8 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 9 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 1 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 5 6 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 6 9 10 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 1 2 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 2 3 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 5 6 10 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 3 6 10 >

===============================================-> >> 2 [8-Again] << <-

Alonso pauses as he reaches the side of his horse and ticks his head slightly to the side. He grows very still, then quite without explanation spins about and whips up his shortbow, snapping up three bow shots in rapid succession, one right after the other. Who knows how he knew they were there without letting on to THEM that he knew they were there, but fortunately the result of the ruse is that the three creatures are quite literally pointed out when the lightning laced arrows crack into their chests, clearly marking them as targets. "In the trees!"

Isolde's beflowered head rises slowly as she spots something in the trees and the woman seems to look to the others and point to her eyes and then the trees, because where the hell did those things come from?! And then Alonso is going Legolas on things and the Bright One points up, "What he said!" she shouts to Iris and Allen just in case they didn't hear Alonso.

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 4 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 >

==============================================-> >> 7 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 10 10 >

=================================-> >> Wyrd + Resolve [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled a chance die for a failure
   < 9 >

========================================-> >> 15 - 18 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 1 1 2 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 >

=========================================-> >> 15 - 3 [No Flags] << <-

A flung Contract bounces off the Resolve of the Draconic, and Isolde's dodging means that when one of the Murdermanikins -- arrows already through their torsos -- drops out of the tree, screaming "MOTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" -- drops out of the tree, it misses her. Allen isn't so lucky, but the putrid claws of the What The Fuck bounce off of his armor. Mostly. That's gonna bruise.

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 3 [9-Again] << <-

Game: Allen takes 1 Bashing damage.

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 3 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

=========-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + Firearms.Archery + 3 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 7 8 8 9 >

================================-> >> Strength + Wyrd [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 >

-> >> Dexterity + Persuasion + Wyrd + Brawl.Natural_Weapons + 1 + 4 + 3 + ====

The moment manikins touch the ground, Iris rushes toward them in a flurry of brightly colored feathers. She leaps toward the first of them, flying at it like a cat (or a dragon) pouncing on its prey, claws cutting through the air in front of her to lead the way, and when she hits it they razor-edged talons tear into it and rip chunks of flesh free. She rolls when she hits the ground, springs to her feet with preternatural deftness, and turns to face it with her feathered crest flaring in challenge. "Come on! Let's see if one of you can actually do something this time other than die! You're good at dying, but so far not much else!"

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 1 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 9 10 >

=================-> >> Strength + Weaponry.Hammer + 3 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 1 2 2 4 5 6 >

================================-> >> Strength + Wyrd [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 2 2 >

=============-> >> Strength + Weaponry.Hammer + 3 - 8 [No Flags] << <-

The bruise from the What the Fuck barely stings the giant, but more importantly, it makes Allen lose a little more of his cool than he would like. He spits on the ground and brings his sledgehammer around over his head and...

... crashes the business end down on the ground next to the THING that hurt him. He missed, but now he's fucking ready to do some REAL hurt.

-> >> Gisa to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 1 3 4 6 6 9 9 10 >

==============================================-> >> 7 [No Flags] << <-

Alonso puts his back to his horse, who is justifiably starting to stomp his forehooves in anxiety. Steadying the both of them thus, Alonso once more snaps off three bow shots in quick succession. The first arrow buries itself into the side of the throat of the creature facing off against Allen. The second bowshot ducks under Iris's arm and lodges in the thing's hip joint. It's an odd place for a killing blow, but the creature buckles sideways from the impact and flops to the ground 'dead'. Or as dead as those things get. The third shot is aimed up into the trees, smacking the last of the creatures squarely in the chest. Thunk.

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 >

==============================-> >> Wyrd + Resolve + 2 [9-Again] << <-

Isolde sees bodies falling and there's a lot going on. Before she can get to the ones on the ground, they are taken care of. Which leaves her to dodge the next one just in case. Because she can't punch the one in the tree at the moment. She grumps at the thing though.

