HTML 256 to ANSI 16

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Revision as of 17:57, 25 December 2016 by Annapurna (Talk | contribs)

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This is a list of color codes, and how the HTML 256 corresponds to the ANSI 16, so if you want a color, you can see how it will show to people whether they're using 256 color or not.

To set yourself to see color (default ANSI 16):

@set me=ansi

To set yourself to see 256 Color:

@set me=color256

To set yourself to only see ANSI 16 colors:

@set me=!color256

NOTE: If you are not set ANSI, you will see NO colors at all, even if you still have COLOR256 set.

HTML 256 ANSI 16 HTML 256 ANSI 16
#000000 %xx #808080 %xh%xx
#800000 %xr #ff0000 %xh%xr
#008000 %xg #00ff00 %xh%xg
#808000 %xy #ffff00 %xh%xy
#000080 %xb #0000ff %xh%xb
#800080 %xm #ff00ff %xh%xm
#008080 %xc #00ffff %xh%xc
#c0c0c0 %xw #ffffff %xh%xw

List by Gradient

HTML 256 ANSI 16
#080808 %xx
#121212 %xx
#1c1c1c %xx
#262626 %xx
#303030 %xh%xx
#3a3a3a %xh%xx
#444444 %xh%xx
#4e4e4e %xh%xx
#585858 %xh%xx
#606060 %xh%xx
#666666 %xh%xx
#767676 %xh%xx
#808080 %xh%xx
#8a8a8a %xw
#949494 %xw
#9e9e9e %xw
#a8a8a8 %xw
#b2b2b2 %xw
#bcbcbc %xw
#c6c6c6 %xw
#d0d0d0 %xw
#dadada %xh%xw
#e4e4e4 %xh%xw
#eeeeee %xh%xw

