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(i cant think of anything good yet)
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Revision as of 19:55, 19 September 2017

Verily Kittiwake
On Game As: Verily
Played By: no one yet
Concept: Hobo with a Heart of Gold
Date of Birth: Can't remember
Apparent Age: 20-30ish?
Occupation: None
Virtue: Charity
Vice: Gluttony

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Windwing Roteater
Court: Spring
Keeper: Sir Gentleman Jack, Hunter Extraordinaire

“Readers will always insist on adventures, and though you can have grief without adventures, you cannot have adventures without grief.”
– Catherynne M. Valente


Originally from a survivalist conspiracy-theory family in Sandy Ridge, Maine, Verily prefers the freedom of wandering. And flying. And eating.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupidatat consectetur deserunt tempor biltong voluptate cupim burgdoggen chicken landjaeger tail jowl. Esse tenderloin mollit sausage sunt, shoulder shankle tail ullamco. Ad sunt shoulder labore doner ribeye. Cow jowl magna aliqua, boudin sunt venison sed t-bone prosciutto. Non nisi consectetur, corned beef in labore lorem aliqua quis boudin. Tenderloin flank pork dolor, incididunt short ribs sed shank. Velit id chuck exercitation pork loin. Enim ham ipsum spare ribs in, doner prosciutto. Sint sunt hamburger, dolor qui ex pork chop t-bone exercitation reprehenderit tail jerky incididunt adipisicing ball tip. Bresaola sint tenderloin, quis dolor chuck hamburger lorem occaecat nulla. Cillum hamburger pork ball tip t-bone. Aliquip esse turkey voluptate. In reprehenderit hamburger, shankle dolor chicken duis landjaeger.

RP Hooks

  • The Unseen - The homeless are there by circumstance or choice, but rarely are they content and rarely are they noticed.
  • Spring Court - Spring is an emotion of hope, health, growth and change. There are a lot of people who need all of these.
  • The Out of Doors - The indoors are so enclosed but sometimes warm, so stay outdoors as long as you can.


  • None? - None yet!


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Seagull Sounds at the Ocean

So soothing.

Winter Forest

The winter is cold and kills
With its stillness
But ice has a sound
And snow a touch.

Sound Garden - Spoon Man

This song is so silly and fun!


  • (2017.09.24)
Swearing In For Autumn