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Just Autumn Things

And this is what happens when we let Autumns out...


Ashe and Byron


Byron wants to scare the shit out a few teens that keep disrespecting the dead. He asks his girlfriend to come along and it becomes a date!


A Graveyard

Ashe DID leave the gargoyle a certificate, but when she finally gets home from staying way too late at the office Friday, she finds a note on HER door, and no sign of the gargoyle, 'Get a nap, then meet me out at the Tamarack Falls cemetery in the back, at midnight. Be stealthy when you come in in case people are already there. You'll see me."

When she does make it out, well, Tamarack Falls was never what you would call 'high class' and the cemetery shows it, where parts havent really been mowed in a while and some stones date back to last century. The plot takes up about an acre or two, covered in light trees, enough that you can't really see the back lots from the front, so when Ashe might finally make it out that far, she'll find the gargoyle casually perched ON one of the large headstones, one apparently belonging to Lewinda Silversmith, who died in 1883 at the ripe old age of...34. He has a small duffel bag at his feet and looks like someone just waiting for a bus, as casually as he's letting his feet swing.

Ashe wasn't entirely sure why Byron has invited her out to the cemetery, but she's going out there anyways. She wasn't getting enough time with her other half and well, it wasn't a good thing given she should be taking time for herself. The Shadowsoul is dressed in a black dress that hits at the knee and knee high boots. Over that is a warm long coat. She sneaks through the cemetery and rounds around behind the gravestone where she climbs up behind him carefully, "You rang?" she whispers softly.

Byron grins to himself when she calls attenntion to herself by speaking - apparently she was doing so well, he hadn't noticed the little shadowmonster either! Having found a BLACK sweatsuit and sneakers, he pushes off the headstone to land on his feet, and bends down to steak a kiss from her before greeting, "Hello beautiful. I thought you needed a little break, and in all my roaming around, well, I've seen that the kids here in Tamarack are not what I would call...deep intellectuals." He waggles his brows and dips his head off to the side, where, if she pays careful attention, there are the faint sounds of a handful of teenagers trying to be quiet, and failing in only the way teenagers that have stolen cheap beer can fail." He waits for a moment and murmurs, "I don't think these kids are showing much respect to the dead. Apparently they haven't watched any good horror movies. I have a couple of things in the bag, makeup, some ratty clothes, and well, add a little of what Autumn lets us get away with, and I thought we could enjoy a few bloodcurlding screams and maybe even some sobbing for Mommy. What do you think?" he stops there to grin like an idiot.

Ashe was bringing attention to herself so she doesn't get tossed across the graveyard. There's a kiss to his cheek before he slides off the stone. She watches him with that smile of hers, her eyes showing the warmth there for the man. She sits down and crosses one knee over the other, "I think that's a fantastic idea." she grins wide at him. "I'd ask you to marry me, but it's a little early in the relationship." she winks at him. Then she hops down, "So...what do we have in mind? Ratty ghost or zombie?" she asks him as she looks up to him.

Byron reaches out to scritch her back lightly and winks, "Well, see, I had an idea while I was sitting here." He seems RATHER happy about this, sinking down to one knee in the soft grass. Who says graves dont sprout well? "You can call on Autumn to explode into leaves too, right? Im thinking one of us uses the makeup to fake up a look that we've been infected with something green. Come stumbling out from back here towards them begging for help, tell them about the 'monster' and use that little Autumn trick to make it sound super fucking scary...make sure they watch closely. The other uses the cloud of leaves to chase the first down and surround them while they 'scream in agony'", he even does the fingerquotes with those words, "and explode into leaves as well. Give them a second, then we both start forward to them. That ought to be enough to get them to piss themselves...you think?"

Ashe quirks her eyebrow at him when he takes a knee. When he talks about exploding into leaves, she frowns, "I...haven't learned that trick yet. Soon." she tells him. Completely Embarrassed. "I'm guessing I can sway them with being little and probably not what they are expecting in a graveyard." she sticks her tongue out at him. "Other than the leaves thing I think it sounds like a great plan!" she whispers excitedly.

