- 1. What was the Name of your Keeper, and do you know any of He/She/It's Titles?
- 2. What would you describe your Seeming and any Kiths you may fall into as?
- 3. What parts of your Mien are you most enamored/proud/intrigued/interested/terrified/excited/wary/dismissive of? (Please answer all that apply)
- 4. Do you recall any part of the Realm in which you were trapped?
- 5. What parts of your Keeper/Their Realm/Arcadia do you believe shaped your Mien?
- 6. Do you have an Entitlement, and how has it affected your Mien?
- 7. Have you noticed your mien changing as you become more connected to the Wyrd?
- 8. Any additional comments about your Mien/Keeper you would like to share.
- 9. Can we attach your name to this file?
- 10. OOC: If you are submitting this questionnaire to Lux in @mail, please include your mien description, as she would be taking copious notes on your appearance and request you to let your Mask return to normal if you have it strengthened. Thanks!
Contract of Ashes
Ashes are a symbol of death and sterility the world around. And while that is what people often commonly think of them, they are also used in folklore and myth for all sorts of transitional abilities. The act of becoming ash is a sacred act that symbolizes the transition of one form to another, and this transition releases power
The Contract of Ashes is all about this release of power, and what can be done with it.
Level 1
• Day to Night
The evening and the dawns are transitional periods from one side to the other
- Cost: 1 glamour
- Dice Pool: Wyrd+Composure
- Action: Instant
- Catch:
- Success: Using this clause tricks the immediate area (Wyrdx10 yards) in to believing it is becoming day or becoming night. Animals prepare for sleep or wake. Darkness or light floods the area. For about five minutes the world in the area of the contract believes Dawn or Dusk has come, and acts accordingly.
Level 2
•• Message
Burning prayers is a very common way to send the message on. This clause allows the changeling to set a message for either a specific person or anyone to trigger when an area is entered. The message reveals itself then fades, the information delivered.
- Cost: 1 Glamour
- Dice Pool: Wyrd+Dexterity
- Action:Instant
- Catch: Burns a piece of paper with writing on it
- Success: The changeling can leave a message in the air that will reveal itself to a chosen target when they enter the area.
Level 3
••• False Death
Transitioning from Life to Death is a powerful transition - and perhaps the ultimate one. This clause alters the effect of how that transition was made, making it look like something other than what it was for a time.
- Cost: 2 Glamour
- Dice Pool: Wyrd+Manipulation
- Action: Instant
- Catch: The changeling pours water over a pile of ash
- Success: The changeling can alter a corpse to look as if it died in a different manner. The effect lasts for a week, or is permanent if exceptional
Level 4
•••• Warding Circle
Magical effects transitioning between two areas is something that can be prevented with this clause.
- Cost: 3 Glamour
- Dice Pool: Wyrd+Stamina
- Action: Instant
- Catch: Sprinkle Ashes in a circle of the area to be warded
- Success: An area equal in radius to Wyrd in Yards is protected from Supernatural effects crossing the boundary. This works both ways - effects can not go either way. Lasts 1 scene. Must be a continuous circle. If any intelligent being breaks the circle or crosses the plane of its edge the effect is canceled. Only works against supernatural effects and peoples. Mortals can freely cross it and bullets/weapons have no problem crossing it as well.
- Exceptional: Wyrdx2 size
Level 5
- Cost:
- Dice Pool:
- Action:
- Catch:
- Success: