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Harvestmen Meeting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Veronica Alexander, Omar Thorn, Jonah Joseph

13 March, 2017

Veronica and Thorn catch up on the



With a low whistle, Veronica is strolling casually toward the central mustering space. She's casually dressed in sleek black running wear, hands tucked into the pockets of her track jacket as she moves. Despite the relaxed air about her, she moves at a brisk speed that appears unsettlingly easy. Tucked under one arm is a water bottle, from which she pauses abruptly to take a long chug. Passing familiar faces receive brief nods, but she does not yet stop anyone on their path.

The further Veronica goes it's not hard to spot Jonah. The gargantuan Ogre is closer to the training area and moving things around. For him it's just a simple pair of pants which are already dirtied near the cuffs. He drops one dummy down with heavy thud onto the ground, and leans on it while looking over the various passerby. It isn't until he spots another of the Harvestmen that he seemingly perks up, and whistles for her. "Sparks!" he then shouts out. "You got a minute?"

"Hey, Jo," Veronica greets with a nonchalant lift of her chin, and a fleeting sly grin to accompany it as she hears her familiar nickname ring through the clearing. Her fingers, pried out of her pockets, lift to wiggle in the ogre's direction. Electricity flickers in an arc betweeen her fingertips before fizzling away. Once within range, she gracefully climbs up onto a nearby bale of hay and elegantly drops to sit on the edge, with one knee crossing over the other. "How's it going, Cap'n?" One hand raises to press to her forehead in a jaunty salute.

"It goes well enough save trying to maneuver around this place." His annoyance of the current Harvestmen quarters is further accentuated with an displeased grunt. "Anyway," he says with a flippant wave of his hand, "here's kinda what we had to talk about over the weekend. You want the long version, or the short version?"

"Ha. I kinda like it-- but it's right up my alley." Veronica's arms cross, a short laugh falling from her lips as she looks this way and that. Finally, her dark gaze settles upon Jonah again, a brow lifting inquisitively. "Let's start with the short version, and I'll pepper with questions for clarification as needed?" Her tone is as curious as the look in her eyes, and her head subtly tilts to the right. Deft fingers quickly push the sleeves of her jacket up to her elbows as she regards him in thoughtful silence.

Jonah clears his throat, and then moves to sit not too far from the other Harvestment. He eases himself down to sit in the dirt while rubbing at the base of his horns. "Alright, like I said this isn't gonna work. We can't really do much of anything here without an audience. Much less do any real kind of planning without any space for us that isn't wide open." He then nods off to the crystal cave, adding, "And a place just can't cut it. I've taken two years of it, but it's just gotten old. A place where the taller people can go through without always hunching or ducking, and somwhere with a goddamned roof."

He shakes his head, seemingly blank gaze turning back to Veronica. "We're looking for our own place now. Either finding something or finding a place that'll work. Talking about that took a bit too long because Yoric," a Lieutenant, "wouldn't shut his trap. Byron's leading the first leg of it out near the Singing Sky, and he's scouting around the area before we move on as one."

"I can't imagine why nearly giving yourself a concussion on a regular basis wouldn't be appealing to those... vertically gifted of you." Veronica's grin is mischievous. "I am very much in favor of somewhere more private. I'm sure it's fun for some of the others to gawk, but really, they can catch a show somewhere else," she scoffs, tugging down on the hem of her jacket as her gaze lifts to sweep over the surrounding area. "So there's already a general location in mind to check out? Good. If he needs help, well, I'd be happy to volunteer. I'm very quiet when I want to be," a finger presses to her lips, partially hiding her smile. Dropping her hands, then, she curls her fingers into the edge of the bale underneath her.

The sly comment gets nothing more than a grunt from the Ogre. "Not just the gawking, but last time some recruits were out here training some guy wasn't paying attention, and almost got kicked in the head. It'd serve him right for interrupting, but I'd rather not have that reputation for us. Ya know?" He then shrugs and lets out a tired sigh. "We're starting from Singing Sky at the base of the mountain, and going east from there. The hope is to see what we can from here until we reach the Hedge Gate, but we may get lucky. I'm hoping for luck, but what I saw wasn't much of that. And speaking of scouting, meet up with Feather asap. I got her and a recruit looking near that gate out west at Skip-A-Step. I've heard about something going on over there, but we can't send a full squad yet. She and Inky are going to scout, and see what's what. Most I could personally see was a turtle shell, but fat lotta good that'l ldo us."