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 9 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

==================-> >> Dexterity + 4 + Athletics + 5 [No Flags] << <-

If you're sure you want to clear the roster, type +init/clear YES

Iris doesn't get the satisfaction of tearing the throat out of the murdermanikin with her bare hands, but she'll apparently have her satisfaction one way or another. When the thing explodes all over her she laughs, disgusting as it is, and says, "see! So good at dying!" Then she swings her bow around and draws an arrow in the same motion, points it up in the tree, and looses a shaft that embeds itself directly into the eye of the last of the remaining things, causing it to tumble ouot of the tree. "I really wish I had my umbrella," she laments then, as she tries to get some of the worst of the ick off of her.

The... thing in front of Allen simply explodes in his face as Alonso's arrow strikes it. Ew. That's a nasty stench. Allen's nose wrinkles up. Otherwise, impassive. He allows a simple, "Yuck."

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 3 Successes
   < 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 10 >

===================-> >> Presence + Expression + Wyrd [No Flags] << <-

When the last of the creatures falls from the tree and explodes in a shower of pus and gore, Alonso does his best to shield his face from the yuck. His horse is splattered, and his legs, too. But that's about the worst of it. He lets out a profound sigh as the smoke quite literally clears and the last crackles of energy dissipate from the arrows he'd fired. "Keep your eyes open. That was an undersized patrol relative to what we've been seeing. It's likely there are others." He gives his surroundings a glance, then starts walking again. His horse follows along at a slow plod as the darkling resumes his search for fruit, walking towards the west.

There's a couple of minutes of things like people retrieving any arrows that might be salvageable (probably not), cleaning a bit of crap off of themselves, and deciding that they're going to go on. What Iris has to say about that is, "with those things so close to the village, it's quite likely that the villagers themselves were in danger. We did good here today, protecting the hedge and its denizens from whatever wicked plans such foes might have had in mind. We've proven, time and again, that we can face their patrols and prevail. We should go on, search for more of the fruit we'll need for the real battle to come, and if we find more of these things while we're at it all the better. It will be a handful more we won't have to find and destroy later." Then she adds, "maybe we'll find another patrol with one of those tanks. I didn't really get to fight the last one."

Isolde looks to the bodies and there's a bit of a chuckle, "They look like they're shit at dying." she states quietly. "Really gross, but we should press on, yes." she agrees. Talk of fighting a tank makes her give a chuckle, "That...sounds like there might be medical attention needed after that. But that's why I'm here." she muses as she presses on and searches for more fruit.

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 9 9 9 10 >

=====-> >> Wits + Survival.Hedge_Foraging + 1 + 3 - 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 1 1 3 6 6 6 >

================================-> >> Wits + Survival [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 >

====================-> >> Wits + investigataion NF + 6 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 1 Success
   < 2 3 3 7 7 7 7 10 >

========================-> >> Wits + Survival + 3 - 1 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 0 Success
   < 4 4 5 >

===================================-> >> Investigation [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 4 Successes
   < 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 >

============================-> >> Wits + Survival + 5 [No Flags] << <-

Allen re-holsters the sledgehammer on his back and wipes some goop from his face. With renewed focus, he stares at the ground and sees a Jarmyn leaf peaking out from the undergrowth. Finally, and time for one more sweep.

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 1 3 3 3 3 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 >

=========-> >> Wits + Survival.Hedge_Foraging + 1 + 3 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 9 9 >

=============================-> >> Wits + Survival + 2 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Allen to Here << <-=============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 2 3 5 10 10 >

=================================-> >> Wits + Survival [0-Again] << <-

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 1 1 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 10 >

============================-> >> Wits + Survival + 3 [No Flags] << <-

Up high in the Hedge trees, there are sets of deep claw marks. Some are fresher, some are older.

Alonso kicks over a dead log and happens upon a treasure trove. He can barely believe his eyes, really. Astonished, he drops to his knees and begins digging up the soil with his free hand. Bulb after bulb of that sick smelling fruit are turned up one after the other. It's sort of ridiculous. Each one is quickly deposited into his pouch. After the sixth one he's laughing quite genuinely at his good fortune. "I believe we have enough Brumebulb."

