Log:Broken Dolls: A Couple Of Big Girls, The Void, And An Assassin

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Broken Dolls: A Couple Of Big Girls, The Void, And An Assassin

Regina, Calm, Levi, Teagan as themself and ST

22 October, 2017

What started out as a Hedge 101 trip goes really sideways. Part of Broken Dolls.


Evening, verging on night, is the best time for a Darkling to head into the Hedge. Teagan opened a common Hedge gate onto the Looptrod and brought Levi out through the cave into the place where they had been gathering blushberries before. Their machete -- that rusty, old-looking thing -- is held easily in their left hand (because of course Teagan is sinister), and they click their tongue against the roof of their mouth. "So we've done basic healing fruit," Teagan offers. "Have you been in the Hedge with some of our, uh... more Fae folks? Ever seen what they do to the landscape?" Clearly the noob is getting Hedge 101. "It's like footprints, only ... huge. The Hedge literally warps around them."

GAME: Walker spends 1 Glamour

Levi is on Teagan's heels, metaphorically speaking. She's got herself kitted out to keep safe- which for her means being big and extra rocky. She tromps along behind the sinister, shadowy Teagan, ducking under heavier branches and brushing vines aside. "What do you mean? What does that look like?" She's only ever been in the Hedge as she is- SHE might not realize that there's not nearly so many rocky outcroppings thrust through the soil normally speaking... but Teagan probably does.

Then one of them appears, those more-Fae folks, and with her coming presence the already dimming light dims further and the twinking of lights like stars comes from the descending gloom. With Telluric timing, Calm rounds a bend ahead only seconds after Teagan and Walker appeared. Just long enough to make it seem like it might be coincidental, and not intentional. She's a figure of darkness, not even bothering with the shroud of crimson silk that she usually wears in the mortal world, and she stops on the path to regard Teagan and Levi from a distance before saying, "hello again, Teagan. Hello Teagan's friend." Apparently she's not a total stranger, just totally freaky. Especially to run into in a place like this, looking (and influencing the hedge) like someone only a step or so away from crossing the line into Gentry. And look, she brought a friend!

Hey! That rocky person is familiar! When Regina rounds the bend a few steps behind Calm, dressed again in her chef's coat, her eyes blink and then her massive mouth splits into a sharp, toothy smile. "It's you again! Hah!" she says jovially. "I didn't know you were bringing us to meet up with others, Calm. Why didn't you say so? I would have brought more food!" She's not super-big at the moment, just her normal nearly seven feet tall, so she probably doesn't knock Calm over when she smacks the woman on the shoulder companionably.

"... well, for one, those aren't usually ... " Teagan begins to point toward the various rocky outcroppings that poke up through the ground. And then there's... Calm. And Regina. But mostly Calm. Teagan's fractured-mirror eyes open slowly, a little wider than perhaps the otherwise-expert liar would prefer to have happen. "... uh. It... it looks like that," the Darkling answers, their machete swinging loosely in one hand. Mind, their shadows dog their heels like faithful pets, but Teagan isn't a walking (naked) void. "Hi, Calm." One arm shoots out in front of Levi, even as Teagan says the name. No, Levi, it's not a Gentry, please don't attack her. "Uh, hi." To Regina, who, of course, Teagan doesn't know yet. "Calm, this is ... well. She can introduce herself." Not giving other people's names away to proto-Gentry, check.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck is a Calm.

Levi's met dolls, and ogres, and Teagans and all sorts of things, but a CALM is something ELSE. She just- stops. And stares. Flicks eyes to Teagan, off of Teagan to Calm, back to Teagan, to Calm's fr... wait! That's Regina! That's... sort of... comforting... she's at least familiar, and a level of tension bleeds out of the towering Elemental. Teagan's armthrust leaves her blinking. "Why would I attack her? You said -not- to attack- ohhhh. Okay." She seems awful calm for someone being told not to suplex a walking avatar of celestial being. "Hello, Regina. Hi, Calm. I'm Levi. Teagan was teaching me about- well. That." She gestures overhead at the stars that have decided to make themselves at home, before processing a few things and glancing down at the stones Teagan pointed out. "What do you mean? They've been everywhere I've seen."

