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Revision as of 02:15, 5 October 2017

“Loyalty isn't grey. It's red and white. You're either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.”
– Sharnay, Founding Member


The Red Walkers are said to be an association of Hedge-experienced Changelings dedicated to the mastery of the thornlands, and providing safe passage and services to those interested in that which they hold. Freehold after freehold has benefited from their assistance since their rise to fame some two or three years back. Starting near the West Coast, they've been steadily working their way from Freehold to Freehold across the country, staying a season or two in each place, and leaving each Freehold a better place for their time there, armed with new Hedgespun and Tokens and with fresh Goblin fruits for their gardens and intel for their leaders. They're extremely active, however, and a "face" is appointed at each new town to handle the face to face work and leave the others to their tasks. It's rare for residents to encounter anyone besides the face- and word has it that policy precludes ever catching two of them in the same spot, to safeguard against betrayal.

RP Hooks

  • Hedge Guides - The Red Walkers are specialists in making inroads through the Hedge, and taking advantage of its bounty. Need safe passage, or a few fruits? Ask a Walker.
  • Hedgespinners - At least one of their members is a talented Hedgespinner. Make a deal and their skills can be yours- usually for a price to be paid to the Freehold.
  • Tokenmakers - Rumors insist that someone among the Red Walkers can create Tokens, as well, though word is they're not quick to provide this service to strangers. Maybe best to earn their trust first.


  • Red - The oldest surviving member and the face of the group these days. Ogre, Autumn.
  • Sparks - The Hedgerunner. The most experienced Hedge guide. Elemental, Autumn.
  • Angel - The geek of the group and best read. Occultist. Wizened, Autumn.
  • Wendy - The spinner. A crafty lass, happy to weave thornstuff into something more useful. Fairest, Spring.
  • Drake - The finder. Can get into, and out of, anything. Darkling, Winter.
  • Roger - The new kid. Beast, Courtless.


Walker Sparks Angel Wendy Drake Roger


Blonde Redhead - From "Melody Of Certain Damaged Lemons"

Say you were me,
Then you could see the view,
You'll know we are equally damaged,


  • (2017.10.04)
Cliffside Incident Rehash
  • (2017.10.07)
Pledging Rowan and Walker
  • (2017.10.07)
Wayhouse Visiting
  • (2017.10.08)
Broken Dolls: Looping in on the Looptrod

The Red Walkers
On Game As: Walker
Played By: Tom Wlaschiha
Date of Birth:
Apparent Age:
Occupation: Red Walker
Virtue: Loyalty
Vice: Deceitful

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Ogre
Kith: Farwalker Mirrorskin
Court: Autumn
Keeper: Dread Commander Sof

“"If the city was dreaming," he told me, "then the city is asleep. And I do not fear cities sleeping, stretched out unconscious around their rivers and estuaries, like cats in the moonlight. Sleeping cities are tame and harmless things. What I fear," he said, "is that one day the cities will waken. That one day the cities will rise."”
– The Storyteller


       Red is new to town, but not entirely new to its residents. He's a longtime member of the Red Walkers, and more than one of the locals has encountered them abroad. He's the longest-standing member, the current "face" for the association, and a jack of all trades. Most of the specialized skills lie with the other members, as he's glad to explain, but he's not averse to taking requests to the others and getting things done.


RP Hooks

  • Red Walker - He is one. Need to get a message to the Walkers? Good place to start.
  • New to Town - He's not a familiar face (to most). Want to make sure the new guy ain't a loyalist or something?!
  • Spook - He is Autumn and he -loves- it. Got a mortal who needs creeped out? Hit him up.


  • Teagan - "They're not bad people. Good people, honestly. After that mess in Vegas, I trust them. Just- not with the fine china, if you follow."
  • Etsy - "Glad she's over whatsisface. She's a lot more fun happy than mopey. Still- odd that she settled down. Wonder if that motley has claws in her."
  • Gisa - "The reason why I look twice before mouthing off about courts."
  • Glitch - "Part of me wants to do his durance instead of mine. The rest of me wonders what I don't know."
  • Logan- "Bloody hells, I can't see for the smile."


Kevin Macleod - The Other Side of the Door

Kai Engel - Low Horizon

Lucas King - Dark Piano for Dark Thoughts