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Latest revision as of 05:59, 15 April 2017

The One Where Dreams Make You Too Happy

We deny ourselves to a point, but will we be prepared when the dam breaks?


Rorschach, Gisa, Dielle

14 April, 2017

Dielle invites Gisa over for tea and conversation - two Dawns kvell and kvetch. Then Rorschach arrives, and the conversation gets Heavy.



Dielle called up Gisa and invited her over. The Grand Tour has been accomplished, which is easy because she didn't show off the messy bedroom, (Jon doesn't believe in using the laundry hamper,) but did show off the slowly-being-furnished-second-bedroom. It's currently got...a pull-out couch in it. But there's space for a computer desk or two. And there are bookcases, albeit of the egg-crate-and-wood variety that hold an awful lot of textbooks and a few fiction books.

The much-loved recliner has a blanket on the back of it. But in spite of the love that has been offered to that chair, it's still very comfortable and Daisy has no problem offering it to Gisa to sit in. She also fetched her some tea, made to her specifications. For Daisy, it's sweet tea, over a lot of ice. "Max didn't end up comin' home with us, but I think she understands it ain't charity. But I don't think she gets yet that it's responsibility."

Having accepted the recliner after the tour, Gisa settles in. There's no ground up here, so no need to take her shoes off -- and honestly who starts off by taking their shoes off in someone's home the first time that they're invited up for tea? "I hope she does," Gisa sighs, accepting her tea -- she prefers hers hot, with plain creamer and no sugar. There's sort of a theme here. She takes her coffee and tea the same way. "She goes up in arms about it and does not seem to really understand that it is not that we think she is weak or incompetent, but that she is in a lot more danger than she used to be, before she was pledged. I tried to explain to her that others have ways of knowing that she knows about us, that she is tied to one of us. And that we do not want her to be Taken." Hot tea cradled in her hands, the much-loved recliner cradling her butt, Gisa becomes... well, if not chatty, as close to it as she gets.

Dielle shakes her head. "I'm gonna have to find some time to sit her down privately and explain it as bluntly as I can. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like her as a person. What I know of her. But mostly...well, you've seen. Jon freaks out at the thought of her having to go through what he did. I worry that she's gonna be tortured and forced to out a bunch of us who won't even know we're in danger."

"I know. I freak out on the inside. Just because I do not show it does not mean that I am not reacting in the same way. Especially with what happened with Beth." Gisa's mouth turns down at the corners. "I think the phrase is 'clear and present danger,' in English, or something like that. The rabbis call it 'a belligerent foe,' which is when you can drive on Shabbat. I had forgotten that clause." She raises her tea a little, gesturing with it. "You can tell her that. If I can drive on Shabbat so that I am not putting myself at unnecessary risk, which puts others at risk on my behalf, she can... be more careful. The idea of her sleeping out alone... it's just... I do not like the phrase asking for it, I do not approve of blaming victims or potential victims, but honestly, I cannot imagine a better way for her to get stabbed to death or Taken to Arcadia than sleeping in a park on one's own while also pledged to a Lost. Or to the Freehold. Or whatever the specifics of her pledge are."

A moment later, she adds, "I do not approve of Ensorcellment, as e general rule. One can hope it turns out well, but it rarely does. Ensorcellment and dating Winters."

"Neither does Jon. He /hates/ people bein' ensorcelled. I ain't fond of it, myself, but it kinda makes me crazy that there's a bunch of dipshits around that put all of us at risk because they've got a flavor of the week that they swear is their soulmate and they just CANNOT stand for their lover not to see the real them." Daisy sighs, as she settles back on the couch. "And I try not to think of it too hard because I used to be Summer and I still got a hell of a temper and it makes me wanna go shoot someone." She pauses. "Why is datin' Winters bad?"

The golem takes a long, slow breath in, letting an incredible sigh follow. It sounds like a set of blacksmith's bellows being worked, very slowly, a rather massive set of bellows creaking. "Yes. There are reasons, I have seen good reasons sometimes -- someone has been exposed for other reasons, to our world, and it makes more sense to protect them by letting them see us than leaving them blind and defenseless... but... " Gisa stares off into the near distance. "The number of 'irreplaceable lovers' I have seen taken in the last ninety years, and replaced when they were gone, and never come back... " Her head shakes slowly. "Oh. Dawn and Winter? How would you ever get on, long-term?" There's surely some history there, however ancient, but Gisa doesn't give any more details.

