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Falchions and Fisticuffs

I wasn't sure if you were wishing to spar with or without weapons, so I did not bring them. It was easier to not figure out how to transport the sword.


Chen Tai, Jonah Joseph, and Saulot

8 April, 2017

Jonah calls over Tai for something of a tryout, and then welcomes her into the Harvestmen as a recruit.



Jonah's not much of a waiting man, and his impatience comes when a call that comes later that day. He's exactly where he said he'd be. The Ogre's not difficult to find amid the various Changelings and hobs meandering about the hollow. He's further to be the back near the training area, moving things into place alongside two other Changelings. The other two are moving a barricade further back: one a bestial male of a reptilian bent, and the other a stocky female more shadow than flesh.

Thankfully Tai took today off, so when the call came she was not otherwise busy doing anything else. Not that Hazel would probably tell her no if she asked to leave even if she had been at work. But thankfully that doesn't pose a problem. When she arrives she's got on a pair of yoga pants, a t-shirt, and slippers. It's a drastic change from how she was dressed for the tea ceremony, but not far from how she usually dresses. Comfort over everything.

Jonah turns around just as she arrives, and drops the dummy with a weighted thud. "Good to see you," he greets with a nod. Then he turns to the other two Changelings with him. "This is Draco," he says with a motion towards the Beast. The Beast responds, "For the millionth time it's it's Ivanov." This causes the female of the pair to smooth out her own here, but those shadowy tresses aren't obeying. "Candice," she's quick to say before Jonah can announce her presence with another of his nicknames.

Candice gets a brief glare from Jonah, but appears completely unbothered by it. "They're two recruits, and they'll be the ones sparring with you." He then points off to a side where an overfull sack's set down. "On the off chance anything bad goes down I got some fruit from Iris, too."

"Hello, I am Tai." She replies, bowing to the three of them before she reaches down, sliding her shoes off and setting them to the side. "I wasn't sure if you were wishing to spar with or without weapons, so I did not bring them. It was easier to not figure out how to transport the sword."

Jonah nods along, although he appears to briefly fret over that last statement. "Well, we have a few training weapons, but nothing wholly lethal. At present we don't have any to fully supply and arm us as a group, but despite existing for a year that's not the largest of our problems." To that end he ducks to the side until he comes back with a few wooden swords, and holds out one for Tai. "You're welcome to use them, but I'd like to see you with and without them if you're game for it."

"I am, of course." Tai agrees, accepting the sword when it is held out, giving it a bit of a test, "Would you prefer with or without a weapon first?" She wonders, glancing up.

Jonah looks to Ivanov and Candice first, head cant while he mulls it all over. After a few beats he moves away, and tosses one of the wooden swords over to the Beast. Ivanov then steps forward, and rolls his shoulders. "Let's go with weapons, hmm. Drago, nothing crazy alright?" This elicits a growl from Ivanov, but it's difficult to tell if it's from the nickname or his new found sparring partner.

"Ivanov." Tai bows low to the reptile before she adjusts her grip on the practice sword, taking a step out and away, starting to circle slowly around him before she takes a quick step forward, swinging the sword low. It's not the best strike, possibly she's just testing the waters.

Ivanov simply gives the woman a grunt in response, and readies his own stance. The beast remains still when Tai moves in for an attack, but when it comes it catches him completly by surprise. His eyes bug out, as much from shock as pain, and he grits hits teeth when he launches forward. In his haste he only catches the wind in that cleaving swing, and growls in anger when his wooden sword hits the earth.

Tai's eyes narrow a bit, taking a little more of a serious stance before she steps towards him again. Once more she takes a swipe at him, this time it is her turn to get no where with the hit, and it actually seems to catch her by surprise.

Ivanov grins when the strike misses, flashing a pair of jagged, pearly whites. He edges to his left, sword still up and gripped in both hands. It isn't until he's found an opening at her sides that he angles a slash meant for her ribs. "Vy shyroko vidkryti," he growls.

Anyone who says getting hit in the ribs doesn't hurt is a liar, and as much as Tai tries to maintain her usual zen calm, she is still a Summer. Anger happens, even if she sometimes covers it with a weird politeness. She hisses faintly, a hand reaching up to cradle her ribs for a moment before she moves towards him again, this time leaving herself wide open as she takes a hard strike, angling towards his shoulder.

Ivanov was readying something extra violent himself. Whether it was his poor posture or the flaring of the mantle he leaves himself opened up just enough. Tai's weapon lands on his shoulder with a loud crack, and he immediately shouts, "Peezdets!" The arm connected to that shoulder goes limp, and he's quick to drop his weapon. "I yield," he says with a hateful grunt. This elicits a cheer and applause from Candice.