Isolde goes about looking for more Jarmyn and there's a bit of a bunch that she finds a little off to the right of the trees. There's a look up to one of them as she starts to put the gathered leaves into her sack. She gives a look back to the others, "I think we've got a good amount of Jarmyn as well." she nods in agreement. Then there's a look to the trees and a quirk of her eyebrow, "Seems that they've been having different groups sit up here. Should we warn the rest of the hobs that are left in the village?" she asks.

Iris managed to find no fruit at all on this journey, so it's a good thing she has a knack for murdering the Freehold's enemies because otherwise she might not get invited along for the next trip. "I'm glad we found what we needed," she says, "or at least I hope that we have enough of everything. It probably is a good idea to go warn the hobs, and make sure they know it's a good idea to be looking up in general. These things do like to hang out in tree tops." She leans her head down and sniffs, then wrinkles her nose. "As much as I'd like to get back and clean this gunk off of me."

"I think that's a pretty good plan," Allen notes to Isolde. "No great love for hobs, but they don't deserve to be slaughtered by these... things."

"Good idea, Isolde. Let's see if we can't offer to arm them with bows and arrows, too, while we're at it. Give them an opportunity to defend themselves in our absence." Alonso is still pocketing bulbs, and by the tenth, is pushing back up to his feet. His pouch runneth over. "Once we ascertain if they've surrendered already, and those beasts we just killed weren't in fact their protection." Alonso steps back over to his horse and swings himself back up into the saddle, turning it back towards the village with a click of the tongue and a nudge of the knee.

"Well, looks like we get to go talk to the Hobs. Hopefully they were not the villages defense...or we're going to be in trouble...probably." Isolde shakes her head as they head back to the village.

"Come on Isolde, let's go chat up some hobs. I wonder if they've got any treasure they don't need and would be willing to trade to me," says the dragon, because that's basically what hobs are to her: vending machines where she puts in trinkets that are junk to her and gets more interesting things out. Okay, she's not that bad, she actually does care about them more than that, but she sets out in the direction of the village again, ready to go hobnob with the locals.

Allen will be out of his element trying to talk to the hobs, and so takes his rear-guard position again when the band makes its way back to the village.

Alonso lets the ladies take the lead now, slowing the plodding of his horse to allow them to pass him by. He hunches over in the saddle a bit, playing the part of the weary caballero to ensure the fairest receive all of the attention they require and deserve. The shadows cast by his overlage floppy hat do a good job of obscuring the orientation of his eyes, but it's a safe bet he's on the lookout for trouble even now.

-> >> Alonso to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 2 Successes
   < 2 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 9 10 >

===========================-> >> Wyrd + Subterfuge + 1 [9-Again] << <-

-> >> Iris to Here << <-==============================================

   Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

=======-> >> Presence + Dexterity + Persuasion + Wyrd [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 >

=================-> >> Presence + Persuasion + 10 + 5 [No Flags] << <-

-> >> Isolde to Here << <-============================================

   Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
   < 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

==================-> >> Presence + Persuasion + 10 + 5 [8-Again] << <-

"Well, if they turn on us I'm sure we can blind them all with light." Isolde mentions quietly on the way over. When they arrive, the Bright One approaches, "Hello there." she gives a wave to them. "We passed through here recently on our way to find some hedge plants and there was a patrol of those creatures that attacked your village holed up in the trees." she points out where they were coming from. "We engaged them and they have been neutralized given the damage that they have already caused to your home and the surrounding area. They are bad to have here." she tells them.

Two Bright Ones walk into a hob village ... and everyone sort of squints vaguely toward them. But they are eager to talk to Isolde. Possibly so they don't have to squint anymore. "They have been coming," one of the women offers, worrying at the edges of her shawl in between her hands. (One of her hands is missing two fingers, and she has a massive scar down her cheek.) "They take us. We stay inside at night. We bar the doors. But they come. The last three nights, they come."

