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Scavenger Hunting Trio

Haruki Max Miranda

12 May, 2017

Haruki, Max and Miranda do some scavenger hunting. Scavenger Hunt


Crossroads! Their first destination. No need for the car since it's really near. Haruki will hurry there, no running if Miranda's not up for that though. He steps inside and heads straight for the coffee cups, waving the scavenger list in the air. "We're here for the hunt!" he tells the waitress, absolutely no guile about him it would seem. With his pen he'll scribble down on both Max and Miranda's lists, and wave his for one of them to sign. "Homepage, next!" No lingering! Not even a drink of choice! He seems quite a bit hyped up as if he's been at too much coffee. Scavenger Hunts are exciting!

Miranda isn't running, that's for certain, strolling along down the street to the cafe, her gaze wandering about the room with a curious little look, "I'm Miranda, by the way, I don't think we've met yet." She says to Haruki, making her way over towards the counter and the mugs.

"Oh! I'm Haruki!" Haruki smiles brightly. "What do you do? I'm a Magician! This is so much fun." He examines the mug he gets with a smile as he heads out the door. Okay, no running. Casual strolling. He does really, really want to break out into a run but he controls the urge.

"We'll have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't pull any sleight of hand," Max comments to Miranda with a playful smirk. As with the others, she had followed them toward the mugs, eyeing them a moment, then her list, then the mugs again. "Are we supposed to take these with us or just leave them here?" she wonders curiously as she glances over to the others.

"I'm planning on taking mine with me." Miranda says, taking the mug and slipping it into her purse, "And what I do?" she shrugs her shoulders slightly, "I'm a bit of an entertainer as well, I suppose."

"We've to take all our items with us," Haruki says. He stuffs his into a backpack he's carried along for the occassion, then out the door and to Homepage. Just another short walk. "What sort of entertainer?"

Following the others to the next location, Max can't help but smile a bit as they enter Kip's store. There's a brief glance around, perhaps wondering if she'd see the owner around. When she doesn't, she starts to set out in search of their next item on the list. "I believe we're looking for a horned duck with this one, right?" she questions with a raised brow before peering about the shop for any signs of such.

Miranda shrugs her shoulders lightly at Haruki's question, "The sort that provides very exclusive entertainment, I suppose." She says with a wisp of a smile offered towards Haruki, her gaze shifts to look across the room, "And yes, a Duck I think."

"Hi Betsy!" Haruki says as he steps inside. "Have you seen any devil ducks around?" He starts looking amongst the books, to see where they might be hidden. He's careful not to touch any of the books though, just in case Kip gets mad at them mucking up his book shop. "Oh!" He smiles at Miranda, happy and bright. "That's cool." He won't pry anymore.

Those with keen eyes might have seen the yellow beauty that is Samantha Whitaker's pristine Buick GSX roll by. Those with keen ears likely heard the rumble of the engine. It's not long before the door to Homepage opens, and in steps a dark-haired woman in jeans and a black leather jacket. She almost looks human, for a moment, in the dim light of the night. But she's not. Once inside, she eyes those already in. eyes linger on Miranda for a long moment, before trailing off, to look at some of the books.

Such things had been somewhat noticed but not really paid attention to by Max. That is, until the woman makes her way into the shop. A curious glance is given to Samantha, eyeing her over briefly. There's the quick assumption that she's another competitor for the scavenger hunt. Or even simpler, she just wants a book. So, Max kicks herself into more serious mode, starting to search high and low for the duck! "Hey, I think it's over here," she calls out to her party with a triumphant grin.

Haruki's just another normal human looking for ducks in a bookstore, like you do! Okay so he's here with Max and Miranda. And while Max calls out, Haruki does too. "I see one!" But his is right next to where Samantha's browsing, oh so inconveniently. Which means he'll... yeah what if she's on the hunt... what if that's the last one? He makes a quick grab for the bright red duck with devil horns on it, before she can get it, just in case. HIS! He's going to win this scavenger hunt.

"What sort of magic do you specialize in? Cards? Illusions?" Miranda asks Haruki as she starts browsing over some of the racks, her attention does shift to the new arrival who comes in, that would be Samantha, a little look offered towards the woman as well.

Now, Samantha did appear to have a reason to be here. A book she was looking for. But when Max calls out, she can't help but look over. Then Haruki steps right up next to her, and she stares at him for a long moment. He can see those snake eyes, staring right into him. Through him. Maybe she can see his heart beat? "Pardon my interuption, but... what... are you all up to?" she asks, eyes now tracking that rubber duck.

"We're on a scavenger hunt," Max replies since her group has already secured the ducks. Haha, take that random, nice stranger! Tucking a duck away in her bag, she returns her bright blue eyes over to Samantha with a friendly and polite smile. "It just kicked off tonight. A few of the local businesses are running it. You should check out the Cyclone for more information and a list and all that."

