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Fear & Knowledge

Knowledge of the unknown is just as powerful of a tool as any sword, gun, or fist--but also just as dangerous.


Aaron and Max

15 May, 2017

Max chats Aaron's up about a variety of things...


Crossroads Cafe's back room

      The Crossroads back room is painted red and hung with twinkling lights, compensating for fewer hanging bulbs overhead than the cafe proper. That front room has windows, but this private area is enclosed and much quieter, with one long buffet bar against the wood-paneled wall nearest the kitchens, the better to offer more buffet-style or catering service as need be. There are fewer tables here, all of them round rather than square; and while their bench seats are similar to those in the main room, their individual seats are a little plusher. Only one wall is not bare; it has framed photographs of local historical interest and bookcases covering that side opposite the kitchen, floor-to-ceiling.
      It's the cusp between late morning and the coming noonday, and the back room is far quieter than the front. Perfect for those type that is not comfortable in large crowds or noisy social settings. Which is why we find Aaron Fletcher sitting in a booth near the bookcase. Or perhaps it's because where else would a writer be than close to books.
      In any case, we see he's sitting with a partially eaten plate of bacon and toast. e sits quietly in the out of the way space, along with a cat that is curled up nearby--awaiting another taste of offered bacon that Aaron offers to him. His other hand sips a cup of coffee while Aaron stares off to the elsewhere, letting his mind wander--but not wander too far.

       After grabbing some breakfast pastry, Max makes her way into the back. There's a grin that touches her lips as she spots Aaron and her free hand lifts to offer him a wave. "Hey! Isn't Hazel's food the best? I would eat here every day every meal if I could," she says with a chuckle. The cat is momentarily eyed before she finds a seat nearby to them both. She takes a bite from her pastry, ensuring that she finishes it before speaking again. "Does anything crazy ever happen at court?" she wonders as she leans back in her seat and makes herself comfortable. "I mean, it's interesting to listen to everything but it can get a little boring-ish," she says, chuckling faintly.

Mister Manx, as Aaron's cat, is called (or calls himself) swish-swashes his tail at the feeding of bacon from Aaron's outstretched hand. The wave from the familiar face (as familiar as yesterday) is returned to a nodding of his head. At the mention of Court, he offers a pause in his thoughts as he tries to find the right words. "Depends on how you define interesting. Some people prefer the simple month-to-month updates, but every season is and can be different on how the conduct meetings. Perhaps summer's will be less boring-ish?" He offers a subtle smile faint on his lips.

"There are all sorts of definitions to interesting, both good and bad," Max replies with a grin. Another bite is taken from the pastry, omnomnom. Briefly, she glances to the door, pondering whether she should buy another one. "How might it be different in the summer? Will there be more brawls or something?" she playfully asks as she glances back to Aaron. "I hear that's a thing that they do. Just meet up and beat up on each other for fun." A beat before she says, "You're in the Autumn court though, right? Do you guys have outings where you go out and like, scare a bunch of people or something?" she wonders, half joking, half serious.

Aaron nods. "Maybe. I've known some Summer seasons to hold after-Court brawls. A way to settle disputes amongst members of the Freehold." He takes a beat to drink more of his coffee. "I'm not sure how things will go here for Summer. All of this towns' meetings are new to me." At the mention of his affiliation and what we "do," he chuckles. "I am, yes. Some of us have such settings no matter the season. Others prefer to keep it in-season." He looks at you with his unblinking eyes. "Why? Looking for a scare?"

A smirk tugs at the edge of Max's lips at the question. "I get enough scares to last me for awhile. Especially as I start to go into the Hedge more," she tells him. "Though, I could probably use a bit of work on my scaring skills. I can kind of freak out and intimidate normal people, but, I don't think I could make any of you even bat an eye at any threats I could hurl at you," she says, shaking her head gently. "What made you decide to join that court? I mean, if that's not a personal question."

Aaron considers a moment. "Personal to an extent," a beat of a pause given before saying, "It's like asking someone why they chose their particular religious or spiritual affiliation or sexual preference," Aaron says with a tone of unabashed candor. "But I do not mind the curiosity. Curiosity is good. Opens up closed doors in the mind which provide both knowledge--and caution. For me, it's the mysteries. The realms that are both presents around us and hidden to us. It's the ability to know the unknowable--and still, be scared by it. The fear in all the enigmatic forces around us, but a drive to learn about those forces. Learning is power. Knowledge of the unknown is just as powerful of a tool as any sword, gun, or fist--but also just as dangerous."

