Log:The Pretty Lights: The Fair

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The Pretty Lights: The Fair

"Let's get out of here."


Beatrice, Franklyn, Green, Haruki, and ST


There's another weird incident at a psychic fair. Part of The Pretty Lights plot.


Vermont Psychic Fair

There's a psychic fair in town this week as the black and white flyers posted around Fort Brusnett and Tamarack Falls has stated. One can expect tarot readings, crystal balls and things of that nature. There's vendors, panels and all sorts of fun things to do. One might be here to heckle the supposed mystics or one might be here to talk on their own powers. The psychic fair spans the lower floor of one of the hotels near Fort Brusnett. Free entry for entertainment is also a draw to those teens and adults that don't want to spend the extra cash on a Monday night.

Green is here, of course. How could she miss a genuine psychic fair? Though it might be hard to spot her right away, as Amanda Green is not dressed in any of her usual cute-little-dresses. Could be because it's cold. Could be something else. Whatever the case, the little Brit is dressed tonight in a pair of tight black jeans, and old Morrissey tee, suspenders, and a leather jacket. Her eyes are lined in black, her lips are painted red. She's ready. For something. "Could you think of anything more absurd than psychic powers and magic?" Green asks, aside, to Franklyn.

Haruki's here because, well because what else is a boy to do on a boring Monday night? In an ideal world he'd have a variety of options, but that's not why he moved to middle of the nowhere Vermont. So if Psychic Fair is the highlight of the nightlife so be it. He's dressed fairly casually, jeans and a t-shirt, and he's browsing around, trying to decide if he actually wants to attend any of the panels or not when there he spots them, his saviours. Green and Franklyn! And he heads over thataways.

+summon: You inform Beatrice that you would like to summon her. This request will expire in 10 minutes.

"Yeah - swallowing crystal infused water to cure pinworms. Ugh." Franklyn murmur-whispers back to Green, striding on alongside her -- how's she dressed? Kinda like she raided Stevie Nicks' closet circa 1975 and came away with the darkest pieces: gauzy black sleevless summer dress, and some kind of complicated cropped black-grey denim jacket with a whole bunch if embroidery on the back. Are those about a dozen little 'evil eye' symbols sewn out in black and silver sequins? Ya better believe it...

The Garreau girl siiiighs with exaggerated aloofness, only to immediately laugh the next second and nudge Green in the aim, "Okay what's more absurd; flower water enema to cure celiac, or literally letting your kids die like we're living in a little house onna big prairie, because immunisations are gur'munt mind control?" So. Someone's a bit judgey - and laughy. Let's hope she's not too loud! But she spots Haruki mid-cynisism, and raises a hand in silent greeting.

"Never did mind a bit of arse play," Green quips, to Franky, with a sweet smile. "Dead children seems a touch worse off. Though I believe this group is worried about their third eye closing due to the high levels of midichlorians in vaccines," Green murmurs out. Green is looking over thataway, at the whatever, when Franklyn waves. She turns her attention that way, too. "Oh! Haruki, love. Are you here for the enemas? Or a crystal bath...?"

Beatrice is here, keeping to herself. Hard to miss her. Is she... Is she catching a pokemon on her phone?

"I should have known a great psychic like you would be here," Haruki says to Franklyn with a bright smile. "Are you planning to win anymore contests?" Has he just put his foot in it? Never mind. He blushes at Green's question and shakes his head. "Um. No? I was just... bored?" He sounds uncertain. "And it's free."

Franklyn snorts with amusement at Green, rolling her eyes and nudging her gently as they walk along. "Dooo they though? I can't stand it, really gets my goat: immunisations exist for a reason, and not everyone can get them, and those fuckin' hippies are putting people at risk and--" Franky stops her tirade, uughing and pawing at the side of her head suddenly. Brain freeze? Looks like she's pained, at any rate. At least it shuts her up.

For a second - because then she's turning to face Haruki, giving him a vague nod before a smile is attempted and she arches an eyebrow, "Darling, I always plan on winning. How you doing, eh?" She rubs at the side of her face, then laughs at his reply to Green -- shaking her head as she looks around. "Boredom and freedom - what a mix, eh? I think tha-- OH HEY. Is that like, Beatrix Miller? Or, Bella, or... Bernice Miller?" Franky -points- as she chatters on loudly, because of course she does.

"The world's greatest psychic would not miss the psychic fair, it is true," Green says, to Haruki. She then turns aside, to eye the woman beside her, with an odd look on her face. "All right, Frank?" she asks. Concern lasts just a moment before Franklyn is yammering again, and Green just gives the faintest of shrugs. Must be all right. "And it is true. Franky is always winning. Even when she's losing," Green informs Haruki, as if he somehow doesn't know! "And I'd be wary of any free enemas," she adds, before she turns to follow Frank's gaze. Definitely a woman she's seen before! She offers a soft smile Beatrice's way.