Dielle snorts. "I could see it. But it'd take a lot of working. And honestly, I'm just happy with Jon. We were both Summer when we met and he went Dawn first. I went later." She gets an odd look on her face. "Which is a story, in and of itself, but some of it makes for serious boringness."

"Mmm." Yep, there's definitely a Story there. But instead, Gisa says: "I am always glad to hear stories about other people's paths, especially to Dawn. Even if some of the parts seem boring to you. I am certain I would find them much more interesting than you think I will." She leans back a bit in the recliner, stretches out her legs, and crosses them at the ankle. "I have a hard time imaginging you as a Summer."

Rorschach knocked on he door because he wasn't suicidal. Not today at least. There was a pause and the Roach knocked again. Hey he was at leas tout of the sling. it was an improvement, thugh why he showed up here for was anyone's guess. ANd how did he- Ya know what, let's not speculate why he knows how to find her. Some things are best left unhashed. He stood there, though, lean, gaunt, and sort of covered in flecks of what might be paint. In the true manner of those who were way, way too close to the wyrd he looked, in some apsects, too much like something that slithered out from nightmares that was born between the walls than his human self; his mantle crushing all colour but the dark, violet circles under hollowed black eyes. He waited patiently.

Dielle grins at Gisa. "You won't, if you ever see someone hurt Jon. I got a bit of a temper and I'm pretty violent. It's calmed down since I left Summer, but I left because...well, a lot of reasons. It kinda started because we were in a motley that was awful." She stops, though, because there's a knock at the door. "Huh. I wasn't expecting anyone." She gets up to go check the door, through the fishbowl-eye-thingie. "Huh." She opens the door to Rorschach and steps back to let him in. "Hey, Rorschach," she says. Not Inkblot. Not Snugglebug. Not anything else, just his name.

"Ah, yes. I can see how that would bring out the anger." Gisa's eye-flames flicker and snap with amusement. There is expression on her face, it's just very subtle, and difficult to see unless you're actually talking to her and she's a) focused on conversation with a single person and b) not out in public, trying to keep track of everything that's going on. "I will take note whenever something happens when Jon is in danger. It will undoubtedly happen at some point."

When someone knocks on the door, Gisa quiets, her forehead wrinkling up. "Hello, Rorschach." She wasn't expecting him either.

Rorschach panned a look to Dielle slowly from her feet up to her face and arched both eyebrows before holding a sign like he knew she'd be hospitable that read 'You sure you want to do that?' and iwth that afiirmation , he stepped inside and took one pan lookaround giving Dielle a slow not. The Roach had, as it seemed, many moods. Much like any volatile chemical it sat benignly, did neat things, or became corossive to the touch. Sometimes it was hard to tell where he was at. Today he was not the dopey eyed dreamer or defense on alert bug either. He had business which could be a bit disconcerting. His mantle stretched out like the darkness was taking inventory and leaving its mark on things like a virus. His business as it was came in a sealed envelope on a prepared memo which was handed, sealed to Dielle with markings on it like a ward. He turned to Gisa and held his hands in front of him, one in the other, then reversed it before pressing his palms down. <<shalom/Peace>> it seemed to sign.

Dielle smiles at Rorschach, confidently. "I got hot water for tea, or sweet tea or water," she says, with thanks. She takes the envelope, looking at it curiously. Are those similar to the markings from her dream? Maybe. She closes the door behind Rorschach and waits to find out what he wants.

When Rorschach comes in, Gisa pushes herself slowly up to her feet. She sets her tea aside on the arm of the chair, very carefully, and raises her hands to sign back: Shalom. It's a graceful gesture, the way she signs, and she waits for him to come in and be greeted before sitting back down again. Her head tilts slightly to the side, and she picks her tea up again, waiting quietly.

