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{{ Log

cast = Your Host: DJ Culture summary = Livestream broadcast on the night of the Summer Solstice: New Crowns, the Solstice Courts watching from the shrubs, Goblin Market fracas, and soiled fruit warnings. gamedate = 2017.06.21 gamedatename = subtitle = You asked for Unfuck the World and for you? Unfucked the world shall be. location = Off your Satellite;
Eating your airwaves
categories = Changeling, RFF, Winter log =


The Broadcast

The radio, television, phone near you start to crackle with static, and slowly... slowly adjusts to the station. It's almost like a subliminal vibe being transmitted by frequency for the Lost out there in the regional Freeholds and without. The raspy digitized voice of a woman greets, though being on air the entire being could be synthesized; in the background there's the faint background sound of the Pet Shop Boys>

"Wake up, you Andy DuFresnes out there, DJ Culture here to Wake. Your. Ass. Up. And if you don't know who that is, watch the goddamned Shawshank Redemption. It's a fucking national treasure. We promised to kick the signal from space out here over top of that cannibal Candy Land known as the Hedge to keep you Sugar Babies alive and in one piece... Because believe it or not? We actually got a vested interest in your well being. Who knew? If you're Lost and picking up this signal you know how to get a hold of us. Ain't technology a wonderful thing?

It's been a while since we were kicking it out in the stratosphere, but hey, we actually got a hot show for you tonight because it's the Summer Solstice. That's right come Sun Up freeholds all over the greater New England area are gonna get lit up. So for our brothers and sisters with the Summer and the Sun, we salute the rise of the season with this classic from Carl Cox"

"So I got a lovely little bit in my in box. Looks like the Court of the Solstice is riding high right now in the shift of things. One of our Listeners by name of Number Six wanted to remind the Freeholds out there that they are aaaaaall being watched. Though hopefully, chummer, if anyone's doing their job right? Ain't much to fucking see. After shit wound up in the newspaper though> Cannot say I blame them. Number Six if you're out there, pipe up so we can hear from you.

I won't lie, I think the biggest kick out of this job aside from spreading harsh truths and exposing the corruptions inherent in the world is seeing what people choose to name themselves. Lots of movie buffs ain't ya? In any case this one goes out to all the boiler men and the electric dolls, all the tweeters and woofers out there having a rough night and trying not to short out as the rain rolls in. This one's off the Gorillaz's Plastic Beach album which I used to argue was the best one but let's face it, that new release is hot as hell. Check it out if you can. "
