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Water-dweller Kith

References: CtL 119, 89
Theme: Lake Monsters

Kith Blessings

Passive Blessing: Lie Under the Waves

Water-dwellers suffer no penalty to sight-based Perception rolls while underwater or in Heavy Rain. Penalties to perception rolls using other senses, such as hearing, still apply.

Active Blessing: Looming Shadow

Water-dwellers may spend a Glamour once per scene to appear as an immense shadow to those who cannot see them directly, such as through water, fog, frosted glass or from a great distance. Roll Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs Resolve + Composure. Any witness who fails the contested roll becomes Frightened, as per the condition on page 303 of Vampire: the Requiem - Blood & Smoke. The fear persists until the Water-dweller steps into clear view, moves out of view entirely or the scene ends. If the Water-dweller moves into clear view, they gain a +2 to Intimidation rolls for the remainder of the scene against anyone who had been Frightened by their Looming Shadow.

High Wyrd Blessing

Remove all perception penalties while underwater or in Heavy Rain. The Water-Dweller's experience with seeing through obstructions gives a +1 bonus to alleviate any other visual perception penalties, such as snow or darkness.

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