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Latest revision as of 03:04, 27 April 2017

A Lucky Interview

Lucky and Oberon

22 April, 2017

Oberon and Lucky meet for the first time at the Crossroads Cafe accidentally and Oberon ends up once more in his Waykeeper duties making questions and giving intructions to the newcomer.


Crossroads Cafe

The front door opens and a Fairest in jogging outfit comes inside. He waves a hand to the bartender that smiles back to him as if they were acquainted. The next second, the Lost heads to a booth by the window and takes a seat before stretching his arms upwards. Quickly a young blonde waitress comes with a glass of water and offers the Flowering a cute smile as if she knows him too."The same, Florence, please." He asks gently before offering the mortal girl a charming smile. The girl nods and heads back to her duties.

Lucky's not too far behind, though he's definitely not dressed for jogging. Wearing almost exclusively black, he might stand out even more than the man in the jogging suit; black jeans, black boots, a black tank top, black gloves, and a black knit cap. If he was going for 'nondescript', he didn't really pull it off in sleepy, small-town Vermont.

Sliding in at the next booth over, he closes his eyes and sighs for a moment before reaching for a menu, looking it over, though rather indecisively. Seeing the waitress address the blond man like he was a local (and what's more, a regular!) he leans over asking, "So, uh... what's good for staving off the hangover I'm pretty sure is barreling toward me at full speed?"

The totally non scary Flowering grins gently to the other Lost."You should ask for the 'morning special'. It's crumbled eggs , pankakes and orange juice. But I always add a bread to it. Just because." He pauses to sip from his water and glancing around."I'm Oberon of the Spring Court. One of the Waykeepers. Are you a new face around town?"

Lucky almost jumps at the mention of courts, looking around nervously. "Jesus," he whispers, "is everyone so open about that shit here? Two times in two days," he grumbles, pressing his back against the booth a little more as he straightens up and looks distinctly more nervous. "People can -hear- you, man." Though as it seems that nobody is coming to drag them off for questioning right this second, he gives a tentative nod. "Yeah. Just got here night before last," he tells the other Fairest. "And got it. Morning special, with a side of carbo-loading."

Oberon grins."Come. Sit with me. I'll put your first decent breakfast on my tab." He then turns and gestures something to Florence that gives him a thumbs up to indicate that she got his message."Have you contacted the administration of our organization already? Do you intent to join us?" He shoots straight ahead.

Lucky hesitates for a moment, considering the other man's offer. But the growl in his stomach that comes a moment later seems to settle the issue. He scoots out of the booth he's in, and then scoots into the other, sitting across from Oberon as he continues to look around nervously. Lowering his voice, now that they're close enough that whispers can be heard clearly enough, he says, "Well, I'm pretty sure that's the standard etiquette, but I'm starting to question the wisdom of that," he tells the other man. Apparently, both of them can shoot straight to the bullseye. "Since everyone here seems so damn ready to talk about it in diners and shit. Aren't we supposed to be keeping a -low- profile?"

"This place is owned by one of our associates. But if you prefer, we can head to another place." He gestures to a door if the far end of the Cafe."It's room exclusive to our organization." Oberon whispers.

Lucky nods, though he doesn't really look too much more comfortable with it. "Alriht," he agrees, pushing up out of the booth and looking toward the indicated door. Though he does ask, "Wait, will they bring the food and stuff back there?" His stomach growls again, more loudly this time. "Seriously, I need sustenance. I'll take toast, at this point."

"Yes." Oberon stands up and gestures to Florence they're going to the private area. The Waykeeper calmly guides them to the more private area and upon taking a seat at a table close to the door, he grins."So. Sorry if we look too much open about our activities. Surprisinly, this area is so crowded of Lost that we become too open." He says and grins."In case you don't know, the Waykeepers are the front doors of the Freehold. So, if you have any question about us you can ask right away."

Lucky follows Oberon into the back, listening to what the man has to say as they get settled. "Right," he sighs. "I've noticed that there seems to be a surprisingly -high- population of, uh, like-minded people." Even in the back room, he guards his words, it would seem. The waitresses have access, after all. "And mostly, I just need to know who to get ahold of so that I can avoid the local muscle showing up and getting a bit more proactive with their inforation gathering. I'm not here to start trouble, I want to keep things all on the up-and-up."

Oberon nods."Well. As I said, the Waykeepers are the easy way. I can link you to the right people to get yourself started. If you don't want to be part of our community, though, we'll leave you alone. But it'll have a cost. You'll have no access to our assets. And will be the last one to get real help in an emergency."

