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Hobgoblins are the natives of the Hedge. Changelings are not. This cannot be stressed enough.

Per the book, hobs come in every variety of sentience/sapience, and every size. When using hobs in your scenes, please remember that even wild animals will recognize people, and will remember them as threats. If your hobs have any intelligence at all, they are not going to appreciate being murdered.

A list of hobs can be found below. Only very brief summaries are given, with quick-reference stats for combat purposes. Parentheses in skill lists indicate specialties. Where the book does not give more detailed stats, you will need to fudge a version of the base Hob stats below.

For a list of hedgebeasts, look here.


  • Book - AN p.131
  • Description - Hob appearance varies, but they are always bipedal, and roughly humanoid. They can be withered or robust, and are typically considerably shorter than a human. See book for further details. They are also always some variation of selfish, manipulative, ruthless and absent what humans would consider proper sympathy and compassion, notoriously poor at Social skills.
  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 5, Resolve 3
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
  • Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 5, Composure 2
  • Mental Skills: Investigation (Appraisal) 4, Medicine (Goblin Fruits) 2, Occult (The Hedge) 4
  • Physical Skills: Brawl 1, Larceny 4, Stealth (Fair Escape) 3, Survival 3, Weaponry (Knife) 2
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken (Hedge Beasts), Empathy 4, Intimidation 2, Persuasion (Negotiatons) 5, Subterfuge 4
  • Merits: Eidetic Memory, Allies (Goblin Markets) 3, Contacts (Goblin Markets) 3
  • Willpower: 6
  • Init: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 8 (Size 4)
  • Turns: Choose any one Contract which suits the Hob's personality and goals.
  • Weapon/Attacks:
(Type/Damage/Range/Dice Pool)
Brawl (0)B - 4
Knife (1)L - 6


  • Book - DitD p.85
  • Description - Driven to build. Can carve secret, safe paths in Hedge. Can be paid to help build Hollows.

Boggart Holes

  • Book - DitD p.85
  • Description - More expensive versions of Architects who can build more and fancier things, but the cost of their services is high. Requires logged PRP to use Hollow merit dot discount. See book for details.

Goblins Red in Tooth and Claw

  • Book - DitD p.87
  • Description - They are incapable of not-hunting. They hunt. It is all they do. No weapons used other than their own teeth, claws, tentacles, etc. They only hunt "worthy" prey, however. If your traits are worse than theirs, they won't go after you unless provoked.

The Grub Legion

  • Book - DitD p.87
  • Description - Mercenaries who will hunt anything and anyone. They want cash. They don't want to barter, they don't want to trade goods, they don't want promises. They want cold hard cash. Gold coins, ducats, euros, anything they can get their hands on. They wear armour with a worm's visage painted in bone dust and blood on their helmets/blades. The means to contact them is not well known. See book for details.


  • Book - DitD p.87
  • Description - Generic hunters. Traps, clubs, mystery why they hunt, but they hunt changelings and anything else that tickles their fancy.


  • Book - DitD p.87
  • Description - Merchants who roam the Hedge making deals and infernal bargains. Basically, the goblins you'd find at a market, without the market.

The Niche

  • Book - DitD p.87
  • Description - Niche carved out of Hedge walls. Small shop manned by single hob. If you agree to take over the shop for a while, you are then trapped there until you can get someone else to make a deal to man the shop "for a little while" instead.

Pathmakers or "Red Hands"

  • Book - DitD p.85
  • Description - Their hands are red from blisters and blood. They are obsessed with the cartography of the Hedge and carve new roads, build walls, build ways over walls, or build entirely senseless mazes for their own obscure purposes. Getting in their way is dangerous and may result in a swift case of death, but finding one of their paths gives you 9-again to navigate the Hedge while you are on them.

The Sawbones of Pickwick Circus

  • Book - DitD p.86
  • Description - Doctors who sell limbs, who work in a clearing filled with white tents with edges red with blood. When they make a deal but don't have one of that type of limb in "stock", they go out and find someone in the Hedge to harvest it from. You could lose a hand, an eye, a tongue, etc. Most changeling victims get a Token Limb and a number of dots of Lethal damage equal to the value of the Token's dots. Sometimes, however, the weird prosthetic is entirely useless. The token is a side effect. You don't ask for it. You get attacked, and they force it on you.


  • Book - DitD p.88
  • Description - Miners, mechanics, breakers, fixers. They can't stop futzing, fixing and breaking things down, creating or destroying or adding to unfathomable devices, peculiar yet salable items or the Hedge itself.

The Triflesmiths

  • Book - DitD p.88
  • Description - Wandering nomads who laugh their way through the Hedge until it's time to create trifles or tokens, or repair those that are broken. Staff approval required. Finding the Triflesmiths requires a long term effort suitable to lengthy plots, and payment for their goods is always a laundry list of items, one per dot of the token requested. Reduces token cost to New Dots x 1.

Wagon Train of Values

  • Book - DitD p.88
  • Description - Wagon train of hobs who sell what you need, not what you want. They may only be summoned by genuine need and desperation, by a changeling vocalizing that need aloud. If you want to find them, you never will, no matter how desperate you are. Their prices are steep and tend to be something you already possess.

The Yellow Nurses

  • Book - DitD p.86
  • Description - Cursed hobgoblins who follow wounded hobs/changelings at a distance, eyes rolling around like an addict hungry for junk. They eat injuries, probing wounds with freakish tongues, clamping suckerish mouths over spilled guts, etc. etc. They ignore bashing/aggravated damage entirely, only eating Lethal. For every Lethal they eat, they also eat a Willpower point. Once all of the Willpower is gone, they begin eating Attribute dots as side dishes instead. These dots return at a rate of one-per-day after the fact. They do not stop consuming Willpower/Attributes until all of the Lethal damage is healed.