"I dabble," Haruki admits. "I like stage magic. All those gasps of wonder and awe and bringing joy to people and showing them that there's more in the world than they think. The big illusions. The weaving of magic and dance and music all together into something absolutely beautiful. That's what I like best. And telling a story of sorts. And just when it's simple and exquisite and so lovely it takes your breath away. Those are my favourite performances. There's some card magic like that, and some illusions, or coin masters or just... all of it when it's done well." He smiles at Samantha, bright, cheerful. "We're doing a scavenger hunt! We have this list of items we need to find." He waves the list in one hand in Max and Miranda's general direction. "At locations all over the city. It's so much fun! There's prizes, but the real prize is friendship. And getting to know the city. And all the items we find. And maybe the $500, free pie, and bookshop voucher. If you want to join in, you can just drop by Cyclone." He waves a hand in the general direction. "It'll be going on all week." His words echo Max's.

"Yeah, it's a great excuse to get people in the local businesses as well, buying drinks, or magazines or whatever." Miranda gestures slightly across the room, "A smart move if you ask me." she makes her way over towards the table of bestsellers, looking over a bit.

"Oh yeah?" Samantha says, her brows lifting up. "That sounds fun... and Cyclone..." Samantha muses for a moment. "That's... Paige? Right? Paige Holland?" she asks, with a look between them all. "I hadn't heard about it. I'm actually not from the area, but Paige is a friend," she says. Then her eyes trail to Miranda. "Well, you know. Sort of a friend. We know the same people," she offers to that woman, with a smile. A smile that shows teeth which would very much so hurt were she to bite someone. Her eyes trail back to Max. "Have we... met?"

A smirk is given to Haruki as he again mentions that friendship is the real prize. She chuckles gently and shakes her head. "Haruki, you're my friend but the prize is the real prize," she tells him with a playful wink. "I can use those gift cards to make new friends," she teases. Then she laughs gently some more, obviously in a good mood, as she shifts her gaze back to Samantha. The Lost is studied over momentarily before Max gives a shrug. "It's possible. I used to travel around a lot. Met a lot of people in the past," she explains. It doesn't help when your memory was effected by drugs and booze during such a time.

Haruki smiles at Max. "Friendship!" he says again, oh so sunnily. "Worth so much more than free pie and $500. Although I'm sure that free pie would help get a lot of friends too."

Miranda ahhs softly and gives a nod at Samantha, "Ahh, a friend of a friend sort of thing Ms..." She lets it sort of trail off a bit as she lifts up one of the books, glancing down at it slightly before looking up at Samantha again.

"Whitaker," says Samantha. "Samantha. But Sam will do just fine," she says, to Miranda. "And you are...?" she asks. Then she looks over, towards Max. "You look real famliar. Can I ask your name? You go to college in Vermont...?"

As she's questioned further by the stranger, Max gives her a curious look in return. Those bright blue eyes of hers study the woman for a moment before she eventually replies. "Nah, I don't go to college," she answers honestly. "I'm Max." It's hardly the only name she's gone by over the years. Even so, her face isn't exactly an easy one to forget. "It's nice to meet you, Sam... If you're not from the area, where might you be from?" she wonders, tilting her head slightly.

Haruki starts fidgetting with his scavenger list, and looking towards the window.

"Oh, Max... that name... Yes, yes," Samantha says, nodding a few times. "You got shot," she declares. "Must have seen your picture in the newspaper?" she asks, with a soft smile. Then her gaze turns to Haruki. "Oh, please, don't let me keep you, I'm just..." She gestures, to the books. "Supposed to be a good selection here," she opines. Then her gaze slips back to Max. "Burlington," she offers up, with a smile.

Haruki'll sign sheets for the others when they pick up their ducks. "You two going to stay and chat?" he asks. He taps one of the clues. "Any idea what this one is?" 'equal sides, kept by those who will never rise'

In her rooting through the books, Miranda comes up with one of the little duckies, perking up a bit at the conversation between Samantha and Max with a curious look. She holds up the litlte horned ducky and waggles it a bit with a grin, "Were you really?" she asks finally, glancing atMax a bit.

Max eyes Samantha for a few long moments before she glances over toward the others she was with, then back to the stranger from 'Burlington'. "Possibly," she answers, neither confirming or denying that she's ever been in a newspaper somewhere. Placing a polite smile on her lips she steps back over to Haruki and Miranda. "I have an idea of /what/ the location might be but not exactly where. We can discuss it outside." A light wink to Samantha. "Just in case you decide you want to join the hunt."

Samantha offers the trio a smile. "Please, go ahead. And don't worry... I won't be in town very long. Just shopping," she says. There's a little wave.


"So that was strange." Miranda says, glancing at Max a little, "Have you met her before?" she asks, slipping her ducky into her purse. "So you had an idea for another one of the spots then, did you?"

Haruki looks to Max, for an answer to those questions.

"Not particularly, but, there were a couple of years where I was high a lot. So, maybe I ran into her one of those times," Max answers, her brows furrowing. Then she shrugs gently, something to be investigated later. Then she glances to Haruki. "'Those who will never rise' sounds like a cemetery to me."

Haruki nods. "Oh! That's a good idea. The cemetary's back that way." Where they just came from and back in the direction of his car. "We can go there."

