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Latest revision as of 05:03, 10 October 2017

Catching Up With Polk

"Take a donut."


Isolde, Polk


Polk comes to Greengardens to talk to Isolde.



Isolde was good at keep of track of things. Neurosurgeons were good at lots of things apparently. The woman had remembered that she needed to make an appointment with a new recruit to the Harvestmen to make sure he was on the list in case healing was necessary in more than just magical ways. The Fairest was just off shift from the hospital so it's no surprise that she's in scrubs and a blue zip up hoodie with her ID clipped to it. She's got coffee and a box of donuts sitting on the counter. Because who needs a diet when you move around as much as she does?

The car that pulls up outside was probably expensive when it was new, but given half a decade, the paint needs to be redone and it isn't catching anyone's eye. It was probably perfect tourist camo for someplace like Bar Harbor. The guy that gets out is wearing black gargoyles with the grey jacket and jeans. His green ballcap is non-descript and the man looks forgettable unless someone happens to like the beard and solid build. He doublechecks the address on a post-it and stuffs it into his pocket before pushing through the door. It's clear, right as those sunglasses come off, he's looking at her mantle and the way it interacts with her mien. "Ma'am." That low smile lingers on the word as he approaches the counter. "I believe I am who you are looking for." He offers a hand to shake. "Anthony Polk. Most people call me Tony." Smart enough not to say anything else on an assumption.

There's little pink and white flowers everywhere that Isolde steps and there's a big bite of donut that's taken as the door opens and she looks OH so sexy as she takes a quick chew and her hand comes up to cover her mouth. Her face going red for a moment. She finally swallows and there's a chuckle as she wipes her hands on her scrubs and then reaches out to shake his hand, her firm is grip and those hands no a good honest day's work. It's plain in the way they are weathered, "It's nice to finally meet you, Mister Polk. I'm Doctor Isolde Garreau. Grandmaster of the Greenies. Sylvan Emissary of Spring. I heart you just joined up with the Harvestmen, yes?" she asks him.

Polk smiles at the handshake. "Pleased to meet you, Doctor." No judgment on donuts. He's had a lot to discover. That accent pegs him to Tennessee, though. Long ago. Pre-war. He's from the generation that says Ma'am not just out of being polite, but because they enjoy the form of address. He smiles when he says it, "That's right, ma'am. Recruit for the moment, but that's mostly a formality. This'll be my third organized militia and fourth freehold defense. Hopefully it will be a quiet one but, well, it rarely is." Its a lazy, slow way of speaking but there's a mix of pride and casual airs to him. "I wanted to seek you out anyway. I told Dielle I was looking for you and she passed me a note to hand off." The guy reaches into his jacket and removes a small envelope and offers it out between index and middle fingers.

Isolde smiles to that and then there's a chuckle, "Do not get comfortable because it will not be quiet. And that ma'am would have me thinking that you are from around the 40's. But you're a Fae-Touched." she gives him a curious look. When he hands the note over there's a smile to him and she takes it carefully and then opens it, not expecting anything harmful to come of it. Then she reads and there's a smile. Once she's done it's slipped into her coat pocket, "I will have to meet with Dielle, I've meet her other half before, but not her." she nods to that.

"Then you'd probably be tickled to hear that I get uncomfortable when things get quiet. Same point that you don't worry about kids until there is silence." Tony keeps it easy, smiling as he speaks. "Close 'nough. I was born in '22. Taken during the second war. I could not tell you why I look like this and am not fully Lost. I had an Autumn theorist in Darwin tell me that she believed that time in my Keeper's realm passed so fast that I would likely need to be gone almost eighty to a hundred years to really 'become'. Its a bit of a rush to think about, then you think 'bout how long it takes to live a full life and when some of the people I were with? When were they born?" He takes a long breath with his shrug. "Can't remember a thing, though. Escaped about fourteen years back. You've got quite the lovely Fairest working for you, here. Very nice."

"If there's not four or five people screaming in the ER then I am not really doing much." Isolde tells him with a chuckle. The mention of children makes the woman's face falter for a moment but then she quickly recovers. "Children running around is not something I am accustomed to, Mister Polk." she tells him. Then there's a smile, "I was born in 31. So we are not that different in age. Which is refreshing." she admits. "And sometimes we have powers that help us age slower or help us preserve beauty. Neither that I have." she muses.

"Sounds like a busy place." Polk tips his head a touch with it. The falter at the mention of kids has him continue right along, "Sorry. Obviously I've got none of my own but part of my camo is I say things like that. I've lived with married couples who had kids, learned all about 'em. Made sure I could blend in anywhere." There isn't much more to say there so he moves along. "Hey, 31. Good year. I've only got nine years on you. You've managed to become a surgeon, build a strong life, and your Mantle is even dropping flowers. Its your youth on me. I'm old. I don't have the energy to take on tasks like that anymore." Tony gives a wink with it, hands going into the pocket of his coat. "Sure, powers. Connection to the Wyrd especially. No secret there. I'd say you've made that connection, maybe don't even need those powers, amirite?" Polk can't help himself, the quiet voice and positive attitude. Plus Harvestmen? He's so Dawn its painful. "But I did want to ask you about a few things more seriously about the local Hedge. I spent a lot of time patrolling the coast but the coast has different sorta of threats. Care to tell me what I need to look out for right now or watch for with past problems?"