Lucky nods, considering his options. "Yeah," he tells the other man. "I kind of figured that. Which is why I'm still leaning toward 'yes'. But that decision also isn't really final, yet, either," he tells the other man. "I don't know anyone here, yet, and I'm still trying to get a feel for the place. And so far... yeah. It's a little more... open than I'm used to. Which is kind of concerning, for a number of reasons. None of us wants to go back, man. Least of all me. So I'll probably buy a membership to the club, but I'd like to get to know the local bylaws a little bit first, you understand."

"Sure." The Flowering answers."The first time I came I was scared as hell to and knew no one so I left. For a couple years. I'm back for a couple months now and already have some friends. People here are very welcoming. You'll see. Our laws are not far from the common laws that drive a community. But we have factions you can allign yourself to depending on your inclinations. Membership in these faction is not obligatory, though. And you can stack more than one membership. It's not a problem."

Lucky nods. "Like the, uh, Wayfarers you mentioned." It's the wrong name, of course, but he's new, and not used to the terminology. "Not a name I've heard before. But at least you're more up front about things than the other one," he tells the man with a smile. "Still not sure if she's the Welcome Wagon or the Local Muscle. It'll be interesting figuring that part out, at least. Assuming I manage to not get my kneecaps broken or something." Looking at the door to make sure that nobody is listening, or likely to come in right that second, he asks, "So. I hear there's some spots to go around here if somebody's looking to see the Dawn?" Cloaking his language seems to just be second nature at this point.

"If you tell me a name, I can tell you what faction it is." Oberon says and grins. Instinctively, he follows the paranoid glance the man cast to the door and just does the same. Upon returning his bright green eyes to the other Lost, he bites his lower lip for a second. As if he was deciding on something."Well. To be pretty honest I'm not sure where the Dawn is. But I can point you to its leader. They're pretty discreet."

Lucky nods, sighing a bit. "Yeah. That... seems to be kind of the standard answer," he tells the other man. "But hey, figuring out the place where it's brightest is good with me. I'm open to suggestions." And then, as an afterthought. "I'm Lucky, by the way. Sorry. I don't think I remembered that part, back there. Got... a little distracted."

"I'll give you a name. But, well, I need something in return. A truth for a truth? What do you think?" The Waykeeper asks offering his hand to a shake. A deal.

Lucky looks at the man, then down at the man's hand, hesitating again. "Alright," he tells the other man. "Truth for truth. But," he warns before taking Oberon's hand, "you'd better not be screwing with me, man. I know how this 'deal' shit works sometimes. Try and keep it even, yeah?" And with that, he takes Oberon's hand with his own, though it's still gloved. Strangely, the glove looks immaculate. It even -smells- like new leather, straight from the package, without a scratch on it. The other looks like it's been run over by a dump truck a few times. "What do you wanna know?"

Oberon's hand is calloused, but soft and smells of flowers and expensive hand creams. And when the Wyrd accepts their 'deal', he grins."What I want to know is very simple. Are you here to cause any kind of harm to the Lost independently of alliances or to its associated ones?"

"Depends," Lucky tells him. "Do the bastards have it coming?" He raises a challenging eyebrow in return, hand still clasping Oberon's. "I can tell you I'm not out to start trouble with anyone who doesn't deserve it. But I can't promise that they won't find some if they earn it."

Oberon smiles brightly."Though guy. I like that." He says and stares at the other man for a little while."Hm. Well. I think this is where I tell you how to get to the Dawn. You can look for Heather Vale. If you have a pen, I can write her number down to you." He says still holding hands with Lucky.

Lucky uses his free hand to reach into his pocket, taking out a sharpie and a napkin which already seems to have a name and phone number on it. Maybe the man didn't have such a bad time last night after all. He flips the napkin over to the blank side, sliding it across to Oberon as he finally lets go of the man's hand. "Not a tough guy," he tells the Flowering. "Just don't believe that people should get away with being assholes just because they think they can."

"Fair enough." The Flowering says. Upon being released, his hand picks the napkin and the pen to write down the number of the Dawn Councilor. And then another number under the name of Kyle."This guy is a Uber driver. And one of yours. More handy that than, impossible." He grins and slides the napkin and pen back to the other Lost."Kyle probably knows where your people gathers."

Lucky looks at the napkin, laughing. "So, wait, he's seriously an Uber driver? Dude," he chuckles. "-That- is handy. Shit, I thought this was gonna be harder. You had me all worried for a minute." Still, he leans back into wherever they're sitting, looking Oberon over. "Open. But surprisingly helpful. I think I might just buy that membership after all," he tells the other man. "Assuming that the level of general batshit stays at a relative middle."

Oberon grins as he leans backwards as well."Well. If you pick the membership, there are a lot of benefits. You can trust me." He says and grins. Though, there is something in his eyes that announces his words are carrying more meaning than the obvious one.