"I don't think that they're what we came out here to find," Calm admits to Regina, after stumbling half a step forward with the pat to her shoulder. Her voice is strange, like a sound effect that a Star Trek episode might use for a being that doesn't have a material form, just speaking from the emptiness of space. It doesn't seem to come from any single point within the empty void that she's formed from. She moves toward Teagan and Levi when things seem to be peaceful enough with the meeting. "It's nice to meet you, Levi. I don't suppose that either of you has seen anything peculiar here? At least, other than myself and Regina." At least the void has a sense of humor? There's even some laughter in her voice at that.

"Oh, right. Hah!" Regina's laugh is like the bark of a seal, and it comes easily from the giant of a woman. "I should introduce myself to the stranger! I'm Regina, Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongue, Spring court, all that stuff. Calm's my motley-mate. We came all the way out here because she had a weird feeling. Usually when she gets weird feelings, dinner shows up. Hah!" She looks around like she's waiting for something to jump out and attack them. Or, as she probably sees it, take all the fun out of the hunt by just about walking into her cookpot.

"Yeah, she's not." That's Teagan's explanation to Levi, lowering their right arm, the left still absently swinging their machete. "Uh. I'm Teagan. Squire of the Broken Bough, Summer. Hey, Regina." Maybe it's the high Wyrd that makes Teagan not so chatterboxy at the moment. Maybe it's the word 'motley.' Maybe ... who the fuck knows. "Yeah, I was ... just walking Levs out to do some Hedge lessons. Basic safety shit." And then Levi's comment about the stones. Teagan tilts their head to the side, and raises one of their weirdly-metallic eyebrows. "Yeah. They're everywhere you go, Levs." The way that Teagan speaks to Levi is rather familiar, and the wryness in that last sentence is pretty affectionate.

Calm's feelings, apparently, are right this evening. Possibly because Calm is here. Being Calm does tend to be something like a self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes, doesn't it? There's a clanking and a hissing from the direction that Calm and Regina came, albeit distantly. A low crackling sound follows shortly thereafter.

Calm's right, they weren't on the lesson plan. Levi visibly ducks back a bit when Calm speaks from... noplace, startled and unsettled. The humor... sort of helps. Sort of. It's almost worse. Regina's familiar, but that "I'll eat anything" vibe... there's a sense of steel to Levi's stance. She's certainly not interested in fighting, but it'd be a lie to say she's not worried she might have to. Too much strange in one place, and she's getting "wyrd"ed out. And truth be told? She's simply -not- aware how close she is to tipping down the path those two are already walking. Just another lesson she hasn't had the chance to learn.

"I thought you said that happened around the more fairy ones of us. Like Nat, and- um. Well, Miss Calm." Her eyes flick yonder, and she's about to say something she hopes is polite and apologetic when that nasty noise starts to intrude at a distance. She frowns a little bit, looking at those present. "... that's not the Hedge making weird sounds for them. Is it."

"That term 'more fairy', that tends to be largely a matter of perspective doesn't it?" Calm asks... well, calmly. There's a certain serenity to her, at least at the moment, that makes her name fitting, and possibly helps with the nervousness she tends to inspire in people. Especially ones she encounters in the hedge. "To some of us, Levi, your connection may seem like--" she doesn't skip a beat as the sounds start coming from behind them, like she isn't at all worried about that. Yet. "--it's profoundly, frighteningly strong. There's a profusion of those bound tightly with fate here in this area, though. I think we may have company." She turns and starts heading toward the source of those sounds, moving with elegant grace.

GAME: Calm spends 2 Glamour with reason: Elegant Protection

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 10 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 10 >

=================================-> >> Stamina + Wyrd No Flags << <-

GAME: Regina spends 1 Glamour

Regina perks up and stops paying attention to the conversation as soon as there are sounds in the distance, but her her alert interest quickly turns into disappointment. "That sounds like machines again! I hate it when it's machines. There usually aren't very many really edible parts." She looks so put upon! Calm seems to want to go check it out, though, and she isn't prone to letting her motley-mate have all the fun. "I guess we're going to check it out," she tells Teagan and Levi. "You want to come? I hope they don't scare off all the game." She just slowly starts getting a little bigger, by a couple of feet, while she's talking. All casual-like.

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 4 4 6 6 7 8 10 >

============================-> >> Intelligence + Wyrd No Flags << <-

"... the fuck? This is supposed to be a closed loop," says Teagan, stating the absolutely obvious. (One of the downsides of being anti-Freehold is that they don't put you on the mailing list about things like 'tanks cutting into the looptrod to terrorize local hobs' or whatever.) "Uh, yeah, what Calm said about the 'it's all relative thing, Levs. But, uh. Hold that thought. Yeah, uh, Regina, it's kind of my job to do that, so, let's go check 'em out."