"Oh.. yeah, let's go look." Miranda agrees with a nod of her head, "You guys know this area so well, I feel like this place is a foreign land." She glances a bit the way Haruki indicates, "Lead the way."

"Google maps," Haruki says to Miranda with a smile. "And well I hang about here."

"Do you hang out in the cemetery too?" Max wonders of Haruki with a raised brow. Then a playful expression flashes on her face and she wiggles her fingers at him. "Have you ever seen a spooky ghost before?"

Haruki blushes as Max asks him that question. He does nod though. And then he shakes his head, not making eyecontact. "No!" he says perhaps a little too sharply. He hurries to the graveyard.

"Don't be silly, Ghosts don't exist." Miranda says as she walks along with the two, smirking ever so slightly at Haruki's blush and averted eyes, "He probably has spent a lot of time in the graveyards pursing other things though, by the look on his face!"

"How do you know that ghosts don't exist? I've personally never seen one but I'm sure they exist," Max replies to Miranda with a light smile. Then she looks between the two and chuckles, shaking her head. "I don't want to hear whatever else he might be doing in a cemetery. TMI!" Yes, she actually says Tee-Em-I!

"No!" Haruki says. "I'd never do anything like that in a cemetary. Regardless of whether or not the tree has roots or not. It's be disrespectful. Besides that's when the ghosts or the zombies or the serial killers get you." He is smiling a touch. "It doesn't matter how cute the boys are that hang out there. It's way too dangerous." Ghosts. Well he's not even touching on that, heading into the cemetary.

"Well, I've never met a ghost either." Miranda says with a little shrug of her shoulders as she walks into the cemetary, "But, I'd guess it's imagination, or something, that most people say are ghosts. That's just my guess though."

There's a very amused look to Miranda, even a chuckle. Then she starts to move through the cemetery with others, searching mood ring. She slides her hands into bag, then pulls out a flashlight, flicking it on to help them see. "The tree root thing was way too specific, Haruki." She smirks.

"I know," Haruki says. "It is isn't it? The last thing I need is cute guys speaking about what you can do under trees in cemetaries. I'd never, ever have thought that myself. It's disrespectful." He gestures in the direction of the appropriate tree. "It was that one. Spring's in the air and everyone's so frisky."

Miranda looks around a little, "I might." She says so non chalantly as she walks about, "It's going to be quite hard to find a little ring in this cemetary.." She muses, sticking near Max and her flashlight.

"Can't say everyone is feeling frisky. I'm certainly not," Max points out. Because when you can't date anyone ever, you get used to pushing those sort of emotions down. As they continue to search through the cemetery, she furrows her brows lightly. "What was the clue again?"

"Found in a place of equal sides, kept by those who will never rise." Haruki speaks the clue out loud. He looks at Max sympathetically.

"Do you think the cemetary is square?" Miranda asks, glancing from Max, then to haruki, before turning to look out across the area, perhaps trying to judge, in the darkness, just how square this place really is.

Haruki shakes his head. "No, it's not square." He's been here in the daytime after all. "I was thinking maybe there were square tombs or something inside?"

After Haruki repeats the clue, Max thinks it over for a few moments. She remains silent, even while listening to the others further discuss the clue. "A square has equal sides, yeah. You know, we passed the Town Square. Maybe it's out there somewhere? I mean, it's /by/ the cemetery. Now that I think about it, the clue doesn't say it's where they 'will never rise'," she points out.

"Oh, it says near, not where," Haruki says. "That's so clever! It's such a clever clue! And you worked it out." He's smiling oh so happily now, trying not to look for ghosts here. "So we just go outside? And it'll be there. Somewhere."

"Ah, yeah, the Town Square.. that must be it!" Miranda agrees with a that slight grin coming to rest upon her lips once more, nodding at Haruki and Max, "Quite sharp of the both of you to put that together, Shall we head back into the square and take a look around, I bet we find the Mood Rings somewhere out there!"

"Hearing you guys helped me reach that conclusion," Max points out, grinning at the pair. Starting to head back out of the park, she flicks off the flashlight once they're close enough to the streets and stuffs it back into her bag. "We've been working as a pretty good team."

"We're a great team!" Haruki smiles, and steps out of the gate onto the street to check there.

Haruki steps out of the graveyard and back into the square. Start with the gate. He begins to search, looking for any sort of nooks and crannies that might be big enough to hide a box of moodrings.

As they head out of the cemetery, Max continues moving along with the others. Up and down the street they search, though the enchanted mortal continues to come up with nothing! "Huh, maybe there's another cemetery..." She furrows her brows. "You having any better luck at finding it, Haruki?"

Haruki's searching the opposite side from Max, and then, something catches the corner of his eye, he reaches for it and grins suddenly, calling out. "Found it!" He grabs a moodring himself. And then he'll sign off Miranda and Max's sheets. "So, three down! Seven to go?"

And Max signs off on Haruki's! "I think there's eight more? But don't worry, there's all week to find them. I don't think anyone is as excited about it as you are," she says with a playful wink. "I need to hit the hay though. Shoot me a text if you have trouble finding a partner next time you go hunting, okay?"