Byron grins at the confession, lifting his hand up to cup her cheek gently and shake his head, "We can save that for another evening out and make a little change. Can you convince them that there's something scary out there and that is a horrible, frightening, oh my god the world is ending kinda bad? Could be fun to start a new urban legend about this place. The Eternal Fall Monster. Devours people in leaves that disrespect the dead..." He winks at that and straightens up, rolling his shoulders.

Ashe gives a smile when he cups her cheek and she kisses his palm gently. Then there's a soft chuckle, "I'm pretty sure that I can convince them that something is out there." she tells him as she bites her bottom lip. "I think I like this idea." she smiles brightly. "Should I run out screaming that something ate my boyfriend?" she teases him softly.

Byron thinks about that for a moment, then just grins and nods his head, "Yes, please. And that it's coming for you to eat you too." He bends down to kiss the top of her head and rumbles, "They scream for Mommy and well, monster might truly be planning on devouring a little shadowmonster later." He bends down to get at the bag and rummages for a moment, pulling out a rub of green face paint and a bag of texture material made to look like dead leaves, "These'll work..." He takes a moment to pull off his sweatshirt and start just smearing blotches of the green over his shoulder and across his chest and down his side and along one arm, working on giving himself a mottled, blotchy look, to which he slaps some of the crumbled leaves onto the wet paint to stick. It takes him a few minutes, before stopping to survey his handiwork, then waggles his brows at Ashe, "Good enough for shock value?"

Ashe listens to him and there's a little giggle as he tells her the rest of the plan. She then gives him a look and she grins, "Well, Uvall might be upset about that." she teases him. Then she hops down from the stone and straightens up. A moment is taken to ditch her coat and then she reaches down to rip the skirt of her dress. Then she reaches up and ruffles her hair, "Welp, if this isn't textbook horror movie victim we'll need to work on it." she grins up at him. She then looks over his makeup work and gives a nod, "I think it's fantastic." she tells him.

Byron laughs softly, trying to keep his voice down, but nods in agreement with her, "I think the only thing it might be missing now is the shaky cam and someone saying something really stupid and being killed in the first five minutes." He winks, "Go scare the shit out of them, sexy. I'll give you a few moments then start growling and groaning and will come after you, begging for you to safe me, I love you, don't let it ahhhhh, and poof, leaves. Get em running and I'll swarm you. We'll improvise if they do something godawfully stupid."

Ashe gives a bit of a salute and a kissy face to the Ogre before she reaches out to squeeze his hand and then she starts to take off. It's dark, but she knows the rows of this place. The cold biting in wasn't that bad. Really wouldn't make sense with a pristine coat on. She does manage to hit a low limb and it scratches her cheek open, a slim line of blood welling up to the surface.

When she gets a good distance away from Byron she lets out a bloodcurdling scream as she looks over her shoulder. "Someone help PLEASE!" the Shadowsoul calls out. She sounds every bit the scared to death cheerleader than she does her regular self. "There's something out here!" she shrieks as she runs.

The kids are still in the distance when she starts, but she can hear them chatting and the rustle of beer cans getting kicked around. But when she screams, the conversation stops dead (harhar). There's a faint, "Did you hear tha..." when she screams again, and the four teenagers go silent. Two males, two females, clearly two couples thinking they were going to get lucky and bone out on headstones. When Ashe finally gets within sight, there are four pairs of wide eyes staring her direction. One of the girls, upon seeing Ashe's condition, lifts her hand to cover her mouth and murmurs, "Oh man..." Back and out of sight, Byron just grins to himself, wiggling his fingers and looking forward to the looks on people's faces.

Ashe might sound like a banshee, high pitched and enough to make the blood run cold. When she sees the kids up ahead, she goes with Horror Movie Maven Step One: Trip. Ashe can take dives, she's trained for it. "Oh gods, please!" she calls out as she crawls a few feet and then staggers up. "He got my boyfriend. You've got to help me before he comes back!" she shouts at them in terror.

She was definitely going on Santa's Naughty List this year...

The kids look legitimately concerned, though the beer has dulled their reactions such that they continue to stand there for a few seconds before one of the boys lurches forward, seemingly to help. Ashe can see him take a few steps forward, but then he freezes, and she can see all four look up and beyond her. Where are they looking?

