From Fate's Harvest
Nothing in life is free, and Changelings know this threefold. To ensure that we are all respecting the theme of the game, certain shiny things require you to put a bit more effort into getting them than typing +xps... :)
This page lists the shinies which require either a justification (why are you getting this?) or that you find a Storyteller (ST) to run a Player-Run-Plot (PRP) for you. In most cases, that ST can just be another player, and you don't need permission before you can run it.
In a few cases, more sensitive than others, staff wants to know about it before you start. A "preapproved" PRP is one that has been shown to staff in a +req/plot and received staff approval.
Requires Justification
- Court Switching- This requires justification, but there is no need to do a PRP for it. Remember that it IS a breaking point for all Changelings to switch Courts, since it counts as a Severe Life Change. Send up a +req/fae to staff about it and we'll help you out!
- Dual Kith - This requires EITHER justification (to describe the long-term changes which have been going on) or a preapproved PrP (to get it more suddenly, like buying a new kith at the Market).
- Flaw Buyoff - Flaws, sadly, don't just disappear, so either a good justification or a preapproved PrP is needed.
- Mantle - All Mantle raises outside of CG require a justification. Further, you can only buy one level at a time, and one per month.
- Regaining Clarity/Integrity - Clarity isn't just something you can buy. You either need a preapproved PrP showing how you're being redeemed, or a good justification for it.
- Wyrd 6+ - Wyrd at 6 or higher requires a justification, along with an appropriate minor frailty. Remember, just like Mantle, you can only buy one dot at a time, and the dots may not be purchased more than once a month.
- Wyrd Evolution - This requires EITHER justification or a preapproved PrP.
Requires PrP
- Becomings - This should be a given, but any becoming requires a preapproved PrP.
- Dual Kith - See above.
- Flaw Buyoff - See above.
- Goblin Contracts Goblin Contracts MUST have a PrP to obtain. You may purchase them from approved PC merchants, but purchasing from the Wild_Roses requires staff preapproval.
- Hedgespun - Whether creating or purchasing it, hedgespun always requires a preapproved PrP outside of CG.
- Regaining Clarity/Integrity - See above.
- Tokens - Purchased Tokens (not PC crafted ones) require a preapproved PrP outside of CG.
- Wyrd Evolution - See above.