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A mundane workshop is a place where you have a variety of tools set up for a particular task, or series of tasks. These tools, unlike standard equipment, are typically not portable, or require more than battery power, such as a blacksmith's anvil and forge or a potter's kiln, a woodworker's vises and clamps and table saws, etc.


Mechanically, having access to a workshop gives you a bonus to a particular type of roll. If the roll is extended, this bonus applies to every roll you perform.

Rolls using the workshop bonus are assumed to take place IN said workshop. You may not apply your workshop bonus to, say, repairing a flat tire on the side of the highway; that's what the tools and toolkits in +equip are for.

These bonuses must be defined clearly as 'specialties' for each workshop you possess, and are applied to the +holding for that build. A classroom workshop might give an Academics.Teaching bonus (or Expression.Teaching); an automotive shop might have Crafts.Car Repair; a police station might have Investigation.Forensics Lab; a thaumaturge might have a workshop to aid with Occult.Alchemy; a hospital might have Medicine.Surgery Bay.

More than one type of workshop may be purchased for a single location, but no single workshop may have more than a +3 bonus.

For example, a room representing a hospital wing might offer Medicine.Surgery Bay +3, Medicine.Cardiology +2, and Medicine.Otolaryngology +1.

Staff is not placing an arbitrary limit on this, but please be sane about it, and please don't ask staff to add workshops which aren't represented by the room's description/purpose. A dirty smelly bedroom in a falling-apart shack out in the woods would not have a sterile Science.Genetics Lab attached to it.

Combining Bonuses

If the task you are performing would, reasonably speaking, combine separate workshops as part of its creation, you may add the bonuses from each applicable workshop, to a maximum of +5 on any roll.

Any applicable personal specialties are separate from the maximum +5 equipment bonus.

Tommy wants to make a table with sculpted legs to disguise secret panels and hidey holes.
He has a specialty in Crafts.Carpentry.
Tommy has a +2 workshop in Crafts.Sculpture and a +3 workshop in Crafts.Carpentry.
Combining the workshops, he gets a total equipment bonus of +5 on his Crafting rolls, plus the +1 from his specialty in Crafts.Carpentry, for a total of +5+1 to each roll.

Accessibility & Policy

Workshops may be purchased via +req/equip. Each dot level of bonus equates to the Resource cost of the materials involved in the workshop.

A • Crafts.Painting workshop might have some cheap Crayola watercolors and inexpensive canvas, low-grade acrylics, an easel which squeaks or wobbles or falls down. There are brushes, but they are generic, and they aren't really built for specific tasks. You might need to improvise with fur from your dog's tail.
A •• Crafts.Painting workshop might have some Winsor & Newton watercolors, better canvas, better acrylics, and good, student-level art materials. You have a lot of the tools you need to get the job done, but they aren't always the greatest at getting the RIGHT job done.
A ••• Crafts.Painting workshop is professional-grade, with expensive and specific tools, and a lot of them.

You may not add a workshop to a build until the build is approved and linked to the grid.

Private Workshops
A private workshop is a shop in your own home/back yard where only you, your immediate family or your close friends are likely to be working on projects. If it is accessible to the public in any way, it is not private. Workshops on Family property count as Private.

Private workshops may confer +1, +2, or +3 to a single type of roll each.

Public Workshops
A public workshop is a shop more than your immediate family/close friends will be using, such as the shop in a business, school, seminar building or park.

Public workshops may never confer more than a +1 bonus on each separate specialty.

Staff's stance in this regard is explicitly to encourage players to diversify niches for RP purposes, rather than have one single location all players go to for all specialties.

Creating your +Myjob

  • +req/equip Workshop=<your text>
  • <your text> must include the following:
  1. Your Resources level. (If you get any of your Resources through pledges, please include the +pledge number for staff's reference.)
  2. Which room is this workshop going on? Give the full build name and grid coordinate.
  3. What is the workshop Resource level/bonus?
  4. What is the workshop's specialty?

At this point, staff will either give you permission or not. The only reasons staff would NOT approve your request are:

A) You don't have enough Resources left this month to spend.
B) Your specialty makes no sense.
C) Your specialty is inappropriate for the build you're trying to put it on.

If staff has given you permission, they will tell you to reply to the job once you have set up +views on the room for each workshop you have there. Describe the types of tools available. Details, please. Look them up online if you don't know common tools for that craft/profession already.

Bad +view:
It's a carpentry workshop with wood and tools.
Good +view:
It's a carpentry workshop with an assortment of stored hard- and soft-woods, drawers full of clamps and vises, screws, nails, and several types of saws including jigsaws, tablesaws and more. Drills and screwdrivers and other small tools are stored in drawers along the wall, and a belt-sander and lathe take up a lot of space near the far end.

Once you have set your +views, reply to the job, and staff will set it all/close it out for you.