Fate's Harvest/Wayhouse

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So you're new in town. You don't know your way around, you don't know who you can trust. That's where the Waykeepers come in. They make it their business to know who's around, who's in the Freehold and who isn't. It's their business to be the public face, to uphold the Wayhouse and its Wyrd-enforced hospitality, to welcome the stranger and to know where what is.

Have someone from another Freehold poking around?
Meet a new changeling in the Hedge who's interested in settling here?

Point them to the Waykeepers.

It is their duty to stand between the outside world and the Freehold, to act as diplomats, messengers and guides every day.

Waykeepers are often members of the other Freehold subgroups, and it is a position with a fair amount of risk and visibility.