"Who?" Haruki asks, trying to see who Franklyn's pointing at. "Is she famous?" He seems uncertain. He smiles. "I'm good. How're you two? Are you okay?" he asks concerned as she starts pawing at her head. "Headache? I'm sure they've lots of cures around here." He smiles at Green, and nods. "Words of wisdom."

As the group heads down one of the aisles they will notice a booth at one end that is decorated in dark blues and greens with hints of silver. Behind the tables is an older woman with long white hair. She's dressed like any normal person might be for business. Not like some of the other fair goers that are dressed like old school gypsies. When she gets done with a group that is now moving off she turns to look at people coming down the aisle. There's a look to Green and then the woman smiles, "Come here for a moment." she motions them forward.

When Beatrice turns an eye up from her phone to look at Franklin's outstretched finger it is with an unmistakable degree of cringe. Perhaps for Franklyn, perhaps for the gesture, perhaps for the bastardization of her name. The phone is tucked away as Beatrice starts directly - DIRECTLY - towards Franklyn with methodic steps.

Franklyn makes a tiny noise of irritation at Green at the 'all right', which probably isn't very generous of her -- but hey, the girl seems to be in some form of discomfort. No answer is given. But when she mentions winning and losing? Franky cracks a grin and nudges Green's arm gently. "You know losing's just motivation to crush it in the future." Crush it? It? Yeah, it - when Franky says it, it sounds like /everything/.

"Huh? Oh -- nonono, I don't think so? She was at this party Amanda and I were at. Tooootaaly gave this guy a right talking down, it was /soo/ extra." Then Franky's giving Haruki a hazy glance, expression curious and... A little pained around the edges. Someone must have a hangover or something. /What/? I'm not taking any hippy shit -- I'll speak to my aunt or..." Fade out. Franklyn just stares off into the middle distance for a second. Two second. Three.

Franklyn is not noticing the white haired woman as she beckons to Green. She's not noticing Haruki as he continues being adorable. She's not even noticing Beatrice as she makes a DIRECT bea-line towards her. No. Franky's just... Staring.

"Oh, she's the Russian woman, isn't she...?" Green murmurs out, to Franklyn. When Beatrice approaches, and Franklyn shares how they know her, that's the confirmation she needs. Her smile brightens just a bit. "Hel-lo, all right?" she greets Beatrice. Then she looks back to Franklyn, and now there's a touch of concern there. "Mmm... we won't be long, love," she says. "Just need enough to write a story," she adds.

And enough happens to be staring right at her. Green puts eyes on the white-haired woman and watches for a moment. She gestures to herself. 'Me?' she mouths. Who else could it be? And so with a little look around, Green reaches back over, to Franklyn. She slips her arm through her best gal's and then starts over towards the woman. Beatrice might be denied her... whatever Beatrice is after. On account of Green dragging Frank away. There's a glance back to Haruki, sort-of invitation for the man to follow.

"Oh, awesome," Haruki smiles. "You go to lots of parties? Where'd you even find them around here? And how do I get on the guest lists?" He's still looking concerned though. "You need to sit down? Have a glass of water or something?" He follows with Green and Franklyn, happily, they're always where the most excitement is going to be. And there's a smile to Beatrice if she joins them.

Beatrice looms over Franklyn, arms crossing as she looks down at her with a faint frown. She isn't saying anything just yet, staring and waiting. Haruki and Green at least get nods of acknowledgement. Beatrice seems to have different thoughts for Franklyn.

When Green and company come forward there's a smile from the white haired woman. There's a nod of her head when Green points to herself, "Yes. Come over for a moment." she tells her. While they are approaching the woman reaches into her pocket to pull out a small notebook and then opens it. A pen is pulled out and she writes on the paper before tearing it out and waiting for Green to get closer before she holds it out. "This might help." she tells her.

On the paper it says: "The Lord gave the kingdom to David forever by a covenant of salt."

"It's alright, I'm cool." Franklyn snaps back to attention and insists to Green - although she does look a touch peaky. Poor Haruki gets a less generous reply, "No I'm /fine/." Sounds like someone is a little prickly about being fussed over. Instead, she follows suite and makes her way towards the White Haired Woman's stall with Green and Haruki.

A hand raises to swoop her hair out of her face, then subtly rub at her temples as Franky turns and finally see's Beatrice so close. The lumberjull is given a top-to-toe visual assessment, and then a broad smile. "You're Lily's cousin or something, right?" Because of course Franky vaaaaaguely knows the Miller party-girl/nightclub owner. Her smile remains as she holds out a hand for Beatrice, all formal and polite and probably missing her mark. "We haven't been introduced. I'm Franklyn Garreau -- how do you do?" Beatrice's persistent frown is met with a persistent smile, big green eyes squinted ever-so-slightly.

