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Sunny Autumn

No, I'm quite fine...Though he seems more the one to worry about.


Doll, Jonah Joseph

4 March, 2017

Two freeholders meet within the walls of the Freehold Hollow.



It's only into the early afternoon and there's already a commotion going on. Despite the small crowd it's easy to spot at least one of the reasons. An overlarge ogre shouting at two bestial fellows, "Keep your arms up, and don't drop 'em again! Sammi, if I see that left hand drop again I'll eat it for dinner!" The closer one gets they can see the cause: two Changelings are sparring with a meager audience while Jonah leads them on. The Ogre's always easy to see within the freehold, and is a known Harvestman with a vested interest in training anyone willing. The hard part is if they'll put up with it for long.

As Doll wanders the Freehold the commotion soon catches her attention. She can feel that heat, determination and so it is with determination that she starts over to go and check out what may be going on. She's wearing a soft, black cotton coat, long sleeved with black pants beneathe. Her visible skin is pale as porcelain and cracked in places with hairline fractures and her eyes appear to be made of glass with the most pristine green iris'. She slips herself into the crowd and gazes over the large Ogre for a moment.

As the crowd's excitement grows further it all ends for naught. Both combatants strike simultaneously: the rodent with a swift kick to ribs of of the avian, the avian with a fierce right hook to the temple of the other Beast. They both collapse in a heap upon each other, although the birdlike Changeling appears to still be conscience. This leaves Jonah rubbing at the base of his left horn, a low rumble of a laugh catching at the back of his throat. "Well." Beat. "Shit."

In turn, the crowd begins to disperse as Jonah begins to help the Beasts up. It takes a bit of tugging to pull the rodent Beast up and rouse him into coming back to the waking world, and in the process Jonah's wide frame bumps into Doll. "Sorry about that, hoss," he says while turning that blank, white gaze upon her. Despite the near freezing weather the twinkling Totem is dressed in just a pair of cargo shorts likely fashioned from a ship's sails and huge pair of boots. "Didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"

Its hard to miss her, the way she stands out with perfection. (SL2) Not the kind that makes you want to droll but she's just too...perfect as if intentionally crafted and well thought out. She may appear like she could crack but she's not that easy to break and she brushes off the bump with agile feet. A shake of her head, shifting those silky black waves. "No, I'm quite fine." The Doll replies to him while turning her gaze to the bird. "Though he seems more the one to worry about." Her brows knit in concern as she mirrors his own.

Glimmers of light twinkle in and out of existence around Jonah, a pale light wreathing his form. The man's mantle is a powerful thing to behold, and his extreme Fey nature is more than a bit odd. He flashy a toothy smile that may as well be filled with glistening white razor blades after he response, and he adds, "Good, and Sammi's fine. He just needs an ice pack," and then he turns to the rodent, "to keep his hands up because I need to get some ketchup for that mitt since I'm gonna eat it for dinner." The beast shakes his head, sighs, and begins his way to the Summer court's hollow while Jonah turns back to Doll. "Sorry again, hoss. Hard to see where I'm moving sometimes."

Doll sighs some and follows him on his way to the Summer hollow. Can she go there? She'll find out. "Its really no problem, I bet its hard to see..." She says while drawing a few fingers through that tangless hair of hers. "How long have you been around?" She asks him. "Are you training people?"

Jonah himself only follows along long enough for the rat to enter the Hollow, and then moves to lean against its walls. The walls creak a bit under his weight, but appear strong enough to hold his massive frame. "Oh, about five years give or take a few days," he jests with a fanged smile. "If you mean Fate's Harvest about a month after its creation. I was kinda unsure on things, but I'm proud to be a member. What about you? Can't say I've seen you around, but I don't pay much attention."

Doll shrugs some. "A couple of years." She tells him. "Mostly I've been readjusting so I'm not here everyday, especially if not much is going on." Always needs to be around the action she does. "Though I am planning on making a Hollow soon so you might just see me around a bit more." She offers with a half of a smile because thats what she's supposed to do, right?

Jonah cants his head to the side when the smile comes, gaze narrowing for a brief moment. "Can't say I do the same. Hobs and the beasts out there get too weird with me. Think I'm something I'm not, or try to get all buddy-buddy. Don't like it one bit. Anyway! You work with any of the groups out here, or do most of your stuff by your lonely?"

"I've just been doing things on my own so far, but I've run into a couple of people lately who may be interested in working with me. I craft things, hedgespin, toys...anything you'd need you can name it and I can probably figure out. Even if it takes some time." She offers to him while lacing her fingers together with pointed glass nails.

Jonah nods in response, but then offers up a clearly fake smile. "Thanks, but I don't much use anything else. I got these," he says while holding up those massive mitts of his for a moment before wrapping his arms around his chest. "And I what I can't fight I can usually jump away from pretty easily, but I'll give anyone your name- Wait. What is your name?" he asks with a slight quirk of his brow.