"Damn. He get distracted by-- nevermind," Veronica cuts herself off, allowing a distant smile before it fades away. "Agreed," she says simply, flicking a wrist over her shoulder. "Don't have much faith in luck myself," admits the Dusk courtier, leaning forward with an elbow pressed to her knee so she can perch her chin in the palm of her hand. "Feather-- Paige?" she asks, eyes averting high for a moment as she sorts through the possibilities. "I'll get with her." Pause. "A turtle shell, like... this big?" Her hands spread to demonstrate the size of a small cat.

"Yeah," Jonah agrees with a nod, "Feathers, like I said." The obtuse Ogre then goes to her next question, and returns to rubbing at the base of his horns. "As for the shell, I can't really say. Not much reference when you're trying to predict the future. Most I can guess is that you might wanna go bigger. About as big as me. I think. If I told you the rest of it, you'd think I was crazy."

With an amused shake of her head, Veronica's fingers lace together and rest on one knee. "I'm thinking at least the size of a school bus," she says with a teasing tone to her voice. "Bigger is usually better. Usually." Pausing, she leans forward to regard Jonah with a thoughtful look. "All of our lives are crazy. Maybe even the very definition of crazy. Try me."

Jonah scoffs in disbelief. "Changelings always say that, but crazy's relative. I'm gonna warn you now, this won't be the happiest of places to think about. This is gonna take a minute, so you might need to get comfortable." He then takes a deep breath, crosses his legs, and closes his eyes. While naturally a loud person with that booming baritone voice, he whispers now. His sibylline words aren't in English. That much is at leas obvious. However, with every syllable the area around them changes. The once overlarge cave is no more, and the pair are surrounded by nothing more than darkness.

The air is heavy with the scent of the wilderness, but there's nary a thing to be seen nor heard. The sun soon rises, although its brilliant gaze is on neither of the Lost. Instead, its hollow light shines down on whats between: an over large shell that rocks back and fort. Nothing lies inside should Veronica decide to investigate, although things do fall out with every movement it takes. Bones, waves of blood, and the burned contents of something that once flew. The wind turns cold, blowing rapid gusts that only serves to intensify the shell's swaying. With every squall comes a maddening shriek of pain or a cry for help.

"Hey, fair enough," Veronica's hands move high at first. "Too happy makes me uncomfortable, anyway." As Jonah gets to whispering, her stance changes slightly, posture straightening and eyes focused on the ogre until the darkness settles in. There is not yet a gasp of dread from the Dusk courtier -- he did warn her, after all. Still, ever curious, she slides forward to take a closer look. As the contents fall away, a determined expression tightens her features, eyes slightly narrowed. Close as she is, fingertips slip through blood, hair standing on end as the wind sweeps in. "Alright, this is pretty fucked up-- who IS that?" There's a glance over her shoulder, as if searching for the source of voiced agony. "Or is it anyone at all?"

Jonah's eyes remain shut upon being questioned. While he does speak up, it's still in that strange language. Those voices grow in intensity the closer Veronica goes to the shell. You left us to die! You did this to us! Why won't you help us!? Why!? Why!? Why!? This isn't real. Jonah did say as much. However, the blood that splashes upon her fingers is warm to the touch. Sticky. Foul. From the depths of that bloody ocean betwixt the two halves of the shell, something moves to the surface. A single, small thing no bigger than small child. Mouths open upon its body, shearing flesh open as a new voice cries out. This continues every few seconds until most of its body is covered in bleeding mouths crying out for help, and the thing, whatever it, simply writhes in constant pain.

Veronica's expression betrays her uneasiness, with wrinkled nose and wary dark eyes. "No wonder everyone hates the dentist," she hisses lowly, recoiling as the mouths emerge and shed more blood. Holding her hands out to the side, she shakes them as if trying to dry them off and shake the splatter away. "Alright, captain, yup. This is pretty fucked up. Wonder who did the leaving? I got a baaaaaad feeling about this." And yet, her tone is more matter-of-fact than grimly horrified.

Jonah brings a hand to those gnarly horns of his, and nicks his thumb upon one of the spikes. He draws out something upon his chest, and just as quickly done he rubs it away with the other hand. He speaking in that other tongue ends and so too does the illusion. Things are largely back to normal, although a few folks are staring at what was once some blackened hole in space only a few seconds ago. "That part I don't know. These things are never clear, and it's always a pain to siphon out what's actually useful now versus what might be something later on."

Letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, Veronica is left standing there with her arms loose and limp at her sides. "Damn," she whispers, one hand lifting to push dark and colorful strands back and out of her face. "I'm guessing it's not symbolic for an ice cream truck or something. Guess we won't know 'til we're there," she says with a grimace, arms loosely crossing in front of her." There's a pause, chin lifting toward Jonah. "You see things a lot?"

"If it's ice cream then it's a damnable nightmare," Jonah responds flatly. He looks down at the blood on his chest for a beat, and simply shrugs at the sight. Likely something done out of rote behavior. His attention turns back to Veronica, and after a considering her for a moment he answers, "Yes and no. I have a choice in some times. Some times I don't. Makes dreams and nightmares at times, but I don't much try to control my dreams nor let somebody in."

"Hold on. You don't like ice cream?" Veronica stares at Jonah, as if it's the weirdest thing she's been made aware of all day, despite what was happening mere moments before. "Damn," she whistles lowly, shaking her head, impressed. The pair are standing around in the open training area. The larcenist's arms are crossed, and she's looking at the ogre with wary eyes. "Don't think I'd want to open that door myself," she acknowledges with a tip of her head, shoulders rising in a slight shudder.

"Nah, can't stand the stuff," Jonah answers with a grunt. "I don't like most sweets anyway unless they're made outta hedge fruit. If it's anything from the other side of the world it's going in the trash. And I don't see the problems. A door opens, and it's just an amazing array of possibilities. Some of it may be crap with the future's all immutable and what not, but there's always something new to learn. A new crack in the universe begging to be looked into."

After making his way through the crevice into mercifully into the much more spacious cavern, Thorn stops and looks around the place. More at the various crystals and dust and crushed, cracked, broken debris tossed about everywhere. When he's had his fill of looking about, he makes his way further along until he catches sight of two familiar faces. So the old ogre ambles on over in that direction. "Jonah." he greets his fellow ogre with a nod. There's another nod for Veronica, "Veronica." his hands move behind him to the small of his back, fingers clasping together as he stands at ease. He pauses, perhaps awkwardly though he doesn't feel it, "How are you?"

"Huh. I see." Veronica shakes her head, bewildered, but lifts a hand. "Do you... drink?" It sounds like a serious question. "Hey, well, fair enough. I'm pretty firmly convinced we're all screwed, it's just a matter of delaying the inevitable and having a good ride along the way." Her smile, after that, is strangely cheerful. Thorn receives a casual upnod as he arrives, fingers lifting in a wiggled greeting. "Talking shop, mostly. Finding new digs for the Harvestmen, so people stop ogling us," she explains, her tone very matter of fact as he glances around. "And other reasons, I guess."

Jonah rubs at the base of his horns, attention going off to the arriving Thorn. "Good evening, Hot Stuff. I'm doing well enough. Still got something on my mind, but you already know most of what it's about. Another thing both of ya gotta know. Stones is leading the point initially while we search out Singing Sky and the rest of the place around the mountain." He nods off to Thorn, adding, "You'll be leading them on the next leg east if things don't turn out well enough."

"Of course we're all screwed. At least, we are on the brink. I have gone to and saved freeholds and much worse shape than this one, though. But here? We're like a lighthouse. A beacon in the dark for all sorts of deadly enemies. That is why I'm here. The Legion is aware of the threat. I feel I can enlist enough assistance to keep us safe." perhaps he really does think he is solely responsible for the protection of the Freehold. But he smiles faintly. Could be he's joking a little. "You joined the Harvestmen? Or were you already in?" he asks Veronica and then shifts his gaze to Jonah. Thorn is talkative today but he falls silent as Jonah speaks and nods. "Very well. I'm still working my way through the ranks, meeting people as often as I can." it's only been two weeks or so.

"Hot Stuff. I like it," Veronica smiles in a cheeky fashion as she looks from Jonah to Thorn, nodding in brisk approval. "Assignments. I like it. Busy's good. Keeps me out of trouble." There's an unsettling pause of silence. "...Not really. But, still. It's good." Dusting her hands off, she leans against the hay bale behind her, casually slinging an arm over the top. "Bring 'em on, I say. Been itching for a fight," she admits, glancing down at her fingernails. "Already in," she explains to Thorn. "I'm a little less 'front lines' and more... people don't notice what I do. Usually." A wide smile follows. "If I'm doing it right."

"I can't speak for the ranks of much else other than the Watchers and Harvestmen, and the formers still kinda iffy to me," Jonah points out with a shrug. "Just a whole lotta Watchers, and the Watcher-Elect. Haven't really met them either. As for Sparks she's been around, but ain't too noticeable. Or that's just the height talking."