HTML 256 ANSI 16 HTML 256 ANSI 16 HTML 256 ANSI 16
#000000 %xx #5f0000 %xr #870000 %xr
#00005f %xb #5f005f %xm #87005f %xm
#000087 %xb #5f0087 %xm #870087 %xm
#0000af %xb #5f00af %xm #8700af %xm
#0000d7 %xb #5f00d7 %xb #8700d7 %xm
#0000ff %xb #5f00ff %xb #8700ff %xm
#005f00 %xh%xx #5f5f00 %xh%xx #875f00 %xh%xx
#005f5f %xh%xx #5f5f5f %xh%xx #875f5f %xh%xx
#005f87 %xh%xx #5f5f87 %xh%xx #875f87 %xh%xx
#005faf %xh%xb #5f5faf %xh%xb #875faf %xh%xx
#005fd7 %xh%xb #5f5fd7 %xh%xb #875fd7 %xh%xb
#005fff %xh%xb #5f5fff %xh%xb #875fff %xh%xb
#008700 %xg #5f8700 %xg #878700 %xy
#00875f %xh%xx #5f875f %xh%xx #87875f %xh%xx
#008787 %xc #5f8787 %xh%xx #878787 %xh%xx
#0087af %xc #5f87af %xh%xb #8787af %xw
#0087d7 %xc #5f87d7 %xh%xb #8787d7 %xh%xb
#0087ff %xh%xb #5f87ff %xh%xb #8787ff %xh%xb
#00af00 %xg #5faf00 %xg #87af00 %xy
#00af5f %xg #5faf5f %xg #87af5f %xw
#00af87 %xc #5faf87 %xw #87af87 %xw
#00afaf %xc #5fafaf %xc #87afaf %xw
#00afd7 %xc #5fafd7 %xc #87afd7 %xw
#00afff %xc #5fafff %xc #87afff %xw
#00d700 %xg #5fd700 %xy #87d700 %xy
#00d75f %xc #5fd75f %xh%xg #87d75f %xh%xg
#00d787 %xc #5fd787 %xh%xg #87d787 %xw
#00d7af %xc #5fd7af %xw #87d7af %xw
#00d7d7 %xc #5fd7d7 %xh%xc #87d7d7 %xw
#00d7ff %xc #5fd7ff %xh%xc #87d7ff %xh%xc
#00ff00 %xh%xg #5fff00 %xh%xg #87ff00 %xh%xg
#00ff5f %xh%xg #5fff5f %xh%xg #87ff5f %xh%xg
#00ff87 %xh%xg #5fff87 %xh%xg #87ff87 %xh%xg
#00ffaf %xh%xc #5fffaf %xh%xc #87ffaf %xh%xg
#00ffd7 %xh%xc #5fffd7 %xh%xc #87ffd7 %xh%xc
#00ffff %xh%xc #5fffff %xh%xc #87ffff %xh%xc
#af0000 %xr #d70000 %xr #ff0000 %xr
#af005f %xm #d7005f %xr #ff005f %xr
#af0087 %xm #d70087 %xm #ff0087 %xm
#af00af %xm #d700af %xm #ff00af %xm
#af00d7 %xm #d700d7 %xm #ff00d7 %xm
#af00ff %xm #d700ff %xm #ff00ff %xm
#af5f00 %xh%xr #d75f00 %xh%xr #ff5f00 %xh%xr
#af5f5f %xh%xr #d75f5f %xh%xr #ff5f5f %xh%xr
#af5f87 %xh%xr #d75f87 %xh%xr #ff5f87 %xh%xr
#af5faf %xh%xm #d75faf %xh%xm #ff5faf %xh%xm
#af5fd7 %xh%xm #d75fd7 %xh%xm #ff5fd7 %xh%xm
#af5fff %xh%xm #d75fff %xh%xm #ff5fff %xh%xm
#af8700 %xy #d78700 %xy #ff8700 %xy
#af875f %xh%xr #d7875f %xh%xr #ff875f %xh%xr
#af8787 %xw #d78787 %xh%xr #ff8787 %xh%xr
#af87af %xw #d787af %xw #ff87af %xw
#af87d7 %xw #d787d7 %xw #ff87d7 %xh%xm
#af87ff %xh%xm #d787ff %xh%xm #ff87ff %xh%xm
#afaf00 %xy #d7af00 %xy #ffaf00 %xy
#afaf5f %xw #d7af5f %xy #ffaf5f %xy
#afaf87 %xw #d7af87 %xw #ffaf87 %xw
#afafaf %xw #d7afaf %xw #ffafaf %xw
#afafd7 %xw #d7afd7 %xw #ffafd7 %xw
#afafff %xw #d7afff %xw #ffafff %xw
#afd700 %xy #d7d700 %xy #ffd700 %xh%xy
#afd75f %xw #d7d75f %xh%xy #ffd75f %xh%xy
#afd787 %xw #d7d787 %xw #ffd787 %xh%xy
#afd7af %xw #d7d7af %xw #ffd7af %xh%xw
#afd7d7 %xw #d7d7d7 %xw #ffd7d7 %xh%xw
#afd7ff %xw #d7d7ff %xh%xw #ffd7ff %xh%xw
#afff00 %xh%xy #d7ff00 %xh%xy #ffff00 %xh%xy
#afff5f %xh%xy #d7ff5f %xh%xy #ffff5f %xh%xy
#afff87 %xh%xg #d7ff87 %xh%xy #ffff87 %xh%xy
#afffaf %xh%xw #d7ffaf %xh%xw #ffffaf %xh%xw
#afffd7 %xh%xw #d7ffd7 %xh%xw #ffffd7 %xh%xw
#afffff %xh%xw #d7ffff %xh%xw #ffffff %xh%xw

List by Colour

For ease of use, the colours above are separated here by which ANSI 16 colours they correspond to.


HTML 256 ANSI 16
#000000 %xx
#808080 %xh%xx
#005f00 %xh%xx
#005f5f %xh%xx
#005f87 %xh%xx
#00875f %xh%xx
#5f5f00 %xh%xx
#808080 %xh%xx
#5f5f87 %xh%xx
#5f875f %xh%xx
#5f8787 %xh%xx
#875f00 %xh%xx
#875f5f %xh%xx
#875f87 %xh%xx
#875faf %xh%xx
#87875f %xh%xx
#878787 %xh%xx
#080808 %xx
#121212 %xx
#1c1c1c %xx
#262626 %xx
#303030 %xh%xx
#3a3a3a %xh%xx
#444444 %xh%xx
#4e4e4e %xh%xx
#585858 %xh%xx
#606060 %xh%xx
#666666 %xh%xx
#767676 %xh%xx
#808080 %xh%xx


HTML 256 ANSI 16
width="150px" width="100px"
#8a8a8a %xw
#949494 %xw
#9e9e9e %xw
#a8a8a8 %xw
#b2b2b2 %xw
#bcbcbc %xw
#c6c6c6 %xw
#d0d0d0 %xw
#dadada %xh%xw
#e4e4e4 %xh%xw
#eeeeee %xh%xw