"Well, sexuality isn't exactly a choice," Max points out but lets it stay there. She's more interested in speaking about Changeling related things! Finishing off her pastry, she leans forward as she listens to Aaron. A smile creeps onto her lips. "I told Byron that I was interested in perhaps getting goodwill with your court. He told me that I wasn't scared enough of things. Then I pointed out that just because I wanted to learn more about things doesn't mean that I'm not afraid. But, I can't let that fear hold me back from gaining more knowledge. Because without knowledge, I'll just end up dead or worse," she tells him with a nod.

Aaron nods. "True on both accounts. My mistake on the sexuality--which is not a choice. Joining is more of a calling. Where one feels a fit in the great scheme of things. Some do not feel a fit to one court or another, which is also fine. I'm not a judge of one's individual selection or non-selection to one of the various seasonal or directional courts," he listens a moment more. "Perhaps it's not about acknowledging if one is or is not afraid--or if one or one isn't afraid enough. It's what one learns both in and through their fears that are important. At least in my opinion." He tilts a head at her a bit. "The same could be said about possessing certain knowledge as well. Death will come for you one way or another. With or without knowledge." He then takes a moment to drink a bit more coffee, eat a bit more food, before asking, "so what this what you wanted to talk to me about? My philosophies and the like?"

"I'm well aware that death is coming. Nothing and nobody can stop that, in spite of what a Dawn friend of mine thinks," Max states with a light grin. "But, yeah! You're a librarian for the Custodians, so, you must be pretty knowledgeable about things. I was made a full member at the last meeting," she says, unable to hide the bit of pride that flickers in her bright blue eyes. "So obviously I can learn a lot just by talking to you." Then she grins a bit more. "Aaaand... I read that book you wrote once while sitting in a train station. Pretty spooky stuff! Definitely helped the time go by while I was waiting for the train to arrive. What was your inspiration for the book?" she wonders curiously.

Aaron nods. "So a Custodian as well, hmm?" Aaron gives another nod. "I'm glad that you enjoyed the stories I've penned." When asked about his inspiration, he offers a light laugh. "Where? My inspiration comes from the stuff of nightmares, of course!" He then adds, "I get my inspiration here and there. There is quite a lot one can find to write about when left to their own mental devices, or looking in places one shouldn't look, or overhearing a whisper that they wished they hadn't."

"Oh, I understand that completely. I like to paint and sketch things sometimes. I'm not exactly the most creative sort, so, I paint the things I see in my dreams or in the Hedge or things that feel like memories even though I don't exactly remember them," Max tells him, a faint grin lingering on her lips. "I'm working on a piece where this sphinxbeast thing Omari and I encountered in the Hedge. Took a good chunk of my shoulder while trying to eat me. It was an interesting thing to come across before it decided I'd make a good meal."

Aaron listens and nods. "Interesting, huh?" He takes a moment to sit back a bit. "Tell me more. What were you doing there? What did this thing look like?"

"Well, I had met Omari out by the markets on this side of things." A beat before she offers, "I had previously heard he was part of the Custodians, so, it's not like I went off on a dangerous adventure with a stranger." Because she doesn't want to be seen as foolish. "Anyways, he said he needed help with something so I went with him into the Hedge. Eventually we ended up in some neighborhood looking place and that's where we came across the creature. I kept it distracted while he was aiming to shoot it from a distance. It was like a Sphinx of legend, asking me riddles. Then the last riddle was basically it saying it was going to eat me. That's when it grabbed me." At this point, she tugs her shirt to the side enough to expose her shoulder, which shows a scar of some talon mark.

Aaron leans forward a bit, interested in the story told to him. When she exposes her shoulder, his reflex is to reach out slowly to examine the scar and scar tissue. A doctor's instinct. But he doesn't know this person. That's clear in his eyes as he quickly puts his hand down once more, putting it back on the coffee mug. "You speak very casually about this brief adventure. Curious. Have you seen many creatures in your time? Why did you keep it distracted? Were you volunteering yourself up to the creature? What was going through your mind at the time?"

