Fate's Harvest/Watchers

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They are Oneiromancers and Seers,

Watchers are often members of the other Freehold subgroups.


As of September 2016, they have yet to face their first true challenge.

Requirements to Join

Recruits are expected to have a working knowledge of basic oneiromancy, or some variant of a prophetic gift. These requirements may be satisfied by knowing the Contracts of Dream or Omen.

Rank Structure


Influence: 5

The Watcher-Elect is responsible for the leadership and coordination of all other Watchers, and holds a seat upon the Freehold Council. He or she is responsible for hosting monthly meetings, and for disseminating and managing new information, policies, promotions and disciplinary action.

OOCly, they are given Head powers over the Watchers +faction.

The Elect's authority, given the frequent fluctuations of sanity involved in prophecy, seldom lingers on the shoulders of truly powerful Seers or Oneiropomps; truth told, the bureaucracy and cat-herding tends to end up on whoever is willing to do the task and put themselves up for election. It has one of the highest turnover rates in the entire Freehold.


Influence: 3 or Influence: 4

There is very little formal rank structure within the group, but it is common knowledge that the greater a prophet you are, the better you can withstand the horrors of others' dreams and guard them from the Kindly Ones' predations, the more influence you hold over others.

Full Watchers are warriors in their own right, manipulating the skein and teasing out secrets of the future to provide a more ephemeral guard for the Freehold's members. Non-members may hire them, but there is always a price.


Influence: 2 or Influence: 1

You either are or you aren't an Oneiropomp. You either are or you aren't a Seer. In this respect,



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Seeming Kith


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Seeming Kith
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Seeming Kith
Test.gif Name - Court Mantle •
Seeming Kith
Test.gif Name - Court Mantle •
Seeming Kith
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Seeming Kith
Test.gif Name - Court Mantle •
Seeming Kith


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Seeming Kith
Test.gif Name - Court Mantle •
Seeming Kith

Wayhouse Logs

None yet.