Doll keeps a smile upon her face, even if just as fake. "Most around here just call me Doll, but I also go by Vayle out there." She nods her head towards the exit. "Though I still end up getting called Doll either way it seems. Sure I don't mind who you point in my direction, I'd be happy to help."

"Doll?" Jonah inclines his head to take all of Doll in, although it's just as likely to see all of her from up there. After a few beats he continues, "I see it, but I don't think I'd be going around with a name like that. Be like me bein' called Moos-Bas."

Doll shrugs. "Oh I don't really mind." Her voice gets a bit sing-songy. "As long as anything isn't my real name. Then again...I don't think I could recall my real name if my life depended on it." She says with somewhat of a chuckle. "It's clearly what I am, so why hide it really. Out there people just think its cool though I don't tell others not like us to call me that."

Jonah initially responds with a crooked smile, and says, "Well, I'm proud of my real name." He unfurls one arm to to poke at his chest with his thumb, adding, "I'm Jonah Joseph, but a few folks call me Jojo." The free hand is balled into a hand as he taps on his bare chest for a beat. "Sun courtier, Private of the Harvestmen, and Watcher, well, of the Watchers." That last bit comes with a sigh, likely something small about the title bothering him. "No Motley or anything like that, though."

"Jojo hm? Well nice to meet you. I'm not currently part of a Motley or Entitlement at the moment myself." She offers. "Autumn Courtier myself." Now that they're alone he may notice just how dim it seems to be around her even though the sun is up, like shadows hang in her presence that swallow the light. > Sat Mar 04 10:35:35 2017 <

. "Autumn, hmm? Can't say I know much or many of you lot outside of the few of 'em in the Harvestmen and the hell of a lot of 'em in the Watchers." He nods at that, reaffirming something unsaid. "Anyway, it'd explain the general creepy vibe I'm gettin'. For a sec I thought I was just going crazy or something."

> Doll (#1494) < Doll laughs to herself. "And I really that creepy?" She asks him. "I'm more focused on other things then stirring fear into others, but I could see that being a useful pathway at somepoint if need be." > Sat Mar 04 10:42:43 2017 <

Jonah's brow lifts when the question comes, but he doesn't betray much else before speaking. "Dolls are fake things. Unreal and fake. Ya know, like those creepy little dolls and all the stories about 'em. Or that doll island thing. What's that thing that smart kid kept saying? Uncanny canyon or something."

Doll seems amused by this. "Yes, I suppose that we are. Though many things around here could be considered creepy if we put it into the terms of the Uncanny Valley." She suggests. "Anything humanoid that isn't quite human." She grins a small grin.

"I've been gettin' attention for not looking quite right since I was a kid. All of us were tall, but I got lucky." He pauses to think that over, mumbling, "Lucky? Lucky. Yeah, lucky." A nod comes before he continues on. "Being too big for most clothes and cars kinda put me at standing out anyways, and the peepers bleed through to the mask whether I like it or not." He points to his eyes, and then rubs at the base of his horns. "Just happy they don't see these. Might get enough fear to fill you up."

Doll nods. "I can understand that, it is lucky on your end. We all have something that tends to give off a certain vibe. I try my best to be normal out there but it is harder then it looks but we do our best." She confirms.

"Vibe's a good way to put it. Just the right mojo, but I don't think I'm ever gonna blend in up here. Which works best since folks are lookin' for the wrong thing." To that he smiles, a feral thing from the looks of it. "So, whatcha do around town for fun and what not? Had a guy try to get me to go try out some clubs, but not enough room for my liking."

"Out there I craft and sell things, research things, mostly keep to myself though I do enjoy going out to clubs or events. It's the best way to restore glamour from others." She points out. "I'm sure there are some places you would feel comfortable at."

"It's not so much about comfort up here," he says with a tap to his temple. He goes back to crossing his arms, chuckling. "It's about somewhere I can physically fit in. As in don't have to worry about me swinging my arms once, and knocking some dude out of his socks because I didn't look in time."

"Well that is something that you can easily work on. You just need to learn awareness in crowds and to move more gracefully, or with caution." Doll points out. "You can't avoid everything forever just because of that. I'd assume that most people would give you some room either way."

"Oh, there's no avoiding. I've been. It's a mix of fun and crazy, but mostly crazy. Just getting asked to broaden my horizons or some such." He shrugs. "I'm big enough that I have to try to avoid something, it'll usually bump into me one way or another."

"Then you just have to live with the getting bumped into, just as much as I live with getting stared at. I think you should try and broaden them. Never know what you might find." She does cast a glance behind herself now. "I should get going, let you deal with your thing." She nods towards the Summer Hollow. "I'll keep an eye out for you. Was nice meeting you." She offers a cool hand.

"Not hard to miss me," he points out with a brief smile. "Was nice meeting you too, Dolly." He looks up and above him. "And I'm not goin' in. Just waiting on Sammi, but while I wait I'm gonna make the rounds." With that said he crouches down, and with a rush of glamour that causes that halo of light to shine bright he leaps from where he once stood to leap over the wall.