Buuuut that doesn't mean that Teagan's going to be letting anyone else take the lead. There is the fabled 'death wish' for which Teagan is reputed, and also, Squire. So they start trotting until they pass the others, moving off toward the side of the path and... disappearing. Well, that's, you know, great?

Around the curve, there's not an attack currently happening -- so that's good? -- but there appears to be a squad of the smaller soldiers and... is that like... actually a tank? Burning its way back into the Looptrod?


GAME: Teagan rolled 3 - 2, putting itself on the initiative roster at 12.

GAME: Walker rolled 4 - 1, putting himself on the initiative roster at 9.

GAME: Walker removes himself from the initiative roster.

GAME: Walker directly set himself on the initiative roster at 11.

GAME: Calm rolled 8, putting herself on the initiative roster at 17.

GAME: Regina rolled 9, putting herself on the initiative roster at 17.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 1" on the initiative roster at 11.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 2" on the initiative roster at 14.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 3" on the initiative roster at 9.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 4" on the initiative roster at 9.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 5" on the initiative roster at 12.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Soldier 6" on the initiative roster at 13.

GAME: Teagan directly set "Tank" on the initiative roster at 8.

This moment, Levi realizes that to a normal person? She looks like Calm. Sure, -she- can tell the difference, but to an ordinary person? To /Amanda/? She's just as hideously strange, a walking mound of impossibly soft stone that fractures when she blushes and literally -can't- get a brush into the carved mass of her hair. She falls silent, the variations in the stone of her face fading and leaving her expression a dull mask, flattened by stress. Her eyes flit to Teagan as the other two start to tromp off. "I- what's a closed- mnngh." Levi growls and shuts herself up as Teagan takes off to do their job, starting after the others as well. Her eyes widen as she sees... a fucking TANK?! The toy soldiers, less concerning, they're tiny compared to her, but- jesus, a TANK in the HEDGE? That's no good. Much as Teagan did, she starts towards them, cracking her knuckles and doing her best to close the distance rapidly. Which... being huge... isn't as hard as it could be.

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 4 5 5 5 6 9 9 10 10 10 >

==============================================-> >> 8 No Flags << <-

GAME: Teagan spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Regina spends 2 Glamour

GAME: Regina spends 3 Glamour

GAME: Regina spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 10 >

=================================-> >> Resolve + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 2 3 4 6 8 8 9 9 10 >

=================================-> >> Resolve + Wyrd No Flags << <-

GAME: Regina directly set herself on the initiative roster at 22.

GAME: Calm spends 1 Glamour

Calm moves forward about half way toward the advancing line, like she's not really worried about what they might be able to do her. When she gets there she holds up a hand like she's commanding them to stop and says, "this area is currently under my protection. Turn around and go back to where you came from, or be destroyed." She doesn't dump a bunch of power into it, but she does give them the warning. Are they going to listen, or just start attacking the seriously huge people she's hanging out with? Who knows!

When she sees the tank Regina's eyes go wide and she says, "whoa! They have a tank!" For some reason this seems to make her angry, and as her anger grows so does she. "Why can't it be CAVALRY or something?" she growls as she starts to move forward, and soon enough she's nearly the size of an RV standing upright, like some kind of monster out of someone's nightmares. Maybe Etsy's. She's heading straight for the tank as she breaks into a jog that eats through the distance between them. In moments she's standing over the tank. "Why does it have to be made out of METAL?" she roars. "Fuck you, tank! I'm going to EAT YOU ANYWAY!" She seems to be really pissed at it for not being edible.

The soldiers continue to move in a mechanical fashion, though they pause when Calm addresses them. The soldier at the head of the column responds, "Orders are orders. Parts must be retri-- "

Well, Calm tried. It gon be a fite. The tank isn't edible, and now it gon be a fite. "FOR MOTHER!" it screams instead, and in possibly the most comical zerg rush since... like, ever... all the soldiers swarm at the ridiculously-huge Regina. It's like watching Gulliver be attacked by Lilliputians.

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 7 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 3 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

No one can see Teagan, but if they could, well, the Squire's running up on the fracas. They'll be there soon.

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 4 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 3 3 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 10 >

=============================================-> >> 10 No Flags << <-

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 1 2 3 5 6 6 9 9 9 >

===============================-> >> 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 - 9 9-Again << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 9 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 6 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 2 5 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 8 No Flags << <-

Game: Regina takes 1 Bashing damage.

