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Farwalker Kith

References: CtL 118, WM 86
Theme: Cryptids and Urban Legends

Kith Blessings

Passive Blessing: The Elusive Gift

Farwalkers are very difficult to follow and find. Attempts to track a Farwalker suffer a -3 penalty.

Active Blessing: Self-Sufficience

Farwalkers may spend a Glamour to reflexively reroll one Stealth or Survival roll at a +1 bonus.

High Wyrd Blessing

Reflexively reroll one Stealth or Survival roll at a +Wyrd bonus.

Example Frailties

Cannot refer to others by name, poisoned by sea salt, may not speak unless addressed, cannot attack anyone wearing blue, cannot step in another person's footprint, repelled by the song of virgin girls.

Pages in category "Farwalker"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.