...of Courts & Mantles
A Chronicle of the Court Representation of the Freehold
Knowledge. One definition states that knowledge is "a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning." This single word comes in many forms and used in many ways. Some benign and some malignant. Knowledge can take the form of oral histories and stories shared, while others come in the form of written and printed material.
The purpose for my message to you all is one that is both benign and seeks the prior in its method of delivery.
As Librarian, I've walked the halls of the library many times. In those times, I've asked myself "what could Fate's Harvest benefit from in the way of knowledge." The answer came to me on a quiet afternoon. We could benefit from your voices, your accounts, your perspectives on things that you are (more than I am) experts in your Courts affiliation.
If the Courts are a philosophical/religio-spiritual approach to this new life you lead, it would be interesting to have some account of those individuals journies into pledging themselves and Glamour to their respecting Courts. Even those that are not of a court affiliation are of interest as well, as your journey and philosophy are just as important to understand. I take time to meet with those individuals interested to talk one-on-one with me and share their thoughts about their court affiliation. Why they joined. What they feel their your purpose is (very existential, I know). What does their court do for the Freehold beyond the preconceived cultural biases and face-value of our respecting courts? Much like not all members of the Autumn Court are boogymen in shrouds and bloodied hand. Except on the third Thursday of the third season of every third year.
Aaron Fletcher,
Speaker for the Dead
Scrivner of the Ashen Court
Librarian to Fate's Harvest
Examples of Exploratory Questions
- 1. What is your court affilition?
- 2. Did you always belong to your court, or did you have another prior? What was the reason for changing?
- 3. Do you hold a titled position within your court? What is it? How were you appointed?
- 4. Why did you join your respecting Court? Talk about your journey.
- 5. What do you feel your purpose is in your court? How has your Court helped you be who you are?
- 6. Do you have an Entitlement that is court-affiliated? How/Why did you pursue this noble affiliation?
- 7. Those of a court: How has your mantle changed the space around you? Is it different between others of your court?
- 8. Courtless: What are the reasons for your choice?
- 9. Courtless: Do you have an Entitlement? How/Why did you pursue this noble affiliation?
- 9. Is there anything more you would like to share, that I forgot to ask?
- 10. OOC: If you are submitting this questionnaire to Aaron in @mail, please include your mantle and mein description, as he would be taking copious notes on your appearance and request you to let your Mask return to normal if you have it strengthened. Thanks in advance!
A Catalog of Voices from the Freehold known as Fate's Harvest
Name |
Court |
Topics discussed |
Journal Entry