Levi does her best to keep up with Regina, but she's a few paces ahead- and a few paces easier for the soldiers to swarm. As they catch her up, she redoubles her charge and slams headfirst into the tank itself, whipping an arm up and wrenching at the cannon to keep it occupied with her, rather than her friends. Her feet drive into the soil as its momentum carries it forward, until her soles slam into stone, and they -stop.- She's wrestling the fucking tank- and winning.

The bite-sized appetizers fling themselves at Regina, all screaming and flailing their swords. Now, mind, one of them does peel away and shriek at Levi when she... grapples the fucking tank, but the sword whooshes through the air, and does literally nothing.

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

========================-> >> Strength + 5 + Wyrd + 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 3 5 9 >

==============================================-> >> 3 No Flags << <-

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 2" from the initiative roster.

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 >

-> >> Strength + 5 + 3 + 8 + Brawl.Natural_Weaponry + 1 - 7 No Flags << ====

Regina leans down to pick up one of the little soldiers... but she doesn't even bother using her hands to grapple the thing, she just snaps her jaws over it and the top half of the creature and it separates in two as her massive jaws snap closed. It explodes disgustingly as she thrashes her head from side to side, and when it fills her mouth with its disgustingness she growls in fury and then, like a petulant child who is determine to show that SHE CAN EAT THIS DAMNED THING she swallows it anyway. Really, all fo this just seems to be enraging her further.

GAME: Calm spends 1 Glamour

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 7 8 9 10 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd No Flags << <-

GAME: Calm spends 2 Glamour with reason: Omen 2

GAME: Calm spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 2 2 3 4 4 4 7 9 9 >

================-> >> Dexterity + Strength + 3 + 3 - 7 9-Again << <-

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 1 2 4 5 5 5 8 9 10 10 >

================-> >> Dexterity + Strength + 3 + 3 - 7 9-Again << <-

GAME: Teagan spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Teagan spends 2 Glamour

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 8 >

====================================-> >> Wits + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 10 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 1 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 10 10 >

-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Baby_the_Machete + 1 + 2 + 1 No Flags << <-==

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 7 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Baby_the_Machete + 1 + 2 + 1 No Flags << <-==

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 7 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

Calm slides silently up behind one of the soldiers who is attacking Regina and strikes in silence, no warning given before her open hand strikes the back of the soldier's neck with a solid crack. It's not the cracking of bones, he's still alive and not paralyzed from the blow, but it was a savage strike that leaves the soldier flat on his face when she's done with it. Unlike Levi and Regina she's not very showy, just deadly.

Everyone else is like, super showy, but where's Teagan? They disappeared a little while ago, so, like, where did the Mirrorskin go?

There's a wet, sickening sound, a crunch of metal against flesh and bone, and one of the Dolls is neatly bifurcated, spewing blood and pus into the air as it collapses. So, uh. There's Teagan, presumably. Unless something else is randomly invisibly bifurcating things!

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 17 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 >

==========================-> >> 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 9-Again and Rote << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 5 >

==============================================-> >> 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 2 >

==============================================-> >> 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 2 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 8 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 9 No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 6 8 10 >

=========================================-> >> 10 - 8 No Flags << <-

Game: Regina takes 1 Bashing damage.

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 6" from the initiative roster.

GAME: Teagan removes "tank" from the initiative roster.

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 9 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 >

====================-> >> Strength + 5 + 3 + Wyrd + 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 9 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 >

-> >> Strength + 5 + 3 + 9 + Brawl.Natural_Weaponry + 1 - 7 No Flags << ====

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 5" from the initiative roster.

Levi grits her teeth as the tank revs its engine to try to run her down. Unfortunately for the tank, Levi was -literally- a mountain in another life, and she goes nowhere. Rather than be displaced, she holds her stance, shifts her hands abruptly to grab the cannon, and sidesteps, yanking down on the weapon as she does, using her shoulder as a pivot as she shoves herself backwards.

The cannon acts like a lever and the tank, abruptly, nauseatingly, tips forward, back half off the ground as the front end of the tank becomes a fulcrum around which the vehicle pivots upwards. Releasing the cannon, Levi throws herself behind the tank- and shoulder-checks it. As the person-shaped boulder slams into the underside of the tank, something catches fire and it EXPLODES. Flames soak the area, completely drenching Levi in burning liquid as the tank itself falls over, caved in from the bottom and crushing the top under its own weight as it slams to earth.