Means Franky's seemingly missing out on all that notebook action at the stall, in spite of it happening right under her nose. Focus up, Ms. Garreau!

"You have pointed at me in public, more than once now. Is not polite to point, Miss Garreau." A tip lower of her head lower and she says more quietly. "I am Beatrice Miller, and I would appreciate an apology." Well, that seems to be what the whole stink is about. Message relayed, Beatrice relaxes slightly. Only slightly.

"Own a piece of Fort Brunsett's cultural world and you end up getting invites, love," Green asides, to Haruki. "Or in your case, start performing..." she adds, with a little prod there. Because wasted talents is one sin Green does not abide.

But then she's looking back to the woman. "Oh?" she asks, with a smile. Place nice with the weirdos, because she's trying to get a story here! She takes the paper, her expression wholly polite and tolerant. She has all night! Maybe. Green then draws her arm away from Frank, so she can unfold the paper with both hands, and allow the other woman to converse with Beatrice. The conversation is ignored. Green's focus is there.

The little Brit reads it once, and her polite smile remains. And then she reads it again, and the express falls entirely. She stares at the paper for a long moment, then looks up to the woman. Concern is clear on her features, and she looks, for once, speechless.

Haruki's going to want a look at that bit of paper too, curiosity getting the better of him. He stops with the fussing over Franklyn since it's just making things worse. He smiles as she says start performing. "Soon."

The white haired woman clucks her tongue when Green's face falls, "In the back of your mind there's salt questions. I was just pointing you towards another meaning." she tells her. Now if this lady isn't psychic this is a staged display. The white haired woman was about to start saying something else but there's an alarm that starts to buzz. Like someone has hit the emergency fire exit door or pulled a fire alarm.

And everyone can see that a young woman comes rushing through the main floor of the fair, holding the side of her neck.

And is that the scent of burnt flesh?

And everyone can see that a young woman comes rushing through the main floor of the fair, holding the side of her neck. It's even more apparent that something is wrong when she starts to scream and cry.*

Franklyn's smile does not move - in fact, it stays fixed as she blinks, /blinks/ up at the woman. "...Excuse me?" Said through smiling teeth, then Franklyn raises her eyebrows while compressing her lips together in a closed mouth smile. Is it a nice expression? It's /an/ expression. He refused hand is raised, and Franky flicks some hair out of her eyes - looking for a second pained, before breaking out a big ol' grin for the Miller woman. "Oh... How rude of me to be so indelicate with you, Beatrice. It was wrong of me to assume a woman of your statue would be impervious to my lapses in judgement -- allow me to apologise for being so direct, and not considering your--..."

Whatever Franky was going to say, it stops. She blinks twice, sniffing in -- without missing a beat, she's side-stepped to be closer to Green. "What's going on?" That 'polite' tone has stopped, dropped, and rolled the fuck away -- Franklyn sounds /concerned/, her attention moving to look off towards the crowd and...

...why is that woman holding her neck? Screaming? Franklyn's eyes go a bit wide. Okay. More than a bit.

Green's eyes are locked on the woman, ready for whatever comes next. Rather eager to hear it. Anxious to hear it, even. But then there's an alart. "Oh, bloody hell... What is it for? What... who is it to?" she insists, loudly, over the alarms. Because damned if she'll let a fire alarm stop her quest for knowledge. But then, screaming?

Green's eyes go wide just as well. She looks that way, she looks back to the woman. "Oh, bloody hell!" she blurts. Quickly, the note is stuffed into her pocket, and then she pulls out a card. Majesty Records. She drops it on the table in front of the white-haired woman. "Call me!" she insists.

Green turns, and reaches out to grab Franklyn's wrist, as Green starts towards the screaming woman. "Miss! What's happened!"

Haruki gags and it's all he can do not to throw up, the colour draining from him. And okay there's someone that needs help and there's... as soon as Green leaps into action he does too. First aid kit? There should be one around somewhere? Something not filled with crystals and flower water.

Beatrice turns her eyes to look at the injured person, furrowing her brow at them and scowling. "Burning flesh." She starts walking towards the sound of the alarms, not giving any other visible thought to the screaming person.

The white haired woman gives Green a bit of a frown, "I wish it were that easy for me." she tells her. Apparently it was just a glimpse for the psychic. Then there's running and screaming and burnt flesh and the woman goes wide eyed as well, "Jesus..." she whispers as she picks up her cell phone to call for help.

The young blonde woman stumbles and falls not too far from Green, Haruki, Franklyn and Beatrice. She tries to catch herself with her hands, that means letting go of her neck.

