The game's physical setting is centered around the small town of Tamarack Falls and the city of Fort Brunsett. Tamarack Falls has a reputation as a country backwater, a poor cousin, a failed provider which refuses to give up. It is locally known for being a bit queer, but most folks ascribe that to the murders some fifty years back. Others know better. Fort Brunsett, on the other hand, is a small, but slowly growing city, caught between the small-town values of its antecedents and the metropolitan ideals of its dreams. Located in the general vicinity of Stowe, it gets much of its money from tourism, thanks to the ten mile lake along its northern border.
- Vermont Facts - Useful information and links about Vermont.
- Local History - Detailed history of the area.
- Local Legends - Local mythology, weird rumors, story hooks, stuff to look out for.
This is where we'll describe other places beyond the local setting which become relevant to the setting, such as other nearby towns.