Sylvana Lefevre

From Fate's Harvest
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Sylvana top.jpg

Name Sylvana Lefevre
Birthdate February 1st 1998
Apparent Age 20
Occupation Medicine Woman
Virtue Reliable
Vice Stubborn
Character Sweet disposition, she wants to help anyone animal or human. If pushed too far her temper can flair.


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Roleplaying Hooks

New Girl from an old family - Sylvana is a new girl in town, though she mostly keeps out towards the mountains and forests when she can. Word is that she is part of the Lefevre family who has moved back in order to reconnect with family. Why is she just now coming here? Why has she not been at any holidays or anything?

Healer - Word is spreading about a new healer to the area. She helps people an animals alike and charges only what people can afford for the medicines she makes. Trying to find her can be a bit tricky but more often than not she shows up when needed.

Spirits a buzz - The spirits of the area are a buzz with word of a new talker in the area. Something is different about this one, something special that they do not see often. Who is this new little talker that they have found and what does her presence in the area mean? (for those who can hear or see spirits)


Name: Thoughts.

Name: Thoughts.

Name: Thoughts.


  • (2018.05.06)
Like Father, Like Daughter
  • (2018.05.07)
Family Business
  • (2018.05.15)
Is This What Dad's Do?
  • (2018.05.21)
Wildfire: Make It Rain
  • (2018.05.23)
Barbecue At Jack's
  • (2018.05.27)
Confessions by the River
  • (2018.05.27)
Gossips at the Red Clover Hotel