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Hoofstomper Kith

References: Custom
Theme: Charging Beasts

Hoofstompers are the beasts which charge across the plains, who plow you over head first: the ornery ram drunk on sun-ripened mulberries; the bulls running through the streets of Pamplona; the rhinoceros barreling horn-first at the poacher. In Arcadia, hoofstompers may have lead idyllic lives, grazing on strange grasses as they slowly let go of their memories of what it was to be human, or they may have kept their Keeper's domain free of interlopers, charging head first at any who would trespass on their territory.

Kith Blessings

Passive Blessing: Ramming Speed

Hoofstompers may quadruple their speed for the purposes of charging.

Active Blessing: Bull's Fury

Hoofstompers may spend a Glamour to gain +2 to a single attack immediately after charging. A successful hit imposes the Knocked Down tilt on the target.

High Wyrd Blessing

(Under Development)

Pages in category "Hoofstomper"

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