From Fate's Harvest
Please copy and paste the template below and fill it in with your information. Do not just fill the template in. Other people need to use it too! :)
- Defense: If using Separation or something to boost defense, make a note of it, please.
- Armor: If using Elements, please make a note here
- Wyrd:
- Active Contracts:
- Applicable Merits:
- Equipment: Include hedgespun or tokens here.
- Miscellaneous: Hedgebeasts and the like can be put here
- Defense: Will be boosting in scene, probably!
- Armor: Whatever normal Armor is...
- Wyrd: 5
- Active Contracts: Separation 1, Exceptional Success: The character can jump twice as far and climb twice as fast as normal for the duration of this scene.
- Applicable Merits: Marksmanship; Rigid Mask (for social purposes)
- Equipment: Crossbow + bolts
- Miscellaneous: Occult 4, Investigation 3
- Defense: 8
- Armor: 1/0 Reinforced Clothing
- Wyrd: None. :(
- Active Contracts: None.
- Applicable Merits: Danger Sense, Trained Observer.
- Equipment: Messenger bag of awesomeness, really cool sneakers.
- Miscellaneous: Investigation 4, Detective PT
- Defense: 6
- Armor: 0/0
- Wyrd: 3
- Active Contracts: None
- Applicable Merits: Eidetic Memory
- Equipment: None
- Miscellaneous: Nothing