Rorschach's footsteps stilted to a halt at the mention of tea. The ROach turned to her and pushed his hood back and gave the unicorn a slight bow of his head, very formally, before signing to her. Apparently the addition of tea jsut completely set the tone of this encounter on its ear and changed it. The filthy freeloader had manners about certain things, though his joviality seemed subdued at best presently. He looked between the two of them and he signed to Dielle and sighed pulling out his notebook sort of wishing this was the flipside where he could actually make words, though creepy, and kinda feel like a badass. Aaaaah the days. Today was not one and so he wrote. 'You remember your daughter? Remember what I told you? We might have a project on hand. Something's on the move.' Daughter? That was new. His eyes, black holes witha floating fleck of blue, followed the Unicorn.

Dielle reads the note, and then looks at the envelope in her hand, and then back up at Rorschach. She's gone completely still for a few seconds, as if she's forgotten how to breathe, and her eyes are entirely bleak. "I remember," she says quietly. "What do you need from me?" She doesn't explain it to Gisa yet. It's almost as if she's about ready to strap on a six-gun and go hunting, but that she's scared at the same time.

Genuine silence from Gisa. The thing about goylomim is that they just kind of -- freeze -- when they're not part of whatever's going on. There's no need for her to fiddle or fidget. She just sits very very still. Not a statue. A goylomim.

Who the hell gave the bug any sort of deference... well okay let's be fair, he did have a lot of effective history noted in the Lost world as a stalker of weird fucking creepy shit. And apparently this placeless insect knew things and something about Dielle having a daughter. There were questions but Dielle seemed to beon board. He signed very slowly in case anyone was learning or trying to pick up what he was throwing down, or perhaps it was emphasis. He scratched into his notepad, and then glancing between Gisa and Dielle. Eh they were both withteh HArvest so he felt compfortable speaking freely enough, 'I alerted other watchers. Captain knows too. This thing tried to creep up on me. Just missed dropping it in a hole. I'm going to teach you how to put it in a pinyata and beat it with a stick and get some answers. I want to know if it is tied to the Soundless, and if so, can we send it back with a message. Or spy on them. Possibilities.' Sneaky bug was out of his head but on a mission apparently.

Dielle looks at the envelope again, then back up at Rorschach, then reads what he says because she hasn't learned sign language yet. "Hey, tangent. Do you speak American Sign Language? Because if you do, I need to learn it. Yeah, I'm on board." She adds to Gisa, "Rorschach saved me from something nasty. It was an eye-opening experience." From the sound of her voice, which has gone a little flat, it was traumatic. "Am I supposed to open this now? Or later?"

Well maybe it's not about the bug getting deference, but the goylomim and the rainbow giving it, who even knows! Anyway, Gisa stays totally still while the others talk. She might be watching the signing -- it's almost impossible to tell where she's looking, exactly. "I speak it," she tells Dielle. "I can help you learn, and so can he." And then she focuses in on the conversation again. "I am glad that he was there to save you. It would have upset me if something happened to you." She clicks her fingers against her tea mug. "Hmm. Soundless."

Rorschach looked to Gisa and diped his head in a grateful, if not slightly formal bow. There was a gesture like a tea bag being dunked. One didn't need a degree in linguistics to read 'Yoonicron, you promised tea, lady!'. His fist balled up and 'nodded' to DL presumably in a yes. It was to GIsa that his fingers flew, not at mach two but at least fast enough it wasn't painful to him to hold the conversation. He signed << Dreamspace. Sometimes there are things. The dreams aren't bad and that is the problem. They want you to come back. Then you don' t want ot wake up. Then you want to go back and naps get longer and longer until one detaches from this world. Starved for the other side. And their master comes to barter for one's will again because we think we're making a choice. Honestly the most dangerous of haunts. The one that crawled into my sanctuary?>> The Roach paused and there was honesty because a Moon knew no shame. Sometimes regret, but they were a little bit off center to start with. <<Not proud of that. no one's perfect.>>

Dielle goes to make Rorschach some tea. She got that one! It's like Captain America catching a reference! "In retrospect, I think it would have upset Jon more than me. Those dreams were...everything I could want out of life. And a lot of things I can't have." There's a certain amount of suppressed longing in Dielle's voice, along with a bitterness because it wasn't real. Whatever's on her face isn't seen, though, as she's not facing the pair as she says it. "And it's better for me not to think about it much."