That would be the shirtless Bryon that emerges out of the shadows, down on one knee, looking like he's struggling to get to his feet for dramatic effect, gurgling, "No! Baby, DONT LEAVE ME!" He manages to get to his feet and staggers forward, hamming it up a little. Well, Hollywood's probably never going to give him a call, but Ashe has them worked up enough already he doesn't need to be terribly good....

Ashe is still wobbly on her feet and when she looks up to the group there's a bit of a gasp for breath, because while everything else was being faked, her throat was going to hate her for this in the morning. She goes down to one knee, her hand reaching out towards the one teen that has lurched forward. Then her eyes go wide and she looks over her shoulder, "YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!" she sobs out hysterically. "He's going to kill me. He's going to EAT me!" she starts to crawl forward, waiting for Byron and what he's going to do next.

Ashe's pleading is splitting the kids' attention, shifting back and forth from her to Byron and back. The other couple is already starting to back off, the male muttering, "Look, lets get out of here, this is freaking me out." Then Byron staggers forward and howls in pain and sinks to one knee, getting loud so he's sure they are staring right at him when it happens, "Noooooooo!" His back arches, then his already huge form just explodes into a cloud of dry Autumn leaves, a mass of rustling, twirling objects that do not dissipate and hang there as a cloud that pulses and shifts, then surges forward towards Ashe. The girl that was starting to back off just SCREAMS.

Ashe turns her gaze back to the group of kids, "RUN!" she shouts at them, her foot slipping on a patch of dirt and making her wobble. "It's too late!" she cries. She looks back over her shoulder as Byron explodes into the cloud of leaves and she manages to get up and run a bit more, "OH PLEASE GOD HE'S GOING TO GET US!" she shouts as she runs towards the kids.

The cloud of leaves can (perhaps thankfully) move as fast as Byron can run, meaning it surges forward with horror movie quickness, that kind of speed that add to the fear Ashe's terrorized screams cause, making someone stand stiff in fear, or in the teen's case, back up...the back couple actually turning to run, even the young man screaming as he does so.

And while he cant make any noises now, the rustling of the leaves provides a constant dry rasping as it swarms over Ashe's smaller form, whirling densely to obscure her form and look for all the world like she did just get devoured by it.

Once Byron's cloud of leaf doom has encompassed her, Ashe drops to the ground and just screams in agony, it sounds like one of those screams that happens while Zombies are eating someone alive. It's not a fun sound, but Ashe is giving her performance her all, trying to scare the shit out of these kids!

While she can't see very well anymore, the muffled screams from outside of the cloud sure as hell SOUND like she's doing a good job of it. Its enough that after another minute or two, the leaves slowly coalesce back into the familiar form of the gargoyle, sans the green paint, who just collapses onto the gras beside her, holding a hand over his mouth to stifle the laughter. In the distance, she can see the final couple hauling ass towards the cemetery entrance, while Byron desperately tries to choke out, "They...ran...into....each other!"

Ashe's screams start to die off, much like the horror movie babe finally meeting her end. She lays on her back and looks up to the leaves as they coalesce into the familiar shape of Byron and Ashe wiggles a bit closer to him as she is also trying not to laugh. She tries to take a peak, but she's too busy with her body shaking from trying not to laugh, "You did a good job." she whispers to him.

Byron sags into the grass, looking over to make sure the kids are indeed, LONG gone, before looking back at Ashe and grinning, "Me? Oh no. I got to tbe the monster and turn scary. That's the easy part. If we had switched places, they'd start asking where the cameras were. You did /great/." With that, he looms up a bit, rising up on an elbow to lean over and plant a kiss on her shoulder, "Hop up, lets scoot just in case one of them actually calls the police, and get out of here fast."

Ashe gives a look over to him and she smiles at him, just watching him talk for the moment. There's a little blush that crosses her cheeks, "Aww shucks." she whispers as she takes the praise. She hops up when he tells her to and she starts to head back to collect her coat, "I think we can head home and warm up." she tells him with a grin.

Byron nods as he clambers to his feet and ducks back over to collect his discarded sweatshirt and duffel bag. He bends down to scoop Ashe up as well and park her butt on his shoulder as he starts out. If she bothers to mention it, he'll say he has the bigger legs and can move them faster to get away from the cops, but that's awfully flimsy. either way, he DOES make an effort to get them home quickly through alleys and back roads and open fields, to avoid cameras.