Jonah goes over to that sack, and begins pulling blushberries from it. A few are handed off to Ivanov, and then he goes over to Tai to offer the same. "Well then. I'll admit I was expecting you to be much more raw, but I'll concede to being wrong about you in this regard."

Tai bows low to Ivanov after stepping back, lowering her weapon. She then straightens, accepting the blueberries from Jonah with a bit of a blink, "I've been studying martial arts since I could walk." She might be living the stereotype, but she doesn't see it as a bad thing. "I am not raw, I can assure you of that."

Jonah nods in approval, and then moves back to the barricade he was resting against. "Big Shadow," he calls over to Candice. This elicits a frown, and she hastily notes, "I'm not that big!" While she's likely a bit wider than Tai, the other woman has a few inches on Candice as she approaches. The wee Darkling moves into the makeshift sparring area to stand across from Tai, and bows her head as a show of respect. "Call it when you're done eating, and we can get to it."

"I am ready when you are." Tai replies, wiping her hands off and setting the sword aside. She takes another step forward, bowing to Candice and settling herself into a ready stance, her weight forward on the balls of her feet, hands up in front of her.

It's a false start of sorts, Tai settles in, then waits for a moment before she moves quickly. Unlike with the sword she uses brute strength this time around, stepping in and striking fast towards Candice with a closed fist.

Candice didn't adopt much of a stance beyond a sloppy raising of both hands. Before they've even settled into fists she's hit, and it catches her off guard. Her mantle, that of a chilling breeze is completely muted when Tai makes contact. However, it briefly flares as she grows. Up and up and up until she's almost as tall as Tai. "Gonna make you pay for that," she calls down while grabbing at her side.

"Perhaps." Tai replies, agreeable to the fact that she might, in fact, pay for that. She takes a half step back, to the side, then she takes another swing towards Candice, this time stepping into it as well, expression studiously determined.

That shot end hitting Candice in the thigh, and causes her to cry out in pain. This draws the attention of several Changelings within the crystal cave, but the Darkling remains centered on getting her revenge against Tai. She forward, and as the dirt goes flying up comes at Tai's side with a raking of shadowy claws.

Tai hisses at the claws against her side, but she doesn't stop pressing her attack. Her other hand comes forward, this time taking a swing at Candice once more, aiming for the large centermass of her chest.

Candice is hit square in the chest before she can draw back for another attack. This causes her to careen backwards, and land right on her ass with a loud thud. "Ow, ow, ow," and she keeps this going while grabbing at her chest. A few seconds pass before it's clear she's not going to get back up, and finally says, "You win," with a small measure of shame.

All the while Jonah's looking between the two women until Candice yield. He turns back to the back of hedge fruit, and carries it back to them after counting a few things inside. A few berries are held out for Tai, but the entire sack is offered up to Candice. "Don't worry, Big Shadow. You did well." He then turns to Tai, brow quirked. "That was as much a test for her as you, but it's clear as day you're no raw lump of clay."

Tai accepts the berries again, then bows to Candice before she holds out a hand, offering her help up. "Thank you." She bows her head at them both once more, "I spent quite a bit of time learning to fight. I do not presume to be the best in the city, but I am not...a raw lump of clay."

Candice has to take more than a few blushberries for her wounds to heal, and when they do she shrinks back down to her usual small stature. This comes with one more, "Ow," and another blushberry is popped into her mouth. As she joins Tai and Jonah she lobs a playful jab at Tai's shoulder. "I gotta learn whatever it is you're doing. I haven't hurt like that since I fell off the mountain."

Jonah doesn't appear as impressed, but his may just be stuck in that stoic expression. "I won't claim to possess that measure of skill, but if you wish to join us the offer's there for you. Our usual regimen is a season as a recruit, and learning the ropes with the privates and lieutenants. Even if you're a trained fighter we need to see just how you do with all of us outside of simply being a fighter." Beat. "Interested?"

"I am interested." Tai replies, nodding to Jonah before she offers Candice a smile, "I'd be happy to show you, if you'd like." She offers, her hands folding themselves carefully behind her.

Jonah nods then, and points off to one of the hobs not too far from the ruined garden. "That's Mitri. Any kind of notes or messages passed between us go through him. He'll alert you if anything comes up, or if someone doesn't already. That aside, try to meet up with Sto- Byron Dees when you get the chance. He's a Warden just like you, and one of our lieutenants."

Tai nods, "Byron Dees." She repeats the name, committing it to memory. "I shall be certain to look for him...is Mitri a good way to send a message to him that I was seeking a meeting?"

"He would, yes, and if Stones doesn't I'll find him on the mortal side of the world since we work in the same building." That said, Jonah looks to the Hollow's entrance, frowning for a beat. "Speaking of which, it's about time I went back since I'll have to be gone within the next four hours."

"It was a pleasure." Tai bows once more, taking a step back so that she's not in his way, "I shall leave a message for him."