The towering mass of flames and stone turn towards the remaining soldiers- and starts to stomp towards the remaining fracas.

When Regina's done with one of the soldiers, whose lower body is still on the ground where she bit the top half off, she just turns her rage on the next of them. This one she grabs up in a hand and flings into the air, and when he comes back down she chows him down in a single bite, swallowing him whole in a matter of seconds. That's probably not going to be better in the long run, but at least she didn't get her MOUTH full of the disgusting.

GAME: Calm spends 1 Glamour

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd No Flags << <-

GAME: Calm spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 >

===========-> >> Dexterity + Strength + 5 - 7 9-Again and Rote << <-

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 1" from the initiative roster.

GAME: Teagan spends 3 Glamour

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 2 3 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 9 10 10 >

====================================-> >> Wits + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 10 >

-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Baby_the_Machete + 1 + 5 + 1 No Flags << <-==

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 10 >

-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Baby_the_Machete + 1 + 5 + 1 No Flags << <-==

Calm's way of fighting seems to be all about brutal efficiency and not showmanship. When the guy she knocked down before starts trying to climb back to his feet she uses one of hers to push him over onto his back, and then she brings the heel of her bare foot down on his throat with a crunch. This time it does sound like something broke, and he twitches before exploding a moment later. And Calm? Calm is a Palewraith in dim lighting. Somehow she seems to dance shift around the explosion of disgusting, or maybe it just passes right through the void without contacting her, but whatever it is that happened she ends up without any of it seemingly on her.

Another slice out of nowhere leaves a blade-shaped chunk out of one of the dolls, but no... visual... sign of Teagan. Yet.

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 10 10 >

===============================-> >> 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 - 7 9-Again << <-

The tower of smoking, flaming stone treads back to Regina and Calm- and the Te-a-gan Triangle, that mysterious place where things fucking bleed for no reason, and drops a huge hand to grab one of the soldiers by the head with a set of flaming fingers. It doesn't seem to hurt much in and of itself... but the all-too-human eyes atop the stony inferno look somewhere between terrified and furious. It doesn't bode well for Soldier #652.

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 9 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 >

====================-> >> Strength + 5 + 3 + Wyrd + 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 11 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 >

-> >> Strength + 5 + 3 + 9 + Brawl.Natural_Weaponry + 1 - 7 No Flags << ====

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 4" from the initiative roster.

GAME: Teagan removes "soldier 3" from the initiative roster.

Regina's kind of having a fit right now, thrashing around and devouring everything she can get her hands on that's not a friend. Fortunately she seems to consider Teagan and Calm not to be bite-sized morsels, and instead she leans down to snap her jaws down on the soldier that the darkling had injured. She lifts it off the ground and swings it back and forth while snarling savagely, then leans her head back and swallows it down.

Calm looks around, assessing their surroundings and seeing no enemies still standing, and then she looks up at the towering forms of Levi and Regina. "Levi!" she calls. "You might want to get smaller and roll around in the dirt to put that out or something!" She moves back, because she doesn't want a flaming mountain to drop on top of her and start rolling around on fire.

It's a good time to be invisible! Teagan decides to stay invisible, even though Levi is on ... you know... fire. They back up rapidly, well out of the range of giants who may be stopping, dropping and rolling. "... not a bad idea!" comes out of nowhere, (instead of out of a void, which is Calm). "Uh... is there... is there mud or something? Sand?"

Shit. SHIT. Realizing the fire is bad enough to -burn the soldier to death- just by being in her -hand- drives home how serious this is for Levi. Calm's words hit her- mostly- but with the roar of the flames around her, it's hard to focus on them. It's hard to focus on ANYTHING. The stone coating her is keeping the worst of it from her, but that rock is getting hotter by the instant, and she is losing her cool in so many senses.

The giant throws herself onto her knees, ripping at the turf and soil with her huge, bare hands, fighting to gather what she thinks will be enough earth in one place. Not for full-size her. For normal her.

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 9 10 10 10 >

===========================================-> >> 5 + 3 9-Again << <-

GAME: Teagan may be clearing initiatives at this location.

GAME: Teagan clears the initiative roster in this location.

Game: Teagan takes 5 Bashing damage.