As soon as Aaron lifts his hand, Max is quick to lean back so she remains out of reach. It's almost instinctive the way she moves. Then she covers it back up for now before glancing back to him with a raised brow. "I don't know about 'casual'... How else am I supposed to sound when talking about it? I mean, it was definitely an intense situation that kept me on my toes. Thought I might die when it was flying away with me. And again when we killed it and were plummeting down to the ground." A hand reaches up to brush some hair from her face. "But, no, I haven't seen a lot of these hedgebeasts so far. I was keeping it distracted so that Omari could have a clean shot at it."

Aaron hmms. "Well, I mean," he offers a light smile. "for one--the most obvious: were you scared? What went through your mind before, during, and after your meeting with this creature from the Hedge?" He then notes, "it's only at this moment of your reveal did I know if it took you up into the air as well as making a fast descent to the ground as it died."

Max smirks lightly at him. "Of course I was scared. I apologize if my stories are a little scattered. I'm not a good storyteller like you are," she replies with a faint chuckle. "Before and during, I was wondering why Omari wanted this thing dead. The creature was definitely intense, but, it seemed more odd than dangerous. At first, at least. Then afterwards, well, I was knocked out for a bit but when I woke up I was glad that I wasn't dead and had managed to help out Omari." She grins over at the Darkling. "That was still when I was a recruit so that was definitely a proud moment for me. Surviving a deadly encounter."

Aaron smiles another light smile. "Well, I suppose if you had passed on, I have a feeling we'd still have this conversation. Just might have a different take on things." he then takes a final sip from coffee--now empty. "So now that you're a more fuller member of the knowledge seekers, Custodian--what goals do you have outlined for yourself. Knowledge sure, but anything in particular truly catching your interest?"

A brow is arched curiously at that first statement of his. "Wait, are you saying you can talk to the dead? That is pretty cool. How do you accomplish that?" she wonders. There's a pause of consideration before she guesses, "Is it one of your Blessing or Contract things?" Leaning back in her seat once more, Max resumes her comfortable position. It's important to be relaxed while chatting, after all. "I want to be able to help the Freehold. That's why I joined the Custodians and the Watchers in the first place. I figured I could use my various abilities, both mundane and not," she explains, keeping her attention on him. "I don't think I can hold any position of power or anything though. Because I'm not one of you guys, so, no lofty goals for me."

"Being able to speak, hear, and interact with the dead is not all 'Ghost Whisperer' as it sounds. Sometimes the dead really do not want the living to know, see, or interact with them in any way. Sometimes it's a blessing. Sometimes a curse. Sometimes both on Sunday," he adds with a light smirk. "My means of interacting with the..." he thinks of a better term, "living-impaired, is a mixture of the type of sorcery I pursue, mixed with my noble order, and who--or better--what I am."

"Noble order? You mean like, an Entitlement?" Max questions him curiously. Then she smirks a bit. "Our supernatural abilities can always be considered those things, both blessing and curse at the same time. I guess you can only hope that it proves to be more of the former than the latter." There's a brief glance to her hand, her expression thoughtful for a few seconds. "What are your own goals for being in the Custodians? Or are you content now that you're a librarian? I hear there's a lot of cool books in there. I even got to deliver one to Oberon once. Though, I didn't have a chance to read it myself."

Aaron inclines his head. "Our supernatural abilities," he asks. "You're gifted with some measure of otherworldly abilities?" When asked about his goals, "for now, I explore my new role amongst the Freehold and the Custodians. I have a love of learning and exploration of knowledge. I enjoy theorizing on arcane things as well. So we'll see how far that takes me--and which paths I walk. For now, my goal is to work on restoring the library to something more fit for researchers and collectors of occultic lore. There are more dust than patrons there--and I mean to change that soon."

"I do," Max answers in regards to her own abilities, nodding a few times. There's a pause before she adds, "One of them includes not touching me. For your own sake." It's definitely a warning out of concern, not a threat. "Beyond that, I'm able to see all sorts of things near, far, past, present, and future. I can also read the minds of others. Though, it's rather hard to do with you guys without permission since you have some sort of... supernatural resistance protecting you. Or something. That's my best theory at the moment," she says with a light chuckle. "I can also control other human minds. That /definitely/ doesn't work on you guys one bit. So, no need to worry about that." She smirks.