"If she's not supposed to be noticeable, then she shouldn't be noticeable." Thorn agrees easily, nodding. "I met AJ. The fox. There are a lot of natives, but the out of town population grows still." another long pause follows, Thorn's solid red-orange eyes looking back and forth between them. When he speaks again, it happens abruptly, "I would like to take some privates on patrol. Just standard business. Bonding, training, coming to trust one another. Mostly coming to trust me. That would not step on any other lieutenant's toes, would it?" he asks Jonah.

"Or the sneaky talking," Both sets of Veronica's fingers wiggle in the air for not-so-spooky emphasis. "I'm only noticeable when I want to be," she insists with a proud lift of her chin. Falling silent, and indeed likely unnoticeable, she lets the two ogres talk patrol specifics without interruption. Instead, she eyes one of the nearby dummies, fingers flexing at her sides in anticipation.

Jonah nods in response. "You're free to take any already in your squad or any would-be volunteers. Just make sure none of them do anything too reckless. Try to take Inky too if you can. He's a new recruit, and could do some good with getting around to meeting the LTs outside of Stones. Stones said he's good with tracking and trappings."

Thorn looks down at himself and then over at Jonah and then back at himself. The point is clear. Very noticeable. Super duper noticeable. No obvious hint of any stealth capabilities. Normally, one could feel him coming just from the heat radiating from his body. If only Veronica weren't ruining his schtick with her Duskiness. Jonah's names have him confused. He's not good at hiding it on his face. Thorn gets Hot Stuff. Sparks is just about to...there it is, he gets it. Phew. "All right. Was I assigned people to my squad? I asked AJ. She is with Byron. Oh...Stones. OK. Right. Inky? And I don't want to do anything dangerous or reckless. The point is more to develop an esprit de corps. Build relationships between us."

"But reckless is the fun--" Veronica snaps her mouth shut, parting with the flicker of an impish smile. "Safety, I get it. Mmhmm." A hand waves. "I don't know Inky either," she admits, with a look toward Thorn. "I'd like to suggest plenty of beer for bonding purposes after the serious part is done. Lieutenant," she adds, offering a not-so-serious salute.

Veronica gets a snicker at faux salute. "I don't do things strictly military. You're free to recruit anyone you wish, just as they're free to join if they want." A shrug follows, and Jonah just sighs. "It's worked so far except for Icy. He just wants, wants, wants, and doesn't get why reality doesn't work like that. However, he's up for helping the Freehold, and that's good enough for me."

"Have you considered making it more organized?" he asks, arching a brow. "It is not a criticism. Isn't a challenge. Not every Freehold is as organized as others. AJ suggested this one was not." wide shoulders lift in a shrug. "It's worked, but there has been an influx of people. There will be more. There will be trouble. I am not a dictator, I'm not a tyrant or some kind of madman. I just find organization and clear expectations lead to better soldiers. Complacency is very dangerous." he pauses, considering whether or not he wants to say any more on the matter. He does not. "I will buy beer for the patrol, yes. There is a bar across town from my apartment that I like very much."

"See, they even let scoundrels like me in," Veronica's chin lifts high, a smug smile on her lips. "Icy is kind of a jerk, man," she sighs loudly, hands held high near her shoulders. "Not that he doesn't get shit done, but there's a tree up his-- you know." Lightly clearing her throat, she settles her hands on her hips. "I don't really think this kind of organization makes us complacent," she shrugs in a nonchalant fashion. "The bar might eeeeeven give you a discount. Maybe. Just maybe," she parts with a wink.

"Scoundrel? Until you start with the pillaging of towns you're not too low for us, and at that point we just send somebody like you," Jonah then turns to point directly at Veronica, "after you. Someone, as you put it, who's good enough at not being noticed, and you get the general idea. As for Red, she's good people outside of all the drinking and booze. As for organized, we're a militia, and won't go beyond that. Because there's no telling exactly who we lose when we try to shake that up, and I'm good with it for now. If something comes along needing more organization I'll make sure to look for you asap, Hot Stuff."

"Nah, no pillaging of towns. Ain't got the time for that," Veronica chuckles, fingers lightly drumming her sides. "And no one is as good at what I do as I am," she insists proudly, chin lifting high. "Shi-- I really gotta get going," she realizes with a frown, gaze averting high for a moment. "Good to see you, Jo. Thorn. Let me know what you need, eh? Sure you've got my number somewhere. Take it easy." With that, the Dusk begins to jog away, shoes leaving subtle sparks that flicker away in her wake.