Log:The Doctor and The Politician

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The Doctor and The Politician

"I'm not some /thing/."


Dominic Utridge and Isolde Garreau


Two of the towns brightest meet in the park by chance and it gets a bit awkward.


Frog Haven Park

It's still early on Saturday night and the park has a few visitors this evening. A few couples that are milling about, waiting to depart for some movie. There's a group with a fifth that seems to be waiting and finally there's one last look over her shoulder before Isolde just waves the others off and tells them to have a good time. She didn't want people to be late. She's dressed for going out, a red form fitting pencil skirt, white dress shirt that's unbuttoned dangerously low and a denim jacket. Her hair is styled and left down and of course her makeup is impeccable. She is looking down to her phone as she turns to head back to her car. Which is all the way across the park of course.

It was strange how sometimes you pined for the way things were, as Dominic was want to do at times. He still had his briefcase in hand, and a tie around his neck. His jacket had been left at the new office, downtown, and he had given his driver the night off. Seemingly, he just wanted to stroll through the city, and that lead him to a park he had spent some time at over the years. For the moment, he's stopped beneath one of the large flood lights, looking at the unfrozen pond he had known to personally be the cause of dozens of rolled ankles.

Isolde's naturally glowing self comes strolling along, she doesn't expect many people can see her Mien so she doesn't have many cares. There's the sound of an ambulance that goes off in the distance and the woman looks up from her phone and looks after it with her brow furrowing. Then she looks to see the gentleman that's standing under the light, "It's too early for rolled ankles." she teases him warmly as she gets a better look at him as she passes.

Then she has to do a double take and she stops in her tracks.

She doesn't realize that she drops her phone, but she does. Not like she can't replace a cracked screen.

Dominic turns slightly towards the girl, for a half second. It wasn't long enough to get a good glance of her. "You know how Winter is in Vermont. The first freeze comes and we won't be unburying houses until May," he says, shaking his head in thought. He doesn't seem to give any pause until the woman stops and her phone is dropped. This causes him to turn towards her.

Isolde looks down to her phone and notices the message on the screen just as the phone makes some horrible beeping sound and she kneels down to pick up the phone, "Yes, I've lived here long enough to have that fact burned into my skull." she chuckles to that. "Thank goodness this wasn't the hospital cell." she muses as she dusts it off. "And guess my date had another date." she shrugs.

"Your date," Dominic says, "Has another date?" The man seems perplexed by this, as he approaches. Dominic climbs the small grassy knoll and approaches Isolde. "That doesn't sound like it would have been a very good date," Dom offers towards her.

Isolde rises to her feet and she rolls her shoulders in a shrugs, "I guess." she says softly. The little flowers growing around the Fairests feet don't seem to stop any. It's her Mantle being so potent. "It's all good really." she smiles to that. "And what are you doing out here all by yourself?" she asks him as she looks to him. "Some ruffians might see a nicely dressed man and try to make off with your watch or something." she points out.

Dominic shakes his head and points with the briefcase back to the water. "Vacations didn't let me see the old haunts while I was here between school. Now that I'm back, I guess I got a little homesick," he says. Looking back, he finally takes the moment to eye Isolde. Now, up close, and in the light, he could see her fully. While he doesn't squeak or yell or gasp, his pupils widen a fraction.

Isolde gives him a look and her eyes follow his back to the water and she nods softly, "That makes sense." she tells him. "I know all about being home sick." she adds quietly. Then there's a look to his eyes just as his pupils are widening and there's a finely shaped eyebrow that quirks up, "Are you feeling alright?" she asks him. "We should probably get going before it gets darker." she adds. "I'm Isolde Garreau." she offers in way of greeting. She left her Doctor off. But it was known around town.

"No, no, I'm fine," he says, "I just. I didn't expect ... well." Dominic clears his throat a moment. He falls quiet as he considers his situation. It was not a world he knew nothing about, but the city wasn't exactly the place to expect it. "A pleasure, Doctor Garreau. My name is Dominic," he says, "Dominic Utridge."

Isolde turns to him and there's a moment where she pays a bit more attention to him and there's a bit of a soft 'oh'. She offers her hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem callous, Mister Utridge." she tells him. "It's a pleasure to meet you." she tells him. "How is it that you can..." she starts to ask, but she trails off, definitely not safe to ask. "Probably not the best place to speak." she admits.