Of course, the approach that Iris takes is a little more dramatic. Completely unnecessarily, at that. "Heeey!" she says as they wander into the village, smiling like a door to door salesman. One that somehow manages to get people to want to buy things that are totally junk, and be happy about it. "Yeah, like she said, we've been finding a number of those things, they're quite annoying aren't they. Are they coming every night?" She looks at Isolde, worried, and then back at the others who are a short distance behind them. "Maybe we should bring a group back before the sun goes down and watch over the place, then. I can't say I really like the idea of just leaving this village undefended when they attack."

For a giant, Allen does a passable job of making sure he's not the center of attention; it's easier when the speakers are so much better at getting and holding attention. Learning that the village is regularly "visited" by those things does make him flex his big hands again, but he keeps silent. The suggestion of keeping watch over the village is met with a slight nod and nothing more.

Alonso dismounts from his hourse, takes it by the bridle, and begins leading it towards the center of the village. Wordlessly, he slings his bow back over his shoulder and begins untethering his saddle bags from the back of his horse. They're slung over his other shoulder, and then he's working on the bedroll tied to the back of his saddle. As an afterthought he plucks a single brumebulb from his pouch, then unhooks it and underhands it towards Allen. "I'll stay behind for now. Get the fruits back to Stonehearth and begin work on the tonics we'll need to resist their contracts. I'll remain here until morning. Send reinforcements when you're able. I'll head back to Stonehearth in the morning." He finishes unfastening the bed roll and gestures towards the largest of the buildings in the village in a 'mind if I?' manner.

Isolde frowns when the woman tells her that they've came the past three nights and have been taking them. Maybe she should have been a Baron of the Lesser Ones? Either way, she gives a nod to Iris' idea, "Would you mind us bringing a group and defending if they come back tonight? We'd not want them to find their dead comrades and take it out on you guys. We can also arm those of you who would like to fight back." she offers. There's a look to the others after that, hoping they don't mind the way the talk is going. Then there's a nod to Alonso, "Or that's a plan as well." she states.

"You'll stay here alone?" Iris asks of Alonso, not with doubt but with approval. "Good, good. I'll escort Isolde and Allen to be sure they get where they're going okay, and then come back to keep you company." She's not one to miss a fight that she might be able to join, or for letting a possible moment of heroism go un-taken, but making sure the others get back home okay is also important. "I'll also bring back anyone else I can find who wants to help in the defense." She looks at Isolde with a smile. "Unless you wanted to stay here with him, and not head back now. He's right that Allen should probably get to work, though."

Allen catches the brumebulb quite easily. "I'll get started on both, of course," he confirms to Alonso. He'd rather get away from people for awhile anyway, and this seem to be the perfect way to do it. Present company somewhat excepted. Maybe.

"I'll stay, yes. No one is obligated to stay with me, however. Frankly, I'd feel best if Allen were escorted back to Stonehearth by both of you. And if you're coming back, don't dawdle." Alonso is apparently courageous but not precisely stupid. He begins tossing his gear into the hut he's apparently commandeered, and then returns to whisper into his horse's ear. There's a pat to the creature's neck, and then the reins are offered over to Allen. "If they see my horse, they'll know I'm here. If you would stable him in Stonehearth, I would be grateful. I'm a darkling, as much a creature of shadow as these things appear to be. I should be fine."

Isolde gives a smile to Iris, "I'd stay if he wasn't wanting us to escort Allen back. So we should go and we'll send back some people." she states with a nod to that. "Allen, would you like some help with what you're trying to do?" she asks him as she prepares for them to head off. "We'll send someone back as soon as possible." she tells Alonso. She didn't want to leave anyone alone out here really.

"Sounds like we have a plan, then," says Iris with a nod of understanding. "We'll get Allen and your friend back to Stonehearth, and then Isolde and I will bring along any backup we can find, and ourselves?" She looks at Isolde, but seems to think that plan will work for her, based on what Isolde said. "Let's get going, then. No sense wasting more time." She points dramatically in the direction of Stoneheart. "Off we go!" And then she sets out.

Allen takes the reins from the Darkling Spaniard, offering a comforting shush of his own to the horse. "Of course," he replies to Alonso, then turns slightly to Isolde. "I appreciate the offer. If you want to help me turn these into elixirs, I won't say no." And then down the path after the brightly-plumed Iris.