Omar Thorn

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Court summer.pngThornSeeming ogre.png
Sucess is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
― Winston Churchill

Born in the deep south amidst the chaos of the civil rights movement, the former Martin Jones was named after his father's idol - Martin Luther King, Jr. Himself a Baptist minister, Thorn's father was a strict but loving man. Childhood was occasional fraught with danger or the threat of it and Thorn was a small and shy boy. That changed by the time he was entering high school. He grew all at once and with the physical growth came emotional and mental growth. More confident, more collected, more sure of himself. Thorn wanted to be a doctor and he wanted to leave the south for a time. Up north he went to Burlington, Vermont, and the medical school that was there. That's where it all went wrong.

He was taken. Kidnapped. The future he had planned stolen from him. The grief wouldn't come until later, until after he had been freed. It was off to The Fray. Never-ending combat and battle. His body molded into some sort of fiery monstrosity to burn and melt his opponents. That's mostly what he remembers from his Durance. Fire and flames. Heat. One day, he was released. Physically, at least. Thrown out, cast aside as something no longer useful, sent to sow his destruction upon the world. But Thorn was determined not to hurt those who didn't deserve it. Five years after his freedom was granted, he joined The Legion of the Iron Wall. One year and one day after that he was a Warmaster. For the past twenty years he has traveled from freehold to freehold, fighting and leading where needed. Preparing and following where needed. He has been a grunt, he has been a Red Victor, he has even been a Wroth General. Service and war is what matters to him, along with a respect he thinks he's earned. His next stop, Fate's Harvest. That might be concerning for the current residents.

       RP Hooks
An Ogre that was a fire giant in Arcadia. An Ifrit. He fights and he does it well. And with fire.
Summer Court. A shining and fiery example of what a member of the Summer Court should be, he is a fierce advocate for strong defense and direct tactics against the threats the Lost face.
Warmaster. A member of the Legion of the Iron Wall, he is a military leader and strategist.
Contract work. Bouncer, security guard, security consultant. He does it all from time to time.




       Allies, Cohorts, Family, & Friends

Jonah - Captain of the Harvestmen, fellow Ogre.

Template: Changeling
Seeming Ogre
Kith Ifrit
Entitlement Legion of the Iron Wall
Motley None
Date of Birth: March 3, 1964
Virtue/Vice: Courageous/Stubborn
Occupation: Old Soldier
Played By: Idris Elba
The Doors - The End
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Muse - Apocalypse Please
Declare this an emergency
Come on and spread a sense of urgency
And pull us through
And pull us through
And this is the end
This is the end of the world