When she does there's a brand that can be seen, the flesh has cauterized around it, that lets them know it was really hot when it was put to her skin. Which is terrifying to think about. The screaming is almost unintelligible and the girls eyes seem unfocused as she tries to grab at things.

Franklyn blinks again - turning to look at the White Haired Woman at the stall, scanning her over, before she turns an hot-steps it after Green; her skirts all a'billow as she hurries along. Expression? Concerned and low-key irked: the cost of admission of hanging out with a Press Pass babe like Green is that The Story takes priority.

Still. Franky nods along to Beatrice, her new Frenemy, as they head towards the alarm. While Haruki and his search for medical supplies gets a nod, the Miller woman even gets a wary side glance -- like Franky was sizing her up... Which would be funny, eh?

What's not funny is Franklyn looking at the poor woman with a brand mark on her neck. Eyes go HUGE, but the Mortal lass does not look away: in fact, she tries to see /what's/ on the screaming girl's neck while not getting into her sphere of influence. Means Franky might miss out on seeing any other commotion -- or shifty people in the crowd...

Green makes it over to the blonde and quickly drops to her knees. "I'm here!" she tells the woman. Nevermind that this person doesn't know her. "It's all right, we're getting someone to help," she says, quickly. She reaches out to wrap the blonde up, and so long as she's not shoved away, she'll attempt to pull the woman in to a tight embrace. Which means she gets a nice, good look at that brand.

"Shhh, shhh... just take a breath. Deep breath," she murmurs out, her voice so very lovely and soothing. As she holds the woman, she brushes the blonde's hair aside, ever so carefully to expose the brand more clearly. Then her eyes flick up. Where's Frank? Right there? Perfect. 'Pictures! Now!' she mouths out, and then her eyes flick back down. Hopefully Frank can go about that quickly and before a crowd forms!

Haruki'll go over to the first aid station, in order to fetch one of the medics, just in case they're not actually heading over. "She needs help! Looks like a burn?" And yeah that's the total of his own expertise.

The EMT's at the end of the row might have stayed in shock if the girl hadn't screamed, but they grab a kit and head down the row towards the group. They didn't think they'd have any incidents. "If everyone can step back, we'll take care of this."

Because what happens at a bloody psychic fair?!

The girl, hearing Green's voice just starts to sob, "It hurts..." she manages the only intelligent set of words. Then she starts to slump, the girl is probably going to be in shock, but she'll live. With a wicked looking brand in her neck.

Guess who has an internet addiction and an iPhone? Franklyn! She looks stunned as she stares down at the branded woman's neck -- but as Green speaks to her? That iPhone comes straight out, and the girl is already leaning in far too close to try and take a whole series of images because... Jesus, Franky: isn't this kind of rude and invasive? Doesn't matter. Green told her to do it, and Franky just, well, Franky is always taking photos. -Always-.

Then the girl is going into what looks like shock, and the Garreau woman blinks twice an turns her head, trying to see where Hariku and the Medics are, before scanning because... Where did Beatrice go? Franklyn turns and speaks rapid-fire to Green. "I don't like it here, I've had a /horrible feeling/," Hissed through her teeth, eyes a bit wild, "Since we got here. This /pressure/. I'm not happy."

Yeah Franklyn, because that's what matters -- not this poor girl.

"Let's make sure she is safe and then /leave immediately/." But isn't it the funniest thing... Franklyn looks genuinely scared.

Beatrice is already moving through the crowd, eyes scanning as she puts her back to the others. It may be that Beatrice is a team player, but right now she really isn't showing it. Instead she is off looking for whoever caused the injury, sniffing like she can track the source by smell. Surely people can't really do that, right? Uh, right? She scowls again, seeming to zero in on something and moving further away.

Haruki looks at the girl worried, but the EMTs have it under control now, and the ambulance and police should be arriving soon. He really, really doesn't want another round of interviews, for all that he's concerned about that poor girl.

Green continues to hold the woman, and gently stroke her hair, murmuring out some soothing noises. Yes, Amanda is here. All is well. Never you mind. She'd never strap you to a chair in her basement lair and brand you. No, never.

Green's eyes flick back up to Frankly, and she gives a quick, decisive nod.

Then, EMTs are here, and Green is all to happy to comply, and let them take over. She extracts herself from the young woman, and immediately shoves a hand into her pocket. Thank God these jeans have some stretch to them. Whatever was there is safely deposited, and then Green reaches out a hand to Franklyn. "Let's go," she says. See, she'll give up a story every now and then!

The cops arrive on scene not too much later. The girl manages to get out that someone tried to abduct her. Nothing will close a place down faster than an abduction. A botched one at that. The cops do their duty of questioning people and there's an older couple that arrives that turns out to be the young woman's parents. There's some distress with some of the psychics that are around, maybe Franklyn wasn't the only one feeling the pressure.