Regina Hazard

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Regina Hazard
On Game As: Regina
Played By: Brooke Ence
Concept: Reluctant Monster
Date of Birth: February 2 1875
Apparent Age: Late 30s
Occupation: Chef
Virtue: Generous
Vice: Hedonistic

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Ogre
Kith: Gristlegrinder Gargantuan Swimmerskin
Court: Spring
Entitlement: Knights of the Knowledge of the Tongue
Keeper: His and Her Graces of the Stars and Jungle

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”
– Harriet Van Horne


      Once upon a time Regina was a giant of a woman working as a part of a sideshow in a traveling circus. She was quite content with that lot in life until some jackass fae decided she was pretty neat, but that they could make her even eater. They kidnapped her and then made her bigger and much, much toothier. Then they told her to fight other people they had kidnapped, and they made it clear that if she wanted to eat at all it would have to be those hapless souls. Well, the meat surrounding the souls anyway.

      Naturally, as any sane and rational person would, Regina decided that this whole nonsense with being forced to fight other captives for the amusement of maniacal inhuman masters wasn't really her cup of tea. Also, she decided, she wasn't entirely a fan of a diet consisting entirely of people she had murdered, delicious as they turned out to be. Seeking both freedom and culinary variety, she escaped the first chance she had.

      That chance was eighty years after her capture. She discovered upon her return to the mortal world, much to her dismay, that it turned out to be harder than she thought to re-integrate into society after spending eight decades as a titanic man-eating leopard seal. This was especially true when, to a somewhat alarming degree, she was still the creature she'd been warped into.

      As much as she longs to be free of the changes that her Keepers and the Wyrd wrought upon her, she finds herself unable to resist the tempting allure of the benefits she gains. She wishes to return to being human, or at least more so, but that desire can't compete with all the many others that she can satisfy only by embracing what she was warped to be. Thus it is that a woman who remembers once desiring to be human continues a slow descent further away from that goal, finding it harder and harder to recall just why she wanted it in the first place.

RP Hooks

  • Ogre - Regina is very large, both in her mask and her mien.
  • Spring - Regina is definitely a student of Desire, more than anything. (Mantle 4)
  • High Wyrd - The kind of person it's dangerous to hang around too much.
  • Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongue - Tasty, tasty food.
  • Chef - See above. (Fame 1)
  • Body Builder - Just look at her! (Fame 1)


  • Lumi - Of course we've never met. Wink wink.


ReginaHazard2.jpg ReginaHazard3.jpg ReginaHazard4.png ReginaHazard5.jpg


Pain of Salvation - The Taming of a Beast

It's the hunger and the restlessness that call
A sweet vertigo of lust enticing me to take the fall
So lock me up, just chain me down and build a wall
Destroy the wolf and break his crown
Just file his claws and pull his teeth
Cause when I'm free
I'm gonna taste you all

Orenda Fink - Ace of Cups

Desire is an open hand
Like salt in a mad wind
And the sea with no mercy
Takes all


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