Court of the Solstice

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Court of the Solstice

Highly varied title venerating or at least seeing the merit in the between places of the world. Generally looked on poorly by the traditional courts.

  • Titles: Solstice Courtier or just Courtier. Sometimes Betweener (derogatory)
  • Prerequisites: Wyrd 3, Mantle 0


They welcome anyone who shows an interest in joining. The biggest barrier is the Wyrd requirement. The other barrier is the presence of the Court in a freehold.


There are subtle changes to the mien, such as faint markings on the skin of all four seasons. Some have images of celestial bodies. Some have hair and eyes that are smoky silver.


Solstice courtiers are those who aren't drawn strongly to any of the seasons, for whatever reason.


The organization of the Court grows as time goes on. Courtiers work toward this organization all the time. Currently, the eldest and most experienced Courtiers serve as 'king' or 'queen'.


Feast of Scraps They gain Desperation as their 'court' passion.


CB Alexander

C.B. Alexander
aka CB
Courtless Wizened

Entitlement Logs

None yet.