There's no real drama when Teagan appears again, it's just... they're there, all of a sudden. There wasn't a Teagan, and now there is. As they appear, bruises blossom on their face and arms, and the Summer winces, hooking their machete onto their hip again. What? That's normal. Everyone does that. Besides, they're focused on Levi right now. Their hoodie's pulled off, bunched up in one hand as they quick-trot toward Levi as she puts herself out. Clothes are generally not fireproof, so they're bringing the cover-up. (For those who notice such things, there's a silvery typewriter-font tattoo on the back of their right wrist that reads 'this machine kills rapists.') "Lev? Talk to me, babe." It's much easier to worry about Levi than think about Regina eating hobs like handful of Junior Mints.

Regina still seems to be in a fit of rage, and the disgusting pussy ooze that's all over her mouth and face probably doesn't help the situation. She goes over to one of the trees just off the trod and grabs it, then starts shaking like she's going to try to rip it out of the ground. It's as she's tensing to do it that she seems to get a grip on her anger and starts pushing it down. For a few seconds she stands there seething, her breath coming in deep, panting snarls, and then she lets go of the tree and steps back to assess the area around them. Then she covers her mouth, turns, and vomits up the soldiers she had eaten. It's pretty disgusting, but at least it goes off the path.

Calm watches Levi gather a pile of debris and soil and everything else and stays back, still, for the moment. Her nebula eyes shift to look at Teagan when they appear, and then return to watching Levi, while Regina's antics seem to go all but unnoticed. "She's going to be fine," she says to Teagan, finally. "Once we've got the fire our I can heal anyone's wounds."

-> >> Teagan to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 13 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 2 2 2 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 >

-> >> Composure + Subterfuge.Blank_as_an_Empty_Mirror + 1 9-Again << <-===

-> >> Walker to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 2 3 6 8 9 10 >

============================-> >> Resolve + Composure No Flags << <-

It takes a moment. The pile of earth shifts and scatters and avalanches a little, and then a dirt-smeared, grass-stained, soot-drenched hand explodes out of the soil on the other side from where Levi dove in head-first. She sucks in a huge gasp of air, apparently not having considered the need to breathe whilst crawling her way through earthen submersion to put out the chemical flames. The scraps of her napalmed clothes were left behind in the pile of dirt, so it's just rock and soil that claws its way out of the other side. Patches of normally smooth stone look slagged- bubbly and glassy and -bad.- Other spots just look a little charred and distorted. She's... doing relatively well for someone who was just engulfed in a chemical fire, mentally speaking. She's shaking, her eyes are darting a little, but her breathing is slowing down. As Teagan approaches, she goes from all fours to dropping her forehead onto the turg and clasping her hands behind her head, slumping into the grass as the heated stone steams in the cool air. Well. Cool until Teagan gets close, anyway. She's visibly breathing, though. She's just freaked out.

"You can't fix mine, but thanks," Teagan answers, as if, again, this is totally normal and routine. Nothing to worry about, just mystery bruises on a person who was invisible all combat. This is definitely nothing anyone needs to tell Green about, right? Okay, glad we covered that by not talking about it at all. "Levs, babe, just... chill for a sec. Take a deep breath, and Calm can sort you out. Then we'll get you home." The ... incredible retching of an orca-sized Beast is just... did Teagan even hear that? I mean, it must have sounded like a dump truck full of clam chowder combined with a lion the size of a sabretooth hocking up a Wookiee-sized hairball, but somehow, Teagan literally doesn't even bat one single eyelash. They're completely focused on Levi; they kneel down next to her, draping their massive, knee-length hoodie over her, and then carefully leaning over to wrap their arms around her.

GAME: Calm spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Calm spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 >

=======================-> >> Wits + Medicine + Mantle No Flags << <-

GAME: Calm spends 1 Glamour

-> >> Calm to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 2 2 2 2 3 7 7 9 9 9 >

====================-> >> Resolve + Survival + Mantle No Flags << <-

-> >> Regina to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 3 4 4 4 7 7 7 8 8 8 >

====================-> >> Resolve + Survival + Mantle No Flags << <-

GAME: Regina spends 1 Glamour

Once Levi isn't on fire any more Calm comes forward. In the dark around her small flowers start to blossom, and where her feet have fallen they rise up even larger. As each unfurls it turns its face toward the moon. As that power washes off of her she reaches out toward Levi, and some of the plants spread rapidly over the patches of the ogre marred by burns. When they wilt away a few moments later they leave healed flesh behind. "We should be going," she says. "But I'm glad that you both were here. Have a good evening." She looks over toward Regina, who she hadn't been paying attention to either. "Are you ready to go yet?"