"I don't think being callous was the concern, but yes, this isn't the place," Dominic says. He seems to consider something for a moment, torn between two sets of thoughts. It was easy to read. "Look, I don't live far from here, if you'd like to get some food. We can order out," Dominic offers, before motioning onward, "We can talk a bit in more private a location."

"I more meant...nevermind." Isolde tells him with a chuckle. There's a look to the surrounding area and then back to him, she listens and then there's a smile, "How about a counter offer. My place. You buy food and I'll make dessert?" she asks him with a dazzling smile. It was a hard face to say no to. It really was.

Dominic is cautious, considering it for a moment. "We're not talking, like," Dominic says, lingering a moment on his words before they get really quiet, "Not like, knock twice on a cupboard door and push it inward and we go to some cabin in the woods, right?" He asks, eyeing her a moment.

Isolde looks at him and there's a chuckle as she shakes her head, "I was going to take you to my apartment." she tells him. Then she's turning, hips swaying as she does. "Do I look like I live in the woods? Puh-lease. Christ..." she mutters playfully as her heels click against the sidewalk as she walks towards her car. She can't help the way she walks. She was just shaped that way!

Dominic watches her closely. He was torn between the rumor and hear-say of what it meant to truck with their sort, but then, she was also a very attractive woman and an accomplished Doctor. So, eventually, he gives in and follows after her swaying hips. And if they lead them to her place, then, so be it!

It's not hard to follow the Doctor's cherry red Dodge Challenger. It was a very nice car. Not a brand new year. Which meant she wasn't dumping her money into brand new cars all the time. Which is curious. She parked in her spot and awaited the man to join her before leading him in and quietly to her apartment. She unlocks the door and turns the lights on, "Make yourself comfortable, Dominic." she tells him as she slips out of her heels and then her jacket.

Dominic takes a moment to glance around the place, eyeing it carefully. It was certainly normal enough a place. "You've got a nice place, Doctor. I expected more books, but, well. That's because I think most of my place is ... books," he says, before settling neatly on one of the seats.

"Most of my library is kept at my office at the hospital." Isolde tells him quite honestly. "With as much as I work I don't have the heart to unpack them and leave them sitting here in a place I don't own. If that makes sense?" she looks to him she asks him as she settles on the chaise lounge. "I've been thinking of buying a place finally. I'm not going anywhere and I'm firmly rooted in the local Freehold." she chuckles. "No pun intended." she adds softly. Then she looks to him, "And you?" she asks him.

"I've accepted a position with the City of Fort Brunsett as the City Attorney," Dominic offers carefully, as he watches the woman. "In time, it'll let me attend to better matters higher up the food chain. But, that's something for another time. you had another question from before," Dominic says. He gets comfortable, leaning back with an arm running along the back of the love seat. "Near as I can tell, my condition is the result of being born in a specific place on a specific day. Sometimes, the universe just wants you to -see-, right?" He posits towards her.

Isolde crosses one knee over the other, every ounce of a lady that she can muster for the moment. His words make her eyebrow quirk up though and she gives him a soft round of applause, "A rather prestigious title, Mister Utridge." she tells him honestly. Then she listens to him and there's a soft nod, "So you are Enchanted, not Ensorcelled. Do you know anything of our world?" she asks him softly.

"A little," Dominic says, nodding. "I've got a friend that helps keep me on the correct paths, and out of the way of larger, hungrier things. But, it isn't my world. More, what I would call, 'world-adjacent'. Best not to poke the bear, as they say. I have my own matters and studies to concern myself with. My own Academia," he explains.

Isolde nods to that as she reaches up to run her fingers through her hair, sending a few petals showering over the ground, "That makes sense and it's good to have something to help." she smiles to that. "If you are not wanting to get more involved in it then I will not ask anymore questions then." she smiles to that. "However I did tell you that I would make you dessert if you'd still like that. I have to make some tarts for a party I'm holding tomorrow evening at my restaurant so I would be happy to fulfill my word to you." she tells him with a warm smile." she grins.

Dominic chuckles a bit, as he considers it. "Technically, I didn't order us dinner, yet. For you to owe me dessert, I'd be in your debt. And to clarify, it's a little more complicated than not wanting to be involved. But, I'm a little less interested in seeing what exists ... beyond, just yet. For now, I'll stick to just the company," he says, motioning to her.