Isolde listens to him and there's a bit of a smile and she shakes her head softly to that, "There's nothing to be sorry about, Mister Polk." she tells him. "One of the worst things I found out when I came back from Arcadia was that we're barren. It's one of the most horrible things that you can tell a woman that wanted to be a mother. I can heal people. I can give life. But I cannot bring it into this world." she shakes her head with a chuckle. "It's cruel." she shrugs her shoulders. "But, that is life." she claps her hands gently. Then she listens attentively as he asks her as about the local hedge and there's a nod to that, "Right now there's a hob army under the banner of something called 'Mother' they have cybernetically enhanced Briarwolves that when you kill them they explode into oily black puss. Believe me, I was covered in it and couldn't get the smell out for day." she shudders. "They seem to be attacking the market and the looptrod. Glitch was supposed to be talking to people about it. Cassian, one of my Greenies knows things about it as well." she offers.

"I can't imagine. Obviously I can't myself, but I'd never really give a thought to kids. I was in a warzone for several years before I was taken so I hadn't even thought about it in a long time. Painful for others I imagine." Perhaps Tony doesn't think too much about it. Or maybe he doesn't think about it on purposes. "Sometimes the universe has to balance, though, I guess. You save too many lives in too many ways, maybe that's the cost. Maybe there's a lot we don't know about the universe and life and what else tere is after this, yanno?" Not exactly a Southern Baptist. "Robot-upgraded briarwolves. That's.. a little terrifying. Just a lot." Yep. That's enough for nightmare fuel. "These things have any particular weaknesses? Aim for the head? Stomach? Swing flowers, but never Azaleas? Weakness for smooth jazz?"

Isolde gives a soft nod to that, "It's understandable, Mister Polk." she tells him as she looks to him with a smile. "I think I'll let the universe continue on doing what it's doing and I'll be the less egotistical and more radiant version of Doctor Strange." she grins to that. Then there's a chuckle as he asks about the Briarwolves and if they have weaknesses. "Don't fight them hand to hand. I punched mine to death and that's ill advised. The spray of gore is just..." she stops herself for a moment and closes her eyes to steady herself... "just shoot if you can." she states as she opens her eyes. "Smooth jazz might be an aversion they have though." she chuckles.

"Doctor Strange." Polk grins. "I never read many comics but I liked the movie a lot. I think my brain melted eight ways." At least he's enthusiastic about it. This FT is definitely not too cool for school. "So noted, don't take them hand to hand. I've got some armor and ranged weapons. I'll stick to that on the advice. So on my trips into the hedge, would you advise wearing my full kit or just keeping casual unless I get closer to the market?" Happy to ask and learn. "..Wait. You punched it to death? With your mitts? Doctor, you're a badass. You know that, right? Swing Contracts of Stone in the knuckles or something? Powpow?"

"If anyone would like to drop Mister Cumberbatch off at my door you're more than welcome to do it. I will take him wrapped in a bow as well." Isolde muses to that. She leans on the counter as she listens to him. Happy for the conversation. "The closer you get to the market the more I would be prepared, but as per the missives I've posted, the looptrod has become more dangerous, so proceed with caution. Medium kit would do fine. We would just rather see groups. Whether it's Changelings, or others." she tells him. Then there's a chuckle, "Ah, yes. I am not a gun user or anything like that. I tend to hit things if I need to." she admits. "And I know the first level of the Stone contract. I dated an Ogre when I first came out and he taught me it. He said it added to my striking potential." she grins.

"Wrapped in a bow. Just a bow? How big does this bow need be, and is it a bow-tie or bow-ribbon? Details are important. You can only have someone delivered once." Tony chuckles easily. "I actually knew a couple in South Beach, for his wife's birthday he bought her a dream vacation all packaged up where their cabana boy was her favorite actor. They spent like every night for a week in there together. It was supposedly very detailed and cost him an arm and a leg, but she loved it. Power of dreams, I guess." He leans a little on the counter, happy to mix memories and advise. "Got it, though. Closer to market, bring the big stuff. Otherwise stick to medium. Stay in groups. ..I know in some places the hedge is absolutely a no-go at night. How is it after sunset in there?"

Isolde chuckles, "Enough to get my attention but leave me wanting more?" she asks as she gives a wink to that. "I'm just kidding. I wouldn't know what to do with him if I got him on my doorstep anyways. Then she listens as he talks on the couple in South Beach and there's an impressed look on her face, "Very nice..." she tells him. "That sounds like husband of the year award material there." she admits. "After sunset it's iffy. Again, depends on the area. Echo's Lament takes blood if you don't know your footing, so be careful there." she tells him. And she's just about to open her mouth to say something else when her phone alarm goes off, "That's the hospital cell." she tells him. She unclips it and looks at it. Then she slumps a little, "I have to go back to work, I'll send you a care package and things. As a proper welcome. I'm sorry I have to cut it short Mister Polk." she tells him as she grabs her purse and things. "Take a donut!" she tells him with a radiant smile.