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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 20:04, 29 December 2019



About Me

I'm Gorey. I'm one of your friendly Storyteller Staffers! That means I can run plots for you with oversight from Wiz Staff. I have more tools and possibilities than your average PrP Storyteller! I'm also chronically ill, so I appreciate your patience with me. Sometimes a migraine will stop me midscene and we'll have to pick up again. I ask for your maturity and flexibility when and if this happens.

I prefer my horror more 'mundane': Privateers, Loyalists, ghosts and spirits, that kind of thing. True Fae and major Supernatural Splats are left to the Wiz Staff!

The best way to reach me is through +req/st Attn: Gorey= with your text following the =.

The more detail you give me about what you want, the better results you're going to get. However, I know we have dice for a reason--I can be flexible with 'Oh, I want to sing well enough to win the Karaoke Competition, and have Performance 5 but don't know what song I'd sing". We're roleplayers first and foremost--not all of us are singers or forest trackers or hackers.

That said about detail, I am bad at translating my full ideas to the screen sometimes due to the aforementioned migraines, but I do my best. If you need clarification, please don't be afraid to ask. OOC chatter beyond the pale can be an annoying distraction and sometimes I fall prey to it too, but if you ask me, politely, to stop, I will.

Plot goes how it goes. Sometimes, between player reactions and my own foibles, not to mention how dice react, things don't go as expected. I will not fudge things or make things go a certain way because you didn't like the outcome.


My hours will vary. I am chronically ill, as noted above. However, I'm usually on daytimes EST--from when I wake up (usually around 10am at the latest) to 5 or 6pm in the evenings. My hours on weekends and in the evenings are sporadic -- but if something's scheduled, health permitting, I'll be there.

My Alts, Past and Present

Kinds of Plots

What I Will Run...

  • Becomings - I'd love to make your mortal into a Faerie--or who knows what else.
  • Hedge Beasts - If you need one, for good or ill, hit me up.
  • Goblin Markets - Wanna make a deal?
  • Combat - I'm no expert, but we all gotta start somewhere.
  • Entitlement Stuff - Makin' yo' shit relevant, yo.
  • Privateer/Loyalist Plots - I like these.
  • Clarity Loss/Derangement Gain - I play a Blackbird Bishop as my main. This is my bread and butta'.

Reserve List

  • Planned Character Death - It's just not fun for me, y'all.

...And What I Won't

  • Sex - I find TS boring, most times... Despite being an erotica/romance writer. Or because of it.
  • PvP - Y'all gotta resolve IC stuff IC. If you need a staffer, contact a Wiz Staffer, not me.

How to Request Me

  • +req/st is a good way to start, and my preferred method of contact.
  • Page is acceptable, but only on Gorey.
  • @mail gets checked every time I'm on.

If I don't respond to a request in @mail or page, please +req/st. It's my preferred method, anyway; I can lose pages and forget about @mails.

Ongoing Plots

Stuff I'm running.

Plots I've Finished

Completed plots.


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