When Rorschach signs, Gisa repeats the signs for Dielle, translating, though the player isn't going to retype everything that the bug just said. She holds up her hand in a request for forgiveness, and gets up to start making tea, and then Dielle starts on it, and she stands still instead. "Like MDMA. There was someone like this in Hungary twenty years ago who was doing something similar with MDMA. It linked into dreams. And it was everything they wanted." She looks sidelong at Dielle, a small expression of understanding on her face. "Sometimes it is better to not think of it, it's true. What you cannot have."

Guerrilla bug waited patiently and neglected to tack on what or how but just admitted <> He didn't say where he was leaving to either, but he seemed pretty casual about it. He looked up to Gisa and signed curiously <<How're you, Gisa?>>

"I do not know Andi. But I can help you, as best I can. I am not the greatest oneiromancer, but... " Gisa translates for Rorschach, and then answers. She clicks her fingers against her mug, cradling it in her fingers. "Unless you did not mean me." She rolls her shoulders, an easy, slow gesture. "I am myself. I continue. It is Shabbat, and I am here with friends. I cannot ask for much more. Are you well, Rorschach? All things considered?"

Dielle turns around, bringing Rorschach his tea, and her face has it's normal neutral-to-happy expression on it. She's taking her own advice about not dwelling. "What do you mean, step out?" She looks at Gisa and explains, "Rorschach promised to teach me how to fight in dreams. Jon's a dream-healer. I'm more the fighty type. But it ain't somethin' Jon can teach me. Nor would I want him to, he doesn't want to be a fighter if he doesn't have to."

Rorschach nodded to Dielle and signed a 'thank you' to her and halted at actually drinking it. The entire concept of 'not fighting' openly confused him; his face having the contrast of expression that Gisa's kept subtle. He sipped his head and signed openly <<Well taht's a great way to wind up face down. ALways fighting. Always moving. THey don't rest. We can't either.>> He sipped his tea and shrugged a shoulder to Gisa and just made a gesture of 'fine' in response. Wether or not that was true was something else entirely as that was his response to that question for all occasions. He signed to catch Gisa up << Andromeda. O-n-i-e-r-o-p-h-y-s-i-c. Also my doctor. Reassemble me.>> Apparently that was why. Honestly he looked tired but he always looked tired. On the upshot while he was moving stifly, the sling was gone. Dielle asked him a direct question though when he blinked. One antenna twitched and he wrote, mid, in return, 'Don't worry about that, worry about getting enough rest so you don't chase children off buildings into parks'.

And again with the translation. She watches carefully, and bobs her head once in response to Rorschach saying he's 'fine.' A slightly worried glance aside at Dielle when Dielle says that Jon won't fight unless he has to. That has the sound of 'and don't date Winters,' there's clearly a Story there. "Ahha. So she's the one who put your arm back on, or whatever was happening when you wore the sling. Are you still hurt? Bruised?" Goylomim will fuss.

Dielle says, explanatorially...that's not even a word. Doesn't matter, onwards! Anyway, she explains, "Jon won't be forced into doing what he did Over There. He's damn good at it. But he's studying to be a doctor and takes the whole "do no harm" thing seriously because he could fuck some people up and hard. It ain't what he wants to be and I don't have a problem being that, so it's my job. I can't heal anymore, assuming I ever could, so that's his job. He's also an Oneirophysician. Me, I'm just trouble." She looks sideways at Rorschach and it's a very closed-off look. She doesn't respond to him. But she doesn't flinch, either.

Rorschach drank his tea and shrugged a shoulder to Gisa and wrote so Dielle could get some of this information lve time. "Things are as they are if they are real, if they are not. Sometimes we can only respond. I told Damion I wouldn't discuss it for the rest of the day." He paused and looked to Dielle curiously and then Gisa <<You met Zillah? Shadow, tall, likes to stir things up?>> It almost seemed like an aside but he didn't critique Dielle's loved ones in her home further. He did leave them with the idlye thought because he really had no filter <<We are what we are. We deny ourselves to a point, but will we be prepared when the dam breaks?>> A pale hand rubbed the back of his neck.