Isolde looks to him for a moment and there's a chuckle, "Touche, Dominic, touche." she tells him. "Dinner can be rain checked though you know." she points out. "And I wasn't going to offer to take you on grand adventures into the Hedge or anything. I just wanted to see how much about us you knew and to see if you were protected properly." she admits. Then there's a smile, "Some of us make great company. The event tomorrow night would be a good chance for you to meet some of us if you'd like as well." she offers. "Or did you just want to start off slow?" she asks him.

"I didn't say I was helpless," Dominic points out, as he eyes her. There was a bit of mystery to the way he spoke those words. "But, taking it slow is definitely the route I want to take. They can't all possibly be attractive Doctors with the best intentions in mind," he says.

"And nowhere did I say you were helpless, Dominic." Isolde states as she places her hands on her hips and looks at him. She doesn't ask him to tell her what he means. There's no prying him for his secrets. She's not some tyrant. Which is nice. Then there's a chuckle, "No, I think I'm the only Fairy Barbie Doctor in the County." she admits to him. "Another Enchanted called me that. I just got a giggle out of it so much." she admits.

Dominic frowns a bit at that, and shakes his head. "That's a bit shallow, too. I don't mean to demean or devalue, but, you call a spade a spade, right? Just as we're told to stay out of water before we can swim, you don't jump into the world without being cautious. That doesn't mean I don't also accept that you have an accomplished career that involves helping people," he says, "'Barbie Doctor' carries a different connotation in my mind, I guess."

Isolde shakes her head at that, "I didn't mean it like that." she sighs to that. "I don't mind being called pretty or attractive. I don't, Dominic." she tells him. "It's just not what I respond to the most. I know I'm attractive. I was made to be attractive." she tells him quietly. "Let's get off that topic." she chuckles at that.

"It isn't that," he says, shaking his head. "Look, I spent a long time becoming a Lawyer. In that time, I spent a decade working on Humanitarian aid in whatever free time I had. I dealt a lot with people that thought different sorts of lives were worth different things, is all," he says.

Isolde looks to him and there's a bit of a soft smile, a warmth to her eyes. She's far older than she looks. "Alright, Dominic." she tells him. "And Arcadia is a whole different bag of worms. I don't know where you were for Humanitarian work and I don't want to measure which was worse, but thank you for doing the work there." she tells him.

"I don't want you to think I'm unwilling to accept what is. But, there are rumors and whispers in the city. Rules and practices I didn't know about when I grew up here. Things you just don't do. There's an uneasiness there. But, under the Law, everyone deserves the same go of it. I thought it would be a few months before I actually -met- one," he adds. Dominic waves a hand, "It didn't start out as some altruistic, 'give it all back' mentality. I got lucky. It became a hard lesson later on," he explains. He seems to consider his thoughts for a moment at that. "In closing, I don't think you're a Barbie doll, even if you're attractive," he adds quickly.

Isolde seems to frown at the way he says things, but she waits for him to finish until she says anything at all. "Firsty, it's perfectly fine to speak to another person. I'm a person. Even if I happen to be a Changeling. I'm not some /thing/." she tells him. "I'm not some boogie man." she frowns deeply. "It's why I said it wasn't safe to speak in the park. I also wouldn't dream of speaking to someone who absolutely no clue what they were." she points out. "Tamarack Falls doesn't want Fort Brusnett in it's business. I get it. I'm not in the middle of it." she states.

"And my family can't so much as put up a lamp post in Tamarack Falls for some reason. We're not wanted -there-," he says, before rising to his feet. "Not saying it's right, but we're fighting an uphill battle if we try and ignore that it exists," Dominic says. "None of this was an issue when I was a kid. For whatever reason, it ... never came into being. It wasn't until I was in Rome that I even came across anything strange like this," he explains.

Isolde gives a look to him and there's a nod to that, "I've heard that the Utridges are not welcome, but I don't know why. I've never really had much contact with the family until I met you today to be honest Dominic." she tells him. "I could try to ask around. Or I'm sure you could do your own digging down there." she offers to him.

"Time will tell," Dominic says softly, offering her a smile. "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if that's what happened. If it makes you feel any better, that 'friend' I told you about almost got smacked the first time he startled me when we met. It went worse than this," he offers.

Isolde gives him a soft smile, "You didn't really offend me, Dominic." she tells him. Then she gives a musical laugh, one that echoes around the very quiet room, "I don't take to well with being smacked and believe me, I don't punch like a girl." she winks at him. "You can make things up to me with dinner some other night." she adds to him.