Aaron takes a moment to mull the information over. "Interesting," he says with legitimate interest. "So varying psychokinetic abilities."

There's a light grin that touches her lips at his reply. "I suppose in return one could call you a medium. But, yeah, that's what I'm able to do supernaturally. What about yourself?" she wonders. "I mean, besides the seeing and talking to the dead?"

Aaron quirks a brow. "One would think that speaking the dead would be enough of an ability to possess," he jibes. "But my particular repertoire also includes an ability to discern arcane abilities or latent resonances amongst object."

Max chuckles gently and shakes her head. "It's not that it isn't /enough/, it just that I've been told you guys are capable of all sorts of things. Like, not just limited to one type of ability," she explains, offering a smile his way. "So, if like this table was somehow magical, you could pick up on that?" she questions curiously, her bright blue eyes focused on him.

Aaron looks down at the table. "I could decipher some of its potential arcane properties if such existed and if it were something I focused my attention on. And yes--there are quite a number of things that we are able to do, and something we cannot. If I've learned nothing from the old tales involving magic of any kind--everything has its limits and its prices."

"Yeah, sometimes I see or hear things I don't want to hear. And I don't have the ability to touch other people. So, I'm aware there are prices to magic," Max assures him. "So when you're not being a famous author or talking to dead people, what do you like doing for fun?" she wonders, tilting her head slightly as she watches him with both interest and curiosity.

"Yes," Aaron notes. "Speaking of touch, why is that? Your aversion to physical contact does make one curious. Is it part of your abilities? Do you, like the X-Man famed character, drain the energy from humans by touch? Or is it more about a side effect of your psychokinetic abilities?" He then pauses and shrugs stating, "or perhaps you're not the sort that just doesn't like to be touched--which is also just as alright." When asked about fun, he huhs a moment to consider "Well, when I was home--I really didn't have a whole lot of time for fun. But when I did take breaks from work, it would be learning to ride a horse--" and he pauses a moment thinking of something, a fragment of memory of his past. A blink of his eyes and the memory is re-filled in his mind. "I've taken up to crafting skills. Making small artwork with bones, for example. I've also taken up the ability to make my own books."

Max can't help but smirk at the pop-culture reference. "Not quite like Rogue, but sort of similar. Instead of stealing their energy or powers, I can steal your luck or good fortune," she explains, her expression turning a bit more serious. "If I concentrate really hard, I can sometimes curb the effect temporarily. But, that usually doesn't last long. And it doesn't always work." A beat. "And it's not just humans that it effects. Same thing would happen to you if I touched you," she tells him. There's no comment whether she actually likes being touched or not. "Artwork with bones? Like, little scupltures? I'd totally be interested in seeing whatever you've made sometime," she tells him, her bright blue eyes shining with intrigue.

Aaron offers a wry smile. "Considering the me that I am now, I can't imagine my luck being worse..." he shrugs, "but I can understand where the concern might be for interacting with individuals. Though it must also make for a way of improving your end of a bad first date." He then nods. "I will keep that in mind when I move my tools to my private abode."

"Everyone says their luck can't get any worse, but, trust me it can," Max warns him once more. Then there's a pause before she starts to laugh a bit before shaking her head. "I've never been on a date before and I don't see that changing any time soon," she tells him, slowly rising to her feet. "You keep your tools to make bone thing elsewhere?" she questions with a raise of her brow. "Wouldn't it be best to keep those at your house?"

Aaron nods. "They're in a storage place back home. I'm not a native to these parts. Once I've gotten my home in order--which should be sometime soon, then I'll move my tools and trinkets to my new place where I'll hang my proverbial hat."

"Well, if you need any help moving, let me know. I'm definitely willing to lend a hand to a fellow Freeholder," Max replies with a friendly smile. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she gives a curious glance his way. "What's your number?"

Aaron gives his cellular number, then looks to his cat that pads at his leg. Then looks as it swishes its tail towards the door. Which is rather interesting--for a cat's tail. "If you will excuse me, Miss Jones, I must be